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Everything posted by phantommeister

  1. All this information continues to inform and intrigue me. I'd be very interested in finding out what WayferNot's "in" friend has to say about this. It's curious why DJS's friend was so open with his/her personal finances. I don't know who I'd be so open with....not that I have anything to hide, but -- anyway. And, just to make it clear, I'll reiterate: I did not raise this question of HQ Staffers' retirement out of any hatred for TWI. I truly am concerned for my sister's well-being. And (again I'll say), I'm not out to get her money. There is no way I'd want it or accept it. But I don't want my parents' money going to TWI when they intend it to go to my sister. Thanks for your replies....looking for more. -- Phantommeister
  2. Hi, again! Thanks for your input and insights. I'd love to hear more from others. I do want everyone to understand that I am not trying to get my sister's money. I am not trying to get my parents to withhold money from her. I am actually trying to ensure that she receives her inheritance without any interference from TWI. My sister and I have merely a "polite" relationship since I left TWI with my own family. As for my brother-in-law, I seriously doubt that he will have any say-so over my sister's inheritance. Also, someone sent me a direct reply that came up on my screen (did not appear in the post). The writer's dad was a bank officer and the writer had some great advice...but I don't know how to retrieve the message. If this person sees this message, please write me again. I'll print out your adice. It is appreciated. Thanks to all! Phantommeister
  3. My sister and her family are on staff at HQ. My understanding is that staff is paid on an "as need" basis. Recently, I talked to my parents about their wills (our inheritance) and I said that I am under the impression that TWI will "cut back" on my sister's pay if they find out that she inherited (let's say) $25,000 (or whatever)...this being because my sister's "need" will have changed. My folks said that they'd ask her (my sister) about this, but I'm not sure that my sister knows what would actually happen or that she might not tell the full truth to my parents. Should I be concerned that my parents' money will simply be "absorbed" by TWI by way of cutting back on my sister's pay, thus nullifying any financial benefit that was intended by my parents???????? Should they put my neice(s)' and nephew(s)' inheritance in some sort of trust that they have access to once they leave HQ? Should my parents put ALL the inheritance in such a fund? OR ARE MY CONCERNS UNFOUNDED? Please answer if you have any knowledge of this type of thing. I hope to hear from someone(s) soon. After all, if I can get more money out of my parents while keeping it from TWI, I'm fine with that. (kidding) I really want my sister to get what my parents intend for her to have.
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