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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. dmiller

    Sheriff Joe

    I know you didn't. That was my point. I figured you would follow your own advice to post links and do so in your own post. Others did (which I'm looking at), but you've been negligent. Why should I google something that is in *your back yard*? If it's at your fingertips, and you brought it up, it's incumbent upon you to validate the claims you make, dude. You're letting others carry the water for you here.
  2. Perhaps you can tell us *What It Is Not*.
  3. Where is pfal besides twi, eh?? Returning to one necessitates returning to the other. Not too hard to figure out if you ask me.
  4. I G O T B H O. Pearls before swine. Dog's returning to their vomit. That's what's being offered. Sadly -- that's what's being accepted by mainstream USA. :(
  5. dmiller

    Song of the moment

    The Mando Mafia at Clifftop. Kinda hard to focus on the tune, with the *stage show* happening in front. :)
  6. Barry's tang got toungled up in his tie. If you quit school, you have less chance of making money later on that he and his cronies can tax. I think that's what he meant to say, but was being *politically correct* about it. :) :unsure:
  7. dmiller

    Sheriff Joe

    Working on stemming illegal immigration doesn't sound like fascism to me. Give that man a medal.
  8. dmiller

    Sheriff Joe

    Dude yourself. Sure I can Google. Seems to me (just an imo on my part), that you DEMAND proof from anyone who happens to hold an opinion against yours and if I recollect correct, you've made MORE than one demand for them there who oppose you to prove it by offering links/ studies/ "official" renderings on the subject at hand ---- but for you??? No. You ask that I Google to find out what you *claim*. You can believe it or not --- but since you said you lived in the county in question, I believed you thus my question for *sources*. I figured if anyone had them it would be you, and what did you do?? You blew me off. You may have credible sources proving what you said, but with that last post, you lost any and all credibility with me. Try to live by what you preach, eh???
  9. dmiller

    Sheriff Joe

    And your sources for claiming so are . . . . . .??? (especially #'s 1 & 3).
  10. 1st sentence ---- Nope. 2nd sentence --- How so?
  11. Hey there Phil, how be ye?? :) You've got it partially correct (imo). The abuse that happened there in twi certainly DOES offer fodder for the pages here, yet it was the *beliefs* of twi that fueled the abuse, that you see mentioned here on these pages. A few things like - - - >>> Believing equals Receiving (what I call the most INSIDIOUS teaching of twi); Abundant Sharing --- (or God won't even SPIT in your direction); and, Be Debt Free (sell the house you have equity in, and go rent instead); have done more to wreck the lives of honest folks than the actual physical abuse that went on in twi. (in imo) Granted -- the physical/ mental abuse you read here was present (even though that's a part of the *story*), you need to dig deeper and see what the origin of that abuse was. The *doctrine* of twi fueled it all. I've heard it said that "Actions are a result of words and thoughts". In the case of twi, this is absolutely true. There were widespread *liberties* taken by (cough! cough!) leadership as a direct result of the *teachings* twi propounded. Those that were higher up the ladder, took advantage of those lower on the ladder and they used *teaching* to do so. The front page of this site offers MANY disputations of twi and it's *beliefs*. These forums are a continuation, with personal experience added. Give the site some objective reading, eh? ;) There's much more here than just physical abuse stories.
  12. Cool beans. How (pray tell) does Momentus describe itself, if not either of these two entities?? <_< From all I've head (from reputable sources) they are just another: IN YOUR FACE/ ACCUSATORY CLASS whose one goal is to tear you down. Fugg em. They are nothing more than an org on a mission to control and manipulate. I've dealt with TWO like that in my past. No need for a repeat here on my end. I have other things to say about this (concerning gunpowder and the *subject at hand*), but I can't post it, since it might be construed as a personal attack. (P.S. --- I really HATE the fact one can't edit their own post within a 10 minute time limit, without it showing up as an edit.)
  13. Maybe you need more than one. I have friends with *busses* (so to speak) --- but beware. We'll be bringing banjos/ fiddles/ guitars/ and mandolins too. ;) (Would that work with your business idea?)
  14. One God, & One Lord (Reconsidering the Cornerstone of the Christian Faith) was indeed one of their better works. I've several (but not all of their books), and this one is by far the best. Speaking of CES/STFI --- another stellar teaching is: Did God Really Forsake Jesus Christ On The Cross?? Click the link and check it out. Docvic shoulda heard this one before spewing his $### there in pfal.
  15. Well -- Fer sure Garth is from the south! From anywhere else it would have read *halfway across the COUNTRY". Not that it matters. The opinions are valid. Back to topic, eh? Sorry for the derail. :)
  16. WOOPS -- Mea culpa! Not upset at all here. I see I put in the wrong emoticon. Sorry about that!! Instead of :unsure: I meant to put ;) Speaking of beer brewed elsewhere -- I've heard that the Guinness sold here in the states is nowhere near as good as in Ireland. Matter of fact -- I've heard that the BEST tasting place to enjoy it is at the brewery itself. One of these years I might check that out.
  17. dmiller

    Lonnie Frisbee

    Cheranne --- PM sent. ;)
  18. The House Of Acts was written by John MacDonald (who was a Baptist pastor), and working with a group called Evangelical Concerns Inc. The House of Acts is an account of his experiences at the time with the folks involved. I believe the book is still available at Amazon.
  19. Are they German so you can keep your statements intact and *valid*?? :unsure:
  20. dmiller

    Lonnie Frisbee

    JIM DOOP. He was a well loved man.
  21. dmiller

    Lonnie Frisbee

    Count me in. Jesus freak first/ twi second.
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