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Posts posted by MATILDA

  1. Re: all things Brylcreamy

    Unlike the version offered hear, that little carol (and I ain't talkin' Channing) was originally sung by a summer stock or chanting group in Chicago, circa very early 70s. I saw the show at the Kingston Mines Theatre...it was very fun. One of the "stars" of that show was a '57 Chevy.

  2. ((((( ))))

    ...and that's how you hug an invisible guy...wish there was an opportunity to do it in person.

    Lo shonta fest in progress, Dan. If there's one thing you can find to smile out loud about, seize it...and let the smile take voice...and laugh. It is a happy contagion and may help to relieve a little pressure bit by bit.


  3. well, lemme just check my closet for some maternity tops...lol.

    Now how long ago was it that you came over and I brought out all those new clothes that I had "in case" I would round that bend again...lol...I remember thinking it was neat I had a little something that you needed and that I probably didn't...lol again. Some of those blouses made the circuit four times as I recall...and then boom! (or bang! as it were) Holly came along.

    45 is child's play...lol. Be careful what you pray for icon_smile.gif:)--> Savor what you have icon_smile.gif:)--> as you reach for what you want icon_smile.gif:)-->

    Here's to Great Expectations...a little dickens can go a long way

  4. Hap,

    All those names are familiar.

    Desmond ran my first PFAL class at Antioch H.S.

    I wonder if he still has the pinstripe suit and goutee...

    Orbin Banks (the believer formerly known as Mr.B) lives in a far southwest suburb of Chicago and is still married to Terri...a very lovely couple.

    I have Dave Pettit recollections that still make me laugh out loud circa early-mid 70s, wayhomes, police, and betamax video machines the size of a Hyundai...lol.

    I don't regret any of those times...it was sweet, hot, and fun. Youthful zeal and an unerring sense of invincibility fueled many an adventure.

    God is so very patient...lol.

  5. Mark,

    My very best regards and love go to Phil today. He is (and will be) in my prayers.

    You are welcome to private topic me with his address and info...I am quite sure he would smile knowing that I am in his corner and care about him a great deal. I witnessed to him in 1973...we have history...lol.

    My husband had a quadruple bypass (following a heart attack) a little over three years ago and is doing fine now. The circumstances were scary...but the technology that helped restore him is quite good and the care attending it is diligent.

    Tell that mutt that Reenie gives him the southside nod of approval and sends her love.

    He is a gentle soul with teeth.

    Tell him that someday when I grow up, I'm gonna get me a honkin' big blue Caddy and zoom thru a national gas shortage on an empty tank during a snowstorm...just for old time sake. icon_smile.gif:)-->

  6. I proposed to my husband some 29 years ago.

    He said yes and we wed in the Catholic church with a wide assortment of theatre folk, way corps, Irish countrymen, and a quintet from Arkansas. Lol...a very good time.

    I met Gary while I was a College WOW at SIU.

    We were very involvled with "the ministry" for nigh onto a million yare...pulled the bumper sticker off the car in '86. It was ouchless.

    Our marrage is minimal and our marriage is still intact. He is my best friend and sweetheart altho today his life was in serious peril for doing a perfectly undadular performance with homework checking and diorama making.

    ...come June we will have been married 27 yare.

    Viva la vow!

  7. Many times "manifestations" were a real inspiration and blessing..and I took them with a big grain of salt.

    Many times in a meeting,when I was there to hear the Word and get my heart tenderized and when I least felt like I was a ripe candidate to "manifest," I was called on to do so.

    I always did. And it was never made up...it was instant and honest, to the point and right from the heart. Whether it was inspiration, in spirit action, or whatever, I always just gave it to God and acted immediately.

    What always blew my mind was that it was easy to relinquish whatever baggage I walked in with...and let God move in me to do as He pleased, and believingly, hopefully, lovingly let those words flow.

    I am not a phony, nor am I delusional. It was always a personal affirmation to me, that I was not just making things up...I spoke as the Spirit moved me to do so...and I don't mean that in some supersilious religious way.

    Now I should say, (if, in fact anyone is reading this far into the post) that I have never seen or heard "manifestations" as such, anywhere else but in a twig fellowship...and many times I heard struggling folks speak in contrived, unnatural language...a religious affection, if you will...but heartfelt...even that I could take at face value...just listening and applying the heart of it, or just letting the words sandblast off a spiritual crustiness that often barnacled its way onto me.

    God is no piker and a fool to be trifled with. I think He works with us where ever our hearts are ripe to receive Him.

  8. It never ceases to amaze me how these stories get blown out of proportion.

    The disinfected waybenots did not no never launch mucogenous substance at any form of floating flotsum in such great quantity.

    Your presumptions are skewed, o satoranius one.

    There were only three launchers and they weren't outside the fence. It was not 37, but the best of seven by the three.

    It was a crude, rude way to get even, but somewhat understandable after the infamous graffitti incident and all the hubbub that caused. That's THE one that compelled the moviehouse in St. Mary's to run that matinee disclaimer. Ha! I wonder how the lawyers resolved that one...or maybe it's still in litigation.

    Viva la expectorants.

  9. sigh...is there no relief from such bad marx plaguing us?

    It was not a real cigar. It was the (un)faithful remnant of a past administration. Rumor says it was too short to light, but they didn't mind since the important thing was that it had been smoked out prior to the Buckeye party by Zeppo.

  10. Satorially speaking, this kind of rumor mongering must be quashed, not fueled.

    There is no evidence whatever that those carcasses were foul...just dead rumor being put to rest.

    No human sacrifices (discounting veteran staffers) have been verified...and the unearthed bones in the woods were, no doubt, the work of the foraging raccoons, which were promptly pelleted by the on-call Bless Patrol who never meant to kill them...just stun them into submission...that they (it was a family of coons)could not withstand the Daisy blast is unfortunate.

    I just find the fur hats distasteful, but then waste not, want not. Ms. Prez always fancied fur flying.

    Just the facts, Sat...just the facts.

  11. I don't recall that twi was ever supposed to be like a father to anyone...tht's pretty laffable in itself...lol.

    The "father in the Word" jive was pure unadulterated horse manure, and a tweaky speaky (ala skyrider) buzz phrase that people bought into...

    ...do remember that (and still see viability in) the notion of Christianity being a way of a Father with his children, tho.

    Trouble? Hope not.

  12. sigh...

    ...that to which I was alluding is found in the video version of Andrew Lloyd Weber's Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

    It is an awesome show, great theatre, with some howdy do numbers that really romp and stomp.

    Rueben is more than a sandwich, I can tell ya that...

  13. sheesh...don chew ga eyes no nuttin?

    Joan Collins.

    That is the name of Potiphar's wiferoo.

    ...and Donny being the Joseph could make a beelaver out of any loin cloth appreciating person...

    ...of course, maybe it would really live for me if I could read it in the original geek.

  14. Ah...sweet catharsis.

    I had a boyfriend in the military at the time...Viet Nam era. Didn't go to that prom.

    A thousand years later, when I met up with some guys I went to school with back then...told me they wanted to ask me, but thought I was too pretty to say "yes." EEK!

    I was expelled from my first high school, and didn't much care for the one I granulated from, but I wish someone would have asked. I thought it was me...

    I have a damaged psyche now. Ow.

  15. Normally, I might agree with the para ya on some extremely picky points...but I impose that might appear miraculous to some random person stuck in the middle looking for some understanding in any fine category.

    ...but that's just myopicion.

  16. My dear Satoreamus,

    That your Dad and his wife were recepients of generous and timely care is neat in and of itself, but that they(and you) got the benefit of him enjoying another season of life is especially sweet...to be savoured.

    In spite of whatever our spiritual hangups, virtues, or growth-charts indicate, I think that God just wanted to bless you...and a lot of other people got the good vibes and satisfaction of a job well done icon_smile.gif:)-->

    Viva la Dad!

    Hooray God!

    Go you White Sox!

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