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Everything posted by MATILDA
hmmm....Princess Bride comes to mind...but I thought it was "Sicilian," not "Australian." wait a sec...this is the TV show thread, right? Hmmm, again....maybe this is a clever twist/take on PB quote... I dunno!
age withstanding, being knowledgeable counts...lol It slays me when I hear that sometimes, tho, I must admit. I only know what I know, but what I know (as evidenced by some of the myriad crud that gets stuck in the gray matter), I know real good. There's an old Polish proverb which says: "Bite me, grasshopper...it's your turn." - of course, that's a paraphrase...I wish you could read it from the original text.
It's A Wonderful Life Is there a statute of limitations on these? or is everyone at the Rock? "I may be a king, but I'm a wrestler first."
Banacek "...aii, Pancho!"
"Im mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore..." HOWEVER...dear dooj...you is wrong, not Network... "...Now, I am going to leave this room for five minutes in which time that disgusting object had better be removed and the windows opened to clear away the stench."
In the Heat of the Night, Virgil. "I am sick of your foul language,your crude behaviour and your sluttish manner; there are certain things a decent woman keeps private, and only a filthy slut would have done this and those who stood by and encouraged her are just as bad. I don't care who's reponsible - you're all to blame..."
amusing footnote quote sans the editing: "If you work with me, I'll help you say f---k off more clearly." Rum Runner! Didn't mean to squash your turn...I'm such a line jumper. No cuts, man! lol... Guess this one if you like, but please post another.
"...put your trust in the Lord; your foot belongs to me... Welcome to Shawshank." Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner...
'...I believe in two things - discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord..."
It gives a whole new meaning to pole dancing, by George.
"Lord! It was a miracle, the man up and vanished like a fart in the wind."
on that note... "Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'..."
I was thinking these were really kinda Lotka-Simkaesque sayings but my own faithful hubster said I was incorrecto... This totally amazed me (not that I was wrong or not that my husband pointed that out...lol) BUT that the old boy actually watched that show as a teen... a little too bland for me...needs some salt and peppard.
"eenie meenie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak..." "Are they friendly spirits? Just listen..." Moose and Squirrel were my buds:)
"Show me a man or woman alone and I'll show you a saint." "M-O-O-N that spells..." nobody knows yet?
hi dooj- yes, Jaws as for the bunny line...first thought: I'm thinking Who Framed Roger Rabbit? but then realized that revelation was flawed... ssshhhh...be vewy vewy kwiet.... Your rabbit's a killer! Look at the bones! Python classic!
"...Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and always trying to get back home."
"...Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society.' Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare..."
ah...the favorite fraternity of Phi Zappa Krappa...lol Moon Unit Zappa...his sons are Dweezel (thanks, Dad) A.E. Rodan (hopefully after the painter, not the sci-fi monster) and little Diva. What ever happened to Billys, Bobbys, and Joeys? lol...or Marys, Susies, and Cathys? Sing with me: Where have all the Tommys gone, long time passing? Where did all the Jimmys go, long time ago, Where have all the Pattys gone... Frank Zappa skewered them every one...oh when will they ever learn...when will they ever learn? SQUIRREL! Quick, someone call the cyber-coolies to get this thread back on track... ahem Yes, I remember the Moon Landing. I was a budding adult with promise on the horizon...It was the Midwest's day-late-dollar-short Summer of Love...we were sure about the moon shot lunge and no one even knew there was an ozone layer whose reputation was compromised by penetration...we were all packing aerosol in those daze... Nowadaze we have roll-on shuttles that are Top Secret...
I was on Lorraine's balcony near the grassy knoll just outside the convention amphitheatre where the local hotel Ambassador was trying to remember if he was at Woodstock with a creep named Speck... no wait... gimme a sec...all the significant 60s happenings get mixed up... I was revelling in the news that I had become an auntie for the first time, and appreciative that my sister refrained from naming the baby anything lunar-based...lol. Wow! Hard to feature that little Apollneillia is 40... I do remember gazing at the moon (while the guys were still on it) and not seeing the flares... is AAA an affiliate of NASA?
Where's my gingo biloba when I need it? Seems I can't keep these goofy threads straight long enuf to post on the right ones... The above quote, hint, answer, (rolled into one) should've been on the TV thread...sheesh. TW3 was a great show...so good that it didn't last but a season...but it inspired my early career choice alot. How 'bout this as a replacement? "...he ate the light..."
"Show me a man or woman alone and I'll show you a saint." I figger G.St.G. might have a leg up on this one...
Jiggle TV at its stupidest....Three's Company. I hate that I knew that...lol.
Far and Away. lol...never saw it, and I lack the cyber gene to do picture things, so send in the proxy.