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Everything posted by alfakat

  1. dizzydog--Mike will spin away at what you say but you are correct --he assumes like an All-Star...and always that he knows more, has studied more, mastered more, ... well, you catch my drift.... face it, Mike has us stumped and he's been there afore us...right, Mike???
  2. nice, Zix...but you and I both know that we are ....in in the wind...it was pretty, though
  3. Mike--I would not assume anything about me, if I were you. I knew the answer; I was interested in how you would word your reply. PFAL spends far more time on Christ in you, an obvious figure of speech than it does on the ministry of the high priest seated at the right hand of God, the Son of God from the heavens, who ever liveth to make intercession for the saints. If there had been more concern about what he has done and is doing presently, there would have been less focus on men, mogs and our "great" powers that we "have". The over-abundant focus on men and the things of man are what allowed men's sin natures to run rampant the way they did. We sang Turn your eyes upon Jesus but in practice we fawned over the MOGS' Christ-in-you. Wrong!! It was and is sin, which in turn produced broken fellowship. Slicing and dicing the bible hacked up THE Word of God contained therein and turned frail, too human men into mini-gods, bent on having their spiritual cake and physically eating it, too... "that they might consume it upon their lusts..." sound familiar, anyone?? Beuller? anyone??
  4. Now, now--cmon, Mike I aint that young OR stupid... Mike: alfakit-kat: Mike: alfak: Mike, I asked YOU the question--perhaps you need help understanding... If JC is absent, per PFAL, how is it you say he's here?? You answer that, I'll tell you what I see in the record in the bible, the container of THE Word of God--fair enough??? and no facetious replys needed, warranted or asked for--I have no metaphysical phone numbers, email addresses, etc. .... plain enough for ya??
  5. so Mike... JC, Present, or...Absent???? which is it??? PFAL has the answer and it is??????
  6. yeah, exy, damn shame that some of the hidden, secret, shameful things can't come out and play in the light of day, uhh-huh!! I, for one, would love to hear some more of your prime-time quotes from herr veeeektorrrr--if you are so inclined... :D--> :P-->
  7. no, exy--I think the policy there is extreme caution...ya never know when some disgruntled, exwafer might have the goods on one of the higher-ups in the org., doncha know???? :D--> :P--> --> ;)-->
  8. uhhh, John---surely you jest??
  9. Mike, Mike, Mike... * sigh * this is ALL so old, done, finished, over with--did I leave any out?? You have a very obvious sow's ear--no amount of study, explanation, reasoning, wheedling, dodging, justifying, quoting, etcetera, ad nauseum is going to alchemically transform it into a silk purse. THE Word of God, contained in the written bible, is the Pearl of Great Price, not some dog-eared copy of the blue book---sheesh! By your reasoning, Joseph Smith was 150 years ahead of ole vic....cmon... [This message was edited by alfakat on April 16, 2003 at 17:18.]
  10. Mike, you have become unbelievably tedious--you are NEVER wrong, you never reconsider, we ALL need your info, yada, Yada, YADA, YADA....cmon, you have been listening to the sound of your own voice Way too long!!!
  11. I am sorry to say that they are no longer together- going on 5 years now. Email me--my address is in my profile
  12. all right!! glad you are nolongerlurking so we can say happy, happy, happy... well, you know what i mean... --> ;)--> :D--> :P--> -->
  13. oh, no worries, mate--I saw it long before you did.......
  14. Hope, it was dead--but on the third day....
  15. chapter and verse??????????????????????
  16. cuz he ain't a darby-ite dispensationalist, maybe??? ..was that the right answer?????
  17. seaspray--have you noticed anything strange in the Twilight Zone recently???? seriously--let's just you and me pretend that I speak the language of the Laplanders; don't laugh, they exist--and you don't happen to have a copy of Pfailllee in that language--watta ya gonna do?? you do have a copy of the NT in Lappish, though... watta gonna tell me, where are ya gonna start????
  18. OM-- I don't think anyone is saying don't move on, you must stay and wallow in the past. I think Hope's point is folks who want to deny that anything untoward happened to anybody else cuz it DIDN'T happen to them. You know, maybe a bit like what you may have been say, about a year ago or so. Please do not take this as a rant about you--I believe you have become more willing to consider things as time has gone by. But there are a certain number who certainly match the description in Hope's opening post. I came to Trancechat and then Waydale as a lurker originally, did not believe the stuff on there initially. Once I found out about someone on J Juedes site who I knew, my ignorance candy-shell began to crack and splinter into pieces. I had a very hard 2 or 3 days while the impact of it all hit me...I had been so clueless and naive. All the old, odd things began to add up. People I knew from the past told me of the sexcapades, women I knew for a long time told me of being groped and propositioned on the coach, etc. I do not feel that I have wallowed in the past, I feel that I know exactly why I am moving on today--because our past was not some fairy tale but people were used and the truth was NOT the standard of twi. I feel those are important things to know if one is going to truly move ahead and live a life of integrity before God and one another......YMMV
  19. I would be VERY surprised to find that someone who REALLY believes we need to "come back to PFAL" will be WILLING to fully consider your major or minor premises, Jerry. ...only if they might be willing to set aside a rather extreme conclusion: That God Almighty gave PFAL to VPW of a whole cloth, right out of the sky. Even though it is demonstrably proveable that he not only read and assimilated but copy-and-pasted Stiles, Leonard, Bullinger and others word-for-word at times. Call it what you will, but vic was a presumptuous prophet. At this point, I would rather study Stiles, Leonard, et al, then a man who copied and called it his own. sheeesh, crikey, cripes amighty, every SCHOOLKID knows that .... won't hack it.........
  20. Kit so great to know you and Fred are stiil around, so many years have passed since East Bay days of yore... Happy, Happy--you are a treasure!! Felix the alfakat
  21. He runs the CG oofshoot stuff and g's classes in AZ--lives somewhere around Phoenix
  22. Greg and Chris moved to VA in '92, I believe--don't have any contact info, sorry
  23. tick, tock...tick, tock... time is flying--25 years ago, Hope and I were enjoying the peace and tranquility of Rome City, while Evan, toto, geek and others were sampling the pleasures of Stalag 13, er, Emporia. Only 5.5 months 'til graduation--nigh on 25 years back. Where's the party, again???? ;)--> :P-->
  24. seriously...incredible post, Dot now, let's multiply that account, complete with Dot's 3 friends by a factor of, say, a nice, round 100--now wadda ya say?????
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