Radar OReilly
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Everything posted by Radar OReilly
A yup Galen!!! As a dear friend of mine often says..... Why use just one foot......WHEN BOTH WILL FIT?" Wb...that reminds me of going into residence with 36 pairs of shoes. With the 15 inches of hanging clothes space and 2 drawers, I was hard up for space. 5 or 6 pairs were those stiletto Italian types...after breaking my ankle our first year in residence....I had to give them away :(--> OH!!! the rest of you are still here too? :o--> ror
Galen, I am not ragging on her. She and I were good friends while we were in residence in the way corps (and we still consider each other as such.) I think she is AWESOME. ror That said......how does she rate to be an Italian Greyhound and I am an Italian Sheepdog!!!! -->
Waterbuffalo, We have a huge Italian Greyhound Rescue here in South Eastern Carolina. I cannot think of an animal that more closely resembles you. Beautiful, elegant.....and a total companion. You single guys reading that?????????????? OEN!!----Perfect, abso--_________--- ly perfect. Herbal.....don't get me started!!! ror
Sharon and Cowgirl, 6 or 7 years ago, my boyfriend and I were trying to find the perfect dog for him. I have a pug.....after months of research, we decided on a Cavalier King Charles for him. I would gladly adopt you both. ror
You just gotta follow this link and take their test...what a blast http://www.gone2thedogs.com/ I am a maremma sheep dog! Well alrighty then! Enjoy! ror Maremma Sheepdog: This dog will never forget a kindness or an injury done unto it. To quote an Italian expert, "if you want obedience and submission, stay away from this breed. If you appreciate friendship given and received, a trace of humor and much teaching on the lore of the wild...a typical maremma is the best you can have." Works for me! ;)-->
70s, Flat Stanley is still at the beach. He is planning to leave this afternoon. --> He will see you soon:)--> ror
Sky, Yeppie, I remember that teaching. ror
From 1988-December 1, 1999 when I finally left twi....it was COMMON, COMMON, COMMON for it to be taught from the President of twi on down that if you didn't at the minimum tithe, and in all practicality....abundantly share, you were opening yourself up to the devil. For example, women that miscarried.....the leadership went back and reviewed their abundant sharing records. People that developed serious medical conditions...same thing, their abs was reviewed and "discussed" with them. Marital problems? abs more. Difficulty with children? abs more. One of my very best friends was 44 and newly married, to a man much younger than herself, she was not able to conceive...they did invitro 3 times.....THAT WAS COMPLETELY A RESULT of not abundantly sharing 20%. Some friends of mine in North Carolina, their 19 year old daughter was a student at Chapel Hill. She left twi, her parents were counseled to take out a LIFE INSURANCE POLICY ON HER LIFE, because she was not abundant sharing and if something happened to her, ie car accident, they would be stuck paying her college loans. Tell me situations like that ARENT SCARIER than being forced to tithe while facing a 357. Radar
I have read this entire thread a couple of times...and I am very sorry to see you living through this. Am I reading your first post correctly? Is the REASON you are staying married because of your belief that is the only correct biblical answer? Are you staying married because you believe it is the right thing to do? Are you staying married because even though you don't like your wife, you love her? I am trying to figure out what it is you are really saying. The older I get and the further I get (mentally) from the devilish teachings of twi, the more compassion I seem to have. I don't have as much tendency to be morally judgmental, and I just really want people to be happy. I find a lot of gut honesty in what Zixar has posted.....and a lot of wisdom in what 3cents has said. Personally, speaking as a middle aged woman, possibly quite like your wife....I wouldn't want a man to stay with me out of obligation, or guilt or fear he would lose half his money . What person wants someone to be tethered to them, if they no longer want to be? There is the part of me that is screaming....FIGURE IT OUT TOGETHER........make sure you are understanding each other. Then there is the part of me that says.....don't stay with me out of obligation, pity or fear. 70s guy.....what do you WANT TO DO? I agree with 3cents....marriage counseling works when both people want it to. For yourself...finding someone to help you figure out what YOU personally want....that might be a good way to start. Go with God 70s.....you have a lot of us hoping you find your heart in this. Radar Shell, you and I cross posted.....If I had read what YOU wrote.....I probably wouldn't have felt the need to write what I wrote. You ROCK Shell.
Flat Stanley arrived on the BEAUTIFUL AZALEA COAST of North Carolina today. I am going to take him on a sight seeing tour and then send him off..... TO WHERE? ROR dmiller.......Stanley loves the beach! He had fried calamari at the beach tonight with my mom!
Yummy!! I love peeps:)--> Thanks to you Mr. Socks.....and a kiss to the lovely Mrs. ;)--> Happy Bunny Day to all!!! ror
Back at ya big guy! ;)--> Your wish is my command! ror :D-->
This test says I am an 8. That cannot possibly be TRUE. Me, blunt? ror;)-->
Divorce and Submission:Way Cult Mentality
Radar OReilly replied to fortunateone's topic in About The Way
WOW..... Rascal, Ladies......OBSERVE AND LISTEN FROM THE MASTER!!! :D--> OM, if you have read some of these current marriage threads, you will see that the discussion is just about 100% about TWI2 up to the present day. I know it is hard to believe but 1990.....was 15 YEARS AGO. The time frame of doctrines is vital to understanding the true nature of twi. It changed like a chameleon to control it's followers to the absolute maximum. Radar -
Divorce and Submission:Way Cult Mentality
Radar OReilly replied to fortunateone's topic in About The Way
Oldies, You left twi a VERY VERY VERY long time ago. I agree with you in one aspect, early on, and at high leadership levels of twi, the women were pulling the strings behind the scene, as evidenced by donna m and rfr. FOR THE MOST PART, the average not leadership family/couple, the women were NOT IN CHARGE. Oldies, you must honestly face that fact that you don't have a clue as to what really happened day to day in twi in the 90s and currently. Lcm blamed 80% of the fog year problems on the wives of leadership...dragging their husbands out by the b***s. As of 1990....a WHOLE NEW CONCEPT was enforced regarding twi followers and marriage. TWI doctrine became exactly what you have read...the man was the head, the woman was subservient, and her entire spiritual welfare was dependent on her submitting herself to her husband's "covering." To go outside of his "covering" would lead to horrible calamity and possible death. You may or may not believe that was the teaching...but it was. I distinctly remember when a young mother of an infant caused a fatal car accident down on 66 on the way to St. Marys. The husband worked in the auto shop...she had gone to town WITHOUT her husband's permission, and alone....in other words, not 2x2. She pulled out in front of a truck and the other driver was killed. Of course, the entire incident was the subject of corps and staff and lunch meetings. The reason the poor man was killed, was because the wife was out of fellowship with God...for not asking her husband for permission to go to KMart in St Marys. It was bad folks.......Oldies.....take a break man, you are out of your knowledge zone on this one. radar -
Belle, I a hear ya gal. Mr. Ham....your avatar, time to update your look big guy. Maybe not a girl exactly.....but definitely too much like David Hasselhoff. Other than that.....YOU ARE HOT !!!! ;)--> Radar
Okay....... How about we do a MEETUP.ORG kinda thing? What about if any and all gspotters gather at multiple locations thru out the us at the same time and on the same day...and ...... WE PARTY!!! Any ideas? Any offers to help sort it all out? RADAR
You may want to check out cffm.org. I don't know that either gentleman is involved with them...but I think that if you emailed John Shroyer or Wayne Clapp, they may be able to help you. ror
Well, I was on my duo at LEAD the weekend the auditorium opened. They extended our duo to be 48 hours so that they could keep us an extra day at lead. So, 2 feet in snow, in my hooch....I had a MUCH BETTER TIME than just about anyone in that stupid building. ror
Ahh Lindy your wisdom never ceases to amaze me. I have been reading this thread, trying to put myself in one situation and then another. I don't know that I think the crux of the situation is the SAHM part. During my twi tenure, I knew plenty of sahm that were NO WHERE near as way brained as their "working in the real world" --> sisters. I am one woman that finally realized I was entombed by evilness...that the teachings, the theology, the legalization of life that was taught by twi, was wrong and was draining the life out of me. I have been out 5 years and have just now FINALLY REALIZED how entombed I was. I am just now figuring out how to go about really loosing those ties. Everytime I look at this thread, I hear that REM song play in my head: "That's me in the corner....losing my religion" Thanks everyone, this is very insightful. Radar
Oak, Yeah....I was bossy and nosy and inserted myself into a private matter that I had no business being in. That said.....I would do the same thing today that I did then in that homeschooling situation. I can honestly say that in that particular situation....I was acting as a human being....a woman, someone that genuinely cared for that family and those children, NOT as a messenger for twi doctrine. Same thing with the single mom with her two kids.....and limiting them to one fellowship a week. Even then, even though I was knee deep in twi doctrine, I was not afraid to follow my *gut.* I understand your point, and that point applies to many, many things I did while in twi. TWI and kids......I still think it is one of the most complex things I ever experienced during my 28 years in that stupid cult. ror
Is there a forum about EX - WAY offshoots / groups?
Radar OReilly replied to mdvaden's topic in About The Way
Welcome MVaden..... This is an "UH OH" topic around here. Some of the most brutal threads I have ever seen either here or at Waydale were about the off-shoots. You think that things get nasty when we are just talking about twi, vpw, lcm, clergy sex abuse....etc? YIKES.....you need to put on a flak jacket on the off shoot threads. Just fair warning!:)--> Radar -
GEEZE, this is a complex topic. When I first left hq....I was a tc in Greensboro NC. I had 20 COUNT THEM 2O kids in my fellowship. One family was "homeschooling" their kids. In reality....the oldest who was 14 was baby sitting the other 5, none of them was being properly educated. I laid down the my edict. It told them.......every child that can go to school.....needs to be enrolled or I am reporting you to North Carolina Children's Services. Oh gosh.........everybody from the fellowship level to the trunk level was up in arms. I was so convinced that this was the only way to protect the kids. The oldest, now a UNC CHAPEL Hill graduate with 2 degrees......she knew I was correct. I ....ed off everyone else...when i told one corps grad mom...that she was welcome ONLY at Sunday morning fellowship. She was used to dragging her two kids to fellowship 4 times a week. My question was "HOW THE HELL ARE THESE KIDS GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP AND DOING THEIR HOMEWORK......when they are at twig 3 nights a week. I knew lots of Way Corps like me....willing to bite it......to do the right thing. I know lots of way corps that sacrificed the kids in their fellowships......for stats that were turned in every week. We all have only this one life. If you were the drag the kids to twig kind.......I am sure God has worked on your heart and forgiven you. Whether or not HE has been that benevolent to some of the twi leadership that gave devilish advice.....I have no idea. ror
D Miller...... You have brought forward a subject long needing an answer...... Michael Fort.............. WHAT SAY YOU THOU??????????//
I dunno Sky.........I dont know that I am following you.......... Or that you are correct in this. Lay it all out there guy/////// SAY WHAT YOU MEAN ... and explain what you are talking about. I personally can equate exactly 5 people to what you are describing. My point is this......what we post must be rooted in documentable history. I can may agree with you until the cows come home....and do. What you and I must do......is be able to document our point of view as THE TRUTH. ror Radar