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Everything posted by jardinero

  1. One afternoon he did talk to us about his eye. His reason for having to have the surgery was based on the lights during the filming of PFAL. He said he needed to have the surgery for some time. The docs wanted him to get it done. He shared how he wrestled with the decision for so long because - - and he didn’t say this, but it was implied - - of being the MOG- - and in the Old Testament, the High Priest couldn’t be sick or crippled in any way, supposedly. Something like that. So he felt like if he had the surgery done, it would effect God’s people (you can roll your eyes now). Anyway, he proceeded to tell us about finding a guy who made fake eyes. He was pretty honest with us about how his vulnerabilities and not wanting the eye to look fake and have people stare at him. He was concerned about the eye falling out, not being able to read, whether he would bump into things, etc. They finally found a guy who was world-renown for his craftsmanship. VP was very impressed with the guy and went on and on about how detailed and perfect this guy’s work was. He even passed around one of his “spare” eyes for us to see and handle. So he was very open with us about it - - and I believe I heard he did the same thing at Emporia once. Well, I know this has been long, but wanted to corroborate some of the stuff HCW posted above. VP’s waning health was no secret - - although I am aware that the information was not widely publicized. I can’t remember the last time he was at the campus, because the motorcoach was there frequently; and it was not unusual for vp to just stay in the coach. John would send a group of kids to visit with him at times to kinda cheer him up, but the rest of us didn’t see him much towards late April and early May. We knew the man was very ill; deathly ill. John was very obviously distraught about it when he would ask us to pray for him. The night we got the news that he had actually died is a blur to me. I think that we were called out of bed in the middle of the night and told. John in his manner, just told us the news and didn’t offer any more information. We were just stunned in one sense in that it had actually happened - - but I think most of us knew it was coming soon. I’ve got a little more to add later, but that’s it for now. Hopefully, some others will fill in some of my blanks.
  2. John did meet with us sometimes to pray for vp. VP would take off in the motorcoach to Emporia or sometimes to HQ to see Mrs. W., and when he’d come back, we’d have a meeting and were told he was very, very sick and needed prayer. I can’t remember exactly if we were told he had cancer or not. I know when I read it here on GSC, it didn’t surprise me, as I knew that was how he died, but don’t know how I knew that - - whether John told us or not. So pretty much our whole first year from August 1984 to May, 1985 - - we all knew vp was very, very (deathly) ill. On his good days, he worked outdoors with the corps. For some reason, vp liked my hubby and me. My ex was on the work crew each and every time; and vp would chit chat with me when he saw me. We sat at the “head table” frequently when he was there and were told not to talk to him unless he talked to us first - - but I thought that was stupid, so would always find something to talk to him about. Just before vp died, our job assignments were given out for our 2nd year and mine was to be VP’s assistant there at the campus - - something that, obviously, never happened; although it would have been interesting. On his not so good days, he just sat with us in the chapel and rambled on about who knows what - - and of course, sex and Bedside Manners. Remember once he talked about the Lord’s Prayer and that there was a lot more to it than he had taught people in the past. We went LEAD our second block and he was still well enough to do one of his infamous “Pajama Nights” and - - yes, you guessed it - - - showed the lesbian, German Shepherd video. Thank God I wasn’t there for that!
  3. Well, our first block was interesting. On the schedule for the first block in residence at all campuses was the PFAL series - - foundational, intermediate and advanced. However, the RC campus never did most of the academic program that block (and John took a lot of heat for that). VP was basically at RC for most of our first block and was personally overseeing the work program. He and Mrs. W. had wanted to re-landscape the canal (or whatever it was called) in the front of the property for some time. So every morning, we’d show up for breakfast, a work crew would be announced to work with vpw and off they’d go to dredge the ponds or landscape, or chop wood, etc.. The others would just go about their regular jobs housecleaning, office, farms, gardening, etc. We’d work all morning, have lunch and then meet with vp in the afternoon. John basically canned the regularly scheduled corps program. He told us that when vp was there, he could basically do whatever he wanted and that was o.k. by him. And guess what was of utmost importance to ol’ vp in his waning year of life? The book “Beside Manners”!!!! Read the whole thing from cover to cover with us. We’d read for an hour or so, he’d make a few comments, then he’d excuse us to have “married time” together with apologies to the few singles we had there. Our “elder” corps - - Family X, was buttoned up pretty tight, having had their first year of residence under the former Gestapo leadership. At first, they were pretty hard-assed, legalistic and totally appalled by the lack of schedule and John Hendricks’ mannerisms. If you knew John and Mary Ann - - it was difficult to picture a more unlikely couple to have been married. She, the darling Southern belle, who just gushed with sweetness, poise and southern charm - - a favorite of vpw from her Joyful Noise days. John was gruff, unpolished, shirt half out his pants, hair unkempt ,couldn’t lead a song or keep a beat to save his life, didn’t speak perfect English, etc., etc., etc. Absolutely drove the Nazis in F-10 crazy - - and from what he shared with us, wasn’t particularly liked by the likes of the Trustees, JAL, and the other campus coordinators. The stories he would tell us about how poorly they talked about the corps folks in residence. John was flabbergasted. He said, we didn’t have problems like that with our Jr. or Mini Corps - - and felt like the “regular” corps were too micro-managed, regimented, etc. He hated having to go to those leaders’ meetings and after a while, I think, would send Wayne Clapp in his stead - - who would catch a lot of heat about not upholding the academic schedule. John pretty much left us alone. He did not set himself up as the head Kahuna who you went to to solve all your problems. You had a sick kid and wondered whether to take them to the doctor? Don’t ask John. He wasn’t God. Go make the decision yourself. The only thing he did require was participation in our every Saturday day of prayer. We all had to spend time in there. He didn’t care how long or when we did it - - but I can tell you this - - we saw many, many wonderful things happen from those prayer days.
  4. Back to opening night of our Corps. John welcomes us and then turns it over to vp. VP looks around and then what we heard next confirmed a lot of growing concerns we had been harboring about the ministry, but only discussed in private. He was serious, somber and by the tone of his voice, we could tell, this was going to be something very “heavy”. He looked old, tired and for many of us, it was the first time we had seen him up close and personal since he had gotten the fake eye. VP tells us that he had been concerned about the direction of the Way Corps for some time. It had really gotten away from the original intent and heart - - and he was going to see to it that it had a chance to change. He told us that “none of those guys” at HQ listened to him any more. He was “out of the loop” and was not consulted any more on decisions that were being made. “Well, I overrode everyone on this and just did it.” He said that he had hand-picked John and Mary Ann to come here and run this thing - - and if John will listen, there will be a Way Corps program again. I can’t remember everything he talked about, nor am I one of those diary freaks - - but the gist of the rest of what he discussed centered around the work program. The program, he said, had become too academic - - and made some implication about Don W’s influence on that. A big part of the Corps program needed to be the work program, he said. If people didn’t learn the discipline of hard work, then they’d never be able to “work the word.” So he felt like this was a good place to start over. With the Family Corps. And he said - - and it’s probably not for you guys - - but for your kids. He talked up Greg and Cindy Bernardini a bit - - particularly Cindy - - and said that it was for the kids that this program had to continue - - “if the Word was ever going to live past this generation.” O.K. Pregnant pause here. Our heads were swimming. This was heavy. No one listened to our beloved Dr. Wierwille? [Flashback to that ROA and a comment Don had made that ****** off hubby royally. He said something about the staff at HQ being the “true” corps. The staff were the spiritual ones who were keeping the Word alive. Not all the believers and Corps on the field!] The Corps program was screwed up? (Well, duh! We coulda told you that! He had just confirmed everything we had been seeing for the past number of years on the field!) John H. was “hand picked”? For us? Boy did we feel like we were spiritual going in when we did! Ha! I honestly can’t remember anything John said that night. I know he pretty much, as his manner would be for the remainder of the year, deferred to vp. If vp was there, John didn’t say much. If vp was gone, we could expect John to be short, direct and pointed.
  5. Well, I’ve been meaning to add to this thread for sometime, not only for the topic at hand, but with the news about John Hendricks who many people didn’t know as well as other twi leadership, I thought I would add the following info. Perhaps I can drag Tonto and her hubby out of hiding (and a few of you other lurkers) to put in their two cents also about this topic. I haven’t thought about his stuff for years, but a few of you (like HCW) jogged some thoughts, so hopefully I can fill in a few blanks. I’ll try to break up the pages some, so it’s not such a pain to read. I was in twi from 1973-1989, mostly in Calif. during that time. Oversaw a twig from ’74 on; branch leader with hubby in a large metro area; attended every ROA from ’74 to ’88, so we saw plenty. We waited a long time to go in the Corps and finally got enough gumption to go in after numerous waves of administrative lackeys and MOG-wannabes were sent out to “take over” areas that had been started years ago from scratch and nurtured over the years with a lot of love and care (by non-Corps believers). Delusional as we were, we honestly thought by going in we could change things (you may all chuckle now). So off to Rome City hubby, our 6 year old son and I go entering into Family Ways Corps XI - - the first year of John & MaryAnn Hendricks’ tenure as Family Corps Coordinators. Wayne & Fern Clapp had been there for a few years under the reign of Moynihan and some other young assistant nazi, whose name escapes me- - Wayne as the campus dean. David Turk was there for a short time - - don’t remember what happened to him. Jim & Marjorie Plunkett did a lot of the work program. The Kleiwers (sp?) were still there on farms/gardening, etc. Butch & Sherri - - lots of wonderful people still. Imagine our surprise and thrill on our very first opening night when we find out that vp and Mrs. W. would be there with us! Side note here: We had been very concerned about vpw, as one Sunday during our apprentice year, we had the whole branch over our house for a SNS phone hook up on which vpw was the teacher. What we heard after he was announced was shocking and disturbing. VPW was teaching alright, but was slurring and speaking so slowly - - it caused all us loyal wayfers lots of concern and alarm. This was no Drambuie slur. This sounded like he had had a stroke. I don’t know the name of the teaching but it was something about the tribe of Chad -- - maybe one of you remembers that one. Odd thing to us. No one talked about it. No mention of any illness. No comment from vp about being under the weather. Nothing. Just left us hanging and speculating - - and very alarmed about our “father in the Word”’s health.
  6. I'll second that, Shell! :D--> :P--> ;)--> J. -->
  7. Hey Shar: Happiest of birthdays to a wonderful woman!!! Hope you're feeling well enough to celebrate a little (I know, just don't make you laugh yet!). Hope you're up and on that motorcycle before too long!!!! Miss ya in chat. See ya when you can stay up past 7!!!! xoxoxo Love & hugs, J. ((((((((((((Sharon)))))))))))))))
  8. Happy Birthday, Dovie! Hope it's a wonderful one! Enjoy! J. :D-->
  9. Hey Donner Girl! Happy Birthday!!!! Hope it was wonderful, dear lady! Love, The Indy Gang J, J, and Oliver (woof!)
  10. jardinero


    I played at lunch the other day. Embarrassed to say that I went all the way through til it started over. LOL :D--> J. ;)-->
  11. No kidding!!!! And what's the wonderful cologne you're wearing that we can now smell? Hmmmmmmmm? And Karmi - - - - Wonderful! Keep it up! J.
  12. Hi Tonto --> Missed ya! J. sorry for the derail.....carry on :)-->
  13. Oh! That's right, Chas! Hope all U Farley's have a Kalo Pashcha! (don't eat too much!) Christos Anesti - indeed! J.
  14. jardinero

    5yr old handcuffed

    Gladtobeout: Not arguing with you here, but we ARE talking about a 5 year old!!! My 14 year old has difficulty stating "I'm in a bad mood about something and just need some space" and he's extremely bright and articulate. J.
  15. Last I heard they finally left HQ late 90s (and I believe are out???) and headed for So. California. I grew up with Val and would love to hear how she is doing. Anyone know? J.
  16. Hi Tiki: Welcome to Greasespot. I know one of the WOWs who was in Bloomington in one of the very first waves of WOWs that was sent out. I think it was the group that was sent out in the fall after ROA right after the 1st group was commissioned. P*tr*ck G*rner - - lives in Central Calif. now with his family. Jardinero
  17. Hubba, hubba, Sudo! No wonder you get so many dollars for your pole dancing! ;)--> ;)--> J.
  18. 2For: I'd love to hear where John & Mona are. Was in residence with Mona. Last I saw them, I was on business on Oahu and visited with them (late 1980s) right after LCM's Galatians tapes. They pretty much felt like those of us who left were pretty out of it and they were on the right path - - but that was an awfully long time ago. Hope someone knows how they are. J.
  19. Now THAT'S partying like a 15 year old!!!! What a fun treat! J.
  20. Cindy! Joseph's 8th gr. class visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on their recent trip to Washington D.C. and although you may not be able to take your class there, the website for the museum is fabulous and has an entire section on Holocaust education. I'd encourage everyone who's not visited there to take a tour around the website. Gripping first hand accounts: www.ushmm.org J.
  21. ...yeah, just ask the likes of these wives: D. Wierwille, E. All*n, S. Wr*nn, N. T*wnsend, C. Bishop, J. M*lmb*erg, D. St*ndage, etc., etc., etc. and the numerous children we've had to intervene for to save them from parental abuse. Dilusional doesn't even begin to describe it. J.
  22. Wow, Galen! Really? What brands? J.
  23. Wow, Radar! How fun is that???? VERY!!! Happy Birthday, Hope! Those of us who preceeded you in the big 5-0 this year, welcome you into the new decade! Party on! J.
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