Radar OReilly
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Does anyone still have their syllabus or class tapes from "The Harmony of the Gospels," class which was held in Nashville in Jan/Feb of 1984? The question of who taught the "molestation" of Jesus could possibly be on that. I know that it was being taught to the Way Corps, Staff and root locations. I can still almost picture Da*v* Bed*ard teaching it to us at Emporia in 82/83. I have heard some teachings on Sampson, but I don't remember it being taught on the Sunday Night Service kinda thing........it was either an advanced class or in residence. Radar
Hi Friscoguy , I am one of the original Alameda girls I am glad you think you have found a way to deal with the grief and loss and hurt in your life. It seems like you have chosen to get your counseling from a twi spinoff-------are you sure that you will receive the best insight from another cult? It might be just what you need, but for me...........it would be just the same as calling up twi hq and asking to meet with ole rosie her self for grief counseling. I hope it is what you need.............. Radar
Okay WW, I have a question for YOU! WHY ON EARTH DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION???? ROR oh, and another question.........how on earth did you get my private home email address to send your "all mailing" to? :blink:
hmmmm, I am not sure if this is true or not, but a "knowledgeable," try logging into the chatroom from the "top of the page" live chat feature. I am going to try it now, to see. ror
OMG ROY------------- You do realize what you just started RIGHT???? Omg...........WW3 ......is on the horizon.................. HIT THE DECK!!!! ro
Hopefull, I completely agree with you. An apology from twi would be useless to me at this point in my life. I just don't think I would believe any apology offered on the behalf of the organization. That said, a personal apology from LCM and Michael Fort........if they were honest and from their hearts,and I believed they were from their hearts, their apologies would go along way in helping me leave the past behind. Radar
What exactly are you wearing right now? pink tee shirt and blue jean shorts (pipey gal.....move to the beach and you won't need all those clothes!!) What is your current problem? what snacks to take to the NASCAR race in Darlington tomorrow What makes you most happy? a day with my dogs and my honey If you could go back in time and change something would you? ABSOLUTELY, no doubt about it Name something obvious about you: I'm a woman.... What's the name of the song that you're listening to? No song, listening to HARDBALL on msnbc Any celeb you would marry? hhhhmmmmmmmmm.......NO Name someone with the same birthday as you? one of my favorite exwayfers........Kathi Hughes Do you have a crush on someone? Justloafing Ever sang in front of a large audience? Yes What do you usually order from Starbucks? grande Americano Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? not very often Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? only the really old ones, like the original Secret Garden Do you speak any other languages? Spanish, and I know when I am being sworn at in German and Arabic Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo? No Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? Yes.... Do you ever watch MTV? OH YEAH What's something that really annoys you? waiting in line Nicknames: OH YEAH Current location: Wilmington NC Eye color : blue Do you live with your parents: My mom lives with me.... Do you get along with your parents: When she isn't driving me nuts, yes Are your parents married/separated/divorced: my dad died 2 1/ years ago and it is still in freaking probate Do you have any siblings: only child, which explains my mom living with me Chapter 3: Favorites too many to name, dogs/pugs, yorkies and labs, shoes, clarkes, color emerald green Ice cream flavor: champagne sherbert Season: spring and fall Shampoo/conditioner: Pantene Chapter 4: Do You Sing in the shower: never write on your hand: not that I can remember since high school Call people back: :( Believe in love: Absolutely Sleep on a certain side of the bed: I sleep wherever the dogs aren't Have any bad habits: unfortunately too many to list Chapter 5: Have You Ever Broken a bone: yes Gotten stitches: Yes Taken painkillers: Yes Gone SCUBA diving: yes Been stung by a bee: Yes Thrown up in a restaurant: no Sworn in front of your parents: Yes Had detention: no Been sent to the principal's office: yes Been called a hoe: Not to my face Been called a stank-foot mongoloid elf-tit lookin' sonofabitch? not to my face Chaper 6: Who/What was the last Person to text you? Some freaking commercial What did it say: n/a Person to call you: Justloafing Person you hugged: JL and a patient at the office Person you tackled? I dont usually initiate that <_< Thing you ate: antipasto Thing you drank: FUZE Strawberry/melon Thing you said: oh some stupid baby talk to my dogs
Thanks Raf, I am glad to hear that.............I think the graham daughter was off base on that point. Usually, I love her stuff. ror
Thanks for posting this! For some reason, it really "speaks" to me. Love, ror
Frances, You are one of the sweetest and most gentle women I have ever met. I am glad that you are back here at gspot. This is a very volatile place, it explodes and rebuilds almost daily. Love you!! ror
Pirate, I lived in GSO for 4 years and now Wilmington for 5...... All I can say is..................THE BEACH BEATS THE FOOTHILLS ANYDAY Actually, both towns are great, but UNCW has more of the "college town" feeling, and the academics really kick butt. If you decide to visit us here on the Azalea coast, give us a call beforehand, Justloafing and I would be glad to show you around, ror
Abi, There are few decisions harder than this one to make. A year ago next month, a friend of mine who is an animal control officer here in Wilmington called me and asked me if I could foster a yorkie that had been found locked up in an empty house. I agreed and she dropped by my office to give me the yorkie. Well, that was a horrifying moment for me. The little guy was almost dead. He weighed less than a pound, was nothing but boned...REALLY, he was a skeleton. He had no teeth, so his tongue hung out of his mouth. He had no energy and could barely move. It turns out, the house had been abandoned and a number of dogs had been found inside, some dead. I bottle fed him every 2 hours for a week or so, then one moment I realized he was dying:( As I sat holding him, trying to get him to eat, I looked in his little eyes and "he told me" he was not ready to die. He wanted to live----his eyes were almost pleading with me to save him. I called JustLoafing and was describing the situation to him........and as we were talking I realized that I just could not sit there and let him die in my arms. I raced him to the vet and the next week or so was very touch and go. This little guy, who has sinced been named Munchkin (munchie for short ) has made wonderful progress. He now weighs 4-5 pounds, and routinely chases my pug off of the bed at night if the pug tries to get closer to me than Munchie is. Little Munchie is around 14-15 years old according to a couple of vets that have checked him out. He is spunky and it is obvious he loves life now. My point dear Abi, I agree with many of the posters above that "you will just know" when it is time to have him "PtsP, I also believe that your old boy will tell you what you need to know. Listen to your heart and Listen to HIS HEART. XXOO, Radar
Happy Birthday Hope!!!!!!! Happiest of Birthdays to you! You and Your wonderful family have done boundless things to help expose twi, and rebuild people's lives for years now. I truly hope this will be an awesome years for you. Love, Radar
Yep Dave.............THAT WORKS Thanks....... :)
Can one of you gurus bring the link over here that Royal Gorge did.........the one of the video clip of the wrap up party for the class filming? It was in January of this year, I think. Freud and Jung, if you two PsychoTherapists are interested in the text book classic example of Narcisssim this is it........and I mean I showed it to a friend of mine that is one of only 30 of a certain type of NeuroShrinks in the country.........She just about fell off of her chair when they did the Indian Headdress presentation.......and when I explained Dog Soldier Analagy......I thought she wanted to fly to OHIO to meet him for a case study :blink: ROR
WOW JIM!!! YOU REALLY GOTTA STOP READING MY MIND AND THEN POSTING IT HERE That pretty much sums up my feelings too........hell, I would even PAY for the coffee. ror
Well, I for one can COMPLETELY understand why people would be VERY skeptical of Freud and Jung....... doesn't anyone remember those WILD AND WACKY (JEHOVAH) WITNESSES from the the land down under that just about took over Gspot a couple of years ago? How they came in one after another and all but had this place consumed from within with venom and filth? It got so bad I found myself praying for the return of my arch enemy Satori ( ) to come back and bring some SANITY to this place (DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT????) I am not in anyway saying that is what I think this is, what I am saying is that I understand the reticence and skeptism with which these two new posters are being greeted. Like many have said before me, some of us, like ME, spent 28 freaking years in a cult and I am not so quick to buy into things as I once was. I did know lcm personally in a working relationship, and I did work with him on a daily basis in two different capacities during my 9 years on staff. I have a lifetime of questions, hurt, fury, rage and disgust for him as a human being, a man, and especially as a fellow christian that I considered at one time, to be a man that stood and spoke for God. Freud and Jung, I dont know in what capacity that you have come to rub shoulders with him, I hope it is group therapy, a 12 step program, Betty Ford Clinic or Eric Clapton's Crossroads.........in other words, I hope it is in some situation in which he is seeking help for himself. I know as recently as the last year or so did not believe he has/had done anything wrong in his capacity as president of twi and in fact, owed no one apology for his conduct as the president and ceo of twi. If, as you both seem to believe, he is a man in transition, broken, lost, in search of something........I would hope that he finds peace with himself and with his God. However, the carnage he has left in his wake is virtually limitless, and unfathomable for you as NEVER BEEN WAY. He has much to answer for..........as you must know, to whom much is given, much is required. Take some time to read thru the waydale and gspot archives.......read the threads about suicide in the way....et al, read and think on some of the unspeakable evil that people endured at his hands, it is ugly, but it is enlightening. Radar BTW........welcome, this place is MIND EXPANDING --- if nothing else
OM, OOOPs, you are right, we are talking about Paul. The actions you describe about Paul...........HAPPENED BEFORE HE WAS BORN AGAIN.....not after he was already in charge of the church!!!! The difference between Paul and LCM.........Paul persecuted and tortured and destroyed Christians lives.......BEFORE HE GOT BORN AGAIN, LCM did it after he got born again. ror
OM, This thread isn't about whether VPW OR LCM asked for forgiveness from God. I would hope that all Christians would lay their souls bare before the Father and ask forgiveness from HIM for their sins against him. I am with Belle on this one..........how on EARTH can anyone compare LCM with the Apostle Paul? The very thought is nauseating, other than the fact that both were men of flesh and blood, the similarities end there. Paul was an unbeliever that persecuted Christians, but once he became born again, he spent the rest of his life reconciling men and women to God. LCM on the other hand, from all accounts (mine included) was a decent man that became EVIL and devilish in his words, actions and lifestyles and spent majority of his adult life glorifying the devil by his very life. I certainly hope he has asked God for forgiveness, it is the least a believer should do. The topic here is whether or not LCM has ever admitted that he has ruined thousands of lives, some so deeply they committed suicide, and then asked the individuals to forgive him. Radar
Methinks this is Mrs Patriot.... :) Either way...........Happy Easter to the entire Patriot family...........you are amongst the most dearest to my heart. Consider yourself hugged, kissed and prayed for. ror
OH Goey! I am so sorry. ror
Hi WayferNot:) My boss adopted an 8 year old schipperke right after Christmas. He comes to the office with her every day. Since Gail is a chiropractor, and licensed for animal chiropractic, our office has 40 or 50 people come in every day, and at least 5 dogs as patients, along with the patients that bring their dogs in with them to visit. Tyler (the schip) is a great little guy, he is fun and affectionate AWAY FROM THE OFFICE, but at the office, he is ON PATROL. He is a little terror (schipperke, loosely means Little Captain in German.) We have his crate behind my counter and there is a walkway from the office back to his crate. He is completely dog aggressive at the office, and I have to keep him crated when I know we have canine patients. The rest of the time he is free to run around the office and "inspect" the patients as he waits for treats Whenever Gail goes away, Tyler stays over at Justloafing's house along with his three lab and lab mixes. Tyler is a perfect gentleman there. To help with his socialization, JL brings in one of his dogs when he comes in to help "push Tyler's buttons." I think it is helping him.....but on the other hand, I don't believe he will ever be "welcoming" to another animal that comes in to the office. So far, the best we have seen is that we have seen, he tolerates visitors and hangs out right by me or his mom. Rescue remedy is an herbal BACH FLOWER ESSENCE (google them, they will change your life) It is great for animals (or people) that need to take a chill pill, especially good in thunder and lightening storms. I agree with Jim and Rascal. You should read up on the alpha dog theories and dog training. Your guy thinks he is in charge of the pack..........he just needs to have an attitude adjustment;) Love ya gal!!!!! ror
Stan's wife is a Shroyer. Maybe someone at CFF could help. ror
OKAY, now that we have the question of two meetings, two incidents settled, I do have a gun incident that DID take place at THAT November meeting that REALLY ILLUSTRATES (even more) the insane, paranoid, power hungry, RIDICULOUS times that were spawned by pop. Prior to those meetings, I was assigned to be a guest buddy for a number of the visiting clergy. While setting up the guest rooms in the dormitory. I entered one of the rooms I was responsible for and found the "chuck norris" type of LC from Texas, standing on a chair with one of the ceiling tiles out and half of his body up in the ceiling. The other clergy guy was standing on the floor next to him, handing him things. They both looked shocked when I walked in, and both had the "deer in the headlights" look on their faces. I just greeted them and acted as if every room I went into had clergy in the ceiling....and never mentioned it to anyone, ever again. A few years ago, someone came in to gspt and was telling this same story from the perspective of the clergy guys, and this poster said that the guys were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! :blink: I tried to contact the clergy guy on the floor and ask him EXACTLY what were they doing? But, I was never able to find him. Then last year.......out of the blue he emailed me and we chatted about that event...........sure enough, those two lunatics were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! Thank God, both of those men were truly fire arms experts and nobody did anything stupid. SO, my last thoughts on this...........those were totally f u c k e d up times and I am so glad they are in my very distant past. Radar
Buck, I totally agree with you. Things happened as they happened and exagerations and or "myths" do nothing to enlighten WHAT REALLY HAPPENED. As I said earlier, regarding the November meetings, I never heard of a gun incident either.........but, cg making PQ drive around with a brief case handcuffed to his wrist.........now THAT was wierd :evilshades:r ror