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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. All this *banter* back and forth about how many pages were in the syllabus for the class is moot point. If WhiteDove has a 36 page syllabus, it existed. If Waysider has a problem with that, too bad. Perhaps Waysider should go back to the Song Of The Day thread and post there instead. Who cares how many pages were in the syllabus??? I've got the original 2 here at the house. There's no God **** way I would want the other 34 pages here. So much BS, and no room for it here. The CF&S was a fugged up piece of work that had NO MENTION of adultery in it whatsoever. That alone should have sent red flags up to each and everyone watching/ enrolled in the class. It was an abysmal piece of work that showcased docvic's fetishes to the general populace. I never did get an answer to MY original question:
  2. Mark --- this may be , but you need to realize that Mike ONLY looks at the written work of docvic. That means the written books of docvic and the Way mag articles. The Bible doesn't count. It doesn't fit on Mike's "Table of Challenge". In case you didn't know it -- this is a heads up for you. It's futile to try and talk *Bible* with Mike. OK -- back to topic. Snowstorm -- or something like that???
  3. Just wondering if the *gas pumps* that he (docvic) saw the snow on looked anything like this:
  4. A blast from the past. What I said back then, I stand by now.
  5. That would probably be Mike. He has less regard for anything AUDIO, vs. the *written word* of docvic. :)
  6. Perhaps Ham had too many Guinness beers when posting that, eh?? ;) :D
  7. Live link: http://www.uia.net/~messiah7/quz_itulsasnow.htm
  8. Good point. I've often wondered the same thing myself. Where are the accusations against Bullinger/ Leonard/ Stiles/ etc.? Not condoning docvic's actions by any means. He surely *wasn't the man he knew to be*. I've yet to hear (read) any condemnations of Bullinger/ Stiles/ Welch/ Leonard/ etc. If docvic was a smardastic plagiarist, that's one thing. Critics seem to be citing his sources. I suppose it'll take a different thread to debunk them, eh? Or will that happen??
  9. 38 years ago I heard you pick this ---- >>> , and I was hooked.Happy 85th birthday wishes to the man who put the banjo *on the map*.
  10. Several of us??? More like every dang person on this site! Who cares when it was said anyway? Sold a pack of goods, all of us. It coulda been said in the class. It coulda been said in a book of his. It coulda been said at a *Heartbeat* festival. He coulda said it at an ROA, while revving up one of those Harley's, or slipping away for a night in the coach. Regardless -- we bought it (as Branded sang), Hook, Line, and Sinker.
  11. I would have thought that Hap read Jesse Joe's response earlier. My mistake.
  12. If you have to ask the question, you wouldn't understand the answer.
  13. You're kidding, right???
  14. dmiller

    Another Poll

    Maybe *Passing the Mantle* might be more appropriate, eh??
  15. Well -- Not exactly my *style*, but he is good, and did seem to be an accomplished picker. :) I could've done with a little less drums in there, but maybe that's part of the genre, eh? You find *class* in every musical society/ nationality/ style/ etc., even if one isn't really used to it. For what it's worth --- there is a HUGE debate going on now about who is the fastest banjo picker in the world. Johnny Butten of Great Britain, or Todd Taylor of the United States for the Guinness world record.. Ironically --- No one ever thought to invite Raymond Fairchild, who could (easily) hand both those boys their @$$ in a sling, when it comes to speed. :)
  16. It's pics like this (and movies like Deliverance), that give banjos a bad name.
  17. dmiller

    Another Poll

    For those who are curious what is being posted on the *Anti GSC* site, Here is my latest post in response to Abi. Abi --- hey there. David here. FWIW -- I think Paw is a real Champ. A real Hero to those who had no idea of what was REALLY going on in the inside walls of twi. Once Waydale was shutting down, he took up the banner/ standard, and took it from there moving it forward instead of letting it stagnate, as it very well could have. Perhaps it was easier to run the site back then (perhaps not), because there was still a LOT of confusion about what actually did go on behind the the scenes. Folks wanted to know stuff, that hadn't been previously made *available*. Here's a good *for instance*. Remember The LEAD Accident?? Told by HCW? Here it is ----- >>> CLICK HERE! Damn near everyone on the board knew about that that accident, but it was so shrouded in secrecy, that speculation about the entire thing was the only option until HCW came forth and told the story in it's entirety. Grease Spot used to offer things like that, but not anymore. Anymore it's a social site dealing with discussing *layers of onions*, versus the serious sh!! that happened in the past. GSC has changed big time, over these past 5 years. Back then, actual info was offered. These days it seems there are reports of *Black Helicopters* every way you you turn. Everyone is accusing everyone else of not following the rules, being a dick, etc. If Paw wants to to shut it down -- Have at it, and do so quickly. He did what he could, and was p!ssed on as a result. Perhaps it's time he returned the *favor*
  18. dmiller


    Funny/ ironic.. Every time I go down there to see the rhetoric/ name-calling/ character assassination/ etc., there's at least one or two *guests* signed in. There were a couple of *guests* there just a minute ago. How did they get there if you have to be logged in?? Not that it's important or anything. Just curious. :)
  19. Yup. That's phcktard phred's group. I met him back in 1971 and he was just as sick back then as he is now. Surprisingly, you never see him out there on the picket lines. Guess he's got *people* to do that now. :unsure: :blink: :wacko:
  20. The dog returns to it's vomit. Pigs go back to wallowing in the mire. Sometimes folks just don't learn in time. Pearls are also cast before swine. In this case, the *pearls* are the folks who want to do good. The *swine* is the org. I wish you could have read it in the original.
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