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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Now if I could add another strange belief.. if this were purgatory, or hell. Why would one wager everything one had to wager to participate? heaven is too easy..
  2. what do you want to bet.. if this priest is worth half his salt.. maybe it depends on whether this priest really is a priest.. some of them have learned to wear their skin well.. others, well.. maybe they are just neophytes..
  3. even it were twenty years ago.. one should listen to the White Album on the downside of an LSD trip.. It kind of sticks with you..
  4. How can it be like the poet says "all is not lost"?? What the hell are you talking about?? well.. maybe it is, maybe it isn't..
  5. God Bless you dear Friend, and happy Birthday.. Happy Birthday to you..
  6. Sexy Sadie, what have you done.. Just a smile, would lighten everything.. sorry, I really shouldn't listen to this stuff..
  7. Not so bad. There are alternatives.. like the guy who "witnessed" da greatness of the *word* to me.. he could fornicate like.. I really can't describe it.. a few pointed questions.. and what do i get. Don't YOU DARE TOUCH *MY* Righteousness.. hiss. kinda looked like Linda Blair in the appropriate scene..
  8. Sin Consciousness.. Sinner.. am I going to hell.. probably. I've followed the doctrines of false apostles and prophets during my brief stay in da way.. now it's tenets of spiritualism.. I swerve towards a belief in reincarnation. I remember at least three past lives.. it's going to take a less than absent Christ to save me.. Sin Consciousness? I live and regret every last piece of s*it that I am. Hell would be what.. a chance to live through the same conditions again.. but maybe that is not so bad.
  9. Ham

    Straight Key Night

    New Years Eve hams break out their old keys, no computers, no fancy microprocessor based bugs, minimal technology, and send Morse Code messages to each other, with old keys. Keys are simple switches. I'll get on the air sometime late tomorrow morning..
  10. So an argument came up at one of the local offshoots. Maybe it could be considered a delicate point regarding biblical interpretation.. or something. when gawd almighty created herr vicster, did he create him with, or without a navel? Great Dissention followed this troubling question.. One camp cried that he didn't need a navel, being Divinely Created and all.. the other camp claimed that *He* would need human credentials, i.e. a navel, proving human birthright.. and claims of Divine Authority over other subservient beliefs.. The third camp, woke up, and smelled the Drambuie..
  11. Ham

    Karl Barth

    I think about the only time da vicster wasn't greatly exaggerating or outright lying was when his lips weren't moving..
  12. Ham

    Karl Barth

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Barth He died December 10, 1968. When was da class filmed? late 1967? Kinda interesting that da vicster made this claim when this character was not around for much questioning.. another thought.. didn't he pronounce Barth's name with a "th" at the end? Barth's name was pronounced "Bart". You'd think with a meeting with such a "great man" da vicster could have at least got it together enough to pronounce his name right..
  13. reminds me of a story.. they had a monument singing the praises of some guy who discovered warp drive.. and all he was, was a drunken lecher who wanted to bleed enough money off of the project to retire comfortably in a tropical climate, with loads of naked women.. Does this last post fulfill your request?
  14. Looks like a strange school.. no bachelor's degree programs? No core curriculum, like english reading or composition, mathematics, etc.
  15. I didnt say they could perform the music WELL.
  16. I thought it was funny. good Seed played a few Chicago tunes..
  17. The Egotistical little Bastard has my phone number. It was delivered.. call if you wish.. well, at least I know that it was delivered.. In case your subservient morons or offspring (why bring them into this?) din't get it.. it is.. 989 859 0364.
  18. Yeah. What a party.. they threw the then egotistical little limb leader fully clothed into the pool. Maybe somebody else here remembers.. It happened in podunk WVA..
  19. Was Samuel Adams from Massachussetts? that would explain it..
  20. Dear Friend (Belle) please forward this dream to the right person we know to forward it to..
  21. I was blessed.. I think. My father (of the war) lived until 1969..
  22. Maye this is the reason for one of their rotten (or "gone wrong") concerts.. Christ.. a dream like this.. has got to be recorded some place, even if it is in greasespot..
  23. I know this is off topic.. the last real "visual" dream I've had.. I'm playing the bass guitar in the Grateful Dead. No, I can't play the bass, by no means.. I tell them as such. sorry, I'm just inhabiting this character's body. No, but I'll do my best here.. one of them says "so and so doesn't like this.." or something like that.. one of them then shows me a map of where they are at. It is a state map of Massachusetts. I look, and can see Boston Harbor prominently displayed on the map.. does anybody have even half a clue of what this means???
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