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I Abundantly shared in TWI.....not cheerfully at all. In fact, I dreaded doing it. When I got out of TWI, I did not share with a ministry or person. After awhile, I sent some money to two ministries. Not on a regular basis or anything, but occasionally. Last year, I decided to prove the "giving" method. I started sending a certain amount of money to a ministry. My finances increased so much I couldn't believe it. What it did for me was to finally trust God in this area. Recently, a friend had a need and she told me about it. I got up the next day and God put it on my heart to send some money to her. Then probably like 15-20 minutes, I had sat down to read the Bible and I asked God to show me something, which I always do. And He took me to 2nd Corinthians 8 & 9. I had never really read that with any effort to get a message, but it just came alive to me. Meeting the saint's needs. And then the promises that were stated, that I would have all suffiency in everything. That He would multiply my seed so I would even have more to give. That it's for an equality...so everyone has what they need. It really got me all excited. Then I just started reading Acts.....and the 3,000 that believed and were saved.....how they, the 3,000 had all things common. And they would sell their possessions to meet other needs of the saints. I started combing the book of Acts for more and it's there. It really thrilled me. I don't think we are under law at all. But, I think we have the promises about giving. Do you have to give in order to have God take care of you and give you blessings. No....I don't believe so. Because for years I didn't and I was taken care of by God. The difference is I am receiving more blessings now than I ever have. I am a lot happier now then when I was trying to hold onto my money out of fear that I wouldn't have enough. I have more than enough now. This is my experience with it. I'm sure others will say it never worked for them. I have no comment about that person's experience. I can only share my experience. . My heart about this matter has changed dramatically than when I was in TWI. I am a much happier person and I am so glad that I decided to try it. My experience, my views....only.
I was thinking about the holidays coming up this morning, specifically Christmas. I remember choking on that word and I just couldn't say it for a very, very, long timeafter I left TWI. It was always Happy Household Holidays. Well, I just want to know if any of you are having the problem I am having with Christmas. I can never enjoy it. I've tried. I've gotten the tree, all the decorations, listened to christmas music, bought presents etc. And I have to say, I don't like the holiday.. I don't know what it is except I come up with, It's not really The birth of Christ that happens, it's a holiday that was inspired by pagans. And I really think that is the reason I just can't just join in. Maybe I have too much of Way brain still, but that's how it goes for me every year. And I just wondered if anyone else was still having this difficulty besides me?
I am a senior citizen now, 65 yr. old. Don't mind telling my age cause it's a miracle and tribute to God that I reached 65. When I was in TWI which was from 75-87, there had been talk of developing a Senior community where the Seniors could go and live together, kind of like a mobile home park. But, they could socialize. have fellowships, just enjoy each other in their golden years and they wouldn't be alone. So, the treatment of seniors that you have talked about, I have no experience with. I didn't see that idea of a Senior community come into reality, but it was a good idea at the time I thought. Something that definitely would have been in my plans for my future had it come into to be and I would have stayed in TWI. I will tell you that as a Senior, single, and little family, no fellowship, I feel a lone a lot. I've tried churches and never found one that I wanted to go to on a regular basis. I've tried a few other things too. So, you see, I would welcome that fellowship of Seniors at this time in my life. It makes me smile just thinking about something like that. Not a twig, but something like it. I have a number of friends who were in TWI, who are now seniors in their 60's but they are scattered all over the US. We do have contact on the phone regularly so that has become my "Fellowship" of sorts. The topic of seniors is a good topic, because there are so many needs that they have if they do not have a family. Mostly that connection, emotionally, socially, and spiritually with other people. I never saw any Seniors being mistreated in TWI, but then I wasn't everywhere, all the time and I am not doubting what people have said, I'm just sharing my experience. My experience with the ones that I had in TWI were that they were very happy, that they loved the fellowship, and for me, just personally, I really liked having older seasoned people around.
Many things always confused me to the point I wasn't sure what I was suppose to do. Here's an example. On the wow field, Our Leader hadn't come home for dinner and so it was ready, hot, and waiting and we decided to go ahead and eat. Our leader came home and reamed us for not waiting for her to come home to eat. She was corps. The next night, we had everything ready again, hot and waiting. She hadn't come home yet....but we knew better than to eat. We didn't, not a bite. She came home some time later and reamed us for not eating the food while it was hot. What was the point of all this???? At the time, it just confused the heck out of me. What were we suppose to do?? Eat? Not Eat? And it makes you feel like a child when you get reamed for something. Believe me I was reamed all the time for something, so instead of focusing on the Word and God, I started focusing on is this right or is this wrong? I didn't want to be yelled at so much. It just trickled down from the top down to the twig leader. I thought about going into the corps, but the reason I wanted to go was to get off the bottom rung of the Way tree and stop getting yelled at. Then I learned how much the corps go yelled at and it just trickled down......what was the point of all this???
Hey everyone! I am sure that at least some of you experienced what I did with the culture shock coming out of TWI. It seemed we had our own culture, our own vocabulary, our own rules and regulations, and the list could go on and on probably. I don't know if you did, But I never saw a tv after I got involved in TWI for all the 13 years I was involved. I never heard a radio, never saw a newspaper that I could remember. Whatever I saw or heard had TWI brand on it. Books, tapes, Advances, Weekend in the word, Heartbeat festivals, Wake up America, Classes from foundational to Advanced, Rock of Ages. Everything was geared to TWI. So when I came out, I actually had culture shock. I mean what do you do if you don't do all these things I just mentioned? No Twig? What do you do?? How do you fit into the culture that everyone else lives in?? I was perplexed. I was shocked at all the Computer stuff. I never learned anything or heard about computers in TWI....so when I got out and everyone had one and was using one I was lost. (I now have a computer, love to write) Cell phones. Never had a cell phone in TWI....got out and saw everyone had one. In fact now that I think of it, I don't think I even knew there was such a thing as a cell phone.....It suddenly dawned on me that for the last 13 years I knew NOTHING of what went on in the world, by that I mean what had happened all those years? I had no idea and that kind of flipped me out a bit. It was a culture shock for me coming out of TWI culture. I was in TWI from 1975 till 1988. What kind of shock did you experience or did you experience anything like this??? And try to explain this to a non TWI person? LOL They just look at you like you are either not telling the truth or you are from another planet. I'm glad to say, I don't feel like an alien any more!! Thanks for your comments!!
Robin was not just dealing with depression, he was bi-polar. Here's some information on that if you do not know what that is: WASHINGTON, August 14, 2014 — The tragic and untimely death of comedian Robin Williams has brought bipolar disorder and depression out in the open. According to The National Alliance on Mental Health, approximately 2.6 percent of American adults live with bipolar disorder, about 6.1 million people. With numbers like this, it is hard to understand why people who live their lives with this illness try so desperately to keep it a secret. Misinformation about mental illness often leads to fear and stigma, but as we see with the loss of a beloved celebrity, it is something that needs to come out of the shadows. What exactly is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is also sometimes called “manic-depressive illness” or disease. It is a brain disorder that causes a person to have an unusual range in emotions, moods and energy levels. The emotional swings of someone who is bipolar are different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through in life. These changes can be severe and lead to difficulties in work, school and relationships and can even lead to suicide. Bipolar disorders are often not easy to identify and people often suffer in silence for years before receiving any treatment. The disorder often begins in a person’s late teen years or early adulthood; at least half of all reported cases begin before age 25, although there are reported onset cases in young children and older adults. What are the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder? People who are bipolar will experience noticeable extreme mood episodes. These episodes are notably different from the person’s usual state of mind. These episodes are classified as manic and depressive. During a manic episode a person will have some of these symptoms: •Experience an unusually long period of feeling happy and on a “high” •Talking very fast and have racing thoughts •Be extremely restless •Start multiple new tasks •Have an unrealistic belief in ones abilities •Participate in high risk behaviors •Have difficulty sleeping •Be extremely irritable During a depressive episode a person may: •Remain overly sad for a long period of time •Lose interest in activities that they once enjoyed •Will feel overly tired and “slowed down” •Become indecisive •Be unable to focus or concentrate •Think of death or suicide A bipolar person will usually experience distinctive manic and depressive episodes for certain separate periods of time. The separate mood episodes can last anywhere for a few hours to months. People who have bipolar disorder will often not believe that their behavior is unusual, but family and friends will notice the changes. This is particularly true when someone has bipolar II, where the manic states are less extreme. Although most manic and depressive episodes occur separately, some people will have them at the same time in what is called, a mixed state. During a mixed state, a person would feel agitated and full of energy at the same time that they are having sad and often suicidal thoughts. Substance abuse is often seen in people with bipolar disorder. It is believed this is in part an attempt to control mood by self medicating. Drugs and alcohol can make a person feel more normal. Excessive drinking or drug use would also be associated with behaviors that are brought on in a manic state
Hey Everybody......Just ran across this and I loved all the posts and the different songs. I got to thinking about it, and I know this is dating myself, but back in the 60's those songs were "Deep". You know what I mean?? Very thought provoking, emotional, deep songs that had some meaning to them. I had actually forgotten about that until I listened to some of these songs. Dan Fogelberg, Jackson Browne, Crosby Stills, Nash and young. Great, great groups with such heartfelt songs. Then there was James Taylor, Carole King.....just an era of really incredible music. Don't hear too much of this now I don't believe....Thanks for memories....
Thanks for that teaching from Kevin. I loved it! He is so right about not being afraid to say the things we have been singing for 40 years about Jesus. I have often thought about that. Nice to know others seek to know things I am seekimg to know about. And nice to know that we don't have to know everything right now. Thanks Twinky.
Thanks for your post and for your confirmation to me of my relationship w/God. You are probably right in what you say. I listen too much to what other christians say and then hold that up as a measuring stick with my own relationship w/God. You said something about having guilt over believed some of the things in TWI.....I've never thought about that before, ever, But, definitely I do blame myself for having changed beliefs I had prior to TWI.......They didn't make me believe anything....I made the choice to believe what they taught. Thanks!
I had NO idea anything was staged......I was very naive when I was in TWI......
Twinky's subject inspired me to ask this question........which I have wanted to post. Do You REALLY Know Jesus Christ, or do you only know the scriptures about Jesus Christ?? I can know a lot about a person, where they work, where they live, who they hang out with, but may not really "know" them personally. This has bewildered me and is at times troubling to me, that I don't think I actually Know Jesus Christ and have a relationship with him...Know what I mean? With God...I feel close to Him and I feel like I ginosko Him to a degree....I mean who can fully know God? And since leaving TWI, that relationship has changed as far as some beliefs that I had in TWI but now no longer have. But, When I read things like Paul saying he gives up everything to Know Jesus Christ.....Well, I've been waiting for that to happen for me, but I don't see it happening. I have a lot of Christian friends who are always talking about Jesus....about how close they feel to Him, and How they have this great relationship with Him....and I am like, "What's wrong with me that I don't have that?" I am born again, I SIT.....But this has always bothered me since I left TWI...... Now before TWI, I felt my relationship was with Christ.....and of course after taking PFAL and being in the ministry....that ceased to be. I would appreciate your insight and input on this topic. Thanks so much!!
I found this article......I definitely was surprised VP was listed. http://www.allsavedfreakband.com/jesus_movement.htm#House_of_Acts_community
That definitely would be interesting......Thanks!
What is the "House of Acts" about???
Thanks Ex for the links and video....they were awesome!! I had never heard of Lonnie F.....but I can see in the interview with Katherine that he was bursting with joy, and the Word of God...... Seems like God used that era of time to "Wake up" religious people to see, God can work, can save, will save anyone, any where....It was a new freedom to having a relationship with God, not a strict, confined religious one. Isn't it too bad that VP went right out to CA, and NY and started drawing all of these young people away from the freedom they were experiencing and having? Which brings me to say....how did it go back to groups like we have experienced and have known? Listening to him speak really inspired me and even "woke" me up! Thanks Ex for your posts....they were great!!! I wish I knew some of those people that you talk about Doop, Hefner....and just the history of that era. You seem to know a lot...would you mind posting some of those things??
Interesting topic......I definitely remember the movement. There is a group called the JESUS PEOPLE based in Chicago that came out of the Jesus movement I think in Michigan. They live in a 10 story building...and you can read about it on internet. It has many "Old" hippies in it. Sounds like a group similar to TWI.....but, I have never been there (don't intend to go) so my information is only what I have gleaned from other people and over internet. I have met Glen Kaisner and heard him play and sing. And he is very talented and one of the pastos there. This group sponsors the Cornerstone Music Festival every year in July in Central IL.......Everyone tents out, all kinds of music going on....and thousands come for it every year. They have Pastors, elders, etc and etc......If you read anything on Internet, which you can't always believe, they believe in spanking....but not just children, but adults also. They have a lot of rules etc. Well, you can read for yourselves and see what you think. But, I think many times different groups start with people who are truly seeking God....but ends up with authoritarian rulership and it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with God. I see it as mankind becoming "God" for people instead of them having a relationship with God and following his guidance and lead. Christ becomes vanished as the head of the church. It's dangerous, it's damaging, it's evil at it's base. But you see it happening in ALOT of groups. Man can never be God for people, it's a system that fails every time. We know the story, so many hurt, so many deceived, and on and on and on. I am truly thankful, I do have God in my life and He is my God....not a man.
Bottom line is....TWI lives on....whether we like it or not. May be by another name, but the programs WOW, Corps, LEAD are still there. I feel that he has been groomed for this since he was a kid...so, it's all he knows.....and I bet he's been told more than once...it's up to you to carry on the legacy of your grandfather. Was he even born when his grandfather was alive?? He doesn't look to be that old. He just stepped right into the shoes that were put before him and he probably knows nothing else but this because this is all he's been told to do. Not to excuse him, but, this is just my opinion of it all. And if he has a son, it will continue on and on...... It is small now, but I am betting, it will grow just like TWI did. I just hope that He hasn't the traits of his grandfather with the women.
Thanks Ex.....it works!!
Ex...where did you get the video? Do you have a link for it??
Well, Ex....you definitely relate to me and I to you. Can't believe, even though I was appalled with it all, that I never said anything, I didn't think, "Oh you should get out of this group. No...Nothing.....just tucked it away and kept moving on with life. Crazy thinking huh?? LOL
Interesting topic.......I am not corps, but at the time I lived w/corps. And VP and JT came for dinner one time. Though I didn't have a personal conversation with him, he talked about The word during dinner. I was the "go For" person who served them since I was the only one not corps. After I filled his cup one time, he gave me a pat on the but and said good girl....I didn't show my response, but was quite appalled by it!! After Dinner we were invited on the coach to watch a movie and I just remember thinking, how long will this movie be. I felt "Captive" cause the dog on the bus acted like it was going to attack me and scared the heck out of me.......before the movie was over he went into his bathroom....and when he came out he was in his PJ's.....My eyes had to be opened wide. Really? PJ's?? In front of us?? I was shocked. Then I was dismissed, but the corps stayed on the bus. Now some said, you should be honored that you had this personal contact with Him....Dinner and then on His bus, not everyone could say they had the MOG at their house for dinner and then be invited on the bus to watch a movie......somehow, I wasn't impressed, or blessed though I didn't say a word.
TOOOOO Funnnny EX!!!!!! Thanks for the chuckle!