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- Birthday 07/09/1964
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Did anyone attend the recent once a year meeting by Christian Family Fellowship? What did you like or not like about it?
Top of the World...I do have an extra used (works well) cassette of the Press Down music you are looking for. I will send it to you for free. I left a private message for you. The album was called Star Of The Show.
Wow....does this bring back many memories....driving around in our car that did not run very well singing out loud to this tape over and over again. I loved that album. Linda Z. is right about it being Strick. Count me in for purchasing a copy of this CD if anyone can find it or I have lots of other unused tapes of Way music I could trade. We would drive over to headquarters from Indiana singing and playing that song O.....HI....O over and over again. We wore out that tape with so many great fun songs!
I agree that true prophecy or a personal prophecy should be right 100% of the time if it from the true God. What I don't understand is how anyone can say that it doesn't have to be right 100% of the time or anyone can say anything and if they are wrong so what. This goes back to no accountability. Maybe one of the people at CES, Jeff USAF RET or anyone else who I see in the cafe on occassion connected with CES can answer the question about why CES thinks the scriptures allow for a prophectic council. And doesn't a prophetic council isolate one from personal responsibility for a prophecy that is wrong? The term prophetic council makes a person think that a bunch of people sit around and discuss another/different prophecy and determine its merits. If this is the practice, where is it in the scriptures? Where is there an example in the scripture where this practice happened? Did not all of the Old Testament prophets take action when told by God and there wasn't any prophectic council. The "council" was from God and what God said happened. What scriptures does the Way or CES use to allow for the practice of having a prophetic council? Where is the accountability??? I think I have the answer. I believe if you make one prophecy that does not come to pass you are not a prophet and fall into the category of being false prophet. If this is not the case, how would anyone ever know what prophecy is from God and what is not? If you have a different viewpoint on this please join the discussion.
I don't remember the Way practicing Personal Prophecy at any time during my involvement. Personal Prophecy is the practice where you receive a specific prophecy from God to you and it is usually given to you by others. Although in the Book of Acts, Paul received personal prophecy in an attempt to persuade him from going to Jerusalem. This was after God had told him not to go. I do not believe it was practiced in the Way. Do you remember any specific instances? Personal Prophecy is practiced in CES. The question I have is there any support from the scripture for getting ten or twenty people together and all of them individually receiving individual personal prophecy or someone can simply approach someone one on one. What I am told is two or three people usually give one person a personal prophecy in a private meeting. Do you know of any scripture support for this practice? Usually in scripture, the person receives personal prophecy when they have done something God already told them to do or not do (Paul wanting to go to Jerusalem). Through personal prophecy in CES people can be told good things and/or hurtful things or given direction in their life. I do not know of any example from scripture giving support to practicing personal prophecy in this way, do you? I agree in the Old Testament PROPHETS (Samuel, Nathan (ie:david you have sinned by killing Uriah),Isaiah, Jeremiah) did personal prophecy. Is this adequate scripture support? How is that necessary today? Especially now that each Christian is born again of God's spirit and has Christ in them and in this way, God can tell them directly? Another issue I see is there is no one to hold the person making the personal prophecy accountable. I do not know if this was practiced higher up in the Way. If the person is held accountable, how is that accomplished in CES? CES Has A Prophetic Council: I think the only reason for a prophectic council is previously the person who made a prophecy or personal prophecy was probably wrong and a prophetic council now isolates any one person from personal responsibility for their prophecy and/or personal prophecy because it comes from "the council." Where is the scripture to support a prophetic council especially in the New Testament? Today the spirit is in us not upon us as in the Old Testament? I don't believe there is scripture support in the Old Testament either but I could be wrong, so I am especially interested in seeing chapter and verse. Once the council makes a decision, who is held accountable if the decision is wrong and has caused hurt in another person's life? Where does a person go if they receive a personal prophecy they believe is wrong? The answer to this question is especially important to me. If a negative personal prophecy is given by a "higher up" minister in the Way or CES, where does the person receiving the negative prophecy go? Like in the Way, people were told they were possessed etc. Where could they go for help? Many times they simply disappeared and are written off as "tripped out or possessed or mark and avoid." This is the danger I see with personal prophecy. It is an important enough subject that needs good answers. If you have answers to any of these questions, please answer in this forum. If you have had a positive or negative experience with personal prophecy tell your story here. If you are in the Way, CES or any other ministry that practices personal prophecy, I would like to hear your thoughts about it and/or your scripture references if you have any. Do you know of any people in the Way, CES or elsewhere that have information about this practice?
wwjesuslaughat, thanks for the free coffee and the nice welcome. I look forward to seeing you at the cafe again. Please tell Raf that I like a little cream in my coffee.
Because I said he was "forced out" (meaning he left his staff position) does not mean he did not do it voluntarily. My friend who receives a CES magazine tells me they have various committees within CES and many people who are not on staff are on these committees. Here is the question that I do not have an answer. Maybe someone here knows and will give the answer. Is John Lynn still on ANY of these committees? If the answer to this question is yes, then he was probably not "forced out." If John Lynn is not on any of the committees that help make decisions for the CES organization then his voluntarily leaving was really his only option and he was "forced out." Because he said was leaving staff "in order to achieve my long term goal of being totally involved in ministering to the people of God." Which means he could not do that by remaining on staff. Why not? And why could a person not do that by remaining on staff? Because the person or persons in charge will not allow it. I have been involved in the corporate world far to long to not see this is very clear. A person might say and a Way person has said "that would not happen in our ministry." To this I say, sure. I have heard that before.
Satori001, no I am not John Lynn. Think about what John said. Why would he not be on staff? As a minister, you usually accomplish more when you do not have to work a regular job to pay your bills. That is why I give at my local church. I want the pastor spending his time ministering to those who need it not burdened with how to buy groceries. I simply do not believe that John Lynn wasn't "forced" off staff by CES limiting what he could and could not do.
I find it interesting that John Lynn is no longer on staff at CES. The person who founded CES is no longer on staff? John Lynn said "I resigned as an employee in January because it was what I needed to do now in order to achieve my long term goal of being totally involved in ministering to the many people God is continuing to bring to this wonderful ministry, of which I am still very much an active part." I find it hard to believe that John Lynn would not be better at doing this on staff. John Lynn on staff is going to accomplish more than John Lynn working a job to accomplish the goal of ministering. My best guess and it is a guess is that the person who is running CES, for whatever reason, would not let John Lynn go back to ministering through CES as a staff member at this time. John Lynn wanting to get back to ministering resigned from staff so he could.