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Everything posted by MATILDA
Copenhagen! Too funny...too true. Getting that reputation behind you (merited or unmerited) can make or (un)break you. Your trouncing of the Jumbo dward reminded me of the Tobacco Road story I've posted in the past and will again now, self-indulgent former bully that I am. Enjoy.
veganese (noun) vee-gan-eez an obnoxious diatribe that often accompanies ardent vegetarian activists eg. The sign on the butcher shop read: "No habla veganese."
At 14, my middle son became a vegetarian. He was concerned that we, his parents, might not approve. He was relieved when I told him, that we too, are vegetarians...except when we eat meat. That was over six years ago...he is still the big V...his fiance is not. He has made it a real practicing choice and never proselytizes about animal rites blah blah blah...but pretty much anything with a face he does not ingest. He is currently fighting a anti-defamation suit brought against him by soy beings of america... Frankly, I wish I didn't like meat products, but there you go...but my reasons for eating far less meat etc. is not becuz of the animals are (like) people too school of thought, it is becuz of the chemicals and antibiotics and such that they are fed or the condition they are raised in. Thank God we live in a place where food and food types are so at the ready (sheesh...all that to avoid saying "abundant" or "available"...lol) that we have the choice to be picky. People jamming things down other people's gullet is always obnoxious, no matter what the issue.
splashification (noun) splash-i-fi-ca-tion applied rating system to assess water displacement by cannonballs eg. Bretta Glutamax's splashification is of olympic note.
lol, sussharkyverb, and thanks Evan: 'twas a keyed squeezebox aka accordian...but maybe Larson had a theme going...:)
I didn't think so...lol. Reminds me of a FarSide cartoon one of my favorite professors had on his office door: 1st picture: Newcomer to heaven being greeted by Peter at the Pearly Gate: "Here's your harp." 2nd picture: New descendent to hell has accordian foisted on him by the devil. ok...guess you had to be there...lol
cyberspazz (noun) synonymous Proper Noun when referred to as MATILDA cy-ber-spazz (sigh-bur-spaz) one befuddled by all things techno with a propensity toward crossed eyes and blurred vision eg. Repeated unsuccessful attempts to log onto the website left the cyberspazz weary, perplexed, and in need of high octane imbibage.
Oh boy oh boy...maybe someone hear can help me. I rally don't know this one...and have forgotten the website that someone gave for finding things according to partial lyrics etc....so.... This one is circa the 70s...lol...male singer, no group...it's about impossible to convey it not knowing the title or full phrases... "...oh BABE...anyway...what would you say?" I'm sorry...lol...this is pathetic. I'll try to listen more carefully to the satellite loop when it comes on again and try and pick up more lyrics. sheesh...I scare myself sometimes... just say no to trivia... ...tomorrow
Lo shonta! Help me Obiwan... Barkeep, make that a double...no...a virgin...ha! I have so much to say that I shall say nothing but what I started with...lol...lololo shonta...
Oh yaay...words fitly spoken...lol. My middle son just started his course of study to become a board (like State Board, not massage board) certified massage therapist. His thinking is, that by taking 5 months now and becoming certified, he will have a flexible houred means of income when he returns to regular pre-med college track in the Spring. Viva la rub!
Immodium. I have wondered if it is good to crap and get it out or stop the leakage. Unseemly analogy perhaps, but then, the functions of the Body often get messy. ...and as for qualification...I'd like to praise God in some manner not having to be be okayed by the masses and I often curse...lol...period. For me, again...for me, where God was with me, in TWI (a 1,000 yrs. ago already) and post TWI (altho that is not how I catalog my life) is a question still considered. X
Bllleeeeeech. Pass the Pepto.
Put a Little Love in Your Heart Think of your fellow man Lend him a helping hand Put a little love in your heart You see it's getting late oh please don't hesitate Put a little love in your heart And the world will be a better place yes, the world will be a better place For you, for me You just wait and see ************************ It was an innocuous song of the 60s whose simple lyrics are still simple, but good
I only had 30 minutes to spend with Holly before I had to go to work, but on the way home, on the loopty-loo street in my neighborhood on the way to my house, we passed a little motorized scooter chair with a fellow in it who appeared perplexed somehow. Freakin' Florida heat will kill you if you give it half a chance, especially if you're 84 with a dead battery on your zoom mobile. He is a vet...Okinowa and the Filipines...had a hat and an American flag on his buggy. His name is Jim Cleese and Holly and I got to help him. The neat thing was we took him two doors down to another neighbor who goes to the same church as we do (sometimes)...he had what I didn't and Jim needed...a plug with an outlet. Time enuf to recharge and re-energize the oldster in the shade. A thoroughly worthwhile digression from "the plan" of the day. Holly thought we done good and that's good enuf for me. Here's to Jackie DeShannon and that dumb butt song she used to sing...lol...not so dumb after all. :)-->
All is well (thankfully) on the southwest Florida coast (Ft. Myers, Naples area)...rainy and gray, but no power outages or (other than normal seasonal) tropical scuffles. The natives are restless, make no mistake. No one makes light of these bad blowhards anymore. Many, many people and whole areas are still reeling (or just starting to near some normalcy) after last year's quint hits. Whereas I am relieved that we are out of Dennis' reach, my heartfelt prayers go to any and all in the current anticipated path. Prayer is always good.
Best b-day wishes, Geo! Enjoy!
A neat adventure...another fold in a textured life...the best of luck and encouragement to you and (not to be forgotten) Steve...becuz, as you know doubt know, his support in all is crucial. Ginoskoing here...when we started our post graduate work at FSU, we had a small kidlet. I was teaching there, studying there, and (by the second year) pregnant there...it's doable. Ph.Ds, ABDs, MFAs, MAs...you name it...we gots it...lol...we have all manner of dee-greez hanging on most every crack of our walls down here in sunny Floweeda. We is very smurt...so smurt weez dumb sometimes...lol. Lots of stories...but the heart of it is, yew kin do-wheat, and hopefully, do it well. Here's to you! p.s ...and on the baby front, I was a full 45 when Holly took us over...no regrets :)-->
...hence the name crock pot... ...and as for the CrapperCafe, I wonder if the bus boys bus with a brush...:)-->
Herradura covers what Harry Wong misses.
Bert Lancaster...lol Pirate, you be good.
...to add another thought or two since I can so relate to your pleasant anticipations... My Dad o'Dad had life long deep ties and a loyalty that was forged in college, not unlike yours, to some degree:)--> except it was Annapolis (USNA). Just a thin, bright line in life's strata that can happily illuminate the rest of the layers...that's what great friendships and sometime brief alliances can infuse. And, at the risk of being greasedspottified, I have to say I would feel the same way you do about your reunion, if I were to be contacted by some of my MIA TWI blips...we did have a great time, often...and many of those I knew and laughed and lived with, I miss. Thanks for sharin', Marxman...it boomeranged some neat remembrances and flashbacks! I wonder where my pal Micky Antonelli is...he should be out about now....lol.
At the specified time, like every other gathering dictates (be it funeral or wedding), the pagan celtic spazz dance prevails. It is a familial rite only blood (and possible genetic permutations) can accomodate. Margaret does the worm and her twin does something that only can be described as...well, it defies description. Neither drinks...alcohol subdues...lol. Any onlookers simply think it is a middle aged lady having a seizure. Others think that the retarded girls are very fortunate to be so loved. Lol...they are not retarded...lol...just...well, Sister Sledge said it best. "We arether-a-pyfam-i-ly..." Have a great time, Groucho!
We just went thru this with our 18 year old son. Here's what we advised: - once determined what you want (reliable transport, not too dorky, price range, payment options etc.) AVOID USED CAR LOTS if possible, SHOP OWNER SALES VEHICLES. - if/when you find a car you're interested in, take it to a mechanic you trust and have him look at it. This can give you good info on the real state of the car and possibly things that may need attention sometime real soon (like right after you hand over the dough...lol) It can be a negotiating tool (and should be) if there really is something that needs attention. - try not to be in a super rush to buy, if possible, so you can look and test a bit. (Harder to do than say.) Reid's Journey: 1st car was a $3200 red sun-roofed stick-shifted something or other...from a snake-oil peddling car dealer. Had to have it. Never mind it didn't have A/C... "Mom, you said transportation was most important." "Reid, we live in frickin' Florida, the hottest place in the country most often...it's hot here when it's cold." "We got him down to $2700..." "Reid, the guy bought the car for 1800 and washed it - the rest is mark up he's not a pal. Take it to the mechanic and see what he says." Well, A/C cost a grand, and the CV boots need replacing, never mind the paint job. Hey! but the mechanic has a humdinger he's willing to let go for $1,500...a little Nissan last forever ain't never gonna die pick-up truck....and it was a good deal, well cared for, good A/C etc. It was a deal, except when Reid went to get it, he sold it to a girlfriend. Next...Reid found an individual, the only owner of a 93 Acura Integra who kept meticulous records of his very well cared for vehicle. It's garnet paint job is good, the engine and tires are great, interior nice...lots of life left. Took it to the mechanic anyway who said CV boots will need replacing sometime or other, no hurry. Told the owner, knocked that amount off the asking price and the kid drove it away for just under 2700. Worth the time it took, and the son is happy. He did all the grunt work, and opted to get a loan from bank so he could establish credit. We carry him on our insurance, becuz that cost alone is crippling. Good luck.
if it ain't Morton's, it ain't kosher succinct and to the point