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Everything posted by jkboehme

  1. Per QamiQazi (from the BG Leonard thread): Sunesis, thank you for setting the record straight with honesty and compassion. I've forgotten a lot of the people I briefly knew during my time with The Way International, but I can remember Rochelle's smiling face as if it were yesterday. She was the good friend of a casual friend of mine. I never heard about the accident, or heard so little I forgot it. There should have been lawsuits against The Way for negligence, and putting those kids at risk. I know they or their parents probably signed releases, but one lawyer tells me that releases aren't worth much in a civil court. How many other former Corps kids are still coping with injuries they suffered in that accident? The Way International is a corporation and they bear the liability for these things, and for the pain and suffering of Rochelle's devastated family. They dumped her out on her own (to "mature" of all things - what was the Corps supposed to be about?) and when she couldn't go on, she took her own life and they smeared her name to cover their own tracks. How ugly those people are. How cruel. How heartless!
  2. It seems to me another strategic reason for VPW's use of the term, "Father," has to do with manipulative exploitation of the transference phenomenon. This was just another way utilized by VPW to induce unhealthy dependency on VPW specifically & TWI in general. Transference: Are you a biological time machine? Published in "The Source", June, 2001 Revised: October 17, 2005 By: Michael G. Conner, Psy.D Sigmund Freud first identified the psychological process of transference and brought it into what is now modern day psychotherapy. As a therapist he noticed that people had strong feelings and fantasies about him that had no basis in reality. But Freud died before there was such a thing as "rock and roll." Transference has become a more modern concept since Freud. In fact, many people believe transference is actually something that happens in life - and not just psychotherapy. What is Transference? During transference, people turn into a "biological time machine". A nerve is struck when someone says or does something that reminds you of your past. This creates an "emotional time warp" that transfers your emotional past and your psychological needs into the present. In less poetic terms, a transference reaction means that you are reacting to someone in terms of what you need to see, you are afraid of or what you see when you know very little about the person. This all happens without you knowing why you feel and react the way you do. What Is Projection? Some people refer to transference as a "projection." In this case you are projecting your own feelings, emotions or motivations into another person without realizing your reaction is really more about you than it is about the other person. In a life filled with transference, your job may be "the family reunion you are avoiding and you are forced to go to each day." In other cases of projection, your girlfriend may remind you of all the irritating things your mother did when you were growing up. Love at first sight is usually a projection – especially if it ends in disaster and you could have seen it coming. Harmful Patterns. Transference reactions are caused by unmet emotional needs, neglect, seductions and other abuses that transpired when you were a child. In some forms of psychotherapy, a therapist will intentionally create or allow transference to form. When done properly, this helps a therapist to understand and find a connection between the patient's past and how the patient misreads the present and may react ineffectively. Once you discover a transference pattern, you can chose to respond in terms of what is really happening instead of what happened 20 or 30 years ago. People who don't recognize the difference between past and present can end up in the same messed–up relationships over and over or with the same problem over and over. Extreme Transference. In an extreme form of transference, you may conclude that someone is an awful or evil person when in fact that person's favorite food and television show reminds you of an emotionally abusive mother and a sexually abusive brother you have been trying to forget since childhood. That's an example of negative transference. A warm, supportive and kind person could remind you of what you are missing and wanting in their life. You might then idealize that person and begin to see him or her as wonderful beyond belief. The idea is that you will react to your therapist based on your experience with another person. This is usually a parent that the patient has an unresolved conflict with. In extreme cases a patient will become overly attached to their therapist or they will enter into and create conflicts without realizing how. Transference Melt-Downs. Extreme forms of transference can turn into a full-blown obsession if it is not dealt with. Transference "meltdowns" can result in accidents, dangerous choices, nightmares, fantasies, stalking someone, psychotic reactions and sometimes violence. While it does not happen frequently in therapy, it can happen in the patient's personal life. How Can You Tell? How do you know you are having a "transference reaction"? It's not always easy, but you probably are if you know very little about a therapist (or anyone) and you are having a powerful reaction that is not justifiable to a reasonable person. It can be difficult if the patient can rationalize their reactions. Having a strong sexual attraction to your therapist is almost always a transference reaction, unless of course your therapist is actually hitting on you – and they're not supposed to do that on purpose. Intentionally seducing a vulnerable patient in sick and wrong! In fact that applies to any health-related profession or any employer-employee relationship. Becoming angry at you therapist as if they were a parent is a good sign that there is a transference reaction. Termination of treatment pre-maturely is another sign of transference - unless the therapist is just doing a bad job. Counter-Transference. Therapists and other health care professionals can also have transference reactions while treating a patient. It's a two way street. Counter-transference is basically a therapist's "emotional time warp" around their patient's transference. In other words, counter-transference is a therapist's counter- reaction. That's why some therapists think they are falling in love with their patients. That's also why older guys become obsessed with younger female employees they barely know. Ethics And The Law. A therapist, counselor and even a physician could possibly lose their license for seducing or sleeping with a patient they are treating. Trying to seduce an employee on the job may result in a successful lawsuit. You can also sue a licensed mental health professional for sleeping with you if you are their patient. And employers must follow the law. On the other hand, unlicensed therapist can do almost whatever they want and there may be nothing anyone can do about it. It's hard to sue an employer and win. Unlicensed therapists do not have a "duty" to act within a standard of practice. Employers may not know the law. Unseen Dangers. Transference can sometimes produce a powerful love or a destructive hatred based on a complete illusion. There can be a loud and painful thud when people act on their transference reactions and the bubble finally bursts. In addition to being embarrassed, it can also backfire. Sometimes people will end up stalking, assaulting or killing someone. Please don't kill yourself or anyone because of some transference from your childhood. And if you think your therapist, or an employer for that matter, is seducing you, tell your therapist, or contact a licensed therapist to talk about it. Should I or Shouldn't I Risk Transference. Transference is really difficult to recognize, deal with and understand, but it is incredibly interesting. I tend to avoid people who are "oozing" with transference potential. Working with transference, or creating transference in therapy can make a therapist look mystical and brilliant. Cult therapies are based in part on generating positive transference to control and manipulate people. I avoid treatment approaches that artificially inflate my ego, would allow me to control anyone and make me feel powerful. But not everyone feels the way I do about transference. Some counselors and therapists love the power and think they can handle it. A therapist must face transference issues and encourage patients to deal with them as much as possible. In some cases a patient is not able to deal with transference issues and will terminate therapy. While it is regrettable and potentially a lost opportunity, it must be supported. copyright 2002 to 2005, Michael G. Conner
  3. Per diazbro (re Peeler vs. TWI et. al.): __________________ The case is currently before the TN Appelate Court in Knoxville with the objective of getting the case remanded back to the TN State Circuit Court in Chattanooga. The attorneys should be presenting their cases before the Appelate court in ~ January or February 2006. Presuming the case is remanded, the Circuit Court jury trial could be scheduled in the ~ July to September 2006 timeframe.
  4. From the BG Leonard thread: Per alfakat: Per shazdancer:
  5. From the suicide in the way thread: Per Wayne Bragg: Per Sunesis:
  6. Per diazbro (from the BG Leonard thread, re FCA = Fellowhip of Christian Athletes as compared to Athletes of the Spirit):
  7. On either the Snapping or Cults thread, someone mentioned that they thought the reason the IRS finally pulled their multi-year operation off of TWI HQ grounds was that TWI gave the IRS the names of some DFACs {dropped from active corps} so that the IRS would pursue them instead of corporate TWI. It seems to me that there had to be more to this than that. As I recall, the main reason that the IRS was on TWI HQ grounds was due to TWI’s involvement with & financial contributions to the senatorial campaign of Hayes Gahagan of Maine. There are & were federal laws prohibiting this type of activity. There may have been other significant issues of misuse of funds relative to laws regulating section 503c supposedly non-profit religious corporations. From a personal conversation before she died, Dr. Margaret Singer told me that she had been contacted by the IRS to serve as a witness in a federal lawsuit against TWI. Other national level experts were to be witnesses as well. Nevertheless, the case did not proceed to court. Did TWI buy, bribe, or plea bargain its way out of this litigation? Does anyone here at gsc know any more details as to why this federal litigation was dropped?
  8. Per TheEvan (from the BG. Leonard archival thread):
  9. Per Oakspear (from the BG Leonard thread) ___________________________ I agree. TWI was/is a bait & switch scam, i.e., it routinely operated via fraudulent misrepresentation. That alone disqualifies it as a 'ministry.' Then factor in TWI's strategic use of non-consented covert packaged persuasion, & the evaluation of TWI's 'ministerial' CONDUCT is much worse than being simply unethical, as bad as that is for a supposed 'ministry.'
  10. From the BG Leonard archival thread: Per ckeer:
  11. From the BG Leonard archival thread: Per excathedra: Per WordWolf:
  12. Per wyteduv58 (from the BG Leonard archival thread):
  13. Got the docs from a non-twi friend. Regarding the fact that TWI routinely requested their own FOIPA, I did not know this, but neither am I surprised. In this stack of repetitious records that I have, there are 3 copies of a letter from LCM, on TWI letterhead, dated 30 May 1984, to the Dept. of Justice. The essence of the letter is that LCM was requesting that the FBI totally expunge its records regarding TWI in 4 categories: (i) use of weapons; (ii) misuse of funds; (iii) anti-Semitism; &, (iv) mind control. The FBI responds by letter dated 13 June 1984, stating, "...There are no statuatory provision enabling an organization such as yours to make that kind of request. Consequently, we have no authority to expunge or amend FBI records pertaining to your organization..." JKH, Chief FOIPA Section, Records Management Division.
  14. Per Hope R. (from the B.G. Leonard archival thread):
  15. Per Dot Matrix (from the B.G. Leonard archival thread): Per Shazdancer (from the B.G. Leonard archival thread):
  16. OM, Is Drambuie any good in egg nog? Merry Christmas / jkb
  17. Per TheEvan (from the B.G. Leonard archival thread):
  18. Per excathedra (from the B.G. Leonard thread):
  19. Per Dot Matrix (from the B.G. Leonard thread):
  20. Per igotout (from the PFAL was stolen thread from the archives): Additional insight into VPW's/TWI's fraudulent misrepresentations, lying, plagiarism, etc. from the PFAL was Stolen thread: Per FreshAir 99: From what I remember, B.G. Leonard was rarely credited with any of vpw's learning. Perhaps, because vpw copied SO MUCH of it and didn't want to be exposed with fraudulent claims of "God teaching him (vpw) directly." If vpw would have been forthright about coming forward with this information and COMPILING THE PFAL CLASS FROM THESE MEN'S WORKS....then, to me, it wouldn't be as big a deal. BUT...... to pawn himself off like THE ONLY MAN OF GOD SINCE THE FIRST CENTURY TO HAVE SUCH TRUTH......it turns my stomach. Per Dot Matrix: But still there is that God promise thing about being taught the word like it was not taught since the First Century -- and yet THERE IT WAS in print -- After the First Century pre-PFAL
  21. Per TheEvan (from the PFAL was stolen thread from the archives): ____________ his legacy:our father, beneath the fountain, hollow be thy name;our father, who art a heathen, sallowed be thy name.
  22. Per Mark: ______________ Mark, I appreciate your perspective as former military. This is helpful. The more ex-military that post, the better, so we can see the spectrum of opinions on these matters. Nevertheless, one item you mentioned that concerns me is this. What if someone had become so internally conflicted in a given situation that he or she did release classified information or materials? Even if most military folks wouldn't have given in, it only takes ONE individual to cause a major situation. I'm sure you have read the posts over the past several years where various individuals have said that they would have done ANYTHING that vpw or lcm requested, including homocide. Now when this is put in the context of national security, personally, I find it disturbing that a 'heavily indoctrinated' TWI member apparently has top security clearance, is in the White House several days per week, and appears to have some management or command authority re PEOCU predator drones and global hawks. Maybe his next assignment will be nukes? I am not personally familiar with many national or international level conspiracies. In fact the only one that comes to mind right now, at least, is TWI. TWI gladly co-opted medical, counseling, & legal professionals. To what degree was TWI involved in co-opting military professionals with a high security clearance? We need to have definitive answers.
  23. Per Vickles (from the sociopathic & narcissistic thread):
  24. I guess what concers me is that here is a TWI innie, who as recently as a few months ago had an office in the White House, whether shuffling papers or tweaking his drone's gps, I don't know. The PEOCU is involved with unmanned global hawks and predator drones, such as the type that killed Sadam Hussein's two sons. But how in the world does a cultic TWI innie get clearance to be in the White House several days per week? What kind of pro-TWI trash is he scattering about the White House? To the Home Land Security? To the Office of Faith-Based Communty Initiatives, so that his favorite cult can get our tax dollars? Scarry to me. What connection, if any, does this person have to the late 70's nuclear concerns?
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