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Everything posted by newlife
WW-----wow, you are correct....they taught one thing for a certain group, another for another group....Sometimes I have to wonder why I never saw this kind of thing....and it took coming here to really wake up and go, OH My gosh!!! Twinky, I get what you are saying..... I never did like the prosperity gospel.....it made the whole world revolve around me and what I wanted and how to get it. I'm so glad I don't operate that any more. And I think it takes a long time to get rid of some of these beliefs and try to sort through all this stuff. So thankful for all of you who have been here and you keep opening my eyes to a new way. I never knew what signing the green card meant when I signed it, if I had, I would of run the opposite way. You all are wonderful and my life has gotten better because of you.
Thank-you for your posts.......whew....you have no idea how this has really helped me out. I've been carrying this question for many, many, years, always wondering if someone would come up and tell me, hey you're possessed. It is very evil for people to tell people this.....And I wish I would of brought this to GSC a long time ago, but at least I have now. Thank you for your posts, your compassion and help. What a freedom you have given to me......Thank-you
Thanks for your posts. This has been a troubling subject to me in and out of TWI. I was repeatedly told how possessed I was in TWI....And you could probably guess how that affected me. And when Out, I questioned it all the time...am I?......am I not? Back and forth. At some time, I kind of let go of it some, but never left me. Then I started getting christian friends and they told me that a christian could not be possessed....Of course, knowing the teaching and only the teaching of TWI on this, I would discard what they said. But, as I had more christians in my life, I would hear this a lot....A christian can not be possessed because you have the spirit of God inside of you....no devil spirit can or wants to be where the spirit of God is. That made a heck of a lot sense to me and So that's why the topic. Even though, I don't know you all, I know you came from the same place as I have and have pursued truth. So, Thank-you for the truth you have shared. I can put it to rest.
Hey, I have many, many christian friends who insist that christians can not be possessed by devil spirits because You have the spirit of God in you and no other spirit can reside in the same place as God is, nor would they want to. This sounds very strong to me. And I do know what TWI taught. Just asking, what do you think? Thanks, Judy
Oh My Gosh, Ex.......I had not seen that I don't think......I was appalled.........So VERY, VERY, Sad.....
Excie.......I am glad that you shared all of that even though I'm sure it was painful and the anger rose in you when you did. And the reason I say that is SO MANY PEOPLE are in denial about leaders that were in TWI........I think people could see the reality with VP or one or two others.....but the truth of the matter is that most leaders were corrupt and followed in the footsteps of VP.....but no one but a few really knew that and some, only thought it was a couple of people in leadership that was corrupt. I'm sorry you endured what you did in TWI......So many could repeat some of your stories as being true in their experience in TWI. I have prayed and will continue to pray for your healing. I know God is the only one who could of put my life back together again and I'm so thankful he did. I believe total healing will come at the Return. Hugs to you Excie!! And so all these things, stringing of chairs, picking up pieces of paper, getting the silverware just right and on and on......These things were blown up to be the most important things that we would have to master if we were truly spiritual. I wonder how many of the leaders ever did what they had others do??? And here's another thought I have, I wonder how many of them NOW think back to those times they demanded things done like this and are ashamed they did..........I wonder.
I was never corps so I didn't ever have that task assigned to me. But, I do remember when we did a film class one time that we got chewed out because there was a little piece of paper they found on the carpet and we got the meltdown over that. We were sent out to comb the area for anything else because things like this that was overlooked affected the students in receiving the class as well that it affected the spiritual atmosphere in the room.
Please Steve, do share what you know. I agree totally with what you have said so far...... And thank-you for sharing this.....to me it is confirmation to what I have found myself.
Thanks for your responses...... I was Witnessed to in IL....and signed up pretty quickly. My point in writing this topic was to find out if people were "Into" the bible before they signed up for PFAL........And my guess was correct, based on responses....we weren't. It was easy to get into the "system" of TWI and learn what they taught as biblical truth. I certainly had nothing to compare it to. For all I knew, they were right in what they taught. And the One time I did question something and was using the Young's Concordance to show my Class instructor (Cause didn't they say look it up for yourselves? Make it your own?) and the response I got was, Dr.W. had done extensive research with far more biblical texts has gotten back to the original. So, I thought, well, I really don't know anything about the bible and here are all these guys who "Really" know the bible. Thanks for your responses.......
Hi Everyone.....I'm just wondering.....how much bible did you know when you signed that green card??? And if you knew a lot of the bible, wasn't PFAL rocking your boat?? Were you going to church at the time?? I had been raised in the church but never read the bible. When I went to college I dropped out of church ....After college, I had just gone to my very first bible study, one night, and knew one verse and then I ran into TWI. I thought things sounded kind of strange...never heard these things in church, I didn't know the bible though.......but, at that time my life was kind of in a mess, and I didn't want to go back to the church. TWI came along at just the right time and I was witnessed to by about 10 fellow laborers..and all those things on the green card were things I didn't have but wanted...I signed my name...and the rest is history.
Twinky....... "Significant parts of Romans are like that.- see for example Rom 8 to 11, which includes our "foundational" text of Rom 10:9,10. If you don't look at the parts of the OT that these chapters quote from, you miss a lot of depth of meaning" hmmmmm...........could you elaborate alittle....maybe give an example from those chapters you pointed on in Romans? Thanks.
Hi All......Recently, as I've been reading the bible, I'm seeing how many things were taken out of context...Like the "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." The context is having little or having much.......not that I can anything and everything like I think we were taught. Another one is in Philippians, I think it's the third chapter....where he says "Forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forth to those things that are before" The context is all his credentials...Hebrews of Hebrews, blameless in the law, Pharisee. That's what he was talking about, but that's not what I got out of what TWI taught. Just wondering if you have some others???? Thanks
I want to thank everyone who posted......I appreciate you sharing your experiences, feelings, and suggestions. It helped.
Thanks Twinky for your post. I see you have indeed had some experiences that I can relate to. You've kept at it.....whereas, I gave up on the church scene. So I am glad that you are receiving some positive gifts in what you are doing. And I think you are right, it's my relationship with God which is the most important and I think I've known for years......but, I think what has happened to me is leaving TWI, I at first lost hope of ever really understanding what the bible REALLY says, but I kept seeking God and answers. I'm glad I did. And many beliefs have changed, though I can't say that I am totally pleased with my relationship with God....it doesn't seem to "work" the way I had experienced when I was in TWI....I was confident, and knew God communicated with me......now maybe that wasn't God, I don't know....but I know it's certainly changed. And I do think that it's your relationship with God which makes the difference of being fulfilled and happy or not. Grrrrrrr...........If I had never signed the Green card!!! But, I should say also, that even if I hadn't been in TWI there would have been obstacles in my life......just not as many with God. And you know.....If my relationship with God was solid, then maybe I would know where I fit..... I don't know, sometimes I ramble a lot!!!
I have basically 7 friends from TWI that I am still in contact with. And we are in communication quite frequently. Five out of the seven, were leadership for me either at the twig or branch level. But, All five of them have become friends of mine after TWI. Here's the kicker.....five out of seven were Corps. I was never in the corps and I always thought that odd that I was so connected with them, and still am.....though our relationship as you might expect, has changed from the leadership/follower status to one of friendship. And I have to say, they are my closest friends that I have today.
Thank-you everyone for your responses.....I appreciate you sharing your experience with me. I remember coming here when I first left TWI and it was the sharing by everyone that enabled me to relate and to feel like "I wasn't the only one". So thank-you for being transparent. Ex....I can relate to you crying out to God before TWI and Crying out to God after TWI......I am right there with you! Seems like I was at a low before signing that green card......and at a low when I left. I am not sure which was my worst low. I am so glad to hear that you have a job that is aiding in your healing. And I think it's GREAT that a couple of them call you "Mommy"......how cool is that. That's God giving you exactly what you need.... I appreciate your random thoughts, please send some more my way Ex......It's a help to me. Kit....like I stated....nice to know I an relate to other people with feelings etc.......I'm glad that you have found some folks that are sent from God to walk with you through this process.....and that is what I have found it to be.....a process. I don't go to a church.....I've tried them....in fact MANY of them and decided like 6 yrs. ago....going to church was not a solution for me at that time. I say at that time, cause I don't know what the future holds. It's amazing to me, that it takes soooo long to transition out of TWI mindset, feelings etc.....who would of thought? But, I must say, I bought everything I was taught, even if I didn't understand it....I was a sold out to TWI....and I totally believed it was of God, and that I would be a "Lifer". Never had a thought that I would leave.....however, towards the end it was so nuts, that I started thinking, I need to get out. Physically, I did get out, but mentally, spiritually, emotionally, I was still in....and through the years, I've gotten better, but I just have not made that transition with the everyday world and feel like I "fit In". I appreciate anyone who can share their experience with this.......thank-you!
Well, my x-way friends have definitely changed their beliefs....sometimes I differ from them, but I guess the basics we all believe. Steve.....scary because I would feel at home and I totally agree.....there's no fun like I used to have in a good twig.
I should also have said, I have a number of X-TWI friends....and I feel very connected with them, they are my closest friends. I feel like I "fit" with them. But that's not true with people who I interact with in everyday world. Just wanted to add that.
Hi Everyone......... I've been out of TWI for 27 years! I was in TWI for 13 years! And Still, I have problems "fitting" in with the everyday world. Maybe I should say, Feeling like I fit in. There's still this separation that I feel. Now, I know there is a separation between Christians and the World....Christians live differently. believe differently than the world. But, I don't think I am talking about that. I think it's still a little of TWI still lingering in my mind that causes this. But, I'm not clear on that. Having been separate from family, former friends, and living in a culture that is totally foreign to the rest of the world, we felt and were separate and because of what we were taught....elite. I don't think it's feeling of being elite. And I'm certainly not living in a culture like TWI. So, I'm a little perplexed about this. Even though I've had a job for almost 19 years, a home, roots and definitely have changed tremendously over the years. (My life is nothing like it was back in the 80's. And I'm reasonably happy most of the time) Still.....there's that feeling and I don't think I am able to identify it like I would like to. I definitely have not been totally happy with my relationship with God. So much to sift through with doctrine etc. But, I've made progress. For anyone who is coming out of TWI, depending how long you were in, it's difficult to make the transition. And I encourage you to continue to go forward, it does get better, but it takes some time and in my case, alot of "work". Just wondering if someone could relate to what I am talking about and have you identified that? What scares me is, would I feel "at home" in a fellowship that operated the way it should of to begin with, and with correct teaching. Please share your experiences with me.....I appreciate it!
I was healed of cancer. I did have two surgeries......and then months later it came back....the Dr. said I had a 20% chance of living and encouraged me to admit to hospital and live out my days. God literally healed me via someone over the phone praying for me. I went back to the Dr. and she said, well, (She was a christian)I can't write on your medical record, "Healed", but you and I both know that is exactly what happened. I knew I was healed the minute I was prayed for. God is good.....that was back in 1995 and I've not been bothered with it since.
I love hearing these stories from all of you. I was never corps so this is a great topic. Keep posting them!!!!!
Hi Johniam.....can I PM you???
I just read this......Brenda Cox?? What corps was she in....and did she ever live in Wichita KS......I think was originally from Virginia....does anyone know??? Just trying to figure out if this is the girl I knew....if so, I'm very sad.
I never heard about Ken Barden.....But, I kind of heard various stories about that LEAD situation. I suppose there are many stories and situations that I never heard about at the top. I, myself, was a lowly sometimes Leaf, sometimes TC who was always told I had a devil spirit hanging around or was possessed, however no one could help me at the time.......what happened to all that power they had??? I should of bolted when my parents presented me with some facts about TWI and I ignored them as being from the pit. I should of bolted when I lived in an apartment with believers and they said the towels were not hung correctly....huh??? Seriously??? I should of bolted when I didn't understand what they heck they were teaching, but said, Oh it must be me. I think I was very naive at that age.....and I was really needing a family that loved and accepted me........I should have bolted~
Steve, it's called the "Expository Study Bible" By Jimmy Swaggert........