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Everything posted by topoftheworld

  1. I'm so sorry, Abigal. I know how painful this is. An animal has no sense of death. They will stay alive simply because you want them to. The hardest thing for us humans is knowing the pain that will be caused within us by their loss. But sometimes we have to make that choice for them, since they can't. And you will know in your gut when that time comes. Praying.
  2. Dear Mr. Chewbacca, I am respectfully submitting a bid for the roof of the mansion you are working on. My crew has extensive knowledge in a world wide variety of roofing systems. They take direction well, and are willing to work on holidays. The bid covers materials only. The labor will be a gift of love. Their crew leader will provide all the light they need. They simply ask in exchange for grain and straw to sleep on. Please drop off a response at your nearest post office, and it will be forwarded to my attention. Sincerely, Santa Claus Edited to remove the sleigh bells-they were a little too loud.
  3. ROFLMAO!!!! Yeah, I always thought the same thing-a man had to have invented that damn machine. That's why God created protologists.
  4. Happy Birthday, Pipes-hope it's a great one!
  5. topoftheworld

    10th Corps

    Never-I wouldn't horn in. Couldn't even if I wanted to. Y'all are just making me homesick, is all! But thanks.
  6. Cool, we're thinking alike again!
  7. The curse of TWI does not exist: that was the mental gift given to us by a fanactical mindset. Took me a while to believe that: I got through it simply because I had too. I also had to realize that it was okay to change my mindset. You know-"I know they were wrong, but what if their not? Then I'm really screwing myself!" I starting doing some things just to prove it. I got a cat. I listened to the radio and read newspapers. I allowed myself to make friends with co-workers who happened to be gay. I went to the movies. I read fiction. I had fun with non-believers. Lightening didn't strike, the ceiling didn't collapse, I haven't come down with horrible diseases that I haven't recovered from. What they did to me was a lot more deeply imbeded. The rest of it-the curse of the greasespot-is just surface garbage. Life happens-people you love die, jobs get won and lost, the weather can knock you for a loop-and nothing you can do (or did) stops it from happening. My victory was in recognizing it and stop looking for the boogeyman in the closet.
  8. topoftheworld

    10th Corps

    I feel so abandoned (sniff). Another time, another life.....
  9. Form # 1,507,770 PWP Dear ____son or ____daughter, (check which applies) We, your parents, never allowed you to have pets because we never felt that you understood how to properly apply papers in the proper manner. If we had know that you actually have such a great affinity with paper products, we might have reconsidered. We hope this explanation will satisfy your requirements. Sincerely, Your loving parents.
  10. Dear Pet Owner Wannabe, You may have all the pets you want. Anykind, anybreed, anytime. May they give you all the comfort and love you want. Sincerely, Typical Pet Lover
  11. Dear Permit Creator: It is patenly obvious to me and many of my fellow future angels that you have never owned a pet in your life, and therefore have no clue that there are no requirements needed to grant safe haven to all these creatures. It is also obvious that you are nothing more than a greedy, selfish, and probably boorish bureaucrat with nothing better to do than continue to destroy forests to swamp us with endless piles of useless paperwork. Since you have demonstrated you utter lack of animal humilty, you will be sentenced for eternity to clean up after all the animals. Please pick up your shovel in basement. I and fellow future angels will be arriving with our arms filled with as many of our loved ones as possible(both real and imaginary), and the rest will be scampering joyfully behind. So get busy!!!! Sincerely, Typical Pet Lover (Sorry, T-Bone-couldn't resist)
  12. A tape of the memorial service was sent out: I listened to it at the house of a believer who was still friendly with me: it is very solemn and ceremonial, and very sad.
  13. Good job, Raf! Larry King, look out! Paw, the production you referenced was "Jason's Story" (Or Jason's Song-hard to remember exactly). Very well done. A far cry from what I've heard about AOS. Can't wait to see the Don Johnson look! I'm partial to pastels! As one of the "earlier on'ers"-I say Thank You. Thank you for having the insight to understand our feelings for closure. You gave me the answers I'd been looking for for twenty years. Thank you for sticking it out.
  14. The first section of the THE was it's ministry on earth. The second was the resurrection. Have some respect, huh?
  15. topoftheworld

    10th Corps

    Geez, Jonny, I didn't mean to seem over-anxious....Take your time, darling. Just glad to see someone here.
  16. Congrats to Greasespot! Thank God you all are here, and for all the hard work that gets put into it. I can't really put into words what it meant for me to find it when I did. Finding old friends was simply a plus. God bless you all-and I mean that!
  17. topoftheworld

    10th Corps

    I'd love to hear it again, Jonny. We need to rev this thread up to full bore. Vroooooom!
  18. ROFLMAO! I'd pay good money to see that. 'Course, we are now assured that Craig won't be running in here to apologize any time soon.
  19. Thank you, Shell. You have managed to put into words some of what I have also been thinking lately. I love to see some old friends again, and for them to know that I am ok. It always bothered me to leave and not know whether anybody cared. Now, I know they did care and they know I'm alright. The rest of it eased my mind in knowing that I am not alone in what I thought of myself. I have been able to restore my soul in many ways that I couldn't before. That's actually what my first impressions of Greasespot were when I first found it-a place to get information and a place to safely begin to heal the hurts. Many people still have bitterness. Some have only been out a relatively short time, so I suppose that they haven't had the time to purge the bitterness from their souls. That's a lot of what I think we are seeing. I cringe when I see people being raked over the coals (on both sides of issues) in sometimes a vicious manner. It's not who we were. I swear I feel that people who continually berate others are forgetting that this may be exactly the reason the left the Way in the first place. You didn't like it when it was done to you, or when you saw it done to others? Why is it okay to do it here? I know that if what we have been seeing the last few months is what I would have first seen, I probably would not have stayed. We (IMHO) should be dealing in facts, not wild speculation. It does not lend credibility to the site, or the hard work many have put into it.
  20. I tithed as faithfully as I could on minimum wage jobs, and truthfully, I never saw any results. After I left, I knew that it was important to just do something, so I gave of my time, heart, and money to whatever the need was at the time. I have seen some amazing blessings come from that, simply because I am giving as the need arises ( or even when it doesn't) with a cheerful heart. Guess I don't do well operating under a law. I do much better just giving from my heart.
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