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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames

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Everything posted by TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames

  1. For those days when I'm not around, eh, Shell? :D-->
  2. Ah, don't worry Def, I get that ALL the time on the forums. After a while, you sorta get used to it.
  3. Gotta love it when they trot that old chestnut out, huh, Tref? It is not necessarily "Martindale's influence" which is fueling this. It is basic human nature to try to make sense of the world. A lot of people are uncomfortable with not 'knowing'. Some find it rather difficult to accept, 'excrement' happens. There just HAS to be a 'reason'. It couldn't be that THEY made bad decisions about their work, love lives, etc. They usually try to avoid the responsibility. And, it goes all the way back in the book they try to beat others over the head with. God asked Adam why he ate the apple. He said he did it because of Eve. When God asked Eve about it, she said, "Uh, the serpent said it was cool." (Obviously, I'm paraphrasing here, but it coulda happened :D-->) The serpent, not having anyone else to blame, takes it on the chin. This is not to say Adam and Eve get off scot free. Adam has to work the rest of his life (gee, thanks), and Eve gets to have all that fun in childbirth. I don't know if any of this is actually true, but it's fun to speculate. :D-->
  4. Boy, talk about a tough room. :D-->
  5. EW, I've been thinking about your question regarding thought processes. What do you want out of a church? Perhaps that is the place to start.
  6. Thanks for all the replies, I guess my deep and abiding suspicion will still serve me well. :D-->
  7. I was at the local supermarket and they had a demonstration of the QuickChopper 2000. Like most of you, I have a deep and abiding suspicion of things like this. In any event, I stood through the demo and was thoroughly impressed with the product. I bought it and brought it home. However, on the way home, I figured it just COULDN'T work as advertised for ME. . And I was going to be saying to myself, "John, WTF did you buy this thing for??????" Well, got it home and proceeded to make chicken salad. This is, to my mind, a somewhat labor intensive process. The impressedness (I know it's not a word, but the heck with it :P-->) remained intact. Went right through the chicken, onion and most importantly, the celery. I'm sure this is going to take up residence on our counter, if it does everything else as well. Does anyone else have similar stories? The lessons repeat until they are learned. (Edited to reflect the actual name of the product and catch a typo) [This message was edited by TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames on March 15, 2004 at 15:29.]
  8. As to the question of "Are the dead alive now", as long as I'm not one of them, I'm not particularly interested. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  9. The community aspect was one I hadn't really considered. Since it will be the social event of the season, I wonder what Martha Stewart would recommend? Perhaps, hors d'oevures of "devil"ed eggs, a main course of Szechuan chicken with wasabi sauce. And to round out the festivities, the dessert, of course, will be "Devil's" food cake. The only trouble will be choosing the wine for the event. Is 14 year old considered white or red meat? Would this be based on exterior complexion, or the internal organs? Perhaps Oenophile could help with this since I am not a connoiseur of that end of the alcoholic spectrum. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  10. Boy, Out, you have a fire pit big enough for a 14 year old? Well, if you burned the kid in the fire pit, you would be depriving the whole neighborhood the joy of killing a 14 year old gay. (tongue firmly in cheek :D-->) So, my vote would be for the stoning. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned. [This message was edited by TheManOfaThousandScreenNames on February 12, 2004 at 5:42.]
  11. Linda Z. said, And what if there were? I just don't get people who want to control that which doesn't affect them. What goes on behind (pardon the pun) closed doors is NONE of my business. I am no longer trying to save the world. I'm just trying to brighten my little corner of it. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  12. Last time I asked this, it killed the thread. So be ye warned. :D--> I'm not trying to be a thorn in anyone's side here with this, but could someone outline for me what the benefits of the piece of paper are? Is it just the financial benefits, and is this a reason to get married? It doesn't guarantee the relationship will last forever (none do, for whatever reason). Does it mean the union is blessed by God, and what does that mean? With DNA testing now, one can prove who the father of a child is, so one can pursue child support should this be necessary. Truly, an honest question on my part. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  13. The number of times you have to ask a kid to do anything. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  14. Well, Sunny, I haven't been in South Dakota for about 25 years. I now reside in another hell hole called Michigan :D-->. Would be hard pressed to decide which one I would leave first, if given the choice. If I had my druthers, I'd go to New Jersey (yes, yet another hell-hole, but it's MY hell-hole :D-->) If you're ever going through Michigan, wave as you go by. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  15. Wow, you must have really been bored to find this post, Daway. :D--> Btw, I am the 84 who started this thread. If you need to, ask Paw and he should verify this. I have started a private topic if you want to discuss this privately (funny, how that works :D-->). The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  16. I recently read a book called "Effortless Mastery" by Kenny Werner. It is sort of the 'Zen' of music playing. I would highly recommend it. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  17. I don't know what you mean by cheap, Mister P, but I happen to like Takamine guitars. I bought one in the early 80's and when I sold it, got fairly close to the original sale price. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  18. I sit corrected (btw, I mean relax in a chair, not the other one :D-->). The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  19. Besides, if Paw were to take posts from here and compile them in a book without getting permission from each of the authors, there could be serious legal repercussions (i.e., he could get his butt sued off). The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  20. Well, Paw, I could 'punch it up', if you want. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  21. btw, I think a good name for it would be "The Underground Waylroad" :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  22. Not that this is war, per se, but it seems to me the people who want to get this going are telling the 'enemy' what their plans are. You are losing the element of surprise. This is not good strategy. I agree with Pawtucket on this matter, for what it's worth. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  23. Excellent idea, Ex. If I had the time, I would. If someone else does the compiling, I could find it in my heart to assist in the editing process. :D--> The lessons repeat until they are learned.
  24. I would not be averse to this either. It's been in your area for the past two years, perhaps it could be 'branch'ed out this time. :D--> Btw, thanks, Paw. The lessons repeat until they are learned.
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