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Everything posted by markomalley

  1. I have notches in my hearing at 1004 Hz and at 2600 Hz...in addition, I have a slight case of tinnitus. Mine was clearly linked to working in the telecomm business for years. (1004 Hz is a standard test tone and 2600 Hz is the tone for in-band signalling for voice circuits). I don't think it was due to listening to the Who, Pink Floyd, or Van Halen. Fortunately, the hearing loss is very tightly notched for me, so I won't need hearing aids for a number of years (and when I do, it will be paid for by the DOD). Are you going to be able to get the in-ear hearing aids? My wife has one and is very comfortable with it -- and its not at all noticeable, unless you're looking for it.
  2. Rascal/Belle: I actually asked all three of those questions together for a good reason. "Value" is a personal view of what the reader got out of the time in TWI on a personal basis. "Correct Doctrine" is a personal belief of what was sold by TWI (a view of the quality of the product) "Regret" looks at whether a person considers their decisions to be mistakes or not. The interesting thing about asking the three questions as a set is that about 30% of the people responding to the questions think that what TWI thought was right and that they really liked their involvement in TWI (at least at some point in time). (If you look at a poll posted by WW, you'll note that 17% of the respondents of his poll believed TWI was "really accurate.") But nobody, NOBODY wishes he/she was still active in TWI (according to the "regrets" question). I find that to be absolutely fascinating. Frankly, its not the result I was expecting. But, it is what it is. If the results would be consistent, I should be able to ask an additional question about how one worships/fellowships and about 20-30% of the respondents should answer with CES/CFF/etc. or that they would if they could. Based on anecdotal evidence from the quality/nature of posts, I don't believe I'd find that type of result. (I honestly think I'd see about 10% -- do either of you think the percentage would be much different?) So what does that mean? There are a number of possibilities, but that might be best left for discussion. Should a new thread be started to explore the hold of Wierwillian theology on people who don't/won't practice with Wierwillian groups (I say Wierwillian not because I believe he had an original thought in his life, but a convenient abbreviation for the fusion of other groups' theologoies that he taught through TWI and have been carried on to one degree or another through the offshoots). Or would such a thread be inflammatory? You tell me...
  3. This may be of assistance: From the Didache. According to some, the Didache is dated from as early as 70 AD...earlier than some of the books of the Bible. Not to say that it should be a source of doctrine, but it does provide some validation as to what was practiced during patristic Christianity.
  4. David, Here are extracts from the book (available online from http://www.ccel.org) There's more, but I think the point is made with these three. If Wierwille was right that it was a clumsy forgery, the forgery must have been a VERY early forgery. (btw, sorry for the improper footnoting)
  5. Hurricane downgraded. And appears to jog a little east. Note the eyewall is collapsing: So is everybody ready for this? (note the price on the pump): I'll be curious to hear the reports from the offshore rigs.
  6. Sorry, only 5 possible choices.
  7. I have a couple of TWI questions. I know they've been asked before, but its interesting to see where people's heads are at. So I've started poll threads for each question. If I had to do it over again:
  8. I have a couple of TWI questions. I know they've been asked before, but its interesting to see where people's heads are at. So I've started poll threads for each question. Looking back on it, TWI doctrine was:
  9. I have a couple of TWI questions. I'm sure they've been asked before, but its interesting to see where people's heads are at a given point in time. So I've started poll threads for each question. Looking back on it, did you find any value in your TWI experience?
  10. And I do appreciate it, bella donna.
  11. Thanks Belle. I'd still like to get a good situation report posted up here though, rather than hearing how horrible it is from people who have never been (or how wonderful it is from other people who haven't been)...
  12. Brother Speed, I understand that you are currently deployed somewhere in Iraq. The subject of Iraq has been a constant source of discussion and dispute for some gsc members. To my knowledge, you are the first gs'er who has actually been in country. Could you do several of us a favor and give us a situation report for what you're actually seeing over there? The other question is if the AAFES infrastructure is built up enough there or are you still needing the toiletries, books, and little comfort items (not necessarily you, personally, but the folks you're deployed with)? I really appreciate any insight you can provide. I'm sure there are a lot of other folks who would love to hear how its going from somebody who's actually over there.. Mark E-7, USAF, Retired
  13. You left out a category: Christian, but believes that TWI was a complete perversion of Christian doctrine.
  14. Groucho...I agree...you all should stick it to us...keep trying, I'm sure you'll get it right some day. :D-->
  15. Thank you mstar Here's another article written in a clearly secular paper (North Jersey News): Bishop Spong steps up fight against evangelism It says: (Note to Garth: the snipped parts are, for the most part, reactions from conservatives to him...interesting, but non-sequitur) And, to the strange one: the picture is that of a couple of clowns doing the consecration at a "Clown Mass" in a Mass. Episcopal church. Sorry the resolution is so bad.
  16. I came across this article and thought that it might be an interesting source of discussion for folks here. I know there are a few who would not appreciate the comments; however, some other folks might find themselves in complete agreement with his words -- they may even wish to consider checking into his church! After all, who wouldn't enjoy this scene:
  17. (deleted due to being an ignorant and uncharitable response. My apologies to all participants of this thread and to Michael for my offense. I sincerely hope that all can forgive me for my arrogance) :(-->
  18. ((deleted due to being an ignorant and uncharitable response. My apologies to all participants of this thread for my offense. I sincerely hope that all can forgive me for my arrogance))
  19. (deleted due to being an ignorant and egoistic response. My apologies for my supreme arrogance to all participants in this thread)
  20. ((deleted due to being an ignorant response. My apologies to all participants of this thread for my offense. I sincerely hope that all can forgive me for my arrogance in encouraging somebody to utilize loopholes in the tax code for their advantage))
  21. (deleted due to being an ignorant and egoistic response. My apologies to David for being so arrogant)
  22. http://www.remember.org/ Oh, and here's a middle-school lesson plan with slides from Auschwitz and Birkenau: http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/crees/outreach/thobe.htm
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