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Everything posted by sharon

  1. sorry I missed it :(--> I sure hope there will be more..
  2. your right.....it isn't ;)-->
  3. U2-All along the Watchtower.. (saw them preform in Belfast, what a show!!!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ next-Up on the blue ridge mountain there I'll take my stand, a rifle on my shoulder a six shooter in my hand..
  4. Ferris Buhler's day off(sp?)
  5. It's from a Grammy award winning album !! wait for Raf or the name of tune~~~or do I repost?
  6. sharon

    Waking up woozy

    I know this was written for me- I went to Staten Island. To buy myself a mandolin And I saw the long white dress of love On a storefront mannequin Big boat chuggin' back with a belly full of cars... All for something lacy Some girl's going to see that dress And crave that day like crazy Little Indian kids on a bridge up in Canada They can balance and they can climb Like their fathers before them They'll walk the girders of the Manhattan skyline Shine your light on me Miss Liberty Because as soon as this ferry boat docks I'm headed to the church To play Bingo Fleece me with the gamblers' flocks I can keep my cool at poker But I'm a fool when love's at stake Because I can't conceal emotion What I'm feeling's always written on my face There's a gypsy down on Bleecker Street I went in to see her as a kind of joke And she lit a candle for my love luck And eighteen bucks went up in smoke Sharon, I left my man At a North Dakota junction And I came out to the "Big Apple" here To face the dream's malfunction Love's a repetitious danger You'd think I'd be accustomed to Well, I do accept the changes At least better than I used to do (song for sharon)
  7. 1. What time do you get up? 7am. 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? my father 3. Gold or silver? Gold. 4. What is the last film you saw at the cinema? Team America 5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s) Law and Order, Judge Judy, Maury 6. What did you have for breakfast? bagelw/lox tomato onion and capers 7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? my husbands ex-wife 8. What is your middle name? Faith 9. Beach, City or Country? country 10. Favorite ice cream? prailines and cream 11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? kettle corn 13. What kind of car do you drive? Mercedes Benz sl 500 14. Favorite sandwich? roast beef and mozzerlla. 15. Favorite flower? White Rose. 16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? with kids-Disney with-out-Paris 17. What color is your bathroom? white and blue 18. Favorite kind of clothing? Brands? girly girl skirts 19. Where would you retire to? Pocono Mountains/apt in NYC 20. Favorite day of the week? Why? Friday, shabbas and family 21. What did you do for your last birthday? kids made cake 22. Where were you born? pittsburgh pa 23. Favorite sport to watch? football 24. Who do you least expect to respond? anyone 25. Person you expect to respond first? excathadra 26. What fabric detergent do you use? tide he 27. Coke or Pepsi? diet coke 28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? morning typically 29. What is your shoe size? 8 1/2. 30. Do you have any pets? no 31. Are you happy with your job? Yes. 32. What is one thing you want to do in life that you have not done yet? gone to Isreal 33. If you had the chance to get married again- would you? To the same person, yes. 34. If you won the lotto what would you do? set up long term investments for children, contribute more to my foundation 35. If you had three wishes - what would they be? Health Happiness and a good hair day 36. What are your hobbies? Music, reading, horseback riding 37. What are some things you always hope you get for christmas? new pj's, charm for bracelet, anything made by kids
  8. OK~~personal disclaimer-I have the most eclectic taste in music and have been accused of being a walking jukebox~ Have you ever been hated or discriminated against? I have. I've been protested and demonstrated against.
  9. Amy Locane Cry Baby Rikki Lake I really wanted to use Iggy Pop, but I can't think of another movie he was in... anyone?
  10. and this is "Handle with Care" by the Traveling Wiburys (sp???)
  11. ok, i'll admit I'm confused~~~ What quote are we working from? cause: "And there's a girl in this harbor town And she works layin' whiskey down" is definetly from Brandi... HELP!! being confused is bad...
  12. quoted from http://www.seekgod.ca discussing M@ch@@l R**d, lim co-rdintator of our nations capitol- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reading various articles about The Way reveals charges of anti-Semitism because Way followers were told to read, "The Myth of the Six Million" and "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century", which at the very least casts doubt on the Holocaust. Some ex-Wayers have stated that Wierwille and other Way leaders taught that the Holocaust was a myth concocted by the Jews. 12 Wierwille also taught that "Jews are actually an impostor tribe from Siberia, not the Bible's chosen people." 13 According to Karl Kahler, ex-way member, "....[Wierwille] sided with neo-Nazis in claiming that the Holocaust either never happened or was grossly exaggerated by pity-seeking Jews. The Jews probably topped the list of people he hated most, although there was plenty of room for the Catholics and mainstream Protestants. He also hated and feared the IRS and the FBI, but his most paranoid fantasies were reserved for the communists." 14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. Washington Post, Sandra G. Boodman, Washington Post Staff Writer October 13, 1981; Page A1, The Way of Many 13. Core Beliefs, http://www.trancenet.org/noway/secrets/core.shtml 14. op cit., Kahler, p. 17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a letter to-Dr. Juedes from- T.J.Johnson a member of twi, for 20 years and who was part of the faculty at the Way College of Emporia- http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/ltr_johnson.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~~~~~~~~~ Report Published by the Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’Rith http://www.excultworld.com/misc%20stuff/adl.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thread on 13th tribe http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1...552/m/327108214 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the most prominate articles and discussions on ole Vic and Jews. Karl Kahler is a "member" of GSC but I don't know if he still hangs out, so to speak, but there are many people here who I am sure will share their own experiences. Hope this helps.
  13. sharon


    your up ~!~
  14. sharon


    back to you~!~
  15. sharon


    Cindy, Please check pm. -->
  16. well pull up a chair Belle and we'll sit and chit chat while these silly men argue over...WATER!!!
  17. When can I get a diaphragm? -->
  18. quote-My specialty is wisdom hint 1.-The major is not in this movie and not a belly button to be seen but there is magic. hint 2.-Oscar isn't in it either.
  19. No, and Shadoe Stevens is in no way connected to this one. ;)-->
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