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Everything posted by newlife
Correct, we were warned.... When I took the class they encouraged us to get a concordance and look things up.....so I did. I had a problem with what the class was saying about the word "receive". When I took the concordance and showed them and said, what is being taught is not correct look at the concordance. They said to me, Well, you have not researched the word like VP has. He has gone back to the originals and yada yada yada....What do you say to that? I could say nothing and I concluded that no matter what a resource says, if it didn't agree with what was being taught, it was wrong and the teaching was right. Right then, I decided I didn't know anything about the bible and He knew it all. A mistake I will never make again!
What is your PERSONAL experience with wierwille
newlife replied to excathedra's topic in About The Way
I had a couple of experiences with him. One was actually before I got involved and a friend and I were going to a meeting that The Way was holding. We didn't even know him at that time and we were entering the back door and he was right behind us and said, "Someone got a new coat" and it was my friend who did. Once inside, we were like, how did he know that? And who is he? And then we saw him on stage. Another instance was I was living with corps and he came to town. The limb leader, branch leader and VP came to our house for dinner. I waited on table being the only non corps. He wanted more coffee and so I went to pick up his cup and he smacked me on the bottom. I remember thinking at the time, now why did he do that? Rather inappropriate wouldn't you say? But, he was the MOG so I let it go. Later we went on his motor coach to watch a movie with him. His guard dog was on the coach and I didn't realize that you don't like bend over to pet him. I loved dogs and started to go near him and the dog just went ballistic...and back me off....I slowly got up and went to the back, shaking as I did. Right then, I was ready to leave. During the movie, he changed into his PJ's which really was embarrassing to me. I was rather shocked! I was so glad when the movie was over and I could leave. The corps stayed...but I was thankful to go back to the house!!! That was enough experience for me! -
Hi Everyone, Had to put a post up on this. Recently, I have switched beliefs from what TWI taught and the trinity. I did a lot of reading about the early church fathers, the different forms of belief that was being promoted, including Arian beliefs. And I started comparing what was promoted as the Trinity with the Bible. I could not refute at all. And so now I am a trinitarian and I am soooo glad I am. I feel like I am "home" spiritually. It's just the most awesome deal! TWI put down the trinity, when TWI didn't have a correct definition. Tape after tape, teachings by clergy, teaching by believers actually making fun of the Trinity. Things being said like, well Who was JC talking to if he was God? Himself? And, If JC was God then he is sitting on his own right hand...and plenty more things that were said. Their understanding, if I could call it that, was in error. I found out what the early fathers defined it as and then saw the errors of what was being promoted by the different sects back then. Compared it to the bible, without all the scratch outs, and all the inserts....and I could not come to any other conclusion, but that JC was God. AND, I just want to say, once I saw it, I was just really set free. I feel like I came "Home" and I never felt that way before. I don't have to arrange everything in the bible to make it say a certain thing. Those who believe in the trinity will know what I am talking about. Just had to add my post to the discussion.
Question answered....Thanks......
I was thinking yesterday about the phrase, "You'll be a greasespot by Midnight" of which the name for this website came about. I am curious....does anyone know when that was said and what the circumstances were at the time? Curious that's all.....
Thanks for the topic! Yes, God communicates to me.....every day! In Any way He wants to!!!!
Ex--That is really cool that you looked up your language and it had everything to do with God!!! Awesome! Thanks for sharing that!
You won't be called that by me Bluzeman.... I saw miracles in TWI.......It wasn't because of TWI....it's because of God who is bigger than TWI and can work anywhere He chooses to. I know a lot of people who, when they left TWI, thought they left God......I guess if TWI was their god, then they did....But TWI never limited the Almighty!!...And if God hadn't been working in TWI, there would have been a whole lot more disasters than what was. (My opinion of course) All I know is, I am a child of God and where I am, He is....I got born again as a child, And He never left me, even when I signed the green card... Blessings!
I already posted that I spoke in tongues before TWI, and I still do and am thankful I do. I just wanted to comment about SIT in TWI... I believe God is/was bigger than TWI....And TWI didn't dictate to God what He could do or not Do within the realm of the ministry. So I absolutely believe there were people in TWI who SIT for the first time and it was real and genuine. That's my God, who isn't limited by organizations and what they say or what they don't...He care's about the individual and he works with the individual. Do I think there were people who "faked" it? Well, obviously according to some posts, yes they did. On a topic like this one, you'll hear people say, I faked it, I made it up, it wasn't real, if it was in TWI it wasn't geniune. And you will hear people say, It's very real and very geniune to me. Either they SIT in TWI or before TWI.....We can share our experiences and that's just it...It's OUR experiences and no one can take that away, whether you SIT or don't. Blessings....
I too, spoke in Tongues before TWI....and it was truly an amazing experience. I still speak in tongues and thank God for it. Not bogus to me....
I've been thinking about this for awhile. Before I got involved with the ministry, I didn't have this in my life. I didn't have this constant striving to be better spiritually. I didn't have this focus on what could I do to be a leader like ______(you fill in the blank). In my mind, there was this "caste" system.....where you go from one level to another level, to another level and each level had it's benefits that others didn't have......all the while having to be approved by someone who was of course at a higher level than you were. How could I be "followed" like so and so? I think I thought that was the goal. I think this really got a hold of my mind...and even when I left, I still carried it with me where I went. God freed me though....I finally saw how this whole idea of a Spiritual caste system was a deception. Even when I left the ministry, I saw the same thing in some of the churches. Who has the most anointing.....who has the power of God. who can heal the most people. It's so deceptive and yet so easy to fall into, the "I'm not this and I lack this and I've got to do more" to be at a higher level---to be closer to God. But it had a hold of me.....big time. I see it now as there are none of these class levels...It's not biblical or scriptural. When we get born again, we are in the Body of Christ....we are all in the family. And yes, there are gift ministries....Ephesians talks about that. But they are not in a caste system......They are people in the ministry just doing what they were called to do. This shouldn't make anyone "want" their calling. We are "enough". God accepts us and wants us to Grow in our relationship with him, not climb the spiritual ladder. I think if you want to talk levels, it should be about serving and loving--deeply. I see this whole caste spiritual system as something that stole a lot from me and made a nut case spiritually. My focus was so totally screwed up. Again, We are "enough" for God..... Did you feel like I did?
I'm probably the exception....But I loved to go witnessing....I really did....Just loved it. But, if I remember, not too many others that I knew did.
I have actually seen a couple of them.......and what they appeared to be were flashes of light going from one place to another. It wasn't scary at all to me........but I thought well there you go....the adversary's ministers are transformed as ministers of righteousness....Light. It all fit with what I knew. One time I was sitting in a fellowship....when I saw this flash of light come across the room and enter into a girl. She suddenly seem to withdraw into herself, when a minutes before she had been laughing and conversing with others. And her expression changed on her face to anguish. The times I've seen things like this, I just thought God was teaching and showing me some things. And learn I did......
For me, I say, "It was the Best of Times, and the Worst of Times". Some of the times were the best I've ever had and some of them were the worst I ever had....
Well, when I was in Wayworld, I wasn't scared of death.....But I will tell you leaving TWI, I feared the worst would happen to me. I was relieved to leave, but at the same time, fearful. I had no outside friends. I had no family so to speak because I was the one who walked away from them. And I was afraid that bad things would happen to me because they said things would happen if you left and walked away. And so, when I got a very, deadly disease, I had to wonder if it wasn't because I left the ministry. Fortunately, in spite of the fact I was given the Death sentence by the Dr.....I had a miracle and was healed! praise God! That's when I knew God was "outside" of Way world and He wasn't angry with me. It was a scary period of time in my life, and God was with me all the time, I just didn't know it at first.
I got to thinking about Way Homes. I remember the thing about if you are a believer, you shouldn't live alone. It was suppose to be a real loving home with fun and healing etc etc. Wasn't what I thought at all. I went through a history of living with people in Way Homes. People I never met before, people I had no idea could I trust them, or what kinds of problems did they have? Was I safe. No thought given to it at all....just move in and start living together as a "family". It seemed like it was suppose to be instant happening, a family. My experience with that was not good most of the time. We had a coordinator who actually kind of dictated things, no discussion, no interaction. And it really took away my individuality. Seemed like we had to, were expected to, do whatever the house was gonna do, whether it be a movie, witnessing, etc etc. Maybe had one day what they called "off" to do your laundry and do what you wanted. But mostly we were to act as a happy, loving household. Not to say, I didn't have good moments, but that was just it, Moments. Sometimes Fleeting! I didn't enjoy any of it as I look back on it. Can't believe I just moved in with anyone, anywhere. Expectations seems high from the coordinators. And of course there was always to pressure of getting a class together, or working at the limb headquarters EVERY Sat it seemed and look at it as some great honor to do that. I have lived alone for quite awhile now. I was really tired of living with people when I left TWI. And have lived alone since And loved it. Time for me, time to think, time to do what interests me....And why did they say it wasn't good to live alone?? What were your Way Home experiences like?? Just something I was thinking about.
When I first started reading some of the responses, it freaked me out! I had never heard about this. Then I read responses that said, oh it was just a joke, not a serious event. Then, My question is, Why do it at all?? What was the point of this? I've never heard of a christian church who is actually an upstanding church doing something like this as a "joke". This is not funny to me at all......
Got rid of mine almost immediately along with a lot of other things when I left...Kind of wish I would of kept it hearing how everyone held of to theirs...but long gone!!!
Thanks Dot for all of your posts!!! They are great and very much needed in my recovery. We can learn from each other!!! About my "friend"---I e-mailed her back with what I thought were good suggestions, things I've done in my life. She never responded. I guess it wasn't what she was expecting!!! We are just in two different places in our lives....I pray for her. Again thanks for all the support I've received regarding this situation. And you know something, as much as I thought I could handle it, I realize now, there a huge risk in trying to be of help to her. I'm glad I didn't have to take it.
Thanks to you all for your concerns and suggestions... I am no professional and I know it. So I'm not analyzing no one. The only thing I can share with her is my experiences, what I've been through, how I got through it and where I am now. That's it. Nothing more...Believe me when I say, I know where to "stop" with help. It was a good reminder about trust. It made me think, no I can't trust her....and so I do have to keep a distance between us because of it. Thanks. This isn't about me....I don't think for one moment it's about her asking for forgiveness or apologizing for anything. She probably doesn't even remember it. Basically, I gonna be there for her, an ear to listen, and if I can help by something I've experienced...than share it. That's all. Before she went into the leadership training program we were best friends. When she came out she had changed dramatically...and that's when all this stuff went down. I know who she was before the program...I'd like to see her get back to that...But I'm certainly not gonna "fix" her. She has her own journey, and I might be a very small part of it to get her to the next thing she needs to do. Thanks so much for your posts!!! Appreciate them.
I don't know that this is the "right" place for this or not, but this is where I posted something that was personal to me. The gal I spoke of who was my leadership, and instructed me to do those things, who yelled and kicked me and at times treated me very badly, e-mailed me today.....Coincidence? I don't think so. In her e-mail she was at her "bottom". And she was reaching out to Me to help her. She sounds alone, desperate, and confused. And I am going to try and help her. It's the Right thing to do....and I do have compassion for her. It was just sooo strange that I hear from her after I had posted my personal story. I think it's God and I think it's about forgiveness. As I said before, we need each other...in order to heal.
Thanks Dot for your additional post. And isn't it true that most addicts won't get help till they hit bottom??? When it really stops working for them...
You have provided me with more pieces of the puzzle....Thank-you Dot!!
Hi All, Ex....thank-you for your Post and Rascal for yours... The one thing that I know for sure, are the things I've experienced. I shared what I shared on that thread, as personal as it was, when I read what Ex posted. I related to her sharing so much, I decided to post my experience. It's our stories, our experiences, that people can relate to. It's the feelings we have felt that others have felt. That is what has brought healing to me. It makes me know that I am not alone and it validates me. I am very thankful for that. My eyes have been opened so much by reading threads at GS... I know people can criticize or question, not believe what people post. Those are not the people I post for... I don't know anything about courts, and all that and Ex you are correct in what you wrote about the video etc....All I know is that I come here to relate and in relating, I can heal a little bit more. For me that is what GS is all about. Thanks for your lives....
Thanks for your posts...I appreciate the support. I think we all need each other just to know that we are not the only ones that these things happened to.