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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. "The feelings and the "I just know" type of evidence given here is precisely the reason that in REAL science, a great deal of energy is expended in the design of an experiment." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And I bet the energy level rises dramatically during a Full Moon! :D--> :D-->
  2. Krys -- I am hoping that when you said "I'm outta here", you meant this thread, and not the GSCafe site. I will no longer respond to this thread either, but will rather pray for Rocky (who has actually asked for it in the prayer room), and not "fuel the flames" by answering questions that "stroke" a few folks egos. You are right. Life is too short. Let us spend our brief "moments" here on earth wisely. Amen! :)-->
  3. Geo -- you said ---------- "The moon is full, or appears to be so (how many of us actually check each month as to what day the actual full moon is?) for several days. You could stretch it just a bit and still sorta kinda call it a "full" moon for maybe as much as a week. That's 1/4 of the time!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I actually DO check to see which day the full moon appears on, cause we got one cantankerous old guy in a wheel-chair who does his best to "run us over" every day (at the house I work at). Full moon affects him too, and he is more "agile" and "alert" then. These are things we (as staff) NEED TO KNOW. :D--> :D--> :D-->, so we do check the exact date.
  4. Mike -- I'm sorry, but I gotta say it, The "lost teachings" are no different then the stuff I find in my fridge, that I have forgotten about for 2 or 3 months. I "master" that which is rotten, and stinking in my fridge, by throwing it out in the trash. Sorry I can't give the "lost teaching" a better comparision, but that is how it is with me, and my house. The hymn you quoted was great, and you also said: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Outside of this ministry I've seen very few answers. If we knew where there were more, we'd go get them! That's right." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is OUTSIDE of this ministry that we find the answers, and the answers are found in THE BIBLE, not the books by vpw. As Vickles said, "it sounds like a lot of controlling to me", concerning vpw and his books. I've got to agree with her, and I will go back to the "lost food" in the fridge analogy as a closing statement.
  5. Lindyhopper -- Have a happy birthday! :)--> Saturday night & a full moon. Time to hit the dance floor!
  6. I have posted this site before, perhaps here, or perhaps another thread, but it bears repeating. Please log on to: http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.ph...article&sid=294 if you have questions about "My God, why have You forsaken me." This says it all. Thanks. :)-->
  7. lindyhopper -------- Hey! Happy Birthday! Bet there was a "Full Moon" when you were born too!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  8. Zixar -- D*mn !!!!!!! While I was editing, you posted. Had hoped to beat you here :D--> :D-->, but nooooooooo :(--> :(--> ;)-->
  9. Ex10 -- Zixar will probably have a logical explanation, but where I live (within 3 miles of TWO universities), the full moon brings out the best (ahem --cough!!) Worst! of the college students who live here on my block. Parties go up, public indecency rises, and I guess it is somewhat akin to the change of seasons, such as Spring or Fall, when "juices flow", and people feel like doing something. The group home I work at, has 4 very "laid-back" gents living there, but oddly enough -- when a full moon comes around, they ALL feel like going out and "doing" something. Go figure. --> -->
  10. Vickles -- I had to go in regardless of the weather, and the two inches we got up here ???? All "wet and sloppy" stuff! :(--> had to shovel the entire parking area, and driveway at work (not prolific, by any means, but big enough) 3RD time this week!! (Our snowblower is broke). >> If there is another storm coming thru the Twin Cities, BELIEVE I WILL lock the old Dodge into 4-wheel drive! :D--> :D-->. !! Am hoping your work day was a good day, despite the plans you had. :D--> :)--> :D--> :)--> :D-->
  11. Spent the past hour reading up on all the fine folk here! Well I will add to it. dmiller is me, David Miller. I wanted an e-mail address that had my name in it. David Miller was already taken, so I went with dmiller1112 as my e-mail address (1112 is my street address). I used that for the longest time as a s/n, then realized I could add extra s/n's. --> (yes -- I am SLOW at times!) :D--> There are several others I have gone under, but the other names besides dmiller that I am known by, are DustyWanderer, and FiddlePicker I chose DustyWanderer because it described my search for truth both BEFORE twi, and AFTER twi. Dusty from Wandering, looking for a place to "hang my hat". :(--> FiddlePicker, because even though I play several Bluegrass instruments, the fiddle is my favourite. It depends on where I am, as to which name I use, and here at GSCafe, it has always been dmiller.
  12. Vickles -- Hey there. You all sure got more than we did here in Duluth. Barely 2 inches fell here. Looking out over Lake Superior and into Wisconsin, I see the clouds are more ominous there, so the main brunt must have passed us by. I'll be coming to Minneapolis this weekend for a Bluegrass "festival" of sorts. Should I lock the truck into 4-wheel drive? Kit -- :D--> :D--> :D--> Love it! Does their insurance cover all that damage, or was the storm declared an "act of God"? ;)--> ;)-->
  13. CoolWaters, and Just Thinking -- and another scam was "sponsoring corp IS NOT THE SAME as abs". If I gave to an individual for sponsorship (and I did a lot), I couldn't count that as abs, cause I wasn't giving to the "ministry"! What a crock! Never figured that one out, till I got out. By then it was too late to say anything. :(--> But who would have listened? -->
  14. Chas --- U ROCK!!! :D--> :D--> :D--> No offense meant, but that was the most intelligently, thoughfully CYNICAL way of putting it!! Now why didn't I think of that? --> --> -->
  15. If vpw had a "lost teaching", put it where it belongs (in the apocrypha, in the catholic bible), along with all the other "lost teachings".
  16. Groucho -- I was in for 10 years, now out for 20 years, and come to think of it, that "little red book" CSBP WAS "recommended reading", but I never put two and two together. Follow the money ---- YEA. :(-->
  17. Garth -- am praying those dates are ACCURATE! :D--> :D--> :D--> Dormant till then. Amen.
  18. Groucho -- What a great story!! :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D-->
  19. Quote from Geo --- "I guess it's not so incredible that some still think that the Vickster was some neo-John the Baptist 'er something." HA! :D--> :D--> :D--> How's about Neo-John Lennon?? Now he was a cult leader too! ;)--> ;)--> ;)-->
  20. Trefor -- well hey ! Happy (belated) St. David's day. :D--> :D--> :D--> And BTW thanks for the Cymru Am Byth definition. I had no clue what it meant, and wondered if it was something X-rated!! Naw -- not really.
  21. Trefor -- am looking forward to that post. I hate to show my ignorance here, but what the heck does "Cymru Am Byth" mean?? --> I'll check the thread later for the definition, I ordered out Chinese food for tonight! :D-->
  22. Out of a garage eh?? Isn't that where Apple computer started? Am thinking we will all be buying shares in your stock someday!
  23. Trefor -- you state -- "The fact that some people wish to pass a Constitutional amendment about marriage would seem to indicate to me that they are not at all confident that the Constitution does not already make such provision even though other laws do not." I have NO PROBLEM with the Constitution. I DO have a problem with those who are doing an "end run" around us, and trying to legitimacize something REGUARDLESS of said Constitution. If it takes an ammendment to stop them, I am all for it.
  24. Zixar - Times, dates, everything!!! That must've touched a nerve! :D-->
  25. Doze -- wayyyyyyyyyyy too much!! :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D-->
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