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Ham last won the day on July 19

Ham had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Ham

  • Birthday 10/25/1956

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  1. Ham

    Thursday Evening

    Very nice music dear Friend.
  2. Ham

    Thursday Evening

    How many times do we have to die again friend..
  3. Ham

    Thursday Evening

    when you set the shape of the world.. was it the shape of you..
  4. Ham

    Thursday Evening

    It always goes another way..the best plans generally don't work out..
  5. Ham

    Thursday Evening

    This one is even better. This one is sent to the one I love..
  6. Ham

    Thursday Evening

    Well.. this one deserves posted more than once. The Best of Chicago..
  7. Ham

    Thursday Evening

    Maybe the GS participants could post what music they like here on a Thursday afternoon. I've pretty much already posted all of mine..
  8. Ham

    Thursday Evening

    well.. this is my end of the week night. Hope that all of you are doing well. I'd post a few videos of the Byrds and such but you have probably already seen it all. Happy Thursday.
  9. Hmmmm. I had a professor in Real Analysis.. he went over about 20 boards of work, trying to prove some theorem.. after watching him traverse forwards and backwards, upside down and right side up.. I would often wonder, what is it that we were exactly trying to prove to begin with..
  10. Dear Mr Greer.. how are you this evening..
  11. Ham


    I wonder if that is Edie at the bottom left..
  12. Ham


    generally it is only what you want. Old Beatles song.. trying to remember. I am proud to babble along.
  13. Ham


    Good byes are hard.. maybe they are just hellos disguised.
  14. Ham


    sometimes.. psycho babble is the best that we have in this life.. as the world turns, the happier times are when I remind myself that it all is not really relevant at all. Generally. In ten thousand years, the massive rock will still block the newest highway development, unless they can come up with enough dynamite, or blasting powder.
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