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Everything posted by BackForty

  1. Hils Bro you'll need to upload the wave file to site and link from there. Maybe you can build a website through your ISP. Most of them provide personal web space. :)--> Go Dodger's :D--> ____
  2. It's hard to believe now, that at one time in each of our lives. We would have never thought we would be making and/or reading such statements about twi. Could I have made a more confusing statement. ____
  3. beeer hereeee!!! :D--> get your peanuts here!!! :D-->
  4. Ok notinKansasanymore has gotten me to jump in here. I share the same sentiment of waiting for them to get it together. Of course my BC would not have afforded me the same luxury had I 'stumbled'...But that's an entirely different story. We were dialed in to corps night when POP was read. Like everyone else, I was shattered. How could I look at the people in my twig the same way as before. As if everything was wonderful. Most of my group had been around a long time and were advanced class grads and some were wow vets. When asked at twig 'What was shared at corps night?!?!?!...I lied, I friggen lied to them...I made up some bs story about what was shared. As spring turned into mid-summer, no word on any positive developments had surfaced. It was as if no one cared. Which I know now they didn't care. How stupid of me to think they would care and want to rectify the situation immediately. I wonder how long my BC would have given me to clean up a mess... A month or so before corps week I had decided I was no-longer interested in running a twig under these circumstances. But would continue to 'stand' with the ministry and attend twig. Had a nice talk with the BC on that. Ok, here we are at corps week now, woohoo. I'm anticipating some news on improvement. Or a plan to effect change, or something. Well guess what. Nothing. I do not recall which night under the big top it was. But LCM pointed to all of us, sweeping his out-stretched arm and pointed finger from one side of the tent to the other. He said (this is not a quote) it was our fault that the ministry was having all of its problems. I'm like, excuuuuse me!!! That was difficult to swallow hearing the 'MOG' shift the blame. The next morning I left corps week. I attended twig the next several months. A job transfer became available the next spring. Nothing had changed so I took it and severed my ties.
  5. Damn I wish I could re-live exactly what was in my head and heart when I left in 87. Guess I have just stuffed too much of the detail away to recall it with clarity. But I do know I was NOT happy AT ALL!!! :(--> :(--> It was like being totally betrayed!!! Hmmm, that is exactly what it was!
  6. Move on - My only choice was to do so. I cannot even type the other word in my response. Sorry, can't do it. Forget the best I can, yes.
  7. Happy Birthday Holly!!! :D--> :D--> Woaa, the tupperware moment almost had me headed for the porcelin thrown. I admire you ladies for having the strength to endure childbirth. :)-->
  8. HEY! I resemble that remark... :P--> :D--> I remember now.
  9. I don't recall the burn the chaf days. When did this take place?
  10. I knew them once. Good people. Hope you find them.
  11. As I recall. JAL told us after Mrs. VPW visited she thought they had a militarisic (sp?) connotation and she considered that negative. --> The shirts were olive drab with bold red letters Dirty Dozen the 12th corps. Seems like there was a red heart on there also. We all liked them and thought they were pretty cool. JAL's intent with the shirts mirrored the movie. A group of misfits whom after trained. Completed a sucessful mission.
  12. Yes. New to... I am new to this message board therefore I am a Newbie to the Cafe. :)-->
  13. to the tune of Love Shack (B52's) Butt crack Baby Butt crack, Better cover that thang up, fooo...LOL! :D-->
  14. BackForty

    Thank You!

    I forgot to extend condolences about your friend. :(--> Hey your avatar is making me thirsty. :D-->
  15. BackForty

    Thank You!

    Welcome Myra! I just found this site on Monday. :D-->
  16. Another Dirty Dozen here. Remember those t-shirts? JAL got them for us. Soon afterwards we were not allowed to wear them on campus. Naturally there were those who did wear them under another shirt anyway. :D--> News Flash: I DON'T have CC today. :P-->
  17. Doh! I missed that thread. :o--> I bet one of those mean 9th corps hid the topic until today. ;)--> Tom thanks for the welcome. I'll have to jump in there with you guys. :)-->
  18. LOL! JT, From his response it sounds like you won great man of God by popular vote. You know that should have been followed by a trip to Disney Land. (old super bowl commercial) Hey I understand you are in and considering leaving.
  19. I cannot even begin to entertain the thought of going back. I left in 87 and thought things were really bad then. Apparently it got much, much worse in the last 16 years. No Way.
  20. LOL! What a clown. --> How did you hold your composure from that response? Sorry about the date with the girl. I recall instances of that area of life being 'hampered' as well.
  21. hehehe I would love to rap with Phil also. He was my WOW bro.
  22. insurgent, continue to hang tough as you have been.
  23. BackForty

    "Dirty Dozen"

    Any 12th corps out there?
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