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Everything posted by Cindy!

  1. You're right, Oak! The wedding party will have rehearsal and rehearsal dinner the evening before the wedding. But for everyone else.... If you arrive at the hotel early give me a call on my cell phone! (if you need the number, send me an email) We'll tell you where we are so you can join us once you get settled in!!! We will also leave word at the front desk where we are for anyone trying to find us! We'd LOVE to see as many folks as possible who are coming for our special day!!!!
  2. I've requested group rates from them...will post as soon as I get em!
  3. Some of us have heard the rumors of a Star Trek Borg Experience in Las Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We wanna set a date for any GS'rs who might wanna join, and since it is over a year away...we have LOTS of time to sort out details! Maybe we shoulda done a poll....but lets keep it to this....those who can go in Summer 2005...chime in, we will work out dates and details as we go!
  4. dmiller...got it...you'll be missed! We'll keep a space open for you, let us know if anything changes! Hawk....will be looking for it, thanks!!!
  5. Nah, honey...Oak has seen me in Burger King in Trenton, NJ...THE most humiliating place to be in the known universe!!!! He's safe!!!! (psst....RUN, Oak!!!!!!! ;)--> )
  6. There are a few GS'rs who haven't RSVP'd!!!! We were NEVER taught this....so here's da info.... Even if you are not coming, please send, email, or call in a RSVP!!!!! If your name is STILL on the first post of this thread and you are not able to come...please inform us!!! The bride and groom have to let their caterers know the count to expect. So coming or not...ALWAYS RSVP!!!!!
  7. Ex10...there are many, many years ahead, ex!!! We would LOVE to have you there at our wedding, it would mean a lot to both of us. But it is soooo close to easter and family gatherings.....and those gatherings are important, too! We will get together another time either when you come here or when we go there (we owe Godsdee a visit to the Houston area)!!! We love ya, T!!!
  8. Dee...Know you would be there if ya could...will be thinkin of ya chum!!! We're takin your wedding gift on the honeymoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I've had an email about getting to the wedding from Florida. I know of one person who is driving from Florida for the wedding and would probably LOVE company. So if you are in Florida and need a ride and wanna work our sharing a hotel room....let me know and I'll get ya set up! chindy004@yahoo.com
  10. Steve and I LOVED this movie!!! We are buying it when it comes out on dvd! Yes, there were blips and logistical problems, but all in all, it was wonderful. Kept us guessing....and we usually have movies figured out well before the ending. Coulda shot our fellow movie goers, though...they must practice movie distraction techniques at home.
  11. wanna see it...don't tell me what happens
  12. Got that you are coming, vickle...just didn't get the "4" part...got it now and my list is updated!!!! Oak ;)-->
  13. List on the first post is updated with all the rsvp's we've received so far. Vickles...how many in the vickles family? [This message was edited by chinson on March 03, 2004 at 7:11.]
  14. I'm sorry...Steve! has decided to leave GS permanently. But I am SURE that someone else skilled in puters will step in!!!
  15. Suz just emailed me....she can share a room with someone...email me if you wanna roommate! chindy004@yahoo.com
  16. I've seen Atkins work wonderfully for Steve! He lost weight and felt great on the plan. I, on the other hand, HATE Atkins. Don't get me wrong...I've tried it...twice...both times with the attitude of succeeding at it. But I simply cannot eat that amount of meat and eggs....my system rebels and I end up sick. And YES I followed the Atkins program exactly. Just wanted to speak up for those for whom Atkins does not work....I'm back to the eating plan a friend of mine designed for me a few years ago. I feel great and the weight is coming off a pound or so a week.
  17. k....put your guns away so that I can announce.... my bridal shop JUST called me.... MY WEDDING DRESS IS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yee haw!
  18. Happy, happy birthday wonderful Kit!!!!! And many, many, many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. We have set up a way to RSVP online. We sent out emails, but if you didn't get an email (we had a couple delivery failures) then email me at: chindy004@yahoo.com and I will give you what you need to RSVP online if you would rather do that than mail in the RSVP card that arrived with your invitation.
  20. Littlehawk, What a fun story!!! Yes, we have a photographer now and a videographer...both GS'rs. Plus we are putting disposable cameras on the tables at the reception so that guests can capture those fun, candid shots!!! Almost all of the details for the wedding are done...next week we meet with a few of the remaining details and everything will be taken care of for the wedding! Steve booked our honeymoon two days ago!!!! It will be SUCH a fun time!
  21. k, jf....emailed you our address! Hope your Orlando trip in April is a blast!!!!!
  22. A couple of people have had problems finding our Target registry online or in the store. Here's the trick....it's registered in the names printed on our wedding invitations. Bride: Cynthia Hinson Groom: Stephen Wall Event State: Illinois Event Date: April I changed it from Cindy and Steve because we sent out the invitations and they have Cynthia and Stephen on em! (details, details)
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