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Radar OReilly

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Everything posted by Radar OReilly

  1. SHAZ, LOL......I shoulda, but I had no guts at the time. I hadn't even considered standing. I was up to my nose in vioxx and pain killers. I had these really cool knee braces that also include cold packs in them.....I couldn't have stood up if Jesus had held me up by the elbows. I had noooooo business being there, and was there against the advice of my md. I had just had a fairly new procedure then, cartiliage transplants..... the local believers had been ANGELS, sheer angels.....but I had no business being at that meeting. Shaz....told you lately that you are great? ror
  2. Looking at those pix of the Present Truth....they look like they should more accurately be called the "ANCIENT TRUTH." WOW those folks at twi hq age much more quickly than those of us HEATHEN! ROR ALSO....a number of years ago...one of OLDIESMAN's relatives did a personal research project on THE PRESENT TRUTH. Maybe he can get some of the TOTALLY ENLIGHTENING verses and points. PRESENT TRUTH......a very present IMAGINARY BIBLICAL CONCEPT.....compliments of.....you guessed it TWI.
  3. Sky and Wayfer (XXOO) D**v*d.............Wrong thread....great example...OF A CORPS NAZI. I have mixed feelings and thoughts about he and his wife. They were my elder corps..I liked them. They were in Asheville....I liked them. I worked in the trunk office....I picked up D**v*d in NC and drove him to headquarters with me.....I liked him. I was moved to NC....he became the limb coordinator....I liked him, but I was slowly catching on to the corpsNazi thing. He called me aside to reprove me for not helping the local branch coordinator move.....I had worked 60 hours that week...and paid a local twig coordinator to clean my house and her son to mow my 1/4 acre lawn, so I could house 4 corps folks for the weekend shindig. FLASH FORWARD 2 months. I had just been thru 2 knee surgeries (one on each knee), lots a wierd procedures....I drag myself to a JESUS CHRIST OUR PROMISED SEED all state weekend. D sends a message to me via the limb guy, "Please don't feel like you need to stand when I am introduced, I understand if you can't stand up." I know, I know....I am a flaming idiot for staying so long....the NORMAL PERSON would have seen the cult handwriting on the wall 20 YEARS BEFORE. ror Oh yeah..back on topic, d**v*d knew pfal and everything Martinfail (LOVE THAT KNIC) better than anyone I ever met. Not surprised he is now the guardian of the "scrolls."
  4. Belle, Loved your list! A funny event like one of those happened with me right after I left HQ after 9 years of Staff.The culprit....OUR FAVORITE region coordinator....BOB! At some sort of twig or branch meeting he reproved me for not owning the SINGING LADIES OF THE WAY CD. He was all over me...I was mortified. Afer his tirade, he asked me WHY I DID NOT OWN THE SINGING LADIES CD. With a complete straight face....I said VERY LOUDLY....that I DID NOT OWN A CD PLAYER!!! But I had TWO COPIES OF THE TAPE! :D--> OH.....If I could have only had a video of THAT moment. SO FREAKING MUCH GARBAGE!!! And Abi.....I apologize to you on behalf of every corps person, every staff person and every person that has ever worked in the twi trunk office. I am ashamed......but NOT surprised. ror
  5. Mark, I am stuck on the "did time in both states" comment. Care to elaborate? ;)--> ror
  6. Sky, Go read some of Jardinero's recent posts. She and I are from the same place, the same time....and unfortunately...have similar tales to relate. Yeah......we needed to conform to accend the twi corporate ladder.....but at that time, we did not see it as climbing a corporate ladder. I had no agenda but to "do" the will of the lord. However, by then, I really had no clue as to what the true agenda of God was...... Myself, as with Jardinero.....I know that both of us have done our best to go back to people we KNOW that we wronged......our troubling problem, we can not identify all of the wrongs we have done. I feel one hundred percent confident is saying that I and people such as I would love to rectify all wrongs, and ask forgiveness in situations I do not remember. This is the foundation I was referring to .....in a recent post of mine regarding lcm. All of these situations......this type of thing.......we are just human. It is the HUMAN admission of guilt, request for forgiveness that means something to me personally. Thank you Sky..this thread is dual in its purpose. Exposing evil......obiviating pain and forgiveness for some. radar
  7. The neighborhood I grew up in was built circa 1906, right after the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. The homes were built as "beach bungalows, none had garages and were all within walking distance to the beach.....like 300 feet. During the 60s..our neighbors had 4 boys and 1 girl all in high school, none of the houses had garages since the bungalows were built before cars. In the late 60s, one of our neighbors sons had a big old "potate chip" kinda van converted to live in. One day, he was parked in front of our house and dropped his jar of "reds" (seconal) for you lite weights. My dad went out to help Donnie (the 20 year old neighbor kid) find his reds. HE NEVER PARKED in our 20 feet of front yard again. HMMMMMMMMM ANY IDEAS Why? Jim and Socks.....your answers don't count!!!!! ror MORE CURRENTLY......four years ago in March I moved here to North Carolina. In August of 2001 I had a near life ending physical problem that ended me in the hospital for quite a while. I had a wonderful house in a nice neighborhood. Two weeks after I got out of the hospital, I borrowed the neighbors riding lawn mower to mow my lawn....not being up to doing the traditional walk behind mower....but living in an area where the LAWN MUST BE MOWED. I borrowed my next door neighbors riding mower since I wasnt up to doing the normal walk behind mower thing. My next door neighbor--- a local DEA sheriff stopped me while I was mowing. He asked me to stop the borrowed mower!!!!!1 --> and get off of it so he could talk to me. He then proceeded to show me how I had over mowed 6 inches of his lawn....and how it required him to then mow his ENTIRE lawn so that it looked UNIFORM. I thought I was going to have to physically restrain my mom from slapping him when she found out. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR WORLD??????? ror
  8. 1. I was expelled from Kindergarden for refusing to put my brand new Indian dolls (I had gotten them on a trip to Arizona) in the show and tell basket---I was afraid someone would *hurt* them. 2. I am an only child.....which helps to explain number 1.....I really thought the indian dolls were part of my family. 3. My grandma had a dog named Queenie....I thought she was my *sister* until I was 4. 4. I gave myself a concussion in the 3rd grade....by running into a building suspension poll during a game of hide and go seek. It took me three hours at the hospital to come out of it....I really think I had some frontal lobe damage during that one 5. I have had 5 broken ankles, 2 dislocated shoulders, 4 broken ribs (all at the same time) and a couple of broken toes. Not sure about the number of stitches...probably close to 100. This explains my family knickname of "GRACE." 6. I brush my teeth in the shower...and only in the shower. If I need to brush my teeth between work and an evening out.....gotta take a shower too....don't know why. 7. I was on the Synchronized Swimming team in high school. Just about the only physical event that I have ever done that didn't result in a broken bone. --> 8. I drove from California to the southern tip of Argentina (in a camper) with my uncle the summer between grade school and high school. The most life changing 4 months of my life. My Spanish is rusty now....my memories are crystal clear. 9. I am from the SF bay area. My very favorite place on the face of the earth is the Berkeley Rose Garden. It is ampitheatre shaped, and faces San Francisco. You can see ALL FIVE BRIDGES from the center of the garden. I would like to be married there (yea right) and buried there (equally as infeasible) but it is the one place on earth that reflects my soul. Besides, Pete's coffee shop is only a mile down hill from there. 10. One thing many of you know about me....Waydale and Greasespot have saved my life, and continue to be a daily life saving force. Thank you one and all. Radar
  9. Dear ODF (outtadafog) IT HAS NEVER CROSSED THEIR MINDS. They would have to have some sanity to realize how devilish they sound. ror
  10. Paw..... It has TOO MANY CARBS!! ror
  11. DISCLAIMER: THE TERMS USED AS CORPS NAZI, HITLER YOUTH CORPS etc. were used by me and my friends.....not in any way to be construed as "POLITICALLY INCORRECT" or genuinely or accurately trying to equate ADOLPH HITLER or the Nazi movement with TWI. We used them to associate and communicate a certain "mindset" to each other and friends during private conversations. UGHHHH Sky, you just had to ask!!!! For many years on staff my boss and dearest friend was a member of the Wierwille family. He would often refer to me as a member of "the hitler youth corps." The Hitler Youth Corps or Corps-Nazi designations were used by normal "folk" to describe the complete and total sell out mind-set of some corps folks. The kind of corps folks that really did GET UP BY 6 went to bed at 11:59, got their aerobic points, abs 15 percent, witnessed 8 hours a day, did the "45 minute basics" and in general were "cookie cutter" Way Corps. That is the "official" description, Corps Nazi were, in my opinion, ALWAYS ready to spout the company line, report any and all minor problems to their next higher leader, or write, call or visit lcm himself in person to make sure that THE HOUSEHOLD WAS CLEAN. A corps person's first credo was THEY HAD NO FRIENDS WHEN IT CAME TO LCM. They were the ministry and the ministry was them. They didn't care about ANYONE'S FEELINGS....they cared about THE WAY INTERNATIONAL and towing the company line. That said.....many corps-nazi/hitler youth corps, were exactly like me. People that REALLY DID believe all of that garbage, did all of those things.....and when we FINALLY figured out we were hopelessly entwined with a mind bending cult.....were emotionally brutalized to recognize what we had become. Radar
  12. I THINK you are referring to Rosalind Rinker. She is mentioned in the pfal class. ror
  13. I think I posted this on the wrong thread....LIKE THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I have done something so stupid ;)-->
  14. THERE IS NO LIVING HUMAN that can do a better: FATHER ABRAHAM than MRS ALFAKAT. Alfie, please ask her to do it in my honor. If you didn't know my true identity...this should clue in your wifey. Just tell her it is that girl from the east bay that DEMANDED she do at least one rendition at each and every apprentice corps weekend!....and then, each and every time I saw her afterward. I was a friend of your sisters Alfie.....that should help. Love & Kisses...and wishes that I was there for some genuine sour dough and gallileo salami!!! ror
  15. H, et al..... I for one would be MORTIFIED if my FROM BIRTH TO THE CORPS had ever been printed or distributed beyond what it was . We were assured that it was private and confidential, in fact, at one time, by one Corps Cordinator we were told that it was shredded before anyone ever read it.....it was "for our own benefit." YEAH RIGHT. ROR Evan, thanks for the profanity thing. H.....we do not have a bunch of rules here at gspot. No profanity, and we don't use the full names of any persons other than former twi board of trustees/board of directors.....as they are called now. H...fyi....I remember your daughter very clearly....I am so warmed and thrilled to hear of her wonderful growth into a young adult...xxoo....radar H..please check out the older in memoriam forum. Our beloved Kaveh Kamyar died this past year. oh yeah....hardly anyone reads "novelettes, or posts longer than a paragraph.....fyi
  16. Mark, check your private topics please. ror
  17. HCW, Hi, I am 13th corps, you and I DEFINITELY know each other. I was in residence with you, and then went on staff at headquarters in July on 1985 and stayed until roa of 1994 (okay, okay, okay, SO I WAS AN IDIOT.....I was an IDEOLOGICAL IDIOT, and that must count for something.) I am glad to see you here at Gspot, but like others, I don't remember things as you did. Like Socks, I am from the San Francisco bay area, got involved with twi in 72......finally left twi on December 1, 1999. The first, second and third corps WERE NOT made up of hippie druggies. Del, (I was in California fellowlaborers) was not a hippie, HE WAS A BIKER. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Corps members were made up of folks such as Howie and Cathi Yeremian Clarke, Duke Clarke, Earl Burton, Howie Yeremian, Joe Coulter, Joseph Wren ....... I have definite problems with your categorization of Don Wierwille. You DID NOT know him better than I did, and regardless of anything recounted in threads such as "Uncle Howard's Mattress" or any memories you think you may have, I worked directly for him and other members of the Wierwille family. He was AS COMMITTED if NOT MORE committed to the Lord Jesus Christ than any other man that has EVER served on the TWI Trustees, BOD, etc. Over the Waydale and Greasespot days, I have lost some of my dearest friends over my opinion about HOW HE DEALT WITH Martindale. I disagreed plenty over how he DID NOT just blow the lid on Martindale. I am know he had plenty of his own sins and short comings.....BUT, lack of love or commitment to God or The Way International were NOT AMOUNG THEM. I agree with MANY MANY MANY of the things you have posted. I just want to make sure you know, that there are Gspot posters that know PLENTY MORE than you have seen in the recent months of postings. Don't paint things in a light that are untrue......that is the most damaging thing for the ExWay community. Radar
  18. Cheffie, Welcome, are you ExWay or still an innie? Either is okay.....there is room for everybody at Greasespot. A word to the wise.....DONT GET INVOLVED in the pineapple on pizza debate.....the council of Nicea wasn't this vicious ;)--> Radar
  19. I am glad this thread is going on......hate to steal it from you Rottiegal ;)--> My boss came to work today, she had been at a nutrition conference over the weekend down in Tampa. She came home with a book by L Ron Hubbard.......apparently, Scientology has become interested in nutrition, et all....and attended this same conference. They have been approaching various naturepaths, homeopaths, chiropractors, etc and offering to help boost their sales, and supply various types of "disciplines" with "healing info." Of course, I held my tongue today, but she asked my for my input. Someone that was also at the conference has been emailing the conference attendees with CLAMBAKE.org....an anti Scientology site. I intend to present it to her along the lines of "Their baggage out weighs any benefit their mailing list could supply." Any ideas that can help me present a case against accepting Scientology's help. THEY ARE POSSESSED, isn't a good idea in this particular situation. ror Rottie my girl...... You are aware that Scientology now owns CAN? They bought it so that they could attempt to control the bad publicity being lodged against Scientology. Secondly, did you watch the Eukanuba this weekend? One of the patients of at our office was an entrent in the Rottweiller category. His mom was also in the running for all-time Rottie breeder. Recently, we had a french mastiff that lunged for my neck and completely forced me into an "out of body" moment while I dealt with it. Our patient the REALLY WELL BRED Rottie has completely healed me ..... regarding continuing to be able to work with large dogs like Rotties and other mastiffs :)--> Great breed you got there gal!!! :)-->
  20. This thread has been extremely healing for me as a christian, a person.....as a woman. For those of you that followed Waydale and the early days of Gspot.....I was perplexed, hurt and venomous. Forgiveness was not even in my consideration.....EVER. It has been five years since I left twi. FIVE LONG YEARS, filled with physical trauma, emotional enlightenment, Spiritual growth. Research Geek's recent thread on forgiveness spawned huge arguments, but started me thinking in a new way. 5 years ago, forgiving lcm was the LAST thing I would have ever considered.....I didnt even believe it was possible.......I AM STILL NOT SURE. HOWEVER, if he were to contact me, personally acknowledge the damage he he did to me, apologize for the heartbreak, and ask me to forgive him......I am pretty sure that I would have it within me. If he were to go on with his life (which is his RIGHT) attempt to rebuild and reinstitute any sort of CHRISTIAN following, group or ministry....I would do everything I could to alert his new followers. He wouldn't be a genuine minister..... ror
  21. I LOVE KID ROCK, LOVE KID ROCK, LOVE KID ROCK. He is ugly, skinny, and has creepy hair, but damn, he ROCKS! :P--> He coulda even got me to watch something related to the innauguration.:(--> Guess I will just have to watch the Discovery Health channel or sumpin. ror Oh wow, maybe this should have gone on the 10 things thread" ;)-->
  22. Garth, I understand....but this is bigger than YOU. IN MY OPINION, he has overstepped civility......you just happen to be a part of the scenario. ror
  23. Hi Ralph.... Check your private topics please. ror
  24. DON'T RUB IT IN!!! HOWEVER, here on the AZALEA coast of the Carolinas it was a balmy 75 degrees, I ran by Starbucks and had my Americano while enjoying the beautiful Atlantic ocean! :)--> Radar
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