Radar OReilly
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Wait a minute Sky...... I need a minute here....I need some input from you and many others. I was one of those people sitting at a desk at HQ...for many, many years....at a whole bunch of different levels. I left twi 5 years ago......HQ in 1994. Each and every minute of each and every day I was there, I BELIEVED (delusional..yes...but I did believe it) that I was doing the will of God. Most of those pt region and limb secretaries were personal friends of mine. I went to the wall for them....and they will.....to this day, tell you that. I am not at all sure that all people that did their time at HQ were vile, manipulators. I may have been, and over and over I have said that....but I don't think I was. If I was.....it was delusional and I have repeatedly asked forgiveness. I think what I am saying is that this is all very complicated......a snowball set in motion decades ago.....that decimated a large amount of people that were just in close proximaty. WHAT I AM NOT SAYING...... I totally believe that there are and were people that were into this whole thing for the power and the money and the .....well.....what else is left. What I am saying is.......how do those of us caught up in it all......in every level......get past it? ROR
Thanks for the link Alfie! It is an eye opener! ror
Chas..... Here is my favorite one of my escapades. My interim year I was a wow in Rockford IL. My best corps girlfriend was in Janesville WI, less than an hour drive away, but we were forbidden by our respective limb guys to see each other. In the spring of 1984, we decided we needed to go to HQ...of course, that wasnt even in the same region, let alone the same state. We planned it out.....threatened our wow families with a fate worse than death......she drove from Janesville to Rockford and picked me up!!!! We drove to HQ and visited with our Interim Corps pals, and we finally got the nerve up to go over to the OSC. We were walking in the second floor, chatting with our pals, and Vince Finnegan walks by us. He glances our way and keeps on walking.....then stops dead.....comes back to us and asks us to accompany us to his office He knew both of us quite well.....so he knew that we should NOT be there. He invited us to sit down in his office and explain why and how we got there. We told him our SPIRITUAL LIVES depended on us coming to HQ that weekend......and how good it was for us, and how GLAD we were to see him...... He took one look at us.......said, "ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND" and walked out of his office leaving us sitting there in the Trunk office. :D--> ROR
Dear J---- All these years.....we were in our teens when we met! You are still one of the women I have met in my life that I have true respect and admiration and affection for. Your new job......what a way to celebrate!! Have the best year ever mi hermana! We still need a bottle of Chianti, some Gallo Salami, a loaf of sour dough......and a box of SEES candy!! Gotta do that some day gal!!! Radar ;)-->
Exxie, I am diabetic. A safe way to start with your father NO MATTER HOW MUCH HE COMPLAINS......make him meats and salads. Steak and salad, chicken and a different salad, pork and sauer kraut. I am guessing you may not understand or know how often he checks his blood sugar, and are just finding out what meds he takes, so to keep him happy, give him decent amount of meat and a some sort of vegetable he will eat. Make sure he tests as often as he is supposed to. If he is insulin dependent, ask how often and how much and just follow up at the appropriate times. Let me know if I can help. ror
Exxie, Check your private topics please. Pam
((((Nandon))) Hope you and yours are all well! A big hug from me okay? Good topic. Outandabout hit the nail on the head....IT IS CALLED LIFE!!!! And the rest of the world learned how to deal with it a long time ago. "Spiritual Pressure," just another brilliant example of twi 's ARROGANCE....the doctrine of exclusivity......the US against everybody else, we are BETTER than every body else, ONLY WE have the truth, understand God, understand the scriptures and know how to live life. Since I left the twi.....I have had some great jobs, made some serious money, walked the halls of the Pentagon and DIAC, did state department jobs, USAID, etc. I think one of the biggest shocks to me--waybrained wayfer that I was....is that the rest of the world UNDERSTANDS life much better than anyone that is sheltered by the teachings of twi. I remember being at some big meeting with lots of govt employees and contractors. All of a sudden....a big contract glitch...and guess what the big whigs said......"oops, s*h*i*t happens!!!!!" If that had been a twi placement meeting.....someone would have called a corps night and/or staff meeting and spent three hours elaborating on spiritual pressure and spiritual attacks on the MOG. UGGGG ror
Okay, I am kinda lost on this thread....all of the cut & pastes and quotes and conversation recollections....but I just have to ask one question. Oldies.....You DO realize that the Family Tables being discussed here is a twi fronted and endorsed internet website? We are NOT discussing the old Family Tables at the rock of ages. Regarding their monitoring and "closed door policy," you MUST HAVE NOTICED that Harve, et all made sure they had their position re: Dorothea Wierwille posted prominently here on the front page of G-spot. They shoulda/coulda but NEVER woulda put that on THEIR OWN DAMN SITE. Whew.....I feel better.....thanks for letting me get that off my chest!!! :o--> ror
Smurfie:)--> I have heard Donna Martindale teach, preach, lecture (pontificate?) about the evils of gambling on many occasions. Twi takes their premise from LIFESTYLE OF A BELIEVER, in which that gambling is a sin because it brings complete benefit to one at the cost of total loss to all others....or something like that. I don't happen to have my copy close enough to research it for you;)--> ror
MANY, MANY, MANY years ago.....okay, so @ 1990.....I was having a private conversation with a man whom I considered to be a dear and cherished friend. He also happened to be a member of the twi safety department....and known to be a *blue box* lurker here at Greasespot. Donna Martindale had BEEN ON THE RAG , about gambling, lotteries, etc. This guy and I were drinking coffee and discussing the "things of God as we knew them." I innocently asked......what do you think would happen if a twi follower won the BIG ONE.....a really big lottery? He looked at me straight in the eyes and said............................................................................ ................ "IT WOULD DEPEND ON HOW MUCH OF IT THEY ABUNDANTLY SHARED." Do I really need to say anymore? ror
OH FOR PETE'S SAKE Exxie and UH..... Didn't you learn ANYTHING, in PFAL???? The BOTTOM LINE, in the fall was THE INTEGRITY OF THE WORD. Don't you remember? Eve added a word, subtracted a word, changed a word.....yadda yadda yadda --> ror
Half full, Half sharing.......HMMMMMMMMM Sky.......this is a life changing subject...for some people. I rose fairly high (OKAY, VERY) high in twi corporate structure. I remember Bob Moneyhands making a big deal about my "personality," my happy countenance, my ability to laugh and be *sunny.* In the Waydale and Gspot chatrooms....those folks have seen more of that. The ability to be carnivorous and sunny......both at the same time. Here in the forums, sometimes the sunny side shows thru....more often, the ....ed off, need to make a point woman makes herself heard. What I am saying is that I do NOT believe that half sharing and full sharing are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. I am a woman that spent VIRTUALLY all of her life involved in twi. I was 14 when I attended my first fellowship.......44 when I left. I have lots of wonderful, happy, fulfilling moments in my life that occured while I was in TWI. I have an equal amount of embarrassing, soul sucking, destructive moments....as would any one. I am now free of cult influence. I am free of the UNDUE INFLUENCE that a cult had in my life. I am five years into learning to think, and feel and breathe on my own. What I am saying is this......life on any level is not easy.....not simple...NOT A SLAM DUNK. Like for all living humans is a crap shoot. You see it half full or half empty? That is just a snapshot of how the *UNIVERSE* sees any of our lives. ROR
I must confess....I have only the last five or six posts on this thread........ Ex10...T! SISTAH!!! You go girl! JL & Vickles......this is EXACTLY the reason that Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus has made that guy a gazillionaire. ror
Lindy, Gary Fredrick 8th corps and John Linder 7th corps are the two "go to" guys. They are the top of the "MEN WITH MOPS" for all of the messes twi finds itself in. ror
Lindy, This one has me stumped. WHY did they send a letter to your relative's workplace...how did they even have that address, if not from their local leadership? Is that particular relative perhaps on a different *commitment level* than their spouse or someone else in their home? Even though the cfo made it clear twi was going to pay for it......do you think that twi was soliciting funds privately from your relative? With the hopes they would not enlighten their spouse? The CFO may or may not be Jean-Yves DeLisle (a man that I personally WAS quite fond of....and I adored his wife, Michelle.) Even though he is the Secretary treasurer......I would not be surprised if someone else, perhaps Gary Fredrick is technically, the cfo. Can you maybe check that out for us ;)-->???? Has anyone else noticed that twi is nuts? What other company (cough, cough, fortune 500 or not.....) would send out that kind of letter? ror
Exxie, I don't have kids but I can imagine this could be traumatic for kids that love the sport of hockey. I grew up in a town outside of San Francisco and Berkeley.......we had one ice rink, with hours for hockey and "figures." My folks were instructed by our orthopedic to send me to figure skating lessons...by then I had like 4 broken ankles, and a few other incidental, sprains, strains, fractures and mystery pains. I spent hours watching kids like your boy playing hockey. Even where there is no ice, no freezing temps, there are kids that want to play hocky. May your your boy find his dream....on some...on WHATEVER level he needs to...I am there with him......like the wierd aunt he has never met.....but would spill her guts to make him happy. ror
Mr Hammeroni, private topic please. ror
Krys, Thanks so much for setting the Co Law suit info straight, I was hoping you would. Sky, ONE THING that twi has right..."NOBODY TELLS YOUR STORY OF DELIVERANCE THE WAY YOU DO." That is a line that was used at EVERY WOW TRAINING from 1975 - 1994. It is a UNIVERSAL, all encompassing truth....and works for believer and unbeliever alike. In other words, no one can communicate to a cult member better than an EX CULT MEMBER. All I have is my story of deliverance.....which may offer someone currently in bondage to a cult a glimmer of hope, an idea on how to leave and re-establish life in life, the way GOD truly designed it to be lived. Thanks for the thread. Radar
PS..... Please check your private topics. Radar
Back atcha! ;)-->
(((Everybody))) Thank you one and all for the very warm birthday greetings, and helping my birthday be extra special. I am an unbelievably fortunate woman, I have received greetings from people I have known since I was 15....all the way up till nine when I am 48. Some of you I know personally, very well...some of you I have never met face to face, but can honestly say, without you, my life would never have been the same. This is the FIRST time my birthday has ever been acknowledged either here or at Waydale. In the beginning, at Waydale.....I deliberately kept it very private, since I knew that TWI could use it to figure out my real name...and since the A**en lawsuit was pending, I didn't want to do that. The rest of the years....I still wanted to be my private self. These greetings are very touching.....Jim...who I met and has been a dear friend since I was 15 YEARS OLD. Jardinero & Mark Sanguinetti....I met them when I was 17....they are still important people in my life....now that I am 48. ChasUfarley......my alien-twin for the past 6 years, we gave each other the strength to leave twi...and make our way in the REAL WORLD. Shell, Herbie, Wacky & Z,,,,,,an episode of REAL LIFE via the internet!!! Belle & WnW, you both know what you mean to me....leaving the old....moving on to the new, we did a bunch of it together. ExCathedra......lots of things, lots of pain....lots of growth you have witnessed in my life...and you added greatly to my deliverance. For each and everyone of you....thank you from the bottom of my heart. My you feel as *loved and cuddled* in your lives, as you have made me feel. Love, Radar ***GEORGE, GET OVER IT!!!!----ask anybody that knows me, I REALLY DO LOOK JUST LIKE THAT SMILEY FACE!!!!! ;)-->
Oh God Exxie I hear ya, My time in residence.....I was in head over heels love with a corps brother of mine. We spent every spare minute together. My last year in residence, one of the coodinators (whose father was the Trustee over International Outreach) decided that I should marry a guy from my younger corps...the 15th corps. His brother was a corps grad and a country coordinator. She sent us LEAD TOGETHER, LIGHTBEARERS together, and got us into every twig and inresidence situation she could TOGETHER. NOW...that guy was was wonderful, smart, and great at everything he did....BUT.....there was no way in HELL that he and I were ever gonna get married. She was very disappointed. She spoke to me often about it years later. Whatever *spirit* was talking to some of those folks......was NOT a spirit that I would want directing anything about my life........ps...... David.....I hope you are reading this and that you and Cheryl are happy. Radar
Trying to keep this at the top of the page. ror
How Do You Handle Reproof on Greasespot?
Radar OReilly replied to satori001's topic in About The Way
Satori, Can you ignore this? None of it is aimed at you..and in no way am I trying to pick a fight for you. Anyway.... Reproof at Gspot.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what a thought. I don't know that I have ever paid attention to anything posted here at gspot as REPROOF. "YOU ARE AND IDIOT", "YOU ARE A LIAR", "YOU ARE EVIL," "YOU ARE WAYBRAINED AND DELUSIONAL"....yes....I have seen all of those, and most probably have been and said all of those things.....plus a couple of more like "you are an idiot, you are the anti-christ and you are an alien." For me, it has always been about the topic, and about what I *perceived* as the truthfulness and motive of the poster. I have apologized my fair share of times. Admitted I am an idiot my fair share of times....and sent more that one poster an email, a letter or flowers begging for forgiveness. Every once in a while, I have encountered a poster where there has been NO COMMON ground....so be it. Recently, I had a forum brawl with an individual that had pushed all my buttons for the very LAST TIME. It wasn't about who was right or who was wrong. It was TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY about how sick and tired I was of that particular approach to life. I made that clear in my posts, and from where I sit in life right now.....I will never change my position. Will I change in 5 years....maybe. Is he the Anti-christ......no......did he finally push every button on my *mother board* YES. Am I sorry for anything typed and posted.....no. My point is this......Greasespot is about many things, to many people. To me, it is about EXPOSING THE WAY INTERNATIONAL AND ITS' BOARD OF TRUSTEES. For some, it is about challenging the *way brain thinking* and helping people overcome waybrain. For others, it is about having their say.....or a gazillion other things. To you newbies, lurkers, and everyone else......THERE IS ROOM FOR EVERYONE here at Greasespot. There is healing, challenge, recovery (on a certain level.) How do I handle *reproof*???????? I don't. How do I handle life at greasepot? Sometimes well....sometimes not so well. ror -
Priceless corp moments...... For me, there are two kinds of corps moments. The priceless moments that happened in the course of way corps TRAINING, at a root location or LEAD and, those kind of PRECIOUS PRICELESS CORPS MOMENTS that happened to ME while I was in the Way Corps---on the field, or in residence. My first year in residence (Waterbuffalo you may remember this...) around this time of year, one night at dinner, JAL was up pontificating.....the av guys had CHARIOT OF FIRE soundtrack playing in the background. JAL is DRONNING on and on......and two 11th corps guys.....get up and pretend to be the chariots of fire runners........in SLOW MOTION around the perimeter of the dining room!! JAL all of a sudden realized he was being AN IDIOT!!! And gave into the rest of us.......it was a moment that will always be there for me:)--> A great personal in residence moment-----the summer of 1983 at hq, it was my first year in residence, almost to my interim year. I was in a cast (I had broken my ankle at Emporia MONTHS BEFORE, but along with the broken bone, I had 3 torn tendons.) My assignment that block was DISHROOM (yeah I know.) We were setting up the 1400 place settings in the osc lunchroom.....we had the "Teacher" by the orchestra playing on the tape cassette. We set the entire meal up pretending we were BALLERINAS!!.....after all......we were THE DISHROOM QUEENS. Walter Cummins LOVED THAT.....he walked through about 50 times just to laugh at us. The way sucked, was evil......and insidiously ruined peoples lives.....some of the people, were the most valuable human beings God ever dreamed of. Radar