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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. Nandon -- yes it does matter. It's a little thing called INTEGRITY. That's a word you'd have a hard time looking up the definition of, in today's Funk and Wagnalls, given the actions of folks (these days).
  2. Bluegrass music and playing fiddle. Hard to feel mad at the world when yer swatting out a high paced bluegrass tune, either in a field at a Bluegrass Festival, or on stage: but --- that's just my IMO. ;)
  3. I guess *biblical research* doesn't matter either, eh?? Personally -- I don't follow baseball like some here, but from what little I know -- it is evident that deception/ and *illegal* use is being perpetuated here to attain a goal. Mr. (I use the term loosely) Bonds will do anything to attain a goal. Docvic did the same, in a different *game*. Now -- do you want to defend docvic?? Same strokes -- different folks.
  4. And did he learn the *difference* between throughly, and thoroughly??
  5. Barry Bonds is to baseball, as docvic was to biblical research.
  6. dmiller


    (Looks good) :)
  7. Hmmmm. You got me thinking. Besides you and myself ---- there's Raf, Kit Sober, Garth, Mark Sanguinetti, Shellon, Abigail. and TempleLady (who posts her name and address under her avatar), who use their real names here at GSC. Matter of fact -- so does JAL and Jeff (the supply guy) from CES. And so does John R. and Hope R. use their real names as well. Join the *club*!! :) (My apologies to those I didn't mention!!)
  8. Make that several of us -- myself included. Some here use our real names as screen names. David (edited to add my first name, which most know already). ;)
  9. dmiller

    Alter Egos

    :) 15% of all those occupations would keep twi in the black for a few more years!
  10. Groucho -- and don't forget the name of the quartet --- THE VICTORS Self-serving, or what????
  11. Perhaps they liked the *lifestyle* sans rules, regs, and authoritarian *lordship*. (Just a general observation, and as always --- my IMO). ;)
  12. dmiller


    SNICKERING -- (verb) -- one who *snickers*. I looked up *snickering* in the dictionary, and found this photo beside it. (P.S. --I deliberately disabled the link to your on-line photo, but it still fits.) I didn't have your permission to post your pic, so I won't. Snicker away. :)
  13. dmiller


    Does he belong in the new museum??? ;)
  14. Agreeing with TempleLady. Facts are facts. There is no *hidden agenda* there. Click THIS, , and tell me it's an agenda, and not facts. Oh --- and by the way -- tell me how come I didn't hear this from *headquarters*, eh?????? How's come (sorry for the Wierwille-ism there) I never knew that from HQ, back in 1985?? Docvic died from cancer (which he taught was DIRECTLY DUE to devil spirit possesion), and when he finally died, headquarters didn't have the balls to admit the truth? It was glossed over, with NO MENTION OF CAUSE. For those who think JohnJ has an *agenda*, take a *check-up from the neck-up*. He's offered nothing but proof (printed evidence) that debunks the *myth that was twi*. Good times?? Yea. I had them too. Bad times? Yea, I had those too. Good times were with the locals, bad times were with the org. Presenting the facts that those (such as I) weren't *privy to know about*, doesn't constitute an *agenda* by johnj. He's offering a service, to those of us who were kept in the dark, fed bu!!$h!t, and were expected to *grow*, as a result. I guess some here engage in Ostrichization. If one can't look at his site, and see it for what it is ---- your head is in the sand, which might cause the fear, in your machinery of life.
  15. dmiller


    Shucks --if Abi doesn't complain, you're home free!!
  16. Naw!!!!!! He's got guests to attend to! ;) He probably has them all playing triple movie links, or sumpthin!!
  17. Ironic (isn't it???) ------ Twi allows NO dissension/ discussioin on their website. GreaseSpot Cafe welcomes both, in the interest of free discussion. John Juedes has asked PERSONALLY for clarification on certain points, so that he might correct and amend any erroneous statements he might have made. So you tell me -- WHO HAS THE AGENDA here??????? Clue for those who think slow like myself -- it isn't GSC, nor is it empirenet.com Ya got one guess remaining. :)
  18. IF I were in Ohio; and IF I happened to be at/ or near New Knoxville; and IF I had time to waste; and IF they would allow me on grounds: Yea -- I'd go back for a day, but certainly not for good. It would be interesting to me (knowing what I do now about twi), to sit there and evaluate the SNS in a more objective light. I agree with MountainTopCo -- what I thought was there really wasn't. But it still might be interesting to go and see the *tangible results* (of something that should have been there long ago), manifested in this day and time as *The Present Truth*, while falling far short of the mark (again -- knowing what I do know). I'm not a patron of the arts (going to plays, etc.) --- but to me a SNS might qualify as -- either a tragedy, a comedy, or both.
  19. Suda --- Yep. They're an hour ahead of you and I. The party's probably already begun.
  20. :blink: :blink: :blink: (psst!!! I'm dmiller --- NOT Daimon!!) But I see that you also (Bullinger) have five stars as well.
  21. If it's not by *blind and random chance*, perhaps there is a higher power behind it all?? Sorry for interrupting --- carry on! :)
  22. Ohhhh -- that's right. Change a word, add a word, delete a word, flog the word, ignore the word, etc. My, my !! The memories -- how they flood my soul!!! PRECIOUS MEMORIES.
  23. Reminds me of the Lincoln/ Kennedy *coincidences*. :) HERE!. T'is an *interesting mystery*. ;)
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