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Everything posted by jewel
Thanks Goey, So many people here from the past. I'm working my brain hard to remember you all. (my brain doesn't work too hard usually) Send me an email with your name if you feel comfortable. Danny sent me one. Jewel
This is the About The Way forum! (For new readers/posters.)
jewel replied to WordWolf's topic in About The Way
Thanks WordWolf for your answer. I did not realize that there would be people still in TWI that would come and read the posts here. I would think they may think the devil would just jump right out of the computer and get them. So why do they stay in TWI? I can only think TWI attracts people who want to be better than anyone else. (maybe like the "Church Lady" on Saturday Night Live) To tell you the truth I had to come to grips with that myself, after I left. I liked knowing "the truth" more than anyone else. It is a big ego trip to think you have the cornerstone on the truth. I do know some people stay because of fear and that is so sad. So GS is living proof to those still in that there is life after TWI. God help those still in. Jewel -
This is the About The Way forum! (For new readers/posters.)
jewel replied to WordWolf's topic in About The Way
Hello again WordWolf. I posted on another threat today in answer to some things you had said to me. I just read your suggestions for new posters and thank you for all the great information and the path to find out more. I guess what I don't understand is why TWI would even care what is said here. They haven't any power over those of us who have left and know in their hearts it was the right thing to do. What can they do to me or anyone else now that we are gone? This is an honest question because I just don't understand. I believe many things you have stated about TWI and the debauchery it was and probably still is. But why would they care about those of us on this forum who have left and most of us left with a bad taste in our mouth. I would think they would just write us off to the devil (according to their doctrine) Should I go back and read the links you suggested? Jewel , a new poster -
Hi hiway, I remember now which Vickie was your WOW sister. She did get married and they were in my branch. She was a sweet girl. I hope she is doing well. Nathan, I heard , moved somewhere east of L.A. near the mountains. I would love to talk with him again too.
Thanks Jim, I did email Paw so I am waiting for his reply. Thanks again. Jewel
Hi imbus, I am glad you were found by someone in TWI. The message you received may not have been the perfect message but God has a way of making it work like He did for you. hiway29, your name is familiar but I can't remember everyone that was around back then. Did you have a crush on one of the Vickies? Do you remember there were two? I also wanted to tell you that Nathan witnessed to my husband so how could I not love my experience in SFV? WordWolf, I understand that some people want to remain private but don't understand why TWI would care about any of us. They didn't care that much when we were in so why start now? I don't care what seaspray may believe now. He is a big boy and can decide what he wants to believe. Is there something I am missing with your message? I don't post or read here that often but I expect everyone has there own agenda. I was just interested in who seaspray is and not necessarily what he believes. I guess there are other threads for that. It's been fun reading everyones posts. Jewel
Hi Krysilis, I tried to send you a private topic but it said I was not allowed. I know a few years ago I was allowed and now I can't. Thank you for trying to help. Jewel
I cannot check my private topics and I don't know why. Do you have to be special to give and receive private topics? Do your friends have to be perfect for you to be allowed to get private topics? I have a friend on GS who is banned from getting and receiving private topics. I am new at this but one time a few years ago I actually got a private topic and now I can't. Enlighten me Paw. Jewel
Hey Pawtucket, How can I do private topics? Jewel
Hey Hiway29 & Seaspray, small forum huh? Well I don't know who you both are right off hand but Seaspray you must have been a twig leader??? If you ran a class at my house I am sure I know you. And Highway I remember meeting several of the people leaving when I got there. I stayed at that ranch house with the pool for a few weeks. I remember Cindy, a very sweet girl. I'm sure you both know her. Thanks for the kind words Highway 29. The SFV was a great place to be back then. Great people. Tell me your names if you feel comfortable with that.
I also am new at posting but I did post a week or so ago about being a WOW. I took the class in 1972, in Seattle. (Hi Marlene, I will be seeing you next month when we go to Cannon Beach) Anyway I went out WOW in 1975 to Baton Rouge, LA. There were many good times and miracles (see my other post) and I would be lying if I said there were not any bad times. We had a branch leader that punished us all year but most of us survived and yes, I would do it again. No matter how bad TWI was or became, I am still thankful that I had the experiences I did and met the people I met. In 1976 I did one year in the family corps and in 1977 went to the San Fernado Valley to be the branch leader. That was mostly fun and my branch had alot of wonderful people in it. I would do that again too. (Hal, I think my friend Fran was in your branch) Jewel
Hey, thank you all for the welcomes. I just remembered there is another part to this story. That same year my friend Susie (Suz to you all) was a WOW in Mississippi and witness to a guy who later moved to CA. and he witnessed to the man I am married to. We have been married 25 years and I am thankful that Suz witnessed to that guy. My husband was witnessed to in CA. but he grew up in Emporia and both his parents graduated from the College of Emporia. (back in the 30's) My husband had never heard of The Way until he moved to CA.. Thanks again for the welcomes. Jewel
Hello, I am very new at posting here but George knows me so I must be OK, right? Here is my WOW story. I went out WOW in 1975. I had asked God to send me to the closest city to New Orleans but not New Orleans. My father lived in New Orleans and he and my mother had divorced when I was 5. I had seen him a few times since then but didn't really know him. I thought if I could get close enough to New Orleans he may come and see me and my son Kelly, his grandson. I had told no one of this request. The night we were commissioned I was so happy to be going to Baton Rouge, LA. I knew in my heart God had answered my request. I met my WOW family and there were only two others and no one had a car. We hitched a ride to Baton Rouge and I knew I was going where I was supposed to go and did not worry about a car. When we got there we got an apartment and started walking the streets looking for jobs. We did this all together and witnessed as we went. My WOW brother could repair TVs so we stopped in a TV repair shop and there was a customer waiting in line to pick up his TV. We started witnessing to him and I told him the story of how God had sent me to Baton Rouge because it was the closest city to N.O. and that I wanted to get to know my father. (BTW, it had been several years since I had talked with my father and I didn't even know his address or what his phone number was). The man in line asked me what my father's name was because he said he lived in N.O. himself. When I told him his name he told me my father was his best friend and gave me his phone number. I called my father that day and he asked me to come and see him. I told him I didn't have a car and he said "Well you get down here and I will have a car for you". My WOW brother and I hitchhiked to N.O. and we drove our 1967 Chevy Impala home. It had air conditioning and we drove it all year and it ran great. At the end of the year we drove it to the ROA and then I gave it to someone going out on the field because I was going in the corps and didn't want the responsibility of the car. I also got to know my father that year. He also gave my son a TV and that was a blessing because we didn't have one. I know that my WOW brother has posted on GS before and if he reads this he can tell you this is a true story. Our God gives us things when we pray and when we don't. He knows our need and I am sure that He loves to bless us when we are walking in love as His children. I know there are those who may think this story was just a few coincidences and those are the ones who believe their glass is half empty while I believe mine is filled to overflowing. That is a choice we all make every day. God Bless it's been fun to share with you all. Jewel
Happy Birthday George, My thoughts and prayers are with you. May you have many more and may they be happy. Jewel