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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. Great card from the princess!! Almost forgot that today was the day. Here's hoping ya had a really good one! ;)
  2. Good advice. Edawn -- don't be expecting twi innies to be giving out info that would *cut their throats*. It won't happen.
  3. dmiller

    Bear Tier

    (And the bears came tumbling down!!!)
  4. Hmmm -- is this the JEFF RATH site you are looking for??
  5. Meebe these were folks with hope in their souls!!!
  6. I'll add a *PS* here, just for the heck of it -- inspired by Igotout's post -- I had nothing in particular to do one Sunday morning, so I went to a Baptist church. It pleased me that they had service starting at 10:45 AM, and not earlier. I don't remember what they taught about, nor does it matter. I had a good time. Also saw 3 or 4 old twi folks in the crowd, and we had a GREAT time, reminiscing about *old times in twig*, and how this service was (really) pretty good. That same night -- there was a *get-together*, and one of the twi folks let it be known I picked fiddle. (Dag-gummed Baptists!! --- They love Bluegrass Gospel music!!) Pastor comes up to me, and wonders aloud if I was free that night. Me (sucker for anything) -- says "Sure -- what's happening?" Short of the long of it is -- I got roped into bringing my fiddle, mandolin, AND banjo to help play for some function they had that night. Now -- let's fast forward to (maybe) 6 months later. Hadn't been to that church since the *function*, but on a lark, I showed up on another Sunday, at 10:45 AM. Same pastor -- saw me walk in, left the pulpit and came up to me saying --- "How ya doing?? I've been thinking about you!" I was dumfounded -- No one ever cares about me -- but this guy did. and he remembered me as well -- both as a fiddler, and as a former twi guy. Because of this -- both he and I got into some bible talks -- and I daresay that both he and I learned from each other. Now -- he and I were both *steeped* in our own theology -- But both of us were willing to listen to, and glean from the other -- and take what was good, and consider the rest. If a Baptist preacher/ church can do this ----- Why can't twi???? Which group has the *Luv-of-God*?? Eh????? ;)
  7. It's too bad the folks from the Family Tables don't go to Ck's site. I'm thinking discussion from them would be allowed. ;)
  8. And I ain't a sh!tt!ng about the pm thing. I know it can be rough. I get *in the face* of the *beautiful people* all the time about their *discriminatory attitudes*. they are jerks -- and NEED to be called on it. :)
  9. Seth -- Wanna move to Minney-soda?? I'll be your friend, hang out, do whatever. :) I hear ya about the meds. :( Docs do a wonderful job of prescribing them -- and let YOU deal with the *side effects*. One of *my guys* ( a client of mine in a group home I work at), is both schizophrenic, and has advanced Parkinson's. The meds he takes for the schizo thing (psychotropics), give him Parkinson's symptoms. The meds he takes for Parkinson's (mostly Sinemet), give him schizophrenic symptons. It's hard to tell what he is going through (daily) -- but we love him anyway. :) He tells me (sometimes audibly - sometimes through gestures) what he wants, and I make d@mn sure he gets it. He used to take over 30 pills a day, and even though that it now reduced -- He still has the same seven different med times, on a daily basis. (down to 21 pills daily). Working with folks who have disabilities -- I have come to relate more to them, than the *real world*. I don't give a ratzz foot for the *beautiful people*. P!ss on the *real world* -- all they are about is the usual crap --- money, glamor, fame, politics, success, etc. I HEAR YA LOUD AND CLEAR. Hang in there, ok?? and if moving to Minney-soda isn't an option for you -- You can PM me ANYTIME. OK?? (PS -- a last side note here -- while out with some of my clients around town -- I will act as crazy as they can (at times) -- and the *real people* we see in town are left wondering if there is anyone in charge of this insane group!!)
  10. dmiller

    The Countdown

    Def -- welcome back!! (but --- you showed up eight days too early!! ) Raf was going to announce your return in Grand Style!! (Isn't that what the countdown is about??) ;)
  11. Hey there bliss. :) To be sure -- I know they are not a twi sponsored site. I never meant to portray that -- sorry if I did. I also realize that they are Not twi staff, and that ALL on the site are volunteers. My main point is (was) that they have a *million dollar idea*. They are convinced of it's validity - totally. They should be willing/ and able to answer all questions about it. They (seemingly) want to share that with all --- But not on their web-site. :( (Hey -- I didn't know you helped set it up!) Sure -- disucussions about the *blessings* of the ministry seem to be the main focus. I'm guessing they want the site to be *quiet seas*, so those great cargos can come in. ;) But IRON sharpens IRON, and if they keep digging their blades into the sand, those blades get dull pretty quickly. I'm all for letting them have their *own little world* -- it is their site after all. But at first it seemed to allow a bit of question and answer, and now all is squelched. (woops -- you addressed that in your post already). The part (to me) that *Tis A Sad Thing* in the title of the post is --- they started out with good intentions -- but then got railroaded by the org that they serve. (Not the God they serve, but the ORG). No -- I don't agree with them, and I was polite on their site. Because I am who I am -- everything I ever posted there was deleted. But that was back when the *rules and regs* were rolling downhill, like the proverbial snow-ball! I was actually getting some of the other posters there to ask me why I thought as I did, and *POOOOFFFF* -- the threads disappeared. And no -- I'm not bitter about it, though it does sadden me a bit. Those folks won't come here for answers, (can't say as I blame them!!), But they should be able to get answers on their own site -- without BIG DADDY ORG dictating what they can and cannot say/ listen to. I think Sprawled Out was the one who said it best --- "Theological discussions and debates are MEANT FOR FAMILY TABLES!!"
  12. Hmmm. So now evangelizing is in the same category as nudity and violence?? I think I hear this country saying --- WHERE AM I GOING -- AND WHY AM I IN THIS HANDBASKET!! ;)
  13. dmiller

    The Countdown

    Dang !! I just KNEW I shouldn't have mentioned the POP! I think this thread just got :unsure:
  14. http://www.familytables.net/ Ya know -- if I had a *million dollar idea* I'd be willing to talk about it to anyone. Regardless of whether they thought I was a shyster or not. Gotta wonder about the fact that here it is said that this web site is about sharing -- but only the *select few* can participate, and no *debating* is allowed. Who draws that fine line between questions, and debating anyhow?? Eh?? If they believed in themselves so much -- shouldn't they be willing to *take on the world*? I think so. And it suxx royally -- that one is relegated to a *local ministry coordinator*, to get a question answered. (My local coordinators were kiss a$$ folks -- and NOT to be trusted with major decisions). (Can you say Chris Gr@nlich??) In their own words --- As usual -- They don't practice what they preach. Typical of a twi bunch. :(
  15. The Family Tables link is --- http://www.familytables.net/
  16. My last SNS tape teaching was back in the 1980's. Can't help you there.
  17. Is this stuff televised?? If so -- I'm missing it. :(
  18. And was the truck safe??
  19. http://www.richardsimmons.com/welcome_richard.php
  20. They can read the reviews, and choose to pull out their wallet to pay for a ticket -- or leave the wallet in the back pocket, and do something else. :) Reviews should be good enuf to make a decision. Since when does evangelizing warrant a *PG*?? That's *B* as in *B*, and *S* as in *S* (Just my IMHO -- don't cha know).
  21. dmiller

    The Countdown

    Hmmm --- you're going to validate the *POP*?? (Pineapple On Pizza???) (ducking!!!!)
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