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Everything posted by topoftheworld

  1. Glad you cleared that up. I had to go back and re-read your threads to remind myself that you, in fact, are not active: you are just taking a position based upon what your parents have told you about VPW and the old TWI. You have by now figured out that that is a sore spot for many, and that's what they are attempting to convey to you. Many question the motives of VPW, based upon his behaviour. Many question his teachings, which has been well documented not only by people on Greasespot but other sites as well. Many question his legacy, because of how easily TWI fell apart under LCM, who was his chosen replacement. Nobody wants to burst your bubble, but this is a place for exploring those things a lot of us believed and stood with for many years. And we were there while it was happening. So, give us the benefit of the doubt and we will do the same for you.
  2. No, but I'll check into it. Thanks, CM.
  3. I have no problems with my VHS, since I have Media Center. What I would like to is figure out a way to patch my music through the VHS or TV: nothing I've tried seems to work. (Older stereo system.) There's a casstte drive out there with mixed reviews, but I'd have to sacrifice a DVD drive to get it in. Oh, well!
  4. You deserve a pat on the back! (Ignore the long hair-it's the thought that counts.)
  5. Anybody figured out an inexpensive way to do this?
  6. Nothing wrong with using allegories to shed light on some point you are making-as long as it is clear to your audience that it is just that. Aesop's Fables was a colllection of great stories used to illustrate various points: but the title of the book made it clear to the reader that these were "FABLES". If you make you audience believe your story is true (by adding a word, changing a word, or deleting a word) then the story spreads as truth. Hell, the subject of the previous thread involved a story I bought hook line and sinker as the truth-and I even used it while witnessing if the subject of organized religion came up. Now, of course, I feel like an idiot. Anybody see the movie "Fargo"? Remember that it starts with the claim that this was a true story? Wasn't 'til I got the DVD that I discovered the whole thing was made up: the scrrenwriters decided by "claiming" it was true, the audience would buy into the tale more easily. And it became a great hit. In teaching-well, there are enough "stories" in the bible that making stuff up is pointless. If someone needs to make a story relevant in present days terms, great: but as Mark said, it must be presented correctly.
  7. Remember "Life Lines"? Field contributions of favorite Weirwille sayings? That quote is one that is listed, but believe or not, this is another. "Stay sweet, honey." Seems harmless enough-until taken in context with his unmasked lifestyle.
  8. He had more than one three-wheeler?
  9. Yeah, the farting camel got my attention. Actually, it made me think of Garth Brooks "The Dance". That one I appreciate.
  10. "I wish now I had gotten all hot and bothered of a pocket protector and glasses. I bet those guys put the lid down. " Mine did...but he also cleaned his toenails out on the coffee table. Sheez!
  11. "Aluminum Magnolia's"? Nah-doesn't have the right ring to it! Dooj has it.
  12. I have an outsider's view of this issue. My Regional manager was a very professional woman. She taught me an enormous amount and encouraged my rise in my profession. It meant a great deal to me that, as time went on, she began to treat me not only as a collegue, but as a friend. The friendship only strengthed when we endured together the loss of a mutual co-worker to cancer. During the budding days of the relationship, she introduced to her boyfriend. This gentleman was also very courteous and friendly, an easy, fun guy to get to know and have around. They made a good pair. My friend had a stroke, and when I went to visit her (I lived in Austin, they in Dallas) she confided in me that, in fact, her guy was a married man, and that his wife did not know they were seeing each other. Well, I was knocked on my butt. Her reason for confiding in me was her belief that she had the stroke because she was being punished. She told me the whole story (she left her husband and the boyfriend was still on the fence). Sometime over the next few months, the guy finally made the decision to leave his wife and marry my friend. By that time I was dating a friend of theirs, and, after being given a promotion, moved to Dallas, This would allow me to continue my relationship with the guy I was dating (didn't work out) and involve me even further on a personal level with my friend. The new husband's family were not entralled with the new wife in any way. Oh, they were gracious when they had to be, but the barbs were there, and continued for years. I watched through her tears and saw pretty much first hand the uncomfortable transition from rejection to a kind of cold war acceptance. I don't think his family will ever fully accept her. My feelings were, to say the least, torn. My respect for her had diminished, though I really tried not to show it. This was a few years after leaving TWI, and having no family means that any friends I made became very important. So many times I felt like a hypocrate, soothing her on the one hand while wanting to ream her out on the other. But it wasn't my place. Their affair starting a year before I ever met them, and they had already carved this path out for themselves. So many people were being judgemental, and I just didn't want to be one of them, so I keep my opinions to myself. Considering how many of this situations can end so badly (the Betty Buckley story comes to mind) theirs continued on as peacefully as could be. But I know that I never saw her in the same light again, and could see how awful this was to all of their friends and family. They are still married, almost 13 years later, but it has been heartbreaking for all.
  13. Ha! Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks! Thanks, George. For my first, tried to make it easy. As you can tell, my brain ain't that sharp.
  14. Great, Pirate-actualy one of my favorite movie scenes. Ok, can't forget this one: "You're going to need a bigger boat." Duh Dum Duh Dum Duh Dum Dum Dum Dum!!!
  15. Thanks, Rino...yea, he'll be missed. I'll have to skip my turn. For some reason I can't seem to post GIF..only thumbnail JPEG: and that would drive y'all crazy. I'll keep peeking in, and if I ever figure this thing out, I'll hop on board.
  16. "Do any among us know that Lcm & others weren't sorry and remorseful for their sins? One can't really know this, but I think it's more likely that Lcm and VP and the rest sincerely asked God for forgiveness, knowing about God's love mercy and forgiveness." All due respect, Oldies, but if they asked God, well, great. That's between them and God. But what about the body of believers? They held the household up to sometimes impossible standards, and yet showed by their actions something quite different. Teaching people the screwed up standards for leadership led those who were taught to screw others up. Seems to me that the slate needs to be publically wiped clean: too many people's lives were derailed.
  17. Ok, this is a groaner from the Bum Phillip's days 20 plus years ago.... "Why doesn't San Antonio have a football team?" "Because then Houston will want one." Told ya.
  18. Watch out, D...that could be the point of all this. "Somebody" may want the books dusted off. I keep two books near me.....King James and Bullingers....I have no desire to look at anything else. Acts 13:10.
  19. Agreed about Hoffman: wwell done. What else has he been in...I remember Twister. Seems he's always been one of those background actors: glad he finally had a chance to step up.
  20. topoftheworld

    10th Corps

    "The world is yours." Gee, sounds vaguely familiar.
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