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Everything posted by topoftheworld

  1. Yes. He fell in love with a Korean girl, who had lost contact with her parents. Because he loved her, he decided to stay in Korea until she could find her family. I'll see if I have a clip of it for you...it was a great moment when it first aired after all those years of trying so hard to leave-pink fuzzy slippers and all! Here's a description of the final episode, including Klinger's decision to stay. So, Oilfield, come home, ok???
  2. You know, I still miss those guys! I actually looked forward every week to just see the opening of the first show. For it's time, it was very well done. As for the second (sigh)-what a nice guy. Guess I'm making these too easy. This one probably is too. I'll keep digging. But tell me what you remember about the show.
  3. Don't forget, Oilfield, that the ultimate irony when MASH ended was that Klinger stayed in Korea. Don't let that happen to you!!
  4. Ah, the pressure! Ok, in honor of you, Sudo, giving us this wonderful playground, here's a couple of little tv tunes. The first should be instantly recognizable, the second-well, we'll see. :) Here and Here I've been trying to catch up on back Nostaglia reading, 'cause I don't want to repeat stuff you've already done. Geez, you guys are good! Ok-Guess away!!
  5. Rocky and Bullwinkle! Rocky: Hey Bullwinkle, we're in real trouble now! Bullwinkle: Oh good, Rocky! I hate that artificial kind!
  6. Kathy: I always hung out with the people in my IT department. First, because of my job as a trainer and a rollout troubleshooter (they wrote the program, I translated it into English for the people who had to use it) our paths crossed constantly. On the rare occasions when I was home, they were the first crowd I visited because, well, they really were the cool kids on the block! And as an elder (gasp) they actually listened to me, which was rather gratifying. Oh-and I'm a great rambler too-can you tell? Ca: Yeah, it was Krystal and Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan . I stopped watching it after the first couple of years, because it just got more and more ridiculous. Bluze-I'm so glad you liked it!! Makes all of yesterday worth it. I'm going to start pasting my hair back on my head now. More from the show to come......
  7. Ok, folks-you have unleashed a monster!!! I know you all are probably sick of Harry Chapin-so this is not him! :) It is, however, one of his songs performed at tribute to him, by a singer that surprised me. It's a wonderful performance, and I hope you enjoy it. My video tape is about 19 years old, so if you go full screen, it may look a little rough. The clip includes her intro, and is a little over 5 minutes, so it may take a moment or so to download, but I hope you all think it's worth it. Bluze, this is especially for you. Here Enjoy-and yes, I have a couple more.
  8. You are on the right track, Ca! Remember the catfight? The decade of excess......
  9. Ha! And some people fall right on their rear-end when they do that! As a corporate trainer, I've been down that road! Slip n slide-that's cute. Ok-first test. Anybody recognize this little ditty? Here (Closes eyes, cross's fingers...)
  10. Thank you, Kathy. You are a great teacher. You pointed me in the right direction, and I was off!!! Boy, are you guys in trouble now! With all this going on, I never turned on the news today. Just found out about the earthquake in Hawaii: prays for them. Thanks again, Kathy: you do my heart good, and your patience is never-ending! And lets not forget Bluze for making his server available: thank you, sir.
  11. topoftheworld


    Hapy Birthday, Catcup!! Hope to keep seeing you around here!! Belle-that's a great pic! May I add one of my own..... I want some cake, too!!!!!!
  12. Well, I know what cockroaches are! Don't know anyone else.
  13. I second what everyone said-she's been on my mind too. Congrats on the new job, and I'll say another little prayer for you, too.
  14. Yeah, Chas, it was like that! "And what did Chuckles ask in return? Not much-in his own words: A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants."
  15. From Laugh In--Lily Tomlin's character-the operator (who's name I have forgotten )
  16. topoftheworld


    Happy Birthday, Like!!!!
  17. ROFLMAO!!! Ah, a dove after my own heart...... Now where did I leave the tabasco sauce??? And don't click that mouse so hard!!
  18. As a matter of fact-it is. Thanks, Bluze.
  19. Why am I thinking about a young performer who had an all too short musical career?
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