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Everything posted by jewel
Hey Outandabout who are you? I was the maid of honor at Randy and Desiree's wedding and I'm sure I went to the shower. It has been so long ago I barely remember the wedding. I witnessed to Desiree in the San Fernando Valley. Where did you live? I also heard that they got a divorce but haven't heard from them in years. The last I heard from them was when I got a Christmas card with a picture of them and their 3 boys. Nice looking family, I'm sorry to hear they got a divorce. Jewel
Hi Jonny, I just today read your PT to me. No I am not the one you are thinking of. I would have responded by PT but I am not very computer literate. When Jeff lived with me it was in Reseda, CA with Ken Calkins. I hope I spelled his name correct. His mom's name was Margo and Ken lived with me for his senior year in Reseda and Jeff lived with us. It has been so long ago I have forgotten so many of the people who were not in my Branch at the time. I haven't been on GS for sometime and that is why it took me so long to respond. God Bless, Jewel
I have video of Vince and Brenda's going away party when they left the Seattle area in the mid 80's. They were very wonderful people. How could they afford to send those boys to college on TWI wages? Maybe the wages are better than I thought. I have been gone a long time. If they happen to read this they might like to see the video of the party and their boys when they were young. Maybe they have lots of videos. There were many people at that party. Jewel
Did you say they would be in WA in November? Do you know where? They were my twig leaders while I was at H.Q. in F-3 in 76-77. They were wonderful and I would love to see them again. Jewel
tfloat, I believe in a God I don't understand. It gives me comfort to know that He knows what I cannot understand. My children believed in me even when they didn't understand who I really was. They understood I loved them. I understand God loves me but that's about it. All those years in TWI studying and all I know now is God loves me and you. Jewel
A survivor, survives. A conqueror comes out with the spoils. Better off than he was. Which are you all? Jewel
Was he related to Hank Upchurch? He was in F-3. jewel
I think Jeff is back in Indiana. He lived with me in CA in 77-78 before he went in the corps. He emailed me about 6 months ago and said he was in Indiana (can't remember the city). I emailed him back and never heard back from him. He was using someones email account so I just figured he never got my email. Yes, I remembered his guitar playing. He loved his music almost more than God (but not quite) I hope he sees this and responds. He was a nice guy. A fun part of my past. Jewel
I have been praying all day. God help the ones who cannot help themselves.
You are correct WordWolf, Eric Burton in the group "War". If you google the song the words are "Spill the wine and take that pearl". I always thought it was "take that girl" Your turn.
Thanks George, I did delete one post, my son showed my how. These are two different songs. The first is one that my 18 years old son gave me and I thought it may be too hard because I really didn't know the song myself. The next song is one that was popular and I think someone will get it.
Here is another that might be easier. And I fell asleep and dreamed I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie And that I was the star of the movie
I really am not good at this, I don't know how to remove a post. Here, I will try again. I did not hit the post now buttom on the last two posts. Here is the song again Trust I seek and I find in you Everyday for us something new Open mind for a different view I can't give you the last line cause it is the name of the song.
oops, that posted before I was ready Trust I seek and find in you
Thanks for that, I like to think of it as mature.
"Just my style" by I don't know who???
templelady, I just remembered they were in Fairbanks for about 5 years in the 80's. You are in Anchorage so you may not know them although they ran a fellowship up there. Jewel
Thanks laleo, I think I am getting it. It is a world of it's own here at GSC, as ex-10 put it, limited by a flat, two-demensional means of talking. But I will add we all have a shared experience in TWI however individual it may have been. There is a bond here at GSC and I think an acceptance of others and their point of view. Well maybe NOT their point of view but of our shared humanity and how we all got to where we are today. templelady, I also had a terrible fear of public speaking and while I was in TWI I had to do it more than I ever wanted to. I actually thought that it was good for me and after each time I did it I felt great and yet when I left TWI I was so glad I would never have to do that again. I never got over my fear, I don't know why. How long have you been in Alaska? Did you know Dennis and Donna? Jewel
Laleo, in answer to your question. I do wish everyone would get along not only on GSC but everywhere. I'm a dreamer but a realist at the same time, notice I said I guess it was just wishful thinking. Thanks for letting me know that on these posts you are doing just fine in that category. (getting along) As a new poster I wasn't sure where some of these posts were going. As someone with more experience as yourself, I understand your knowledge of what is happening, at times, is like a family argument. Right? Jewel
mj, I guess i should clarify myself. It was just your last paragraph that was my feeling also. Funny how two totally different experiences can come to similiar thoughts. Jewel
I like Max Lucado's books. My answer for what to do now. I seek after God daily and then I find Him (sometimes it takes more than a day, but I find Him). Then I get up the next morning and I seek again and somehow I find Him again. God is full of surprises for each of us so it keeps the seeking interesting. Sometimes it's lonely if no one wants to seek Him with me. That part I miss about TWI. But so many days I have someone who is seeking too and then I am not lonely anymore (for awhile, that is). Sometimes I forget to seek Him and I find myself in a mud hole. I don't like that part. But all kidding aside I think reading good books by Christian writers has helped me alot. Having the freedom to read whatever I want was wonderful for me. I say keep reading and love your neighbor as yourself. I am open for any other suggestions. Jewel
mj412's last paragraph is my feeling also. When I took pfal my life was a mess and that class (right or wrong) turned it around 180 degrees. I don't know how it would have gone had I not taken the class but I can imagine and I would rather not. Too late for that. The best thing I think I have from the whole way experience is I will never be religious. That is not because TWI is not a religious organization but because it is. I do wish everyone could just get along but that is just wishful thinking. Jewel
Hi Wayfer not, I agree that we all need that personal connection to God. God is so individual He knows us personally and what it would take for us to communicate with Him. All He needs is our willingnes.(surrender, not possession, I knew what you meant) When I think of TWI doctrine of God speaks to our spirit and our spirit speaks to our mind, I think about all the examples in the bible where God spoke to people in many ways. In the O.T. there was the burning bush, the writing on the wall, the still small voice, and many examples. In the book of Acts there was the knock him down and blind him (Paul), dreams (Peter) angels (Philip) visions (Ananias). We were never taught to look for God's voice in anything other than God's spirit speaking to ours, etc. And then ofcourse there was the man of God or top leadership, they could always speak for God to us. We were so limited by the doctrine we were taught. I am so thankful that God is finally out of the box for me. Thanks for your post. Jewel
This is the About The Way forum! (For new readers/posters.)
jewel replied to WordWolf's topic in About The Way
Hey BikerBabe, We are all brats, that's why we need a Saviour. Jewel