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Everything posted by sky4it

  1. oak: I think it is interesting that "cults" tend to borrow from the biblical administrative things in the book of acts, in a desperate need to coorelate there activities. Of course the fisherman disciples were anything but administrators so it becomes a lame attempt to coorelate the two.
  2. drty dzn: and song thy commentary: I've heard it said that the truth hurts But ...., "by mercy and truth iniquity is purged" - proverbs (not confuscious) mercy , me thinks , makes the truth embraceable grace empowers us to do it love is the end result. Your right tho, Twi stuff really hurt, it was merciless song: thy stuff: Is there no resovle this honesty of question What is truth? Why? Are you not Free?
  3. abby: thy stuff: Well Sky, first I have to say I am not convinced that the crap we have to face in this life comes from God. I would then go on to say, recognizing we cannot change the past, letting go, and moving forward with one's life is hardly swimming downstream. In fact, I would suggest it is the very opposite. I agree oh Abster. All Im saying is that he lets us learn how to "deal with it" and in the process makes us a little more like him. dubble thy peace and have some more. shallom!
  4. abby: I dont know about that either abby. If you swim downstream all your life you never get any muscles. This I don't understand at all, can you please explain to me what you mean? Just simply that, God doesnt spare us any circumstances wether false doctrines (TWI) ,difficulty with others or lifes other problems in an effort to get us to use his provisions for overcoming the crap.
  5. abigail: Your comment: The powers that be in TWI, LCM et al. I don't understand. I have not found a motive behind what they have done which is understandable and/or forgiveable. Isnt that kind of the reason why we forgive tho, is because what someone done was wrong. I understand what the motivation was. It was power and control. It was self serving from the top. This was the motive that "inspired the doctrine." your comment: Restitution is impossible. There is no way to regain what is lost so it is better to simply grieve and move on, taking with me the knowledge that despite it all and more likely because of it all, I am a stronger and better person now than I was four or five years ago. I dont know about that either abby. If you swim downstream all your life you never get any muscles.
  6. galen: I happen to know of a similar story. A woman that I know was speaking in tongues at a crusade. Next to her sat a some one of Indian descent who understood word for word what she had said. This woman is a reliable source. Her former husband is a well known doctor in this area.
  7. excath: your comment: if you're not angry at someone, do you need to forgive them ? no excath, that I think is the definition of forgiveness. Your too sweet excath really you are. :D-->
  8. socks: Im cool :)--> your cool :)--> I was wondering a little with your name being socks and having knit socks and all, but anyway :D-->
  9. geo: your comment: Well, there you have it. The final word on the subject. "I believe it, therefore it must be true." No study, no evidence, no corroboration, thank you very much, just believe dammit. You'd think maybe a trained linguist who spent several years studying the practice might be worth a glance, but no, he can be dismissed with the wave of a hand. No need to even look at his study. After all we "KNOW", don't we? I am not saying Geo , that it is not worth a look-see, and that I am dismissing it summarily. All I am saying is that how can one person, know all dialects, considering differing ways people speak (New Yorkers roll there R's) and be supremely confident? I think that is an objective, lucid statement. I guess if this guy bankrolled 100 linguistists with speciaties in all phases of each language, yea , id like to see that report. ferstu?
  10. socks: so it wasnt a real dream then?
  11. rascal: you wear your emotions on your sleve. I like that. Everyone always knows your op on a matter.
  12. socks : do you believe God can speak to you in dreams? I do. I think I know what your dream means.
  13. Oakspear: thy comment: In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is Oakspear tell me oak, how do you know you exist, maybe we are all cartoon characters in your practice, and when your not around we suddenly vanish?
  14. Geo: With hundreds of different languages and thousands of different dialects, no person could decipher the accuracy of tongues. Especially considering yours truly, speaks with a Swedish accent. The wind blows Geo, accept it.
  15. No but ive had an Assemblies flashback. it was pretty cool actually, insights insights insights. So much talk ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, preach it brother , amen hallujah. I once heard one guy who said he was speaking with Tongues of Angels, what? I want that tongue too. Yah know its a higher class tongues. I actually heard that you guys, lmao
  16. satori: There back. (see doctrinal section) Ignorance is bliss. just do nothing buddy. your comment: It feels good to call them jerks, but there's a cost. It reinforces our anger, rather than releasing it - which is the ultimate benefit of forgiveness. As we used to say in the Assemblies, Hallelujah (however its spelled) Yea I'm working on a 1/2 pint of whiskey tonight, my once every three week binge. I miss your color commentary.
  17. Coolwaters: nice website, can we use the url icons for free? if so thankshttp://feyaurora.com/images/emoticonsfghij/flushhead.gif
  18. I thought I would start this thread to get your views on how the Bible says to deal with Adultry if it happens. (No i havent had that experience) But there is very little teaching on the subject and very few Biblical references on how to deal with it. Bill Gothard, a man many fundamentalists disagree with takes the narrowist view, that after coming to Christ one should apologize to others for these type of events. (I think I disagree with this, i see little sense in reengulfing oneself in proir offenses. About the only thing (NT) about it is that it seems to be the only offense that the Bible allows for divorce. IE(Jesus in the Gospels) He also indicated that the agrieved party was bieng handed a cause of adultry. (Meaning I think like jealousy sex. I have actually heard of this happening) What about the situation of one party committing adultry and never telling the other party. A life time of guilt i think for that party, who at some time must tell there spouse? I think so. I think its Biblical also, for it says if thy brother hath ought against you first go reconcile to your brother and then bring your gift. this must certainly apply to these type of cases. In Wayville, it is somewhat more easy I think, because it was a cult, and parties may have been blind sided by higher ups (which may constitute a crime) Still the offending party would have unaddressed guilt. Counseling???
  19. skyrider: nice name by the way. I took Pfal in the late 70's. I would say Jesus was on his way out the door way back then. But so he was with many other "orthodox" religions also. The concept of 'Holiness" which simply means inward cleanliness was lacking back then. Weirwillisms, caned the gospels as irrelevant, thus making Jesus a token figure in Word cliches which became the panacea for the living Lord and the Holy Spirit.
  20. rascal: Nope, Don Wierwille asked for forgiveness...he met the requirement. I am with you on that. Where do you get that I am telling you whom to forgive? I never intimated it was any of my business at all. I think you bring up an important point. If someone asks for forgiveness, it is much simpler. If someone doesn't or denies any wrong doing, we can forgive, but in all likely hood we would need to seperate ourselves from them, otherwise they would continue the abuse. This is certainly true of abusive relationships likewise.
  21. song: your comment: Catcup, what is You & Geeks "our stand"? They are deer hunters.
  22. research geek: Good point. I agree. When you dont forgive, the unforgiving party suffers the most. It like they are occupying your mind without paying rent. In addition, bitterness causes medical problems. Its a fact that longstanding resentment can elevate BP, alter diet and many other things. When you forgive someone you can get them out of your mind. In addition, it frees your mind to approach your own life with better resolve and less doubt. One can disagree without having hostility. That is a blessed place to be at and a difficult one to attain.
  23. goey: your comment: It seems much more likely to me that these men of God wrote as honestly and as accurately as they could - the events in the Gospels according to their own knowledge and prospective (and in their own words). I agree. Different people have different perspectives in describing the same event and use different words to describe them. While the words were "inspired of God" they were none the less in "there own vocabulary and perspective." Interesting that Luke seems to describe in great detail the events surrounding healings. (A physician would) Matthew the greatest details of content of teachings and events. Mark was more to the point. John describes things the others dont particularily emotional things. I think this tells us a lot about these peoples personalities in addition to being the "word of God".
  24. Oak: In the proper context of course, I think its time your got a new automobile. You and a WOW mobile is a little "out of context" these days no?
  25. This thread deserves to be brought back for more attention. thank you sky4it, your welcome sky4it.
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