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Everything posted by Ham

  1. if I could only afford your space to rent.. "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy.."
  2. God bless you friend Socks.. is that supposed to be a compliment?
  3. Ham


    my cat herds me. No kidding.. I wake up at about seven in the morning.. the cat is staring at me. "Meoooower." so it is time to get up, go to the bathroom.. "purrr, purrr." so we take the shower, do only other god only knows (decently) in the bathroom.. the cat is the administrator of the house. goes into a frenzy, when mail, or a package is delivered at the back door..
  4. Ham


    I mean.. I've been thinking how all of this explains Hitler, Pol Pot.. perhaps they started with good intentions.. but they didn't learn the lesson.. small, is not good.. it's just better..
  5. Ham


    actually.. I think the exercise of power itself corrupts. one of my insane "gurus" said something like that.. "we are not CLEAN enough to exercise that kind of power.." so what does one do.. one stands back, takes a few insults, smiles.. then there is the other end of the spectrum. "I refuse to be a doormat.." do you, really? so.. what does one do. do you exact vengeance? No.. the *rules* state vengeance is not yours.. so.. what do you do? Well.. if anyone offends me.. it is not MY problem. Perhaps in the sense of my perception it is.. but no, otherwise, it is not really my problem.. sorry if this is too much, or too much possessed Squirrel, or whatever..
  6. Ham


    at this point I don't know exactly what it is that I believe anymore.. does anybody remember? Da vicster said something once, publically. Something about life not really "working" without an adversary.. now whether he really believed that.. I dunno. Or if it was an allusion to the dog and pony show he put on, da manogawd against da evils of da world.. personally, I think we have played this game, one lifetime after another.. us vs. them, I vs. we, Spy vs. Spy.. one was dark, one was light.. I dunno. Why choose sides, when one can have everything.. to have everything, is to have nothing.. well.. that's ok with me. I don't need much.. Scary thoughts, for fundamentalist Christians I guess.. but isn't light and dark the same name for the same thing? Only woe unto him who offends.. the thought of Controlling the World still troubles me, but not as much as ten years past.. anymore I think.. I don't like everything the way it is.. but the consequences of ME controlling it, might be far worse..
  7. You were "lucky" to have a friendship like that.
  8. I saw that kind of light in someone once.. it was a "she". but what would you do if it was in the same sex? there is no logic here. It is far, far gone.. well.. you have the logical part of your psyche laughing its "rear" off at you.. usually its polite about it..
  9. I dunno. So what would you personally do.. if you woke up one morning and found your soul mate was one of the same sex.. no, it hasn't happened to me. I think loy was on the mark in some ways.. it isn't about the SEX. or the act.. maybe for some it is or was..
  10. I'm trying to figure out how I can still be a Squirrel over there..
  11. naw. Why buy kommie mayonnaise.. when one can have.. the secrets of mayonnaise in a home made jar..
  12. maybe you are supposed to spell compound with a "k".. sowie.. its not *a* compound.. it's THE kompound..
  13. I'm trying to figure where "the Converse is also true" is being communicated here.. the converse is seldom true. Mathematically speaking that is.. all believeing is (due to receiving_.. all receiving is.. due to believeing.. is the converse true? Is the original "theorem" true even to begin with? mathematically.. sometimes it is a "big deal" to show the converse is true. There is Cauchy's (among many others) theorem.. the integral about a closed contour evaluates as zero, if the function is analytic.. then there is Morera's theorem. Choose the function to be continuous on some domain.. if every closed contour on the set D, we have f(z) = 0, then f is analytic.. but there are many, many details to be accounted for.. and sometimes there are additional conditions to be fulfilled..
  14. I dunno. I saw an interview of Grace Slick.. she was ready for the big meetup with then president Nixon.. Now you just know.. if one of us showed up with an invitation.. they aren't going to let us anywhere near the punch bowl..
  15. I hope whatever new possible site it is.. that it is a clean, well lighted place..
  16. Ham

    my last topic here..

    yeah.. you GO THERE! I mean, what other options, at least eternally, does one have? :)
  17. Ham

    my last topic here..

    maybe the last topic asks the question.. do I leave here with friends.. maybe its too much to ask reasonable people.. I mean, what does one do with a perpetual Squirrel in the parlor..
  18. Ham

    Fabio Lives

    so you do remember, or have da pic..
  19. Ham

    Fabio Lives

    I dunno.. maybe he (Fabio) could have been a drinking buddy or something.. maybe that's a good thing. I know you had at least one picture of a possessed Squirrel.. yeah, he looks normal and all.. or something..
  20. Ham

    my last topic here..

    I thought about putting it in silly. What am I looking for.. a drinking (alcohol, or whatever non-adictive drug at the moment) buddy.. never really had one.. da way robbed me of that.. weird, huh.. well.. one looks at da end of da world.. there is one local candidate here.. never involved in da way.. we were at da big math hurrah celebration.. God bless you friend.. this character showed up in a formal/semi-formal celebration.. in blue jeans.. my kinda person.. we had a brief dialogue about who's who had taken significant amounts of lsd in the sixties and seventies.. what's the point here, one might ask. I dunno.. it's just the end of the world..
  21. what's left to do.. maybe this is it.. In all possible ways I hope the song fits.. "love is coming".. maybe its asking too much.. even for me..
  22. Ham

    Song of the moment

    "WOW".. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FW6jmOVhtg&NR=1 She was damned lucky..
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