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Everything posted by Waygone
Will miss your valuable participation. Waygone
Question for the GS Girls....boys may look too!
Waygone replied to corrydj's topic in The Birds and the Bees
Corry - Might have a suggestion for ya - please write to me at waygone256@yahoo.com. Waygone -
Oldiesman - I really do mean this in the nicest way - really - I am not being a cynic or sarcastic when I say: From all reports TWI is returning to its Weirwille roots now that LCM is gone - perhaps you should go back. Or perhaps you should look into CFF - run by John Shoyer and Wayne Clapp - they also use VPW's doctrine quite frequently, plus they are a pretty good organization - if you yearn for the "old" days of TWI. They don't float my boat personally - but then I believe a great deal of error exists in the PFAL belief system. But that is my take from my experiences. As I said - I am not joking, I am not being a smart alek.... but if you admire the man so much you should investigate these groups. Waygone
Hey Seth - Wow - what an interesting happenstance -- I was born February 5, 1969!! Too Cool! If you need anything let me know. I know depression myself - fought it for many years with Prozac, Xanex and therapy. Thankfully - I no longer need meds - but my mother suffers everyday from chemical depression. It is a beast - but it is one you don't have to face alone. If you need anything please email me - I mean we are practically related our birthdays are so close!! Waygone256@yahoo.com Waygone
I am waygone for GONE from da WAY. Which in a way is a double pun because, as far as those yoyo's are concerned, I am waaaaaaaaygone because I had the audacity to leave TWI. On waydale I had this cute little kitten icon that Extwi got for me... but when I Waydale shut down the kitty disappeared. So on greasespot cafe I used a yin and yang symbol.... However - I have been unable to get the yin and yang symbol to display on this websight (if anyone out there can help me - I would be greatful) - so until I can get the yin and yang back.... I use the steer skull - since I am from the wild west originally. I am certain that by now the WayGB has figured out who I am - but I was such a nobody in TWI I doubt they care. I keep my hanle because I am not really interested in using my true name on the internet. Waygone
Hey Chas.... LOL! I had forgotten about good ole D. Troi!! Waygone
I was OFTEN being "corrected" in TWI for being too sensitive about things. In my opinion this was a way that they were trying to make me feel self conscious ABOUT having feelings. I did start to succumb to their mentality about emotions. I remember hearing about these horrible tragedies where several innocent people died (plane crashes and the like) - or some person murdered their own children, etc. - and I was completely numb to the news. I would chalk it up to the fact that these people were body-soul empties and this tragedy wouldn't have happened to them if they had been in fellowship with God (i.e. tithing and ABSing to TWI). In fact such occasions were an opportunity to further pat myself on the back about my "superior" spirituality - Certainly tragedy such as these would NEVER happen to me because I fellowshiped with TWI and as a result was in alignment and harmony with God..... At least I had this mentality until tragedy struck close to home for me and someone I loved dearly in TWI died suddenly and violently in a car wreck. I have grown so much since then. Emotions no longer frighten me - I no longer LUMP emotions into two categories as TWI tried to teach me. The two categories were : #1 BLESSED (or "positive" happy emotions) these were OK to have because they made the corporation of TWI look good. I mean how many products would you buy if they used advertisements that showed unhappy, dissatisfied customers rather than smiling - content customers? #2 NEGATIVE (sadness, grief, confusion, frustration, anger, COMPASSION) these emotions were NOT ok to have. Leaders often didn't know how to deal with people experiencing actual emotional NEEDS. They had to interupt their "busy" schedule to "help" you. However - not to blame TWI completly - our culture also tends to teach that there are NEGATIVE emotions that we should be afraid of - like anger or grief. Where grief is concerned it has been my experience that people often feel insecure about their ability to be supportive of the one in need. We search for "the right thing to say" as if there WAS a "right thing to say". Folks - when someone you care about is hurting because of the loss of a loved one - nothing you can say will take that pain away... but you certainly might make them feel better just knowing that YOU CARE. That is really all that you need to tell someone - you are there for them if they need you - you love them and you hurt because they hurt! When it comes to anger - we are often encouraged to hide it - to pretend that we are in "control" of our emotions.... "I don't get angry" we tell ourselves, when in fact we are in denial and we are FURIOUS. I no longer pretend I am not ticked about stuff - I tell you I am angry if I am angry. But I also usually realize that I am angry with a situation not really an individual. But then - since leaving TWI my personal philosophy is to view emotions as an integral part of who I am. If I have one... I try not to hide it from others or myself most especially. If I am in public and I need to cry - I cry without shame. I believe that the people that would be condescending because of my tears don't know me anyway and the people that do know me... will understand and love me. We fear what we don't understand - and sometimes we try and define/categorize the emotions we are experiencing. So when we can't label what is going on inside - we try and pretend that we aren't feeling ANYTHING. Anymore - I don't worry about not understanding what is going on - I just let it happen. Emotions are NECESSARY - they are not a "necessary evil" as we were essentially taught in TWI. TWI is just a black hole when it comes to emotions - except when they are "approved" by leadership. Like being "spiritually angry" or again, displaying how "blessed" you are that you were able to buy 6 pairs of shoes at a garage sale for 20 cents. Don't worry folks - it all comes out in the wash. People who are concerned that they don't feel - ARE feeling - they just don't know what to label it.... I know you Chas and I know you DO have emotions!! I have seen them... TWI is just the black hole of emotional death!! Waygone
Chas - I wouldn't happen to know this thick skulled - not real well educated - but thought that he was EXCEPTIONALLY more intelligent than the rest of us - TC would I? Waygone
Don't forget that one of the teletubbies is a homesexual because he/she carries a purse or a pouch. Personally - hearing which movies were "devilish" never bothered me. I got so SICK and TIRED of hearing which Hollywood celbs were homosexual or worse yet - homosexual *sympathizers*. It was as if it would have been easier for my old HFC/room-mate to have a list of WHO wasn't homosexual in Hollywood. And I even told her so when I was a brainwashed innie... thank God some sanity crept through!! Finding out that someone was a "homo" in her book never diswaded her from watching a movie with the actor or actress in question. She was also very hypocritical (I know - what a shock) when it came to this topic. If there were any stars that she really liked - like Neve Campbell who kissed another woman (Denise Richards) in Wild Things - then they were NOT gay or a "homo-sympathizer". That's right, she justified in her mind that Neve had to get REALLY drunk to even do the scene where she kissed D. Richards.... so that meant it was ok. But then I cornered her by reminding her that drinking (more than 2 drinks of course) could open you up to devil spirits dontchaknow. What a crock!! Those people and the stupid crap they came up with to distract their followers from paying attention to the control being exercised over their lives STILL amazes me! Waygone
Actually - it is my opinion that dang can't hold a candle to the "f" word. The "f" word can hold every grammatical position in a sentence. Perhaps we could even get the great LCM to visit our humble websight and he could diagram a few sentences for us.... Waygone