Radar OReilly
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Everything posted by Radar OReilly
EWWWWWWWW, Where is the :"heaving" icon when I need it? Radar :blink:
Dear Alleycat, I have been privately "reproved" for accusing you of stealing Catcup's avatar. I appologize........"misappropriate," might be the more appropriate term. Love You (even more,) Radar
Hey Alleycat........... YOU STOLE CATCUP'S AVATAR Love, Radar
I have seen television interviews with both the father and the son, they are in total agreement in this situation. The father is not forcing his belief system down the throat of his son. The son <who is very bright and internet savvy> has done endless research on this subject, and what the benefits and downsides are. The son is the one that has weighed his options and made this decision. He deeply loves his family, and I heard him say that if it came down to his having the chemo or his dad being jailed, he might be forced to change his mind.......he couldn't live with himself, if his dad were jailed. I have mixed emotions about this, I am not a parent, but I have had radiation therapy, in 1995. At that time, I didn't have a computer at home, and the information highway was not as sophisticated as it is now. Looking back, if I had read the info out there, the stuff about how sick chemo and radiation make you......I might not have undergone the treatment that I know saved my life. It seems to me, if it were an issue of life or death, his decision vs his parents........he is old enough to become an emancipated minor in NOVA where he lives. This doesn't seem to be the crux of the issue. I am not sure this is big government vs personal liberty, or conservative vs liberal, democrat vs republican.... I think this is an issue that should have remained private. radar
Sky and Highway, Thanks for your sentiments, but honest, I wasn't looking for any pats on the back. I just wanted everyone to know that (some) of the hq staff worked as hard and long as the field corps did. My point is, that we all worked long and hard for <what we know now> a misbegotten cause. My first roa was 1972. The rock was only a weekend event then, and tents were not required.........those pix of Steve Abella bring tears to my eyes. His early passing still breaks my heart....like Jim, the Abella family was very important to my life, having met them all when I was 14. I am from the SF east bay, I DEFINITELY know what it was to save my ALLOWANCE and then my money from my job at McDonalds to drive all the way across the country to participate in the Rock of Ages. I think I missed two Rock of Ages.......two, from the first til the last....breaks my heart that I joined a cult sooooo early in my life. When I was outlining the difficulties of being on staff during roa time.........I overlooked explaining what it could be like to be IN RESIDENCE corps during the rock. In April of my first year in residence (April 83) I broke my ankle while on an 8 mile run in Emporia. They packed me up and sent me to HQ.......where it was discovered my ankle healed wrong and had to be re-broken. I was still in a fiber glass cast by the time corps week/rock of ages happened. My in residence job had been in the Adv Class Office working for Mrs. Owens and great 9th corps staff gal, Judy B. When it came time for Roa set up 1983........even Mrs O wasn't able to keep me out of the clutches of B Winegarner......broken ankle and all........I worked all the way thru set up and roa.......WITH A BROKEN ANKLE, still in a temp cast. I guess that explains why the theme song of the 13th corps was the Tina Turner hit.........WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? I hope I didn't minimize the topic Sky was trying to expose. Sure the backside was ugly, and SOME limb coordinators etc, thought that some jobs were cushier than others......but in actuality, they were only swallowing what they were being taught on corps night and by the actions of their "elders." Radar PS.......To Jim........to even mention NATION'S burgers here is to cast pearls before swine. GOD CREATED those burgers to help us survive our munchies.
Que Bella! Check the wib tapes for 1990-95. I am think 93 or 94 has quite a diatribe on it. xxoo, ror
"Official Policy" was more than what was spoken at wib, roa, and corps night or STS. "Official Policy" was more than what was written in the "Household Newsletters," aka as the Grapevine, which was the little newsletter that were put out by each limb. Official policy was generally disbursed thru the Trunk to Limb weekly mailings called the "Distribution to Limbs" correspondence. "Official Policy," was whatever had taken the whimsy of LCM and RFR. The "trustees' became lame ducks early in the 90s, being shoved out of the way by rfr and Donna M. The "trustees" were often informed of policy changes at trustee cabinet meetings at the same time as the head of housekeeping was being informed. Not only did LCM say that God wouldn't spit in our direction of we didn't abs more than 10 percent, he routinely blamed the deaths of believers on their "stubborness" regarding abs. I personally was told by someone in the DC branch that I was going to die if I didn't start abundantly sharing more. Never mind the fact that I had just moved there from a different state and only got paid once a month. This subject makes me sick to my stomach. Radar
Okay, I need to tell the "OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY" here. I was in residence/interim corps from 82-84, graduated in 85 and went directly from graduation to staff at HQ, and I mean directly. I graduated in Emporia on July 6 and started my job at switchboard on the 13th. I understand sky's platform here, but there is definitely another side of this story. I worked at least twelve hour days during corps week/roa, which, if you know anything about that job, it is emotionally demanding and "politically" challenging. I would have to answer the phones, facilitate radio transmission (the first couple of years the two different "channels" could not directly communicate with each other and we used what was called a "cross patch" to put the workers in touch with each other. For at least 3 months a year, my dreams were invaded by people whose voices I listened to 12 hours a day.......Tom Mausolf, Alan Brown, Fred Deats and then of course, the entire safety department. I also want to mention, that as the number of corps dwindled, the staff had to work two 3 hour nite shifts per week on roa set up, right along side of the inresidence corps. We had to show up on the patio, meet Alan Brown and get our work assingments (tent crew, warehouse, grounds, etc) and work till nine pm just like the corps did. I was working the swb the last day of the roa 85 when ther was a horrible fatal car accident involving out going wows. Calling lcm, and mrs vpw and every freaking body else and telling them we had dead wows was horrible, to say nothing of the fact that I was still dealing with the Highway patrol, police, etc. When I got off my shift...........I went back to my unit on grounds to find out that the surviving wows were staying there with us (I lived with Duke Clarke who was the trunk coordinator.) Later, I moved off grounds. I had a small apartment that I packed "field corps and friends/and or their friends" into. I had as many as 8 people staying with me every year for cw/roa.........one year, my normally $40 dollar electric bill was almost $500 dollars. NOT ONE PERSON offered me a cent to stay with me, nor helped me pay those bills........I had to have my mom send me money. For years I coordinated the USA Pavillion, WOW reg and WOW placements room........I left my apartment every morning of cw/roa at 6 am, opened the pavillion, worked my foot off, took a 1 hour nap from 3-4, then back to the pavillion till 12:30 am. I did that year in and year out........and didn't complain, at least not very often :blink: . I loved what I was doing and working 14 or 18 hour days was my only way to contribute to my very personal goal of "Word Over the World." I know now that it was all a mirage, but for me, I totally bought into all that God and Word Over the World stuff. I really take offense at the idea that all of us were freeloaders, sitting at home watching tv while the field corps were working their asses off. Sure, the field corps and believers worked their butts off, but so did many of us on staff. Radar
UH...............YEAH, OF COURSE I HAVE. Anyone involved with twi from 1994 til present will have at least a handful of stories, including one of the founder's sons. Oh oldies, you really just don't have a clue what went on after you left. ror
WOW H!!!! Over all of your inhibitions already? ROR BTW..........AWESOME PIX, YOU LOOK MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER
Dear QT, You are indeed a wise woman. Reading thru the archives is revealing, and informational, for reasons you may not yet realize. Greasespot, as Waydale before it has served as a sounding board for thousands of exwayfers. Some have come here, learned and shared what they needed to and moved on. They are not here to continue to tell their stories, their deliverance and our evolution continues to be told thru the archived threads. I know it is cumbersome and time consuming, and some others want the easy way out.......but your perserverance and hunger will pay off in understanding. Radar
Happy Birthday Hills!!! I am so glad that you were born!!!! (before me :blink: ) ror
Watersedge, Move to the south...........most of those are still done down here......... The downside, tatoos are still alive and well :) radar
Frances, Just so you know......the guy that took over your hhr in snack shop was the biggest dipwad they could have found!!!! ROR
Is Victor still drop dead gorgeous?? Is he still a survivalist? Radar
Grandaughter, I graduated from the 13th corps...........p/m and we can catch each other up. Radar
OMG Cowgirl! Those are wonderful.............. I LOVE SPRINKLERS radar
J, et al, Do any of you know where Jackie Fernandez is these days? ror
Oh Yeah, the screaming forehead idolized her all right, but only when it served his own purposes. He used Dorothy Owens the same way he used Dorothea Wierwille and the entire Wierwille family, he would parade them out when he needed them and fire their butts off staff when they stood up for themselves. Mrs O didn't have any money of her own besides her small stipend, no children and by the end of her life virtually no friends outside of twi. When she died, it was left to another elderly couple to pay for her final expenses. He idolized her all right, twi didn't even pay for her memorial service, funeral service, casket or burial plot. I would have loved to read Dorothy Owens' real version of "the way it was." Radar
Eagle, You are gonna get "flamed" in the doctrinal section (and the Politics and tacks forum too) no matter what your position. So just get in there and post your heart away and state your position and have fun discussing it. It is okay for you to disagree with people and for them to disagree with you.....it is part of life, OUTSIDE OF A CULT Radar
Hi you 21sters Keith Felker and Michelle Koclanes Felker live in/around Anderson SC. Keith is a regular business entrepreneur with a furniture company and a salon as a side line. xx, ror
Joe Woods was 6th corps, he was (last time I saw him) married to Karen. Joe Wood was 13th corps and (last time I saw him :blink: ) Married to Lucy Zeilmann. ror
I wish everyone here knew you as I do. Your kindess, beauty, strength and most of all COURAGE is astounding. Happy Birthday Frances, I hope your hubby and kids help you make it extra special. Love, Radar
Between the years of 1995 and 2000 all Way Corps Grads that were still active were considered "ministers" clergy or not. If they were still on the Corps lists as active corps then they were to be leaders of "tens" and tens of tens........clergy or not. And believe me, the word MENTOR never crossed the lips of the bot or bod or corps director's office. Sounds to me like Ri*o Ma*ne**i called up the newspaper and had them recant the article. Radar
edawn, I want to restate Groucho's admonition to keep all of your situation particulars completely benign. Don't in anyway give enough information here on gspot that can or could possibly give the WayGb enough information to identify you. There a number of posters here that were "out-ed" because the way spies were able to eventually identify them. Go with God, ROR