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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames

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Everything posted by TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames

  1. Would you be talking about a farmed warehouse skid, or perhaps an artist's palette? Or, even perhaps, a sophisticated palate? :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  2. Mine is from a Jackson Browne song, Your Bright Baby Blues. "Take my hand and lead me, To the hole in your garden wall, And pull me through......" Zix will probably get why......:D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  3. A guy is driving home for Christmas up the NJ turnpike. It's about 6 am. He has relatives in Passaic (Puh Say Ick), but stops at a diner in Moonachie (moo nock ee). Hangs up his coat and sits down at the counter. Waitress comes along and takes his order. He decides on Eggs Benedict. When his breakfast arrives, he notices the serving dish is a very shiny silver. He eats his breakfast, and it's the most amazing Eggs Benedict he's ever had. The waitress comes over to fill up his cawfee cup. He says to the waitress, "Wow, that was the most incredible Eggs Benedict I've ever had, how did you do that?" Do NOT scroll down, unless you want serious physical pain to ensue.........:D--> . . . . . . . . . . She said, "It's very simple sir. There no plate like chrome for the Hollandaise." . . . . Btw, the two cities mentioned are real NJ cities. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  4. Better watch out, the thought police will come down on youse people like stormtroopers. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  5. My vote goes for Vince Guaraldi (I know, who's HE :D-->) He did the music for the Peanuts specials. He's one of the reasons I want to learn how to play the piano. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  6. Beats hell outta me, Ex. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  7. Hey Lindy, check your private topics. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  8. Well, Wordwolf, I'll agree there are inconsistencies in the series (of course, this doesn't happen in the bible). But much of this can be attributed to having each book stand alone. There was too much repetition. Had he consolidated it into two or three books, it probably would have flowed a lot better. Reading the series makes an alternative viewpoint available, nothing more, nothing less. As far as the critics not knowing where book 3 took place, I had no difficulty discerning where. The names of the towns would, for the most part, indicate it took place in Ireland. All in all, I found the series to be enjoyable.
  9. Just saw the 'no sex' request. There isn't anything graphic in the books, but it is alluded to. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  10. Once again, I recommend the "Incarnations of Immortality" by Piers Anthony. The story centers around the people who, through various means, are 'elected' to the different offices that 'run' the world. The Incarnations are: Good, Evil, Nature, Time, Death, War and Fate. Would also serve as an alternate 'theology', should you so desire. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  11. Far be it from me to criticize anyone's photography skills, but the picture didn't show up too well on my puter. If someone would be so kind as to lighten it up a bit, I would greatly appreciate it.
  12. Well, the cavalry didn't show up with transportation. Abi and I wish a safe trip and a fun time to those attending. Both of us are very disappointed we aren't yet able to meet those we've conversed with over the years. Well, there's always next year, huh?
  13. It is with great regret I inform you all, Abi and I will be unable to attend this year's roast. Our van's transmission took a dump yesterday. So, unless things change drastically in the next 16 hours or so, we will be unable to attend.
  14. Not packed yet, but will be. :D--> BTW, does anyone have a cabin where pets are allowed? Abi and I have to have a contingency plan if we can't get a pet sitter. Btw, it will be two dogs, one husky and one australian shepherd mix. One is dumb, but the other one is dumber.
  15. This seems a bit extreme to me. This is why God invented smoke alarms. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  16. Linda Jons, Roger Kluttz, and Debra Dean.
  17. I would like to know approximately how many people are showing up, so I can gauge how much meat, milk and stuff Cathy and I will need for Sunday breakfast. Special note to Hawk: If you don't come to the roast, I'll hunt you down and pull the fifth wheel on your truck (don't worry, he knows what I mean :)-->). The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  18. Tentative schedule of events. 1. Talk 2. Laugh 3. Eat 4. Sleep (though not necessarily in this order) 5. Drive home and post what happened to who and where on GS. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
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