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Radar OReilly

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Everything posted by Radar OReilly

  1. I am not expecting any of you to care...but I just have to say this: Johniam....you have crossed the civility line with Garth....make some warm milk, get a good night's sleep and check back in when you can behave more appropriately???? Okay, Okay.....I have my flak jacket on...fire away. ror
  2. Along the lines as to how we politically see the world now. While in twi, we were taught that any financial contribution to any group outstide of twi was basically a donation to the devil. The world was full of "designer" causes, Jerry's Kids, Breast Cancer, The ASPCA (association for prevention of cruelty against animals,) the homeless, the mentally ill (they are possessed dontcha know?) and on and on and on. I feel confident in saying that lcm would have ridiculed donating to the victims of the tsunami. I have found my own true voice regarding contributing to the less fortunate. I follow my heart...and give without reservation to whatever organization I believe is worthy, for whatever reason I feel is worthy. Somehow.....I think God is on my side with this. ;)--> ror
  3. Growing up, my family was Republican, so I was republican. My dad was a marine, my first real, true memory of my dad was when I was very young, not even in school yet. My dad was home from "Asia" and we sat at the dinner table and he explained the domino theory of communism to me, using the lazy susan, salt, pepper, napkin holder, etc. From a child was a humanitarian.....I brought home every stray animal and human that crossed my path, beginning in kindergarten, but I still had that Republican upbringing. I can still remember the celebration party my parents and God-parents had when Ronald Reagan was elected govenor of California I got into twi when I was 14, I was able to transfer my "humanitarian" Aquarius attributes to "winning people" to God (couch term for twi.) In 1976, I took the Blessings of Liberty class from Hayes Gehagen and from there, until I left twi 5 years ago....I was a good little wayfer and voted the Republican party line. While in residence they marched our butts next door to the church (next to Uncle Harry Hall) and voted straight Republican. Gunnison, same thing.....and definitely at Headquarters. In the five years since I have left twi....I am beginning to find my own soul, my personal voice, and follow my heart. I vote how I want, for whom I want. It is amazing how becoming free of a cult even includes being able to make up our own minds in a presidential election Radar
  4. Jim, S * * t YEAH he does! ror Hey Jim, hugs to Mrs. Jim and daughter Jim :)-->
  5. Personally, I think that there are legal constraints place on lcm, stemming from either the allen suit, or by twi. I would personally like to think that it is like Johnny Lingo says. Whatever it is.......the power of God cannot be subdued.....in other words...... Geek :)-->, If lcm is not able to raise above his current situation, it has NOTHING to do with the internet. If lcm wants to be a minister for the Lord Jesus Christ, it is completely available for him to do so. Both Jim Bakker and Jimmy Sweigart have managed to resurrect their lives. They allowed themselves to be tempted also, BUT, they have been able to put their lives back together and to be productive ministers for the Lord Jesus Christ. Obviously, not in the same manner or in the same way as BEFORE they succombed to temptation. Jim Bakker and Jimmy Sweiggart were vilified on television and radio, and in national print...they ruined their lives, their families and their ministries. They both were more severely crucified on a worldwide and national level than ANYTHING that ever happened to lcm. If lcm should ever decide that he wants to rebuild his life, and perhaps, pursue his calling ((??)) he has the answers on how to do so, step one (after his personal reconciliation with God) would be to lay his soul open to those that he has wronged. OF COURSE that would be the first step....that is scriptural. No one should compare his downfall with the down fall of PTL or Jimmy Sweiggart.....waydale and gspot are small change compared to the modern day crucifixion that Bakker and Sweiggart endured....yet somehowe, someway....they seem to have followed what they believe to be their calling and ministry. Sure, the internet allowed the exWay community to band together, to voice our hurts, to sound the alarm and to REMOVE a menace to christianity, society and humanity from a pulpit of access. If lcm were to decide that he wants to be a minister.....he has it within his grasp....but until he rights the wrongs, admits his spiritual short comings.....asks for forgiveness from those he has sinned against....I cannot see that happening. Please do not attempt to lay that at the feet of God's chosen. ror
  6. Hope, Of course I am not SURE it was the late 80s, I am not SURE about most things --> (but that is a whole nuther thread :)--> It could have been as late as the wib 90 or 91 but I am not sure of the date. Do you still have the waydale cd? It is on the thread called "It is 6/? Do you know where your abs is?" That thread has a zillion hits, and I am SURE that we nailed it down with history ;)--> ) Radar xxoo.....hubby and kids too!
  7. The "doctrine" was changed from gross to net in the late 80s, the rationale being that the net was really what we earned because the govt took whatever they wanted right off the top before we ever had access to it. For those of of us on staff....we didn't abs out of our salaries, because we were already paid to live on a "need" basis. Our abs was in the amount of hours that we worked OVER our 40 hours a week. So, when you hear stories of some of us working 50, 60, 70 hours a week....YEE HAH.....we were absing, what? 40& of our salaries? --> ror
  8. If you live in or Near North Ft Myers Florida, and have an hour or two to help me out with an errand....please send me a private topic. Thank you! :)--> ror
  9. I think the case more than any in the past fifty years needs to be examined in "its own light," which, thank God, our legal system allows. There is something about this that just sticks in my gut and heart...like many of you, it is obvious the woman WAS psychotic....and her husband realized that she was extremely ill...but did nothing. I am glad the decision was overturned....I don't think anyone, her family, her lawyers, the woman herself....ever wants her back out living amongst the rest of us. The current system in TX would require that she would eventually move into the tx prison system if she ever made significant mental progress. I don't think this is about getting her out of prison, it seems to me that this is an attempt to do the right thing by an extremely ill woman. Eventually, if she makes any progress, she will not be moved over to a federal penal institution, she will be moved to a mental health facility. In my opinion, state mental health facilities are meant to be housing people such as Andrea Yates. She is genuinely mentally ill....not a criminal trying to beat the system. Rusty Yates, on the other hand...he should have been held criminally responsible at least in part. He should be serving a life sentence some place. Radar
  10. Radar OReilly


    Hi Frankee, I am Radar. I don't often agree with Oldiesman about twi, or Raf about politics...but I am with them on this pizza thing! Live in the Carolinas now but grew up in the SF bay area and WE DON'T DO PINEAPPLE on pizza there either. They do in Southern California....but that is a whole 'nuther universe than Northern California. I love pineapple, alone, in salad, in ambrosia salad..etc....but it doesn't go on pizza ! Welcome to Greasespot....hope all your questions are answered, you reconnect with old friends as well as make new ones...we try hard, but if we are idiots....just ignore us and join in the fun! :)--> ror
  11. LLP, I want to make sure that you have read See Me's post correctly. She is THE EX WIFE of M**K N. Mark was the step father of her daughter. I am not sure I am correct in this, but I believe that See me is a family corps grad. She married Mark when his son was 1 year old, and along with her young daughter had planned on melding together a family...blessed by God that would be a family forever. Her daughter was alone with Mark not only during twi sanctioned times but also in private and family sanctioned times. Mark betrayed his vows to God, himself, his son, his wife and his step-daughter. I knew him, I liked him, I grieved with him after the death of Suzie. I understand your position regarding that aspect. This thread is about something that is REAL, AND TRUE and proved in a court of law. This thread is NOT about innuendo, gossip or supposition. These charges were proven in a court of law, and Mark in now serving time sentenced to him by the courts of the United States. Regarding when corps leadership were moved, or relocated during placements and why. I spent more than my share of time in twi. A good many years.....I was on staff at hq, one of my responsibilities was as the corporate move coordinator...in other words, for years, I coordinated moving corps from placement to placement. MANY, MANY, MANY times, those placements were made with the sole purpose being to GET SOMEONE THE HELL OUT OF DODGE. I remember one specific case...i asked the trunk coordinator "WHO THE HELL LIKES THIS GUY?" " How many limbs does he have to ruin before you drop kick his foot?" This guy was on his third limb....he had wrecked all three. TRUE STORY. Lots of things happened, sometimes the true facts were not the same as THE COMPANY PUBLISHED VERSION. ror
  12. I am with Shaz on this one. We can talk all we want, analyze all we want, rationalize all we want.....BUT...... This thread is about a twi corps grad, long time twi staffer, apparently (??) twi clergy that has been CONVICTED AND SENTENCED as a child molester. A convicted child molestor that has the complete and public SUPPORT of TWI. THINK ABOUT IT INNIES! ROR
  13. Seeme, Along with others I include my thankfulness to you..for pursuing what was right, but not, what was easy. Especially, along with Highway, thank you for letting us know that you are raising Suzie's son. His birth mother....she was unique, one of a kind, loving, open, kind. Her son deserves to be raised by someone that recognizes not only the specialness of HIMSELF...but also, by a mom that will make sure he knows that his birth mom was someone special. I am sorry for the heartbreak you and your daughter have endured....thankful for your guts. Radar
  14. I love hearing about all our your home-made ornaments and such....so much heart. I have a bunch of little ornaments that came from various pet-food companys...send in your pet's name...get a free ornament, etc. They were always at the bottom of my trees so the cato or dog could look at them! :)--> Exxie..thanks so much for not saying I should put my grandma's things up on e'bay! You have no idea how much I was afraid someone was gonna suggest that! --> Anyway,,,,,I am so that so many of us still have Christmas things to cherish! ror
  15. I for one don't care if they are divorced or not....and for this reason. If they ARE DIVORCED it is because it is to THEIR ADVANTAGE, some how, some way. If they are still married it is because it is to THEIR ADVANTAGE, some how, some way. These people DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for no reason. They don't do things because of the same reasons you and I do. They don't do them for love, or family or because it is wrong or right. THEY DO IT BECAUSE IT SERVES THEIR OWN PURPOSES. We are not talking about human beings in the normal sense of the word. Sure, I knew lcm, I knew donna, I knew rosalie, etc.....but the one thing I knew and know about them is that their ulterior motives are theirs and theirs alone. It would be nice for the hundreds of couples whose lives their counsel ruined....it would be helpful for us to know their status....just to help *file it all away.* But really, I think we need to learn how to do that on our own. WE ARENT DEALING WITH NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS...let alone people we should hope would be our brothers and sisters in Christ. God.....I sound like Ebenezer Scrouge...I certainly dont mean it in a way demeaning to anyone....I just spent way too much time with these wackos. Radar
  16. Exxie, What a wonderful topic for a thread. I have a gazillion boxes of christmas tree ornaments. Many from my own adult years (I left home at 17....to join CA Fellowlaborers dontcha know?) and many from my family....my german born grandma left me boxes of beautiful hand blown german ornaments that are 100 years old now. Just the other day, I was having this conversation with some folks in my office. I am single, childless, an only child......what do I do with these when I die? Who do I leave them to? Who can possibly cherish these old bits of glass....who can they be important too? I love my Christmas things......my nativity set, the various stupid stuffed animals, the santa punch bowl and little santa mugs that my uncle would fill with killer egg nog and get everyone tipsy! I love each and every ridiculous knicknac! Merry Christmas! ror
  17. papa...the "great woman" you attributed that quote to...would be THUMPER, the a-sexual bunny in Bambi.....just fyi ;)--> ror
  18. Oak....AWESOME......all good things come to those who wait....(who said that??) I can't imagine your joy.....you go guy!! ror Shell.....you stole that from t-cat!!!! ;)-->
  19. Ralph D's running commentary can be found on the waydale cd....in a thread called TWI,1,2,3...one of the BEST THREADS in Ex Way history. ror
  20. OMG JANE!!! You let him out???? You know, once the genie leaves the bottle, you can't get him back in! I have been having trouble with my glasses...got new ones, still like old ones...don't see so well with old ones! I really didn't notice the mr. Welcome MrImagine....long time no see! Welcome to Greasespot....hope to see more of you. ror
  21. My father died October 4, 2003.....a year and two months ago. He had pancreatic cancer. I AM STILL TRYING TO MOP UP HIS MESS. Even though he had a virulent cancer...and knew it....he did not leave a will or appoint an executor. He was cremated and *delivered* to a Buddist Temple in Palo Alto California before his *woman friend* informed me he had died. Shell....you know this.....I am still so mad at him that if he weren't dead....I would strangle him. How dare he leave me with this mess to mop up? There is no excuse for the position he left me, my mom (his ex wife), my aunt (his sister) and his *floozy* girlfriend to deal with. Years ago, before this issue with my dad, I drew up a living will, specifying NO, NO, NO, forms of life support...extreme or otherwise for myself. I lived thru that once, for 3 1/2 years and I realized then, that I want no life support. My mom and I have both drawn up living wills/trusts...I will not leave ANYONE I KNOW OR LOVE, in the position my father has left me. A friend of mine here in NC has recently had to survive the experience of denying life support to her 90 year old father. Watching her suffer, agonize and grieve.....it has been heart wrenching. No matter how much money or property you own....if any......spend the 150 bucks it costs to go to an attorney and get the proper living will, trust and/or estate planning. Please, Please, Please...don't leave your child to go thru what I am experiencing. ror
  22. Abi....I am going to say something here that is COMPLETELY, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT...out of character for Radar. I live in North Carolina...close to the bottom in the national education level, a state where ALL CHILDREN ARE LEFT BEHIND unless they are enrolled in a private school. I have always been totally against home-schooling.....when I was living in Greensboro....I told a couple that were in my twig....put your oldest daughter in school (and stop pretend homeschooling) or I am calling Child Social Services. I COULD NOT F---ING BELIEVE I EVER SAID THAT.....but looking back, I can see that I was right. That family put their oldest daughter (who up to that point had been a live in babysitter for her 5 younger siblings) eventually graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a 4.0 in TWO MAJORS. What I am getting at is....here in NC we have "co-oped" home schooling. One or two parents take on the actual educational class time for home schooling some kids, and other parents take on the extra curricular activities such as field trips, sports, civic activities. They informally work along the lines of a charter school, but completely follow the educational and social curriculum of home schooling. In general, I am not in favor of home schooling. I have a college degree and don't feel competent to teach children....but I have seen the benefits....and short comings and now I feel that there is a place for home schooling our children. Could an arrangement like this perhaps work for your boys while they are in these very young, very challenging years? Just adding an option. Have a great chrismas.....hugs to ALL OF YOUR GUYS!!! ROR I know you need to work a full time job.....I am bringing up the co-oped home schooling, in the hope that you can find other parents to share the curriculum with.
  23. ChasDarling:)--> I am so proud of you.....YOU GO YOU DOMESTIC DIVA! One question....is this visiting Greek village Orthodox? In other words do they do meat over the Christmas holiday, or fish, eggs, etc? My job in DC had me traveling like a maniac, and I collected cookbooks wherever I went. One of my favorite is The Ellis Island Emmigrant's cookbook. They have a number of recipes that feed armies on pennies. One is a greek recipe for "dipping your way in the pot" from Breakfast till supper. Let me know....it sounds yummie, I can post it. Since you are doing brunch, you could do a bagel and topic selection....but I don't doooooo carbs . How about four big fritatas? Kind of like big omelettes, all sauted in their pans, then finished off in the oven, they can each easily feed 10 folks per fritata...you pick the variety, onion, bacon, shrimp, spinach and olive, cheese...etc. Serve them up with Bloody Marys or Toritos (the mexican version.....gotta have that tequilla!) Let me know....love you....... ror
  24. Galen, You and your wife are rare humans.....keep following your hearts. That said, mzimagine has plenty of experience with families, children and children born with severe health issues. Please do not dismiss her insight so quickly. She knows whereof she speaks. ror
  25. I am still trying to figure out why Mr. Hammeroni and Hairy want the same things for Christmas.........anybody have any ideas? Groucho? someone needs to fill me in here! ror
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