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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. But the If I go to the bar ABOVE this here letter, and click on .
  2. ? (or something like that). -->Hmmmmmmm --- all I see at the bottom right is a trash barrel. Guess my MAC is outta touch.
  3. Heyyyyyyy Groucho -- Happy Birthday!!!!! If it was back in February -- Hope you had a good one. :)--> :)--> If it is coming up on Wednesday -- Hope you have a good one.
  4. "Hopefully product allegiance will prevail." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amen to that there! How much of a monopoly does Microsoft need, before they are satisfied? :(--> Ps. -- Bluzeman -- Thanks for the link. :)--> I think I will stick with the advice from Zixar.
  5. Watered Garden ---- Thanks for clearing it up! :)--> You have you an extra special day on Wednesday! ;)-->
  6. so -- is LinuxOS better than MacOS?? Does it work on a Mac, and would it be advantageous to install if it does?? I know nothing of this stuff, so maybe it doesn't matter for me.
  7. Hey -- just noticed the date on the post. Is/was the birthday Feb. 24, or March 24? --> -->
  8. Watered Garden --- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You have a good one, hear? ;)--> Just noticed this is my 666th post! Hope that doesn't complicate things! :D--> :D-->
  9. Jim -------- ahhhhhhhhhh. I forgot about them, and stupid me My neighbor has one on his roof.
  10. It's paper mache' or e-bay. :D--> :D--> :D--> Paper mache' is muchhhhhhhh cheaper! More fulfilling too! Think of the memories you will have in the years to come. :)-->
  11. Radar -- That thing about holidays you mentioned. At Beth Yeshua (the Messianic church I went to for a while), they also reject "traditional" holidays as those "ordained by man" and not by God. They do however, observe all the feasts found in the Old Testament, since God instituted them. All are welcome there, but one has to believe EXACTLY as they do to become a member. At Beth Yeshua, they never bothered to rename holidays, they just ignored them. Last 4th of July fell on a Friday, they held service and bible study as usual (Friday night), but most did go see the fireworks after! :D-->
  12. "If going to church makes someone a Christian, does going to the garage make them a car?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Groucho -- nope. I go TO the garage, get IN the car, and GO SOMEWHERE and DO SOMETHING with my life. --> You missed the point EW posed (like) TOTALLY Man! --> E.W. -- I do not go to church, but miss the camaradirie (sp?) that we all once had. Have tried several, and my favourite was a Messianic outfit that taught a lot of thoughtful stuff connecting the Old Testament with the New. I finally left them, cause they kept hammering home the point that Jesus was "pre-existant", and that He was all over the Old Testament. (i.e. -- He was in the fiery furnace with Shad and the boys, He was the one who wrestled with Jacob, etc. etc.) Am currently partnering with CES, tho there is no fellowship near me. I am attracted to a church if it has good bible teaching. Guess I still like to hear bible taught, and not just "pious platitudes". Have tried Evangelical outfits, 4-Square meetings, Gospel Tabernacle, even went to a Jehovah Witness meeting once. None of them cut it when it came to preaching an accurate message, based on the Word. If your group is interested in seeing folks live Christian lives, and encourages people to do so, good for them!! I still think about visiting more churches in the area, and see what all they believe, and what the folks are like that attend.
  13. MCarroll -- when you said -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I dont know if any of you out there are having a hard time at cultivating friendships like me. I know that I am making myself very vulnerable by posting this here but Im really tired of not having any friends, but I honestly dont know how to change." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I immediately thought of the prayer room here at this site. There are many of us here who go there daily to look for new requests to pray for, and seek deliverance for the petitioner. Post your request there. There are some left here who do believe in God delivering thru prayer! If you want to change, it can be done. :)--> By the way -- iron sharpens iron means just that. Confrontation can "sharpen" a person when other methods fail, but the trick is to know when to use your "iron" !! ;)-->
  14. Sir Guess -- have a great day!! Tom -- didn't you know?? those were Exie's hands in the pic! :D--> :D-->
  15. Rafael gets my vote for "most informative" when it comes to debunking twi "doctrine". Paw gets my vote for "most informative" over-all, as well as being the most "fair and patient" poster there is. I don't even know how Mike made the list You DID say "informative" -- right? :D--> :D--> :D-->
  16. Geo ----- relax bro!!!!! Trains are for transportation, and maybe in Japan they need to get somewhere faster, but here???? It is a nostalgic means of transportation. To quote from "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" -- it was said "we chose our route in hopes of making "good time -- with the emphasis on good" (my paraphrase :D--> ) Rode the trains a time or two myself. It was the relaxed atmosphere that endeared them to me. Not only did you get to where you were going, but you saw the countryside as well. There is TRUELY something to be said for "seeing the country", as well as getting to the final destination. :)--> Linda -- last summer, we had a train pull into town that had all private cars. Each car was owned by a family, person, whatever, and they attached their own RR car to the locomotive, in order to go where they wanted to. The local newspaper showed the insides of some of these "refurbished" cars, and they looked nicer than most homes! Perhaps (if it is within your budget) you could look into the possibility of buying a RR car, and then check into hooking it up with a locomotive heading the same direction you want to go. There are RR car owner's groups out there that would be more than willing to help you travel by rail, and in your own car to boot.
  17. Hey there RECRUIT ME. Welcome to GSCAFE! :)--> I'd tell you to roll up your sleeves, and wade on in --> But it looks like you already have! :D-->
  18. I agree with you, Oakspear. Things do go in cycles from what I've seen. That Terry Bradshaw thing you mentioned, Hope, pretty much took the wind away from all the other "sails", and the in-fighting did seem to abate for a while. I haven't forgotten the harshness, the rules & regs, and all the other crap in twi, but for me personally, it is not something I want to rehash. Having been out for 20 years now, I have found other things to replace what I went thru back then. Catcup -- you make a very valid point about not forgetting the past, therfore I am with you in advocating that stories be told. Maybe I am "odd man out" here, but when I see the stories, I put that person on my prayer list so I can pray for the peace and inner tranquility they are looking for. THANKS! for reminding us of this. :)-->
  19. Just saw a thing on TV advertising the "MAGIC BULLET". It chops, it blends, it juices, the containers are microwave/dishwasher safe, etc. etc.! The TV demo was impressive (aren't they all! ;)--> and the product was a mere $100.00 -- for a $400.00 value mind you! :)--> I may actually succumb and get one. --> They can be found at www.buythebullet.com. Note -- that is BUY the bullet, NOT BITE the bullet!! :D--> :D--> :D--> Biting the bullet comes with the S&H charges -- 20 bucks!
  20. MO 1G s/n's --- Yea. I needed new knives for the kitchen, so late one night, influenced by an infomercial -- I bought some that could "cut granite, and then be sharp enough to slice thru a tomato". NEVER NEEDS SHARPENING -- ( so they said). --> They were good, but even tho I never hacked at granite, they only lasted for a couple of years. They were cheaper than if I had bought them in a store, so it was worth it, but just barely!
  21. LTL -- a quote from your post -- "What the hell did they care when you had sex with your spouse (I assume it was for married people)? Was it so they could hone in on those not having ENOUGH sex in order to "hit" on those people? Kind of like letting TWI know you weren't having enough sex so LCM and his merry band of cohorts could "help out" in that area and be "donors"?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not only do I find that COMPLETELY PLAUSIBLE I would be willing to bet on it! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  22. TCAT AND COUCH COMMANDO --- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! May you have another 17 plus, that is just as good! :)--> :)--> :)-->
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