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- Birthday 01/16/1984
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Quote: Of course anyone who was active at that time no doubt remembers the alleged attempt on the US government and how "doctor" had gotten this heavy revvy that there would be an overthrow attempt...... Of course nothing happened and then it was like "thank god for doctor weirwille" who got the revelation ...... Nice trick huh. Create an impending false emergency and when nothing happens take credit for preventng it. I've got more to say about this but thats enough for now. Please say more! What was the attempt? :)--> Mell
Rascal- Thanks. I'll look through the archives when I get the chance. Mell
Hi Bluzie Q- You are brave- I am new here too. My involvement was with people who were in with VPW/TWI1 and still believe his ministry and writings are the truth. It seems ingrained in them and even if VPW's personal shortcomings and questionable writings are pointed out it doesn't matter or discredit the 'TRUTH'. I was shocked when I first found this site and read through some of the articles and stories. We are lucky that all this information has been made 'available', I don't even like to hear that word now, and the kindness,variety of opinions,experiences and especially the humor... It is so helpful. A relief. Mell Thanks, Rascal. Bluzie Q P.S. - What you said about Chris Geer was really distrubing. Can you by chance point me to any places on this site or sources where I could read more about him? Thanks! I would be interested to know more also.
Hi- Yes- The article was titled Going My Way and I will re-read it , along with the other links that Sharon mentioned. It would be Sue Martin then that made that statement, and, at this point there is no real verification;just a comment that went with the slant of the article. I wish to clarify that I didn't mean to insinuate that just because of German Ancestry that vpw or anyone else would be connected to the Nazi party. no, no, no. I am sorry if I offended anyone. mell
Belle- OK thanks :)--> I hope it's not a lot of typing? I'll check back here over the weekend. Taking some vacation time this month, so I don't think I'll be on the computer much until mid-July. Thanks all of you for your feedback- The original post where I read about a List of Devil Spirits was by Cool Waters February 6, 2004 in About the Way under thread Devil Spirits Cool Waters - are you out there? Or around the 'cafe'? Did that article ever get written? Mell
hi - another question - i read in an old article - found somewhere in the archives - that at one time if someone registered- or gave a donation - to the nazi party one thing they recieved was something written by vpw. i don't know how to verify this. given the myth of the 6 million and other views, german ancestry, it seems possible. Does anyone know if there was a connection between vpw and the nazi party? and if so was that support ever mentioned like his support for the republican party was? not that one isn't allowed in this country to have ties to any political group they choose, just curious. i will try and find the article . think it was an south east coast newspaper. mell
Hello- to answer your ? -Song Remains the Same- I wanted to have a 'list' of vpw's version of what constituted devil spirit possesion, really for my own understanding and to see where the way thinking, well 'branches out', so to speak. :)--> Just attempting to sort some things out. Invisible Dan- The demonizing of human emotions and vices is a pretty sad approach , even more so in the context of dealing with people seeking spiritual growth /enlightenment. Sorry to have missed the Atheletes of the Spirit Program -
yes. getting lambasted for asking ?'s isn't an acceptable practice in my reality! mell
thank you so,so much ckeer - thanks for taking the time to put all that down - on a holiday weekend no less it is just what i needed :)--> mell
I am new here and have some questions about twi , vpw and such. I did not get very far in the classes but a friend of mine is. I am trying to gain a better understanding and to help my friend. I have already been to counseling myself. It seems that I am part of a group that would include children of twiI - children of people who left the way for various reasons, but still live by the philosophy and teachings of vpw. I became involved without ever knowing any of the history of the way group. Thank you for allowing me to be anonymous. My question is about devil spirits. Is there a list of devil spirits according to the Way teachings? What their names might be? Their specific actions? Apparently this is privileged information- reserved for those who have enough 'learning' to deal with devil spirits. SinceI have been accused of being posessed of one , I would like to know if there is a list, explanation or copy of the 'teaching' that could clarify this mystery for me. I saw an old post where someone was writing an article on this subject- a post from 2002/coolwater. Does anyone know of an article? thank-you mell p.s. I would also like to say that I don't want to offend anyone here and recognise the different viewpoints about vpw's doctrine and beliefs in general. The fellowshipping folks I've met have mostly been very nice/sincere...unfortunately the influence of the way has had a negative impact on my life
thank you Long Gone, that's what I was after. and I guess the answer to my question is basically what vpw said about the voice was "he spoke to me clear as I'm speaking to you right now" . I am new at the cafe and at this point feel most comfortable remaining anonymous. I have found help and insight here. Thanks. It was suggested my ?'s would be more suitable in the About the Way Forum. mell
thanks for the responses the humor helps a lot-it is healing it was the 'audibly' that I was wondering about a presumably awesome sounding voice heard from the outside.... different from that quiet inner voice
well, thanks for answering anyway