Radar OReilly
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Everything posted by Radar OReilly
SocketCreep, I am so excited for you. Here are two great websites for you: www.petfinder.com & www.petfinder.org. Both sites will let you plug in your state/region and define the type of pet you are searching for, most have links with shelters and rescue organizations and even have pictures of most of the animals available for adoption. There are links to breeders and official breed sites. My beloved little dog died in early December and I adopted a "rescue" on December 21....he has really, really blessed my life. Happy hunting for you and your family!
Why did the Thorps leave?
Radar OReilly replied to troubledwine's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Troubledwine, Like Kit, I am in favor of anyone leaving twi for whatever reason. The last year that Brad and Chris were on staff at hq Brad refused to play the corporate game on some level, angered rosie and Donna, was stripped of his Trustee Cabinet crown and demoted down to simple department coordinator of personnel. That is a fairly routine manner of handling things in rosie's world....I can name a handful of top ranking former twi managers whose paths to freedom from twi started with that very same step. I am still hoping that John Reynolds will take advantage of that. It was rumored about the OSC that rosie and donna made a visit to Chris's office and told her to get her husband IN LINE, the discussion could be heard in the hallway. Next thing anyone knew......they had a field assignment. This is what happened with the Lally's as well. I haven't spoken to Brad and Chris in years but I worked with Brad and knew him fairly well.....buying a house would not have been issue enough for him if he was still "hard on" for twi. His sister Lisa and her husband Ed live in Minster OH....if that helps. ROR -
This is creepy, only goes to show that Chris Geer and his novel POP were only the first in a long line of "speeches from the dead" attributed to VP Wierwille. For God's sake, let vpw be dead, and those of us still living, live without the constant ghosts! Radar
The Clapps and Cindy Miller are involved with CFF, you may be able to find them that way. Their website is CFFM.ORG Radar
Do innies have the right to lie?
Radar OReilly replied to A la prochaine's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Okay, this may come as a shock to some of us BUT, twi has been subliminally teaching THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS! Now, I know that the official twi doctrine is that this type of thinking (the end justifies the means) is completely off the word and is un-godly (Lifestyle of a Believer anyone?), however that is their teaching in practice if not in doctrine. This is their method of dealing with everything. What is good for twi is good for twi, screw the rest of the world, screw their own followers, screw THE TRUTH. ROR -
Does Victoria really keep Secrets?
Radar OReilly replied to Hills Bro's topic in The Birds and the Bees
Funny thing about beautiful lingerie and supermodels like this.... I haven't seen ANY of them hanging out with middle class, middle aged, balding, beer drinking men.... What's up with them? Why is it they choose to frolic with guys like Harry Connick Jr. (yum-yum) and rock and roll stars? Gotta hand it to them, if they do hang out with miserable looking guys...at least they are RICH! ROR -
Chinson.... Just so ya know....Paw is really a closet VEGAN. He just loves his veggies, all kinds of veggies, especially big salads. Make sure he gets a good variety of cooked and raw with lots of orange -- he needs his betacarotene you know. ROR
Paw, I can tell the difference between Francesco's and the Spaghetti Factory--thank you! Some people, NOT YOU (Paul Bunyon and the Italian Stallion or at least the Italian Soccer Star ) but some people do consider spaghetti and Italian food synonymous. (BTW, did you know that some people actually consider Taco Bell Mexican food????) I think the two of you spending time together is a very scary thought. ROR
BUT.... I really wanna know..... was it the Spagetti Factory at Jack London Square???? ROR
Mark, Let me guess.....SPAGETTI FACTORY? ROR
Dear ALP! They have been divorced for years. John was a founder of CES, now in a more advisory capacity. Pat is living in VA horse country and apparently has moved on with her life. Thank God we are all allowed a second chance at finding contentment. Radar
Dear Wayferlooking, I relate to you in a very particular way. I graduated from the 13th corps on July 6th '85 and started my staff position on July 13th '85. I was there until the day after roa 1994 (count them...9 whole years.) When I left hq for the first time in 9 years, I took a position on the field in the same town as the limb which at that time was B__ * D_____ M______. It was a fabulous and freeing experience and I was very, very happy. I had known B&D for years at hq and had worked with them almost daily on staff, moving to be with them was the best of both worlds to me at that time. I knew in my heart and had plenty of reason to know in my mind that things at hq (and especially lcm) were screwed up but life in my little corner of the world with B&D was delightful. The more time I spent actually away from hq, working out in the world, meeting "real" people the more I began to realize that my life at hq had been a mirage. In May of 1995 when lcm made the annoucement that all corps on the field were going to be full time twi staff I totally freaked out. NO WAY was I going to take my paycheck from lcm again and hand him back the reigns to my life...that I was just regaining. I was one of those that just couldn't do it....on September 1 the day we were all supposed to be full time....I went back to my job (that I had quit) and asked them to take me back...I haven't really looked back since. In March of 1998 I moved to a new state,on December 1 of 1999 I called my limb guy and told him I was outta there after 28 years of being in twi. Wayferlooking, it is a new path that you are on. It may be painful at times as you begin the process of REALLY sorting out who you are, what you believe, what you think, how you FEEL which is gonna be a whole new experience for you. Learning to feel and analyze and explore, it has been the most fulfilling part for me. Have I found what I was looking for? I don't know, do I even know what I was looking for...am looking for, I don't know yet. Each day is a new way to experience life as I learn to deal with it without the twi colored lens. The biggest part of my own healing was Waydale and then Greasespot. I was able to spill my guts and learn from others how they were dealing with their own paths of discovery. I couldn't have done it without many of the posters that are still here at gspot, it was having the understanding of other twi "survivors" that made it possible for me to begin to make some sense of everything. Go with God Wayferlooking, it is gonna be a really cool ride from here on out! If you need anything, let me know....my email is in my profile. Radar
I don't know why they were showing this little porno clip at hq but I know at Emporia it was shown as a part of the infamous Bedside Manners Class. It seems that vpw had recently come across this little paperback. He came to Emporia and the way corps office actually GAVE US all the book (as opposed to us having to buy it out of our monthly stipend.) Vpw sat up in front of us in top floor Wierwille and read this book out loud to us with some help from the corps coordinators (I think.) Our little viewing of the doggie and pony show wasn't part of cf&s it was part of Bedside Manners and talk about weird! Right after that Pat Lynn got on the "There are a bunch of lesbians in the 15th corps" bandwagon and started heaving gals out of the corps...of course that is AFTER she had Paula Smith the lesbian tennis player come to Emporia to confer with her. Gawd .. what a sick place! Radar
The Highway, You are correct we did see that sometime between January and May of 1985. It was my last year in residence w/13th corps. Toadfriend, you were definitely at Gunnison. I remember sitting thru the entire class with my "cowboy pal" that I hung out with (you know the one...he is totally "able.") Anyway, he was ....ed beyond belief and I was just sure that someone had made a terrible mistake and showed us the film without previewing it. LOL, even then, I was a ridiculously naive, company line chick. I can't believe I fell for that stuff. ROR
Faith, if you are out there anywhere, I need to talk to you! Please email me at: jane_doe_us@hotmail.com Thanks! ROR
Washington state? Idaho? Anyone know?
This is a sad day for me. I loved the chatroom, the great morning chats with Chas and Catcup, Shell, Cathy, Tcat and Matilda, maure and Ttessa.....THEY WERE AWESOME. The evening gatherings, the middle of the night heart sharings, the ridiculus fun.....who out there remembers that infamous late nite CYBER DANCE with Paw playing dj? When Waydale Chat opened, and a few months later When the first lawsuit was filed...we were deluged with literally HUNDREDS of first time chatters, innies dying for information to help them make decisions, outies from every generation of twi looking for a place to connect with other ex Wayfers. The trolls, the lunatics and of course.....the ever present WAYGB. The Waydale Chatroom, and then the Greasespot Chatroom was the place that I received some of the greatest healing and deliverance of my life. The fellowship there was invaluable to me and I want to thank each and everyone of you that helped me along my way.
Ex Cathedra, Try the Detroit MI and Charlotte NC areas, I think he is in or around one of those towns. Radar
Java Jive I feel a bit awkward speaking on behalf of Mrs. Wierwille...*this is a disclaimer*....I AM SPEAKING SOLELY FOR MYSELF HERE, and nothing I am saying is necessarily a reflection on her children. I don't know how I feel about the phrase "trapped" in the world her husband created. Mrs. Wierwille's situation is complex, a blend of age (she is close to 90), culture, and interpersonal dynamics that come from a different generation. It is easy for people to pronounce judgement on her about all of this...but for me, having had a German-born grandmother, almost the same age as Mrs. Wierwille, that was raised within a days drive of New Knoxville..somehow, on a human level, it all makes sense to me. But back to the subject: Chris Geer did not like Mrs. Wierwille, actually the word despise comes to mind. There were whole sections of written narratives about her that Don, Howard and even LCM would NOT ALLOW to publicized. All three of them were willing to be personally crucified but were not willing to allow C Geer "to go there" in regards to Mrs. I believe that she considered Geer a liar, a snake and a self serving excuse for a man, at one time she personally said to me that he was "among the deceivers, not the deceived"..this view was (and is) pretty much held by the entire Wierwille family, of that I feel confident. Part of her opinion comes from the fact that he was attempting to destroy everything of value to her...the legacy of her husband. VPW had been dead less than one year at the time of POP and she was still in deep mourning. Was she.... indeed.... IS SHE STILL BEING STRONG ARMED BY CRAIG AND HIS CRONIES? As long as Mrs. Wierwille is alive there are many things that will never be published here at GreaseSpot or anywhere else. She is very much at the mercy of twi, RFR and Donna Martindale. Twi's handling of Don Wierwille's death and memorial service should have clued everybody in to that. D. Wiewille doesn't own her home, twi does, they sold HER family ancestral home (The Kipp Farm)to help finance LCM and the other five's legal defense in the Allen's lawsuit against them. Java, the entire Galatians teachings were inspired by the research done by a 15th corps grad woman that was on staff in the corps director's office....Craig didn't even come up with THAT himself. It is pretty safe to say that nobody, EVER wanted VPW to be around C Geer, but that is because Geer was always coming up with kooky stuff....for any of you that want to know...it was Geer that started all that Illuminati stuff, it was Geer that came up with the paranoid practice of sending the safety department to S.W.A.T. training, it was Geer that trained the German short-haired dogs and the dobermans to be attack dogs. In fact, one of them was so vicious and uncontrollable that as soon as VPW died, they packed that dog overseas to go be with his Frankenstein creator....not even Paula Butler could contain that dog. I am not blaming every wacko thing twi ever did on Chris Geer....VPW and plenty of others came up with some hair brained ideas (the green foam on the trailer in the woods, the Sno-Way, etc.) but there were valid reasons for people not to trust Geer. So, how did Passing of the Patriach change your life?
Rejoice, One of (if not THE BEST THING) great things about being free from the clutches of TWI is that we are all free now to decide what we want to think, and believe for ourselves. YOU apparently have not quite gotten a grasp on that fact. I personally choose NOT to pass judgement on anyone's spiritual choices any more. Now that we are free of twi....we can do what we want, when we want to do it, we are free to decide what to believe, what to think and where to worship. If you choose not to believe a word that VPW ever said or taught.........more power to you, God Bless and God speed. Please allow others the same right and freedom.
Hope, That is a good question. ************************************** Don Wierwille was completely against allowing Chris G_eer to have access to the followers of twi. He had battled with LCM over the issue but LCM strong armed him, and forced his acceptance of the matter. There are people who have copies of the three trustee signatures admitting that everything Chris G_eer said in that narrative was true. Don Wierwille was forced to sign it, and few people know or have seen he accompanying letter that he wrote explaining his true opinion and what he believed to be the true facts. The woman who typed the letter for Don was at one time amongst my most beloved of friends I know her account of this to be true. Don was held OUTSIDE the back entrance by armed guard to assure the fact that he would not go on stage and interrupt the reading of the paper. I am relaying this information as I remember it, even today,15 years later I am still at odds with my feelings as to what happened that night....all I know for sure is that it changed the course of my life forever.
Today is the anniversary of what turned out to be the beginning of the end of The Way International, the public release of PASSING OF A PATRIARCH. On that night, April 23rd, 1986 I was on staff at hq. I was working at my job at the switchboard along with my boss (and dear friend) Peter Qualtieri who was the switchboard department coordinator. He and I were locked into the office having received prior notice that something of monumental proportions was going to happen in the auditorium that night. The atmosphere was incredibly tense, it was April and still very cold outside but we had the air conditioning blaring and were both wearing our coats..it seemed to hard to breathe without the a/c. For those of you that don't know, Chris G_eer was seated at the desk on the auditorium stage, a loaded handgun within his reach. L. Craig Martindale was also seated on stage on one of the purple velvet parsons chairs. Outside the xecutive back entrance to the auditorium, Don Wierwille was being physically detained by a HEAVILY ARMED member of the Twi safety department. That was my first year on staff having just graduated from the way corps the previous July. The next 8 ½ years of my life were dedicated to trying to survive the fallout of what happened that night. At first, it was all about trying to get up every morning and make it through the day. Who to trust, who to talk to, what to think and believe, how to overcome the dreadful sense of foreboding and destruction. I was a confirmed COMPANY GAL, and totally threw myself into the support of twi, and the bot. My loyalty to twi never, ever wavered, I believed with my entire heart that Chris G_eer's "novel" was at the most 10% accurate and 90% fiction. From that day in April of 1986 through May of 1989 I lost virtually every one of my closest childhood, high school and way corps friends as they "deserted twi like the rats they were," or so I thought THEN. I made new friends with other members of "the counter-revolution" and together we worked our butts off (LITERALLY 16-18 HOURS A DAY) to try and rebuild what we loved about twi. Beginning with placements of 1989 we became the new limb coordinators, the new cabinet members, the new trunk office regime. We worked tirelessly for the cause we believed in..then beginning 1993, most of us began to wake up to the fact that WE HAD BEEN HAD. To those of you still in, this fact alone should shout alarm to you: Almost all of us that were there for the counter-revolution are out now.the Shroyers, Clapps, Mosquedas, Lallys, Lichts, even VP Wierwille's own children, we were again faced with the hard cold facts that twi was rotten from the inside out and could NOT be rebuilt or salvaged. Almost every person of Way Fame from the 70s, 80s, and early 90s has left..many post here, some openly, some anonymously. The way corps, limb, region, department, cabinet and campus coordinators,and indeed BOARD OF TRUSTEES that remain in power at twi were all HAND PICKED by the devil-spirit infested, accused rapist that is the former president of twi and his right hand compatriot, the current president of twi. To those of you still in..Please, please do not waste the precious years of your lives to come to the same conclusion that so great a cloud of witnesses have come to before you. Twi is putrid, what little fruit it has comes forth putrid and no amount of wishing, hoping or work is going to change that.