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Should stay-at-home moms have to pay back college costs?
justwannabeme replied to markomalley's topic in Open
I think a loan should be paid back. I do not think the woman has to start working in the field...that's her business. Her debt to society is to pay back the loan. -
Just wondering how old does a person have to be to be under the banner of their parents? Wasn't Naomi an adult? Wasn't she capable of her own believing? And isn't it true that sometimes the evil devil just gets in there and ruins peoples lives? Death and illness will be with us until the return of Christ. If Donna were right, why isn't Leah and Timothy dead yet, or even Donna herself? Why weren't they all "greasespots by midnight"? People were used as "examples" as Donna used the Polings...supposedly to show the importance of standing with LCM and the Way Ministry. How is it no one used the Martindales as examples? I remember a leader once telling me that the "Spiritual Probation" was profitable. If it was so right on, why didn't LCM emerge a changed man? Making an example of him would have been much more "profitable" than the use of believers that many people didn't know personally. Everyone could have learned a big lesson on how NOT to walk by the flesh if the sins of the Martindales was paraded before all...just as anyone in the Corps or who lived at International was well aware of. Just blow it and you're life would be served up with the noon meal! Why wasn't Donna just as quick to get on a podium and tell her own story of what happened to LCM, of what went wrong in their marriage and how it affected so many other people in such a horrible way, of how other clergy were forced out of the door when they confronted him and then accused of treason, of how LCM could have been engaging in sexual atrocities under her nose (hmmm...), etc. Why weren't the Martindale children dead long before their father went into hiding, never to emerge? Could it be that leaving the Way Ministry DOES NOT LEAD TO DEATH AND DESTRUCTION? (No...the sins of the Martindales was spoken of as the devil attacking the ministry. How absurd! Naomi Poling died because her father left the ministry, but LCM screwing wives of standing believers in the Way Ministry, as well as single women who trusted him, was hushed and treated as an attack. In other words, LCM DID NOTHING WRONG! Somehow the ol' Devil used LCM'S private parts to thwart the ministry. Other people would have been accused of being possessed...hmmm... Lets face it. The Way Ministry should be watched by the insiders. Idol worship didn't die with the removal of LCM. He was allowed to get on with life because there is a lot of Baal worship going on. Remember ...wolves in sheep's clothing. The Way got everyone looking into denominational closets for the boogey man...meanwhile he was residing in the Way International's livingroom, right in front of everyone's faces. The fact that all this was swept under the rug, and any questions were rejected as butting into other peoples personal lives (forget that these were the people who lived their lives in front of everyone and had no problem sharing someone else's personal business) shows that idolatry was alive and well in the Way International. Why wasn't it just as wrong to air the Polings personal business? This is one topic that has yet to be addressed by anyone in the Way International on a public forum.
It's you, HCW! HA HA HA
Yo, ladies! See how some guys think about you when you hit 40? Got the trophy girl friend. Time for the gals to go get those younger studs? Hey...why settle for bald heads and beer bellies? Greatest liberation for women...younger men! Ooops~ sorry to derail temporarily. Happened to a friend of mine. He got the young girlfriend, bought the nice house and his wife got the kids, welfare to pay for the expensive daycare, and all the weight of the responsibility of bringing them up. Oh yeah...and he was the one left the ministry. The ministry definitely didn't help...too bad you didn't get professional counseling for your marriage.
Oakspear! "Louie, Louie"... Oh yeah. I remember that song about interracial love. "She was black, as the night....Louie was whiter than white...took her home to meet momma and poppa, Louie had a terrible fight...Louie, Louie Louie, Louie...Louie, Louie, Louie, Lou-ahh, etc.
Geez! Am I da only one dat liked dat song? I took the Advanced Class in 1979, and beautiful Ohio played in the morning, as well as the song where VP would say to swing and sway with Sammy Kaye. That summer they started with the Beautiful Ohio. Boy...I gotta admit, I miss going to the Rock of Ages. Only hated it when I had to haul trash with a bad back. But mostly...I loved it...sigh...
Hi Smurfette, I agree more with White Dove. I yearned for Christian companionship. I think volunteering is a wonderful and necessary part of our society, on many levels...even if it is simply a financial association. What works for one person may or may not work for another. I think you ought to check them out for yourself! They don't kidnap anyone, or force you to stay. Wayne Cl*pp is wonderful. He was very straight forward when I talked with him about why he left (or was asked to leave) TWI. I personally would enjoy hanging with those folks, but physically cannot. And...no offense to anyone here who has done biblical research disputing the doctrines of TWI...your research means as much to me as anyone elses...maybe true, maybe false...probably a mix of both. Anyway, God knows, so we all just do our best. I personally am not sorry for all I learned with TWI. I got born again while affiliated with TWI. Could God have pulled that off anywhere? You bet. But my point is, He was able to help me there. Don't be discouraged from checking it out for yourself. No one has to walk in your shoes but you yourself.
justwannabeme replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
Did I miss something? I thought the quote says TWI was selected. Where did the "they paid $" come into play? -
Unconventional Marriage-- at least according to The Way
justwannabeme replied to Catcup's topic in About The Way
Catcup... Looks like you've come full circle! Back to the interrogation...hahaha...geez...go read what got Catcup here... -
Unconventional Marriage-- at least according to The Way
justwannabeme replied to Catcup's topic in About The Way
CATCUP, Waterbuffalo, et al: I am reminded of a movie called "Fools Rush In". A woman, who was afraid to let her husband know she was still pregnant, and left him before he left her, is talking with her wise grandmother who tells her that she must "Surrender to love" if she wants to have it. You have to let down your fences. Following Way mandates helped end my marriage. I learned to NEVER let anyone have that much control of my life. "What I still object to is how our thinking got warped to allow people's opinions to bare so much weight in our personal lives." Waterbuffalo...How true! Some of us found out too late! For those of you who kept those marriages working the way they should, BRAVO! -
I personally never knew the Moyni*ans. Based on comments made by you all, I would have to say it's hard to believe. Of course, unless many of us are privy to things, it's hard to believe. Unless you "see the picture", so to say, it's hard to believe people would straight out lie about affairs, etc. Probably because many of you couoldn't see yourselves doing that to cover up someone's hiney. Kind of like needing a picture of a horrific murder to believe anyone could do such a thing. I am convinced that there was no atrocity someone in TWI would not be willing to cover up. And you can only accept that it is still the same abusers and adulters in power. Could you see Jesus Christ saying to a believer about the Pharisees and the Saducees, "It's none of your business what they did." As wayfers were told about LCM. Gee...I can think of a few scriptures where Jesus Christ confronted the ungodly in front of EVERYONE! Actually, if the TWI believes the Word of God is the Will of God, then they WOULD CONFRONT the offenders! God in His Word confronts them for us all to read about! God's Word is so true! They are only interested in feeding their own bellies and serving their own purposes. Probably they are the last ones to think they are doing anything WRONG!
Unconventional Marriage-- at least according to The Way
justwannabeme replied to Catcup's topic in About The Way
Catcup, I went back and read the thread that lead to this one! I actually got a bit tired of reading it since I read your opening statement to this thread. It made the comments go on and on and on once you had given a statement. It was like watching a dog on the trail of a scent... only this was sprayed there by someone else. I agreed that you were in an inquisition. "How long have you been a witch?" "I'm not a witch. I just know how to swim." "wouldn't that be something a witch would do?" "What?" "Cover up the fact she is a witch because she can swim?" "Can't I simply swim and not be a witch?" "But why would you want to swim if you have no desire to practice witchery and consort with the devil?!" "I already answered your question. I am not a witch." "Yes...someone who is a witch would try to deceive us with that answer. There is absolutely no reason for any person to swim...repent...go on... tell us and free your soul!" Oi Vey! Reading you list the "inquisition" questions of Song made me think of the "confrontation/ counselling" sessions in The Way. Remember those "Surprise" sessions. You'd be invited for coffee and there would be your leadership there (as a witness) and you would be confronted. And once they decided what you were wrong about, there was no way to redeem yourself but to let them give you the royal anal probe! Then jump through enough man-made hoops and write letters of apology, plan strategic comeback goals, have six months of probabation, and THEN...MAYBE...you could come back! Song...way off base. First, Greasespot is an open forum! Is this the new "Splinter" group, where you dare not speak unless you conform to the "experts" here on WayBrain? Must everyone here hold the same opinion about every topic here? Must thinkers straying from the popular ideology be "outted"? Haven't we all had enough of self-ordained experts?! HCW, I think you give too much credit to Song as being he (or she) who pulls things out of people! If that line of questioning was okay, that I would say that's Way Brain! We all had it for DECADES!!! Intimidate and accuse...accuse and intimidate. All it takes is my suspicion of who you are...and shabam...time to play 100 questions. Thanks for taking a stand CATCUP. No offense to Song or HCW. -
Unconventional Marriage-- at least according to The Way
justwannabeme replied to Catcup's topic in About The Way
Everyone on this thread can think of marriages that ended in part due to allowing the meddleship of TWI leadership. In one state I lived spouses running to leadership with their personal, marital decisions or problems was encouraged. Getting that leadership feedback on whether you should buy a new car became a big deal! It made TWI the leaders of every marriage! How intrusive! Still boils my blood thinking about how they tried to micro-manage everyone's lives! I myself had professional counseling after my marriage ended. The counselor said that the meddling (I told the counselor some of the TWI advice given)was the most destructive thing that could have happened in my marriage. TWI tried to became the "head of the household" in the marriage. I knew folks who had their private sexual practices nosed into. For TWI's own belief system (the man is the head), the true "head" of the marriage was replaced by the limb and region coordinators. By going to the twig coordinator with your private marital business, you could bet it would go to the branch leader, then to the limb leader, then to the region coordinator, possibly the trunk leader if it was a big enough scoop. They all needed their "multitude of counselors", so by the time it was said and done, way too many people knew what was none of their business! Then mandates were handed down from the pontiffs! Look at the incredibly wonderful marriage of LCM. Hmmm...where did that go! And why didn't Donna go with him? But that's another thread... OUTRAGEOUS! -
Question, dmiller: May I ask where is that location of free PFAL, if I might ask. I never heard of that!
They are a group who still believe in the teachings of the Way International. They also have some great music from the early 1970's, etc.