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Oh Jeez-Thanks for the reminder! As some of you know Christmas is a non stop run for florists...so I purchase X-mas for the kids way too early to catch the latest landfill toy they really really must have (mattel is way too clever-promotes the lastest Barbie movie just in time ...) Here's what I love, making centerpieces til my fingers bleed, trying to keep the shop staffed because everyone wants to leave to spend time with their families...The "Eve" is always a really late night for me, and then I come home pray that Daddo has tackled the assembly required gifts, and go to family gatheriings to be photographed with the expression of a deer in the headlights. Seriously I have years of holiday pic's with a stunned look on my face-quite attractive. I do like it though, when someone gets all excited about the most beautiful centerpiece they have ever seen ever, and how the family will love it-that's my pay off I guess. And the kids shrieking as they open the lastest Thomas the tank engine and super glittery Barbie thingy-ma-bob. I have gone out of my way though to not do "the santa story" I felt like I would be lieing to my kids, and therefore told my 6 year old daughter all about the history of the holiday, how we can all be santa and not just one day but all the time etc etc-Then she causes a rukcus at school by telling all the other little nippers that Santa is dead- he lived a long time ago, but that everyone copuld be santa and backed up her argument by explaining that all the different santa's where just guys in suits you can get at party city. Then stated that her mom would too so know because she made all the flowers for everone's christmas and if anybody would know it would be me, because santa, where he alive, would certainly come and help me out, or give me a few elves to whip out centerpieces and decorate homes. Maybe I shoulda just ran with the santa story like other parents....
Belle: thank you for posting that link that made my day! I don't know why but the sight of the little "brick" people and their scenes has just cracked me up completely! Is this for real???
exxie-I semm to remember that being correct?? Guys any feedback??
way too bored tonight-nope my dear JL-I waited til my last fertile moment on the planet to have my kids so they are still quite young-PS thong diapers would be a complete and utter waste of eveyone's time!! PS-of course how would a gal git herself in the twinly way? I managed sans thong.
HCW-Catcup and Belle-I think you are wise folks. I don't know if I knew you then or not, and do not care. I had similar experiences: after being corpse spouse ( oh the shame of the green namtag-the condescention! The implication that you must have somethin" going on not in a spirtual way to ensnare one of the holiest-what a crock of fun that all was) I had to go through a mental inventory as well-when I left hubby dearest, I was too freaked out to drive a car. To express an opinion. To be a real human. I tried to be a stepford wife so very hard, that I woke up and went "this is too nuts" and ran like a hunted rabbit. Came up for air and decided to re-wire my brain was the solution. As any abused person can tell you part of the responsibilty of the situation is you, because unless you are a child or an animal, you let yourself get into the frying pan as it where. I did seek consuling, and it was ok. Decided against meds, because for me, they would have just masked my deeper issues. It helped, and I post this in the hope that maybe someone else won't be too afraid to get help either. It's absolutly demeaning of course to admit you made big bad mistake and then compounded it a few times-the reaction to waybrain may also be intensified by your own feelings of personal responsibility: as a wow we churned and burned clases-to the envy of other wow in that particular state-the guilt I felt after my rabbit run was immense. The rewiring process took years, and even now, I don't have much to do with any church or group. Or with marriage. I plain refuse to be married although some may look at me askance at that admission. I suppose I'd have to wear black and my family would purchase plastic flatware and paper plates instead of silver and china...I also drive constantly on some highways that reduced me to a snotty mess in the past. It's worth it, and when you can get above the water line, it's a wonderful place to be. PS Catcup-admire your well spoken self-and agree that agreements between people can be utterly liberating! Done for now-haven't posted in a while, so felt compelled to let her rip on this one.
I am a Florist- quite obviously by my handle!! Well we use small 2 inch blade knives to work with shears, clippers, ribbon scissors with 6 inch long blades- all kinda sharp pointy stuff. I had a date with the court during my divorce (second husband long story different day-) He was addicted to presrciption pills, and had a briefcase full of pill bottles-BUT I was the one who set off every alarm in excistance when I rushed in after doing an early am wedding set up all me tools crammed into me big purse. Damn. Thought I was going to jail, but I see the point-I was there for a restraining order to emergency stop visitation-seems to me if I was in the mood to puree him, perhaps would have done so anywhere but the courthouse... but just my point of view! Mr heywood- argee completely I was flying the day the lighter ban took effect-how nuts-Like I'm going to light the $50.00 clogs I just bought ? Oh Please! But really you must remember the pedicure now as well...
HI folks-Ok exhausted after the Mother of all holidays for me-(lots of flowers mother's day) Rascal, you Rascal- Thanks for the kind words there-and yep- you are absolutly correct-(I went wow the year before you-) After pop was read and leaked to some of us reg believers (lockbox-a leaking sieve)I have not seen a more dispirted group of humans than at the roa. I miss some things-people-wow burgers. Long shower lines-misguided leadership? don't miss that! PS Belle-think you're spiffy too!
I'm now not sure if the someone referred to themselves as Mr Mom is you-ok I'll go get some sleep and not post anymore whilst too tired to have my brain function! Also-the shock wears off, it gets a bit better.
Ah Ha! I apologize-yes I do recall you more clearly now-Oops Oops ! I do remember that you and Dan where buddies-I musta gotten confused because didn't he also do home cleaning restoration etc? I remember being in awe over a wood floor that he helped someone refinish-Seriously I'm goofy I have no idea why that has stayed in the brain and nothing else important like oh names made the trip! Glad to hear you are well- and Just in case Pass along a Hello to your Mom & Dan for me!(Andrea-annoyingly perky young wow in 85-stayed in MI til 88) PS I read about the *** thing-Just in case someone not friendly or in search of a lawsuit or something googles a name the "***" keeps it from being linked. Given the rants on the site at times, perhaps it's best...and By the way, My spouse is Mr. Mom too!
If you where there 85 to 88 most likely! I run a biz now that grosses 1.2 mil per year and yet have never ran my rear off like I did in twi! I was at all the durn functions and I seem to remember Shelly taking the advanced class that year too-but anyway Nice to meet you now! I didn't stay in touch w/anyone after I left MI and got marrried (other issues) so much so that I just found out folks where told I was dead! Ha! I'll get over it soon I swear but that fries my cookies to the pan really now@!
I certainly hope I have my memory correct but I could swear that was the firgure-but then again I wasn't taking notes-and yep the bugs bad water and all-I remember being more than vain ( I was young) and getting up at 4 am to get near the shower an hour or so later! The big shower tents? Jeez Louise what a scene! Everyone trying to style their big 80's hair blow dryers on full steam ahead...now I laugh. I was so in shock when I found greasespot, because I just shook my head in amazement- and to think that their numbers are so low-it just speaks of the whole deal doesn't it? I mean "by their friut you will know them and all etc." I haven't qouted a scripture for a decade and out of practice am I. I mean our twig & bc's not to mention limb would have been beside themselves at the "lack of classes-witnessing-bringing people to the truth" I suppose all the wages we all sent in will support them a while yet-oh how very sad and sordid. Maybe the stories we tell could tip those yet in to the real amazing flood of people who left-How could anything worthwhile "mark & avoid" fellow believers? (feeling chatty again-pardon the lack of all correct punctuation!)
When I went wow in 1985 the number announced from the podium was 23 thousand in attendance-(which might have been true-esp because wasn't a spot of ground to put a pup tent up-anyone else remember?) I remember thinking that the "memorial service" for vpw was quite something-and the crush of people inside the main stage tent was stifling. I know it was not called a memorial but can not for the life of me recall the name of it-...the numbers stayed around that number for the next few roa I recall...then pop hit the fan...
ahh Karmicdebt-I do live in a red neck red state but hang on to my blue state of mind! CC-well yep maybe not a lot of new here-but I can see lots of discover-ers' and new posters-it's imtimidating at the first-and it takes a long time to read all the stuff! I've found a few old friends and just knowing that they are ok and out and relativly well adjusted helps! And people I used to know where told I was dead for heavens sakes! So glad I could clear That rumour up! Andrea-once-a-wow-but-really-not-dead
Thanks Allan & Mustang-I do recall Shelly S sweet girl-don't know if ever I met you...a million miles ago it was-Diega & Penny where also great women-and Lenny still in surprises me not at all-What about Sandra Williams? Orginally from Jackson Mississippi-was a corps but kicked out or left in approx-1987? 1988? And whilst my memory is on full steam ahead Jake Dupoy? He was my wow bro and then went into the Navy I believe-Anyone have any additional info? If any of you reads this -Remember you all fondly!
Hi There-I may know you as well...was a wow-Lived w/ R*b & Den*se L*ouden-then Sid & C*ss Helmus-Did you date a girl named Cindy? Can't recall last name now-I'm 40 and the memory goes...I remember your folks well lovely people sorry to hear of the divorce. Shock is the correct first response, I'm guessing! When I first found greasespot I stayed awake all night and confirmed all my "guesses"- Welcome to Greasespot...although I'm not the Offical Greeter...