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Thanks everyone for your responses.....I really appreciate them. I think I have a better grasp on sanctification. For me, who am just a believer, with no specific learning about the bible, other than TWI....It sometimes gets confusing when you listen to other people teach on something. Like this guy I have referenced, it sounds right, and I can't specifically point out if there is anything wrong in his teaching. But, things like, He's got this revelation that no one else has had, and he puts down everyone else because they don't have this knowledge that he has.....that is one thing that sets me to questioning what he is teaching. He's actually written his comments and notes in a bible and sells it to people. And the way it is written, he makes comments after EVERY verse and explains what that verse is saying. He doesn't claim that he is without error in his notes, but does claim that it is anointed (Which I am not sure I understand) I guess I am in a holding pattern about him and what he teaches. Just things that I see about him and his ministry, that as Kit Sober said, "Quacks like TWI"....there seems to be a lot of anger in people when they are doing the different shows.....like this is the truth and if you don't believe it, you are screwed up and possibly going to "hell". This absolute belief in what they are saying.... And perhaps this is something I should look at.....why am I looking to a man to give me answers??? Cause that's all I've known I guess and I don't at all trust myself to know what it is saying. I was never a "research person" so It gets very frustrating at times. So many questions. I say to God many times, better send your Son back soon....this world is in a spiritual mess.......my opinion only.
Hi Steve.....I am really glad you added to this. Sanctification....Is it by faith only in Christ and him crucified? In other words, anything else that you do outside of that will not sanctify you. You will remain in bondage unless you go by way of the Cross....This is what the guy teaches and I have tried to understand this, and think I finally kind of get what he is saying, but because of the similarities with TWI in aspects I mentioned above, I have had a hard time discerning this teaching as truth, or error. So I thought I would start this thread to see what people had to say about it. I guess I am really challenged as to his teaching, yet, he is becoming very big and going all over the world via TV teaching this as a "New revelation" that no one else hardly knows. Thanks for your response...... NL
Hi everyone...... Recently, I got into watching this TV ministry on TV.....and I was really drawn into it. The guy claims to have a revelation from God regarding sanctification. (sound familiar?) He claims that most churches do not know this about sanctification and he basically has staked his ministry on this revelation, which he wants to carry throughout the whole word at God's direction. (Does it sound familiar....Word over the world) I realized that there is truth there but, error also, but the guy is raising millions a dollars each month for this WOW......He constantly puts down every church there is....(Ding ding) But, my question is Sanctification.......What do you know about it?? I know we were taught sanctification was "Set" apart. But, I've been reading Romans 6,7,& 8 and Regarding this process of sanctification....not living in sin, but realizing we have been raised to "new life"......My question is just what is the definition of sanctification and how what is exactly the process of this....the how. Also, has anyone else listened to this guy and his message??? Thanks.... Newlife
Thank-you for your replys. It sounds like he was trinitarian and with influence from Lamsa, and maybe others he did change his belief. And I do remember that in the PFAL class. I remember the first time I heard it, I was surprised, and it did want to question him and his teaching, but like usual, I let it go.....and the class instructor did say it was in error. Wordwolf, I think you included the word "not" in error when you said that "we know he was originally "not" a trinitarian.....did you mean to say that??? Thanks everyone, I think this confirms it to me.
Hi everyone..... I came across something and I wanted to know what you may know about this, cause I have no frame of reference in my mind. My question: Did Lamsa indeed influence VP to change beliefs from the trinity to having no belief in the trinity. http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/rsr_originJesus.htm Thanks! Newlife
I think I, in the beginning, believed that the PFAL did teach the Word of God and because of that belief, I wanted to "Move the Word" so everyone would hear it. The principle being, out of a heart of having something good, I would want to share it with people. Somewhere along the line it became about classes, and numbers etc...instead of being about people and God. Being out of TWI now, I have a different perspective of it. Everything has a different perspective, it just depends where you are standing and looking at it.
Hi Ex....... I think being clear and concerned is a concept....but whether or not it's in the bible....couldn't tell you. But I do know it's not a prerequisite for prayer. I ask people to pray for me and the answer is usually sure I will. Some do ask what I want prayer for and I tell them. But, If they didn't know and they prayed that's enough. God hears our prayers and knows our hearts. I'll pray for you!!
WW--Thanks so much for looking that up for me. Interesting isn't it?? Anyone want to add anything to this?
Thanks for your responses. I just am curious as to "how" the process went. There were a lot of people that went WOW the year I did, 3,000. That's a lot of people to send to various places. I was wondering if the limb leaders did made the choice and then submit it to Headquarters for consideration. Like I said, I knew no one in my wow family. Diverse girls from different places with different backgrounds. We all seemed to get a long though. Just putting this in my hands, to decide for people where to send them, I would not know how to do 3,000 people and how leadership was choice. I was in a branch of 7 families that was sent together. And I know most people say that their wow year sucked, but my wow was the best year for me. I had a great deal of fun and the people in the branch were great. Sorry to hear stories from people whose wow years were not that great. But, I just wondered, how did they do this process? If someone has specifics I would love to hear about them. Thanks!!
What I meant was.....what was the process they went through.....
Hi Everyone, I'm just curious....is there anyone here who were privy to the way leadership chose the destination and the people and leadership you were assigned to for a WOW year? I really wanted to go to Colorado my wow year and I assigned to Colorado......I didn't know any of the people in my family who had come from various places in the states. And I am very curious about how they chose the branch leaders too. Does anyone know?? Thanks!!
Well, not "ANYTHING" LOL
Must admit that I "Sold" PFAL to people when I wanted to sign them up for it. Telling them and showing them all the benefits of the class on the green card and telling them how it would dynamically change their lives. Now, maybe it had started out as witnessing the bible when I first got involved and it was all about God, but as the pressure grew to get people to take the class (Maybe I imagined that), I started doing anything I could to get people into the class.
Seth.....I don't know how long you have been out of TWI but flashbacks suck period. I went through that for years....now I don't have them. When I got out of TWI I was diagnosed with Cancer and they said I had a 20% chance of living...not good odds. That was 18 yrs ago. I am telling you all this to say, it gets better.....it really does. Rely on God and ask God to give you a support system to help you through the difficult times. I had that and there is no price that can be put on people who are a support to you. I will pray for you......
Hi All, I know people who have been delivered in a church by praying. I know people who have gone to christian groups (small) and have been delivered. I, myself, did not have that experience. I went into recovery about 18 years and I am still there. (12 steps) 12 steps are biblical principles that one applies. God changed my life through it. I do know there's a group called Celebrate Recovery which is christian but it also has the 12 steps. If 12 steps do not appeal, then just trust God to lead you to the place He wants you to be. If you want to hear more from me, don't hesitate. I'll pray for your answer. Newlife
I must of missed the time where you had "free time".... Glad I never went fellow laborers...I couldn't have stuck to that type of schedule.
The CABAL: Corps Assignments By Allusive Leaders
newlife replied to skyrider's topic in About The Way
Thanks Waysider....And they would actually put these kinds of things in a newsletter....hmmmm -
The CABAL: Corps Assignments By Allusive Leaders
newlife replied to skyrider's topic in About The Way
Never was Corps.....What does LOA DFAC Stand for? -
Thanks for sharing that.....Beautiful and definitely inspiring.
Forgiveness....something each person defines and processes and does or does not do based on how they believe and perceive it. In my life, I was eaten up with anger about TWI, about other things and people (family) in my life. And I'm sure it came out in ways I didn't even know how I affected others. I entered into "Recovery"....and there I was taught some freeing, life giving principles that I applied and I received the freedom from my anger and all of my resentments. Forgiveness for me, just didn't happen because someone said to do it. I didn't know how that was possible. I first had to see that my anger and resentment had me in my own prison. The people that I was angry with and resentful didn't have a clue I was carrying all that around with me. And in fact, totally they didn't have me on their mind AT ALL. They continued to live whatever life they were living without a thought of me. That's when I saw that my anger and resentment was hurting me and not them. Kind of like I was saying, well, I'll show you, I'll with hold my forgiveness, I'll hurt you ...I will never forgive you for what you did but they really could of cared less about it. Kind of like me drinking the poison and hoping they would die. When I really thought about that I saw what I was doing to myself, when in fact, I wanted to be doing it to them, but that was not the truth of what was going on. So, I was instructed to pray for those people on my "List" that they would have everything that I wanted to have in my life. Happiness, wholeness, health, recovery of their lives, prosperity, a freedom, good things, forgiveness....and I tell you the truth, I DID NOT want to do that. It was the last thing I wanted to do believe me. But I trusted the instruction of the persons that told me to do it and then I saw it in the bible, pray for your enemies. So I did that even though I didn't want to...and amazingly the anger started decreasing and the resentments started fading away. Even to the point that I just didn't wish them hurt of any kind. After awhile, I realized I was free of what was holding me prisoner, my own thoughts of anger and resentment. I was free to move on with my life. To me, that process was a miracle. Never did I think I would be rid of those feelings and resentments I had toward TWI, toward family members, toward friends. All I know is that it worked for me and then I really could move on cause somewhere in that process I forgave them. I still apply that process with any resentment or anger that I acquire today. I've just describe what I found to work in my life, my own personal experience. I certainly do not know what another person needs to do in their life, I can only speak for me. I'm just sharing it with you.
I got to thinking about this when someone (never having been in TWI) asked about my living in a state that I do not live in now. And I told them I lived in more than just that state. I got to thinking and I realized how insane it was for me to move so many times. When I was in TWI I moved and lived in 6 different states in 13 years. I was not Corps. I did go wow for one year, but I think I must of thought it was spiritual to move so many times or something. You know, Word over the World. I lived in KY, IL, Florida, Michigan, Kansas and Colorado. The job resume was very interesting as you might guess!! When I left TWI I said, enough of the moving. Where I live now, I've been here for 25 years...I've been in the same job now for almost 18 yrs. My how stable my life has gotten!! I remember thinking I wanted to really visit places before I got in TWI! LOL My prayer was answered!!! Just for fun, how many yrs. were you in TWI and how many times did you move???? What states???
Thanks Teachme....reconciliation is a wonderful, wonderful reality in a believer's life. Thanks for your comments about it. Good to be reminded of that...that at one time I wasn't reconciled to God....but Thanks be to God I am today.
Tom.....THANK-YOU so much for your post. You have no idea how much I appreciate what you wrote. You know, in reading your post. I realized I am still very easily influenced by teachings by people. Maybe as much as I was when I first ran into TWI which is an eye-opener to me. If you want to add anything else, I'd especially like to read other comments you may have. Thanks Tom.... Newlife
Hi Everyone...Recently, I listened to some teachings from a group, x-way group actually, that has changed beliefs from believing that once you are saved, you are saved forever. In other words, unconditional salvation is in error, conditional salvation is truth. I am not sure what exactly I believe about their doctrine. I haven't given it a lot of thought. I was surprised by it. But one thing that was said, that really got me to thinking and that was, If you have unconditional salvation, then sin is a non-issue. I could definitely see how that could be true. It seemed that at least for me, I never considered sin a whole lot when I was in TWI. Sin was defined as being "out of fellowship"....so you just didn't hear the term sin much, at least I didn't. I just would like to know if you have changed your beliefs from when you were in TWI about salvation. As always, thanks for your post. Newlife
Great....in time, it will all come together I believe.