Radar OReilly
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White Dove, You are quite right.....I was working the switchboard at the time. What you don't seem to know is that twi hq has an in-house tv station that reaches all of the buildings on grounds and all of the housing units. There is a camera that was always used to film the activities of the auditorium, and as such people could watch corps night, sts, and other meetings held in there. It enabled moms and working people to be able to watch the meetings. Another thing you may not know........the twi safety department and the switchboard are in constant contact with each other by way of hand-held radios. Each safety officer, each trustee and a number of others (way builders,) all have hand helds....at least they did back then....things might be different now because of cell phones and nextel phone walkie talkies, etc. Another thing........at the time I was living with the then trunk coordinator, D Clar---- and his wife, a few months later, I moved off grounds to New Knoxville and lived with that safetly officer that was "detaining" DEW out in back of the auditorium. I have discussed that evening the trunk coordinator, the safety officer and with DEW quite a few times. Overall, for people such as myself.........whose entire freaking lives changed that night, the gun on the desk was the LEAST of my concerns....but it was quite visibly there. Radar
Greasy, I really wish you could get the Night that will Live in Infamy thread and put it out here....at LEAST the first post on it, which is the one I wrote. I no longer have my notes, and that record of the night was pretty close to 100% accurate. The gun incident was cg on the stage of the auditorium on the night of the original reading of pop on April 23, 1986. John L had a gun and was using it to prevent Don W from entering the auditorium. I don't know about a VISIBLE gun during the November Clergy meeting, however, I would have been SURPRISED if he was not wearing it in a holster under his jacket, the man was an unbelievable "survivalist" and was PARANOID of things that go bump in the night. It has been nineteen and a half years since that weekend meeting and I am sure there are lots of things that are fuzzy in our minds. One thing I remember as if it were yesterday...................... I was working at swb at twi then, and was working that weekend. Our department coordinator was a former safety staffer named Peter Q (God rest his soul.......I miss him.) At some point during the last few hours that cg was there, he radio'd PQ (number 84 ) and asked him to come to trailer 5. When PQ arrived he HANDCUFFED a brief case to his wrist and instructed him to drive around until cg radio'd him back and had him come pick him up and drive him to the airport. This next part I am not completely sure of..........it seems to me that later I was told that the brief case contained documents transferring the copyrights of VPWs works from The Way International to The Way of Great Britain, Ltd. *It would not seem out of character for cg to have used coercion or even blackmail of some sort to acheive his own ends, he was ruthless and brutal, as 3/4 of the people that ever met him back then can attest to.* Whatever happened at the "public" clergy meetings, it was NOTHING compared to what happened behind the private curtain between cg and the twi trustees, and Donna of course Radar *edit reflects inserted sentence*
x10, GT and Belle, That thread is also on the Waydale CD. I only know a few people that had copies ( Catcup, HopeR, Zixar come to mind.) I hope you find it. ror
AAAAAACCCHHHH00000000000000000000!!!!! sniffle! ror
POP was read on Wednesday April 23 (or 21st). There was a large clergy / leadership meeting in May in the auditorium.....skyrider that is the one in which JO and DZ told about cgeer's "visage" being changed into vpw. There was a clergy meeting held in the BRC of 1986in the fall, I believe it was early November. That is the meeting that ML and some others walked out of. ror
Tommy, Oldiesman is really an okay human being. For some reason, he has taken it on (AS HIS PERSONAL RESPONSIBLITY) to support twi and its original and second bot. My prayer for him and his family, would be that they can eventually begin to seperate what they remember from what is now.....................or has been for the past 20 years. I myself have never settled the issue of when the way become a cult.....but one thing I am sure of is that it has been a cult since 1989. Any and all of gspot is welcome to try and convince me otherwise. but that is all that I am 100 percent sure of. Leave Oldies alone..........maybe one day, he will find his soul. radar
Tommy, She doesn t have A THING on that "main" chick :blink: NLL, please check out acmepettransport.com.............and send me a private message any time you want. ror
OH FOR PETES..........F - [...] - G SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHITE DOVE, You are *%^#*ing the hell out of me. I have no idea when or how you got involved with the way international, but when I got involved in 1971 (okay, it was New Years Eve 1971) the additional line of "the ministry decides the area of concern interest and need" was not yet even a glint in the eye of way publications...........it was not even a consideration for printed material.............whether or not it was what they were thinking...........who knows? In otherwords...........it was the old BAIT AND SWITCH. THAT SAID..........for me personally, I was a young 14 year old girl when I first decided to go into the corps. I discussed this with VPW when I was 18......and i was smart enough to actually go to college before I went into the corps. BUT..........I still spent a total of 28 years involved in TWI. Many years of staff....wow and other programs. WhiteDove.........I dont understand you.....I dont trust you............I dont believe you know what the H E L L/ You are talking about. You spent less time in twi than you have in your off shoot cult. You continually confuse what was actually TWI and what are your MEMORIES of twi. I can help you find a good therapist.................. Radar
I would love to say Meg Ryan.....but in reality.........it would be Elizabeth Perkins ("About Last Night" and BIG) ROR
NLL!!!! SO GOOD TO SEE YOU I love corgis!!!! The chiro I work for is also certified for animal chiropractic. We have a pembroke/west highland white terrier mix that is ALBINO as a patient............she is AWESOME, looks like a corgi, has westie fur and baby blue eyes surrounded by white albino skin. Her name is Sadie................I LOVE THAT DOG!!!!! YOU ROCK NLL...........you are in my prayers. ROR xxooxxooxxoo
Today, it is I WANT TO KNOW WHAT LOVE IS.........BY FOREIGNER I gotta take a little time A little time to think things over I better read between the lines In case I need it when I’m older Now this mountain I must climb Feels like a world upon my shoulders I through the clouds I see love shine It keeps me warm as life grows colder In my life there’s been heartache and pain I don’t know if I can face it again Can’t stop now, I’ve traveled so far To change this lonely life I wanna know what love is I want you to show me I wanna feel what love is I know you can show me I’m gonna take a little time A little time to look around me I’ve got nowhere left to hide It looks like love has finally found me In my life there’s been heartache and pain I don’t know if I can face it again I can’t stop now, I’ve traveled so far To change this lonely life I wanna know what love is I want you to show me I wanna feel what love is I know you can show me I wanna know what love is I want you to show me And I wanna feel, I want to feel what love is And I know, I know you can show me Let’s talk about love I wanna know what love is, the love that you feel inside I want you to show me, and I’m feeling so much love I wanna feel what love is, no, you just cannot hide I know you can show me, yeah I wanna know what love is, let’s talk about love I want you to show me, I wanna feel it too I wanna feel what love is, I want to feel it too And I know and I know, I know you can show me Show me love is real, yeah I wanna know what love is Catch me next month for a different song Radar
Jim, My first dog Violet was diabetic (insulin dependent) and she went blind when she was five. She lived 3 more years and so I became really intuned with her and learned to live with a handicapped dog. When I got Buddy, he had been turned in to a shelter up in Sneads Ferry NC. His parents had divorced, fought over him in the divorce settlement........and the winner dropped him off at the shelter on their way out of town I picked him up to foster for the pug rescue association and just never gave him back. Having a deaf dog is much easier than having a blind dog..........trust me on that. We have no problems communicating at all, other than he has seperation anxiety.......even after 3 years. I just have to have eye contact with him for him to know what I want....it isnt hard. He always sits so he faces me, and always keeps me within eyeshot. Of course, he can never be let out of the front door unless he is on a leash, he doesnt hear cars or anything. Buddy is a joy..........I adore him. Those of you reading this thread, I encourage you to open your heart and home to a disabled animal. The joy that is returned is incredible. radar
Abi!!! Happy Birthday gal! You know I adore you !!! ROR
Good idea for a thread Jim Growing up, I always had cats and I still love cats. In 1995 (right after I decided not to go on full time field staff----the red balloon thing ) some people here in NC were called to go on staff at hq and couldnt take their wonderful pug-----Violet. Dottie Moneyhands convinced me I needed a dog, so they dropped her off at my house on their way from Asheville to HQ. MY LIFE CHANGED THAT DAY. Violet was the light of my life, the one bright spot in my otherwise pitiful existence (or so I used to tell her everyday.) Now, I have two dogs, a deaf 11 year old rescue pug named Buddy, and a 14 year old rescue yorkie I got less than a year ago. Munchie, the yorkie has no teeth, has had a broken back and neck and weighed less than a pound when I got him. He has changed my life. I also have a 13 year old black cat named KayCee. So, as you can see my life is basically a geriatric care unit.........AND I WOULDNT CHANGE A THING. ROR
I went into the way corps because I truly felt called to be a minister for God, and I thought that TWI was the way that God had called me to serve HIM and others. When I first left twi 5 + years ago, that was the deepest, emptiest, most solitary place in my broken heart......"I guess I am not a minister after all." I began to slowly die inside, learning I had been WRONG just about my entire life, about God, His word, the believers, myself......it was almost more than I could bear. As time went by and I began to heal, I began to figure things out, and while I am still sorting through many many things, I have realized that I WAS called to be a minister and I am STILL a minister. A few years ago, I was blessed enough to get a little part time job working for a chiropractor. She is a great gal, and she allows me to "operate my ministry" every day. I have found an entirely different way to take care of and love people.........in effect, a new avenue to minister, and thank God.......that dark and empty place in my heart has come back to life. I guess it really is true..........God hath placed every member in the body where it it pleases HIM. I am glad I didn't give up trying to fulfill my calling, just because I realized I had wasted my skills in a cult for so many years. radar
Happy Birthday Justloafing......I hope this year is the best of your life SO FAR!! ror
Dearest J, Happiest of birthdays to you my friend. We have known each other, what? 32 years? OMG.........we are old!!! You are still the beautiful and fun girl I met when we were in HS..........felice cupleanos mi amiga. ror
TOPOFTHEWORLD....are you a female? We all know the proper term is CHICK FLICK ----this from Radar the WOMAN My favorite chick flick of all time, When Harry Met Sally.......after that, any old movies, especially those with Glenn Ford, like GILDA which was Glenn Ford and Rita Hayward. Also, GWTW and Romeo and Juliet..............recently watched BRIGADOON (Gene Kelly, Cyd Charisse and Van Heflin) with the honey...............HE SCORED MAJOR POINTS!!! Just ask him ;) radar
My all time favorite movie line is from the very last seen of The Jagged Edge. Old man to Glenn Close (as he pulls the mask of a dead Jeff Bridges): "F U C K him, he was trash" ROR Can be adapted to ____ her, she was trash, ______ them, they was trash, etc. to George Aar: Bogart to Bergman in Casablanca ?
Christian Fellowship and Research (CFNR)
Radar OReilly replied to Richard Byrum's topic in About The Way
Richard, Welcome to Gspot and I applaud you for wanting to do a little background check on any group that you are considering "joining." I have never attended any of their fellowships, but I am an "expert" on the way (does 28 years in count?) I knew John and his wife and I think they are personally decent people, and they THINK they are serving God in their own hearts. THAT SAID..................their entire doctrine is based on and copied over from A CULT. Their foundation in the bible comes from what they learned from A CULT. Their structure, and teaching styles come from what they learned in A CULT. At this point in time, I hope you are asking yourself.......if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.....how can it BE anything other than a DUCK???? There are a couple of books that are available for you to read........THE CULT THAT SNAPPED, and the SUBTLE POWER OF SPIRITUAL PERSUASION, both books are a MUST READ before you make your decision, just so you know within yourself that you looked at both sides of the issue. And, here at gspot, there are many, many people whose lives and stories are great resources. Good Luck in your search Richard. Radar -
What would bring you the most satisfaction from posting here?
Radar OReilly replied to ChasUFarley's topic in About The Way
What brings me the most satisfaction is the same thing that has inspired me since the very first day that Ex-twi opened the door to Waydale: To bring "an insider's view of the Way International and it's board of trustees," and to expose their evil, devilish teachings and practices to the world.............especially those still involved. ror -
I was dying from the inside out. I had realized that there was no genuine, true or real love or power of God left in twi. Twi had become a legalistic, controlling, prying, invasive "cult of personality." It was a hard and long struggle for me to make the break, I had to move to a different state to leave behind my dearly loved friends, but once I finally made the decision, I felt IMMEDIATELY as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off of my heart. I left just over five years ago, after spending 28 years "in." Since then, the road has been a long and strange trip, but over the past year, I have FINALLY found the life I knew was out there all along. I hope some innies read these threads, and make the leap to freedom. Radar
Thank you all so much for the kind wishes. My 49th birthday is tomorrow, I am trying not to feel to old. I have a wonderful weekend planned with my mom, "my guy" and our combined pack of dogs It will include lots of fun, cuddling in front of the fireplace and of course NASCAR!!!!!! I am very thankful for gsc and each of you. You are all incredibly important to me, and mean more to me than you will ever realize. Love, Radar
Welcome to Gspot........your first step to your new life I think that paper was written by a gspotter who posts as napkinlady. Anybody able to help ? ror
Exxie, Google, CHOLESTORAL MYTHS.........then google, "lipitor, thief of memory." Those to sites will explain alot of things to you. ror