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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. dmiller

    Minnesota Weather

    Z-shot --- I think I hate you!! :D--> :D--> :P--> :D--> :D-->
  2. dmiller

    Minnesota Weather

    54 below zero here last night. We had minus 28 here in Duluth last night. :(-->
  3. dmiller


    Hiya coolchef -- at the top and bottom of each page (this one included), you'll see "chat room" listed. Click on it, and it will get you in. Chat is usually busiest after supper, until around 10:00 pm or so. See ya there! :)-->
  4. Coolchef -- Hey there. Welcome. Good to see you. :)--> GsGeorge -- you said "...feel free to express them (tastefully, of course)." As a chef -- coolchef's views may be more tasteful than ours! :D--> Belle --- gum........from........under........the........tables?!?!? We can do better than that!
  5. Do you even have *leadership* in your area? --> So they wouldn't answer, eh? I guess they aren't partial to ex-way. But then again -- it is their board.
  6. dmiller

    My first new car!

    Just saw the photo of it. Wow! Is that all wheel drive?? Manual, or automatic? And more importantly, if we both show up at the weenie roast, am I allowed to park my 18 year old Dodge truck next to you? :D-->
  7. :)--> Righteous. As it should be.
  8. :)--> Got a name for the upcoming hurricane, Song?
  9. Some only do it until they need glasses! :D--> :D-->
  10. Cow Girl --is your idea of guitar tabulature 6 lines with numbers on them, or actual musical notation -- written out as it would be for a piano? I remember sending you some tab once, and you asked for the notation instead. I'm still looking for the song for you. :)-->
  11. Hi Mike -- yea -- I went over to take a look around and the folks running it seem to be pretty polite. Saw a few familiar names from this site too. The reason I said the "ancient history" thing is I've never had the WAP class, and I thought it superceded pfal. Sure -- pfal (as a class) is ancient history here as one would expect. I was jut curious how it would be accepted there. That's all. I didn't know the collaterals were still around. Oh yes -- with a net, one needs neither honey nor vinegar! :D-->
  12. Hmmm -- that reminds me of this quote: "The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented, As a consolation prize." Robert Hughes
  13. I lose internet connection there too quickly. :(--> :(--> About the time I start to reply to someone ....POOF. -->
  14. Main Entry: pre·hen·sile Pronunciation: prE-'hen(t)-s&l, -'hen-"sIl Function: adjective Etymology: French pr?nsile, from Latin prehensus, past participle of prehendere to seize -- more at GET 1 : adapted for seizing or grasping especially by wrapping around 2 : gifted with mental grasp or moral or aesthetic perception - pre·hen·sil·i·ty /(")prE-"hen-'si-l&-tE/ noun
  15. I use a net to catch butterflies!
  16. It will be velly interesting to see the response you get to pfal, Mike. That's ancient history to them now, isn't it?? -->
  17. Hey there Rottie. Good to see you again! :)--> And also, Harmony Central has a spot on the side bar, where you can request title, author, etc. Good luck.
  18. Hi Cow Girl. Is that really the title?? I can't find it either. HERE is a site for tabs, chords and such, but I don't see that one listed, although many of her other songs are.
  19. Says you! :P--> Put "radical left" in place of "radical right" (leave the word "force" in there), then replace "hate gays" with "denying rights to all" who (replace "pretend" with "believe") that this is a Republic, and think that it's patriotic to rise above the politicians offered to us, even though we vote for some of them, since there was no other choice. --> And then Garth says: Well -- as badly as this may *smart* (or not) -- there are *two sides to every coin* -- and if one can't see em both, you (me, or whomever), just aren't qualified to make the call! :D--> :D-->
  20. I will "laugh with his Spareness" when he has *los cojones* to show up at a KKK meeting, wearing a POW outfit (complete with Star of David), that Jews in concentration camps wore. He woulda been *crucified* by more than just the press, and that's a fact.
  21. But it sounds like this person transcended all that. :(-->
  22. Well -- that is a relief. I can handle dealing with "out-dated allegiances". :)-->
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