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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. Song -- surely you remember this record -- Gee -- I wonder where they all came from. --> Fortunateone -- guess that makes 2Kings "mormonistic" also??
  2. actually, the majority part (after that intro) was excellent. I learned a lot that I had never heard before, and yup -- they had scripture to back up what they said, not some quotes from a rock and roll band.
  3. With less than a month to go, it is now looking bleak for me to be there. :(--> There is some family "business" that came up, and I have to be at it in Iowa, one week after the weenie roast. I do not have enough vacation time to take off for both. This was unexpected, but it is something I can't really get out of. I barely have enough vacation time to cover my needs there, but I do have enough for the one. I will miss seeing you all down there in the Smokies. I was looking forward to attending a "real roa", even if it is called a weenie roast.
  4. Fortunateone -- the following from your link: is almost word for word from the 1991 Sept/Oct CES tape Ministry of Angels to Believers taught by John Lynn. The tape is actually pretty good, once he gets past the intro part.
  5. Hmmmmmm. I was a happy camper in the mid 70's, and up until the time docvic "lost his believing" (ie -- moved on), passed away, whatever. While he was still alive, and the leadership passed to lcm, twi still seemed to run like he (doc) would want it to, even though it was changing. I never saw it close up, but from a distance, the coming storms were pretty evident. POP was the final straw, and the veracity of twi, and their teachings were forever in question, and under suspicion. Too many acusations were flying around for this to be a legitimate ministry. Oldies -- Lighten up, man. Take a "chill pill". Do something to take the edge off of you're "not so discreet sarcasm" that you are directing to others. Their experience is not yours, and vice versa. Your denigrating the experiences of those who have had bad experiences in twi is bs, and not a thing you can say will change what happened to them. Let's suppose you were in an accident, and fell off of a a ladder, lived to tell the tale, and I showed up, saying that the ladder was trustworthy, proven safe, above reproach, and then blamed you for the fall. I, for one, would bet that you would .... and moan to High Heavan, 100% sure, that you were being picked on, and unfairly targeted. Well -- hey bro -- you are doing the same thing to those here who are honest enough to say what actually did happen to them. If you cannot accept someone else's experiences as true, just because you yourself did not go thru them, then keep quiet. They have a story to tell, and need no harassment. In your last few posts on this thread, you have shown a remarkable ability to transcend truth, and cast doubt on others who have gone through that which you have never gone though, and refuse to believe that such a thing could happen, due to those WAY coloured glasses you are wearing. Take em off, and see the light. -->
  6. Adam (by his own free will) made himself disposable. Jesus (by His own free will) made Himself accessible.
  7. Steve! -- me too. But I suspect it has something to do with road construction, and the lack of the driver's ability to recognize such in time to pull over before he/she is totally engulfed in traffic, at a dead stop, miles from an exit, and no bathroom in sight. :D--> Is Lindy "stuck on the road of life", which is always under constructon? --> HEED! Pants, now! -->
  8. All I am looking at, and thinking of, are the words --- Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, and few there are that find it. (my para-phrase). Makes me wonder about myself, much less docvic.
  9. :(--> :(--> :(--> King Dmiller?? No. I think not. --> Court Fool? Perhaps. King? No. Not me, not now, not ever.
  10. Mr P Mosh -- I used to think that I was right, and all others wrong, but have since grown up, and matured. These days I consider myself to know a few things, and those that I once thought "wrong", don't fit the category as "neatly" as I used to think they did. Having a "handle on the truth" is just that, a handle -- and not a steering wheel. Took me a while to realize that, but I am glad to at least have a grasp at truth. :)-->
  11. There will be a bride. There will be a bridegroom. There will be a wedding. That says it all. Mankind, and those propounding theories like those mentioned further above, still seem to be in the gutter. :(--> -->
  12. Were they "Rightly divided??" :D--> --> :D--> Ps -- thanks! ;)-->
  13. dmiller

    Lets Have Sex

    Hills Bro -- ask, and ye shall recieve!! :D--> :D--> ------------------------------------I AM MY OWN GRANDPA--------------------------------------------- I.) Many, many years ago, when I was twenty three, I was married to a widow, as pretty as can be. This widow had a grown up daughter, with hair of fiery red, My father fell in love with her, and soon the two were wed. II.) This made my dad my son-in-law, and changed my very life, My daughter was my mother, cause she was my father's wife. To complicate the matter, even though it brough me joy, I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy. III.) My little baby then became a brother-in-law to dad and so became my uncle, though it makes me very sad. For if he was my uncle, that also made him brother, to widow's grown up daughter, who of course was my step-mother. chorus: I am my own Grandpa, I am my own Grandpa. It's funny I know, but it really is so, I am my own Grandpa. IV.) My father's wife then had a son, who kept them on the run. And he became my grandchild, cause he was my daughter's son. my wife is now my mother's mother, and it makes me blue, because although she is my wife, she's my grandmother too. ------ chorus ------ V.) Now if my wife is my grandmother, then I am her grandchild. And every time I think of it, it nearly drives me wild. For now I have become the strangest case, that you ever saw. As husband to my grandmother, I am my own grandpa ---------- chorus :D--> :D--> :D--> ahem -- follow it through -- no incest involved!!
  14. My brother has done this sort of thing before. He and his son found a ballon released by some school kid as a "science project", with a note attached to it to "please let me know where this landed". It wasn't too far from out of state, so E decided to help it on it's way. Evan flew the ballon with him to Germany, and gave it to a local friend of his there, who sent back the ballon to the address, with a note that it "landed" in Germany. :D--> Several months later, E had some time off, and with my nephew, drove to the address from where the ballon came from. They confessed to the family where it was really found, but found out that the family was thrilled that they had actually received it back, and had gotten a postcard from Germany to boot. My brother, and nephew were forgiven the "trick" they played, because the family that sent up the ballon, were by then avid pen-pals with the family in Germany that sent the ballon back to them. :)-->
  15. By all means --- send Flat Stanley my way if he would enjoy a tour of Duluth, and the North Shore of Lake Superior. After he has seen the sights here, I can send him to my brother in Texas who (free of charge) will give him a trans-atlantic flight in the Delta jet he is the pilot of. Depending on where Evan (my brother) is headed, FS may come back from Milan, or Belgium. I'll get hold of him, but I am pretty sure Flat Stanley will be allowed on board, and will go "first class". ;)--> Is Flat's passport up to date? --> :D-->
  16. Awwwwww shucks! Kickin' my boot heels in the dust here. Would that be the dust of former beliefs? --> :D--> :D--> :D-->
  17. Oak -- I would have voted for number 6, had there been one. #6 choice ----- "With a whole lot more tolerance, understanding, and compassion than I would have even 10 years ago, because I now know that --- THE TRUELY EDUCATED NEVER GRADUATE" (You're one of my teachers. Do I pass?) :)-->
  18. Krys -- I'm sure we could (enough monetary "consideration") would cause them to turn a "blind eye" -- but I don't think there is enougn "monetary consideration", or any "other kind of consideration" to cause any of us to want to go back. Would you go to a GS weenie roast there?? ;)--> :D-->
  19. Matthew 18:12 says it all --- The shepherd losing even one sheep, goes out to find it, in order to save it -- NOT to make it a greasespot by midnight. -->
  20. Ours in Minnesota are already starting to turn, but nowhwere near that spectacular. We also (bullinger), have about another month before we reach peak season. Mighty purty, CowGirl!
  21. You are right. Mea Culpa! I didn't think of it that way. Perhaps Jeff was posting the link to the article to get folks to look at it, and think about it, and perhaps not. Either way -- you are right. I apologize. :)-->
  22. I second Oak. :D--> "Break on though to the other side..." Jim Morrison
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