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It is affiliated with Chris Geer. It's called STL bible fellowship. We do ABS as we did in twi and every offshoot we ever regularly attended. But if we ever needed help with something, these folks have never shown a hint of a condescending attitude, unlike twi. I would like more information on this if you have any....you can PI me. Thanks!
After I had been in TWI for a period of time, I thought I would be a lifer. I felt like it was a "home", and that I had actually found the path God wanted me to be on, as I had always thought I would be a missionary of some sort. So I remember saying to myself, "This is it"....this is what God wants me to do. It never occurred to me that there would ever be a time when I would not be in TWI...it was a "given" to me that I would be committed for life. Definitely a different type of commitment....it was to God and not TWI......however, as the years rolled along the line between God and the ministry grew to be really distorted and hard to distinguish between one and the other.....until I think I listened and heeded TWI more than I did God....A bad place to find yourself in. For me, it's been about getting back to God being God in my life. Just out of curiosity Johniam...what offshoot were you speaking about?
I know I felt like I became a totally different person when I was in TWI. I became just like whoever it was that I had as leadership. Sometimes, I think in the beginning, it was a survival mechanism. It became a solution to me. I know I got tired of being yelled at and told I was possessed. So, I learned how to "imitate" people, found out the right phrases to use. And I definitely became exactly what I didn't want to be. I, too, feel for the people I hurt and hope they have healed. When I left, I prayed for them for a long time. Crazy making stuff. I am so glad that I got some help and healed myself...praises to God.
Well, at first I threw everything out.....hard to read the bible...but figured I would go the opposite of what WI taught. One extreme to another, I've learned is never the answer for me. I've been to churches, probably bought every known bible in the world to "search" for truth. I was terribly confused. I listened to this preacher and that one. Anything that was "spiritual" I investigated. Still confused. And what happened was a found a very simple approach finally....that is the practical application of principles from the word. Kindness, forgiveness, not thinking evil, helping someone else, Not thinking about me all the time, (the universe doesn't revolve around me in other words), Gratitude, tolerance are among the many things that I found I needed to apply in my life. Humbleness instead of being egotistical that I know everything is another good one. So, I set out and started just to examine my own life and apply principles I found in the word....my life started getting better and better...not that the outside life changed so much, but the inside of me started changing for the better. And I still put practical application high on my list to be aware of every single day in my life....I ask myself how am I doing today? Now recently, some of the teachings I learned years ago have come back into my life. With a new perspective and new "eyes" I am again relearning some of the things I once knew but threw out. It looks totally different to me now. The bible said "Knowledge Puffeth up".....I was all puffed up believe me. So, for me there has to be a balance.....doctrine and practical application. What good is it if I can't put it into my living on a daily basis. But what a process....tough, rewarding, sometimes frustrating, but I am so glad to be where I am today....very thankful to God for what He has done in my life. I know the journey will continue and my eyes will be opened wider....and they will finally be totally opened at the Return.
I really did miss an area of "faking it"......and that was to the outside world, especially to family and friends. I had lots of people tell me it was a "cult" do not get involved. A minister I knew really tried to almost "scare" into not getting into it, which pushed me further into defending it. My parents, especially my mother was very fearful and upset about my involvement. But, you know I just "faked" really, really, being happy. That it was not harmful to me or to others. That it was a God's Word and God's ministry...that Everything was on the up and up. And really, I did not fully believe what I was saying. I was skeptical, and questioning things and at times in the beginning after taking the class, feeling like there was something "wrong" here, but I just didn't know what it was at the time. But I would have never told that to anyone, in or out of TWI I was faking in TWI and I was faking it to the outside world. I was being two different people.....one for the outside to see and one that was the inner me. I lost my friends on the outside, and my family pretty much didn't trust me anymore. Simply put, I faked it a lot! I think it kind of turned into a survival tool...
I'm just wondering if I have any "Family" here that did the same thing when I say, Many times I faked it until I made it in TWI. There were Times when I would hear a teaching and go "huh?" And I might of asked "someone" and maybe even two "someones" and even if I still did not understand, I wouldn't ask any more. Then when that teaching was taught and someone would say, Isn't that fantastic? I say, Yea, it was great!! Or, I remember learning one way to really Please leadership was to say, "I feel so honored to be able to have you as my limb Leader....and later when I was slaving away at the limb I would say, I just feel so blessed to be able to be here and work at the limb for our man of God...I consider it an honor". And I remember one leader saying, "well, that's the right attitude" All the while I was like wanting to say are you kidding me? I love working here....not!! There are many other examples, but I would like to hear examples of your experience if you did the same thing. For me it was a "survival" and an "acceptance" tool I was using. I wanted to be "approved" by leadership and others. I wanted to fit in and be loved. And so I started faking it many times, cause I didn't want to be the one to get into trouble. I wasn't being honest, but it's the only thing I knew to do at the time...honesty never entered my head Maybe I am the only one to have faked it, but I'm guessing probably not. What's your specific experiences???
I know you are all talking "music"...and I am a musician. I have been in several praise and worship teams and now am not. In the years I was, the understanding I got from them is you sing over and over again to invoke the presence of God and to welcome the Holy spirit. Your singing actually brings the spirit of God to the service. A couple of the worship leaders said it was their job to lead the people into the presence of God and into the throne of God. One place I went to was really into that concept and it got very uncomfortable in that place and I just could not do it any more. I've seen people, as people have said, get a "dose" of the holy spirit of God and it affects them. I've had many experiences in this and decided it is not for me. That there is something that happens spiritually when the praise and worship music goes on and on and on in repetition that raises all kinds of red flags for me. Give me the "Sing Along the Way". Each to his own though, if you like it (praise and worship) and enjoy it and it enriches your relationship with God....keep listening and singing.
I took the class because I had totally screwed my life up. Growing up in a family that was not functional, having been adopted and other sorted details which I won't bore you with, I went to college and started drinking and partying. It was fun for awhile. But, then I noticed I had trouble concentrating, my school work went down the tubes and I suddenly realized the dream I had of being a teacher was diminished and I didn't know how to "fix" myself. In my senior year, I was standing on the quad and thinking, how did this happen to me? I hadn't graduated, my friends had, they had jobs, I didn't....I was a mess....when someone walking by me handed me a pamphlet on God. That jogged my memory to when I used to go to church as a kid. And I said to myself, God is my solution. Only God can put my life together (which has always been true and any given time). I had become suicidal etc.......so I prayed that when i would get a job that there would be someone who could teach me about God and help. I found that not only was there just one, there was 13 of them.....all reading the same book, "Power for Abundant Living" and when I asked if they knew about God, that was an open door. I was like, Thank you God, Thank-you!! I signed up for the class and couldn't wait for it to start. I was in TWI for 13 years, and I would say that at least 9 or 10 of those years, it was good for me. I quit drinking, got my finances straightened out, and thought I had found the perfect family that I never had. But things started going south....and because everyone here already knows the story, I'll refrain from it. For me, it was the Best of times and the Worst of Time.
I just have a question....Was BJ Leonard a trinitarian?
I thought that John 10:10 was talking about material abundance the way that VP talked about it too. But, when I reread it after leaving, I decided that it was talking about eternal life....had nothing to do with material abundance at all. My Personal take on it.....
I just want to say, "thanks".......GS has been a huge and I mean Huge, part of my healing process. I've met some fantastic people who have helped me in this process. If it hadn't been for GS I would have been cut off from the contribution of so many people in time of needing help. God Bless you Paw.......
"So you don't want to go to Church anymore?"
newlife replied to newlife's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Thanks for all of your comments on the Book...... Tom, especially appreciated your posts. It is the way it was meant to be I believe. "The Church" is suppose to be on the move....people involved with people, sharing, giving, etc. and everyone following Christ and doing and going where he directs. Amazed Tom about how TWI was in the beginning....interesting how it went down. I hope everyone that reads the book enjoys the "freedom". I did....... -
"So you don't want to go to Church anymore?"
newlife replied to newlife's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
There are so many good things in this book, it's hard to name them all.......But basically, it's about a minister who runs into this guy and overhears him talking to a small group of people who had been discussing religion. And the guy makes a statement, "If you only knew him" or something like that. Anyway, This guys name is John and the minister kind of connects him to the John in the Bible. They meet and John says a few things to the minister and he starts to ponder them. In the minister's church, you get the behind the scenes situations that are going on....which the congregation doesn't know anything about. And John enters this minister's life at certain points to show him What religion really is vs a free relationship with God. And how from the time the children attend Sunday School certain things are starting to formulate how they think. It's about the journey of this minister outside of church. The book is mind provoking. It really helped me see some and ponder things I never thought of before. I highly recommend it, especially for those who have been in TWI.....It just kind of prepares you more for what to look for to save your spiritual life. Want to add anything to this Shellon??? -
"So you don't want to go to Church anymore?"
newlife replied to newlife's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
No, he does not make you want to go to church.....This book is actually about insight into the church and it's bondage that holds people....VERY insightful.... I took tried a million churches and couldn't stay in them. This book will make you glad you didn't and it will also give you insight into what you got out of..TWI. It will give you lots to think about..... It's a great book......as Shellon has said. -
"So you don't want to go to Church anymore?"
newlife replied to newlife's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I am almost to the end of it......All I can say is WOW......Incredible book, so much truth....I think I loved every chapter.....it certainly confronted any "religion" in me that was left. But it also confirmed where I am at in my journey with God...that I am exactly where I am suppose to be....:) -
WG---See that is what bothers me about it.....the explanation I guess. I don't think God smites people like that. I think I'd rather think that shyte just happens like you said. And of course, former teaching says, it's the devil that does that stuff. BUT, a whole lot of people are promoting that everything happens for a reason and God is in charge. I can not sort this out I guess because I think there is an absolute truth? I don't know...... Thanks for your post.
Appreciate everyone's contribution on this topic..... If Indeed, everything happens for a reason.......I'm not sure I am comfortable with that. Maybe I have too much fear I don't know. But, if that were true, that everything does happen for a reason, I'd want to change my beliefs. I do believe that God will bring good out of every situation, but I don't think that is the same thing. Confusing for me......thanks for your input.....
Great teaching......thank you for sharing your heart.....
That is awesome!!! I'm so glad you shared your story with us. I am still trying to "find" my place in a church and still struggling with things....Your story gives me hope....lots of it.....Thank you so Much!!
Clay Jar......I loved both of your posts. You went under some transformation and realized your wrongs and try to make them right. That is all ANYONE can do. I wish there were more people like you that would do what you did. Makes me have some "hope" for others. Thank you for your transparent honesty and sharing!!!!
Well, when I was in I and another person became best friends. Neither had gone into the Corpse. But at a later date, she did. She came out a totally different person. I just was shocked at the change in her. She wasn't the person I knew before. On her interim year on the field she convinced me to move in with her, which I did. It was the year from Hell. I was actually kicked and hit...I was woke up during the middle of the night and humiliated in front of the others because I hadn't taught what she had told me to teach at fellowship....instead I taught on what I thought God wanted me to teach. I never argued with her or anything. All I could do was pray for her.and prayed..I prayed for her that one day she would change...... YEARS later, after we had both left TWI......she actually called me up and was in a mess....a total mess, unhappy, marriage a mess, she was depressed etc. And when I heard her voice, I had this anger come up in me because of the past, but after she told me all that stuff, I couldn't do anything but Help her. And that I did. We've been in touch since then frequently, me helping her. Her life has gotten better and she is doing well. There has never been a word about what happened when we were in TWI. And I kept waiting for some kind of an apology, but it never happened. And I was amazed that she could call me and never talk about it at all. Then one day, probably inspired by God, I thought, she doesn't even remember what happened. So I quit waiting for an apology....I remember I had prayed and prayed for her that one day she would change.....and that is exactly what she has done. Changed. And I thank God for that. I did get one apology from a leader of mine who had never done anything but love and encourage me. And she called one day and asked, did I ever do anything to harm you or hurt you? I was amazed and said, absolutely not. Other than her, I've not had any apologies from the ones who have done harm. But, you know, I've had to forgive them because me not forgiving them hurts me, not them. I can't let them rent space in my head....it's not worth it!!!
I really, really appreciate all of your insights and your experiences on this topic. I am sad that we grapple with things like this...But I had begun to think I was the only one that wasn't "getting this"....and now I know I have friends who need answers too. Your posts are really helping me a lot...if you think of anything additional you can add, please post it!
Hi everyone, If you were in TWI, and have now been out for awhile and have wrestled with this and come up with a solution. Please send it my way.... What is God's job exactly? We were taught in TWI, or at least I perceived it being taught, that God is not in control of the world. Man has free will to do as he wants. Now, I've run into people who have said, well God is in control. I'm not sure exactly what they mean by that. And they also say, God has a plan for your life and that He is in control of your life and what happens. I'm not sure what I think about all of this and have struggled with it for a very long time now. It certainly can change one's perception of life by adapting one or the other belief. If you have had this question going on for you and you have resolved it, I would appreciate some of your insight.