Square Peg
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Spiritual Dialogue Sessions
Square Peg replied to sirguessalot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
So, it's been months since I had been to GSC. Last night I figured - what the heck - and started browsing around the forums. Lo and behold I found this thread. Just in time to participate in this morning's session. Serendipity. A chance to bounce the questions I've gathered off other inquiring minds. To consider different points of view, different discoveries. I'm looking forward to more. Thanks for the space. -
a postcard to the exiles and vagabonds of TWI
Square Peg replied to sirguessalot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Todd, So good to see your thoughts again! My inner musings have been running along the same lines - at a much more primitive level. One hard to put into words. Alas, I'm just another aging boomer..... Just remember this is the time of life for us where we re-examine so many aspects of our being. Gail Sheehay (sp?) wrote a book about it years ago - "New Passages". Be gentle with us. ;)--> Now, as usual, I'll have to go back and read your post again. Thanks for dropping in. -
An Interpretation of Tongues
Square Peg replied to sirguessalot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I wish I knew what Jesus looked like. Lookin' through a dark glass. Can't see a thing. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. [This message was edited by Square Peg on March 04, 2004 at 15:24.] -
An Interpretation of Tongues
Square Peg replied to sirguessalot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Too Gray, That's the one. Read it a couple of years ago and it had a profound effect on my perception of evil. And the ways in which we can choose to respond to it. -
An Interpretation of Tongues
Square Peg replied to sirguessalot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Oh, I'm still here. :)--> But like excathedra, I hardly know what to say. I'm just starting to let myself go to free-form thinking.....beginner's mind. This talk of evil/perception/deception/darkness really got me going. Reminds me of a book I have, The Powers That Be. And it sounds true. Deception has been an enemy since Eden, has it not? Eve told the truth, "I was deceived..." and yet she carries the blame for evil to this day. So people point to another and cry "deceived!" to justify their hatred. When we should be looking within and cry "deceived!" And maybe our judgment is to have to look God in the eyes and see ourselves as we truly are. And what Jesus accomplished on our behalf. And maybe there are some who will not be able to bear it. A "holy breath sun burn" (thanks, Roy, for that one!) that is too much to bear. Sirguess, I'm really trying with the stuff you're posting on Rev. There's a part of me that keeps saying, "He has something to say here", while I try to grasp hold of it. But (and it's not much, I know) I do get what you're saying about progression. Oneness before twoness, etc. And a progression in the 7 churches. But I'm still digesting and thinking. Part of the problem is I'm just not too swift on these things. I mull them over, live life, and by the time I have something to say, the topic is light years beyond. But this conversation is well worth it. I'm here as long as anyone cares to keep it going. Post on! [This message was edited by Square Peg on March 03, 2004 at 12:08.] -
An Interpretation of Tongues
Square Peg replied to sirguessalot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Just some random thoughts - hopefully not a derail..... No, this thread is not a safe place at all. But it's where I want to be. I realized that I have been in a safe place. I realized I've spent my life trying to build my faith on someone else's experiences, someone else's doctrine, someone else's interpretation. It didn't work. And once I realized that, my faith collapsed like a house of cards. If I'm going to have any faith at all, it has to be my faith. So, to borrow TGN's analogy, I'm pulling apart all those Lego blocks, and starting over...... Just a pile of Legos sitting in front of me. Okay, Lord, what's it supposed to look like? I even picked up a Bible the other day, because I was reminded of something. Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?" There is no reply recorded. All we have is Jesus' statement before the question. "Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." An interpretation of tongues? Sirguess, Post on! Your writings intrigue me. I may even pick up that Bible again someday to look at Rev. To see what I can find. :)--> -
An Interpretation of Tongues
Square Peg replied to sirguessalot's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Too Gray - You do help break that doctrinal stranglehold, brother, you do help. :)--> -
"Blessed are the cheesemakers?" Monty Python's Life of Brian
"Sid may have the only biology lab in the world that has nothing alive in it." Creator
Thank you so much for your story, Abigail. I keep trying to tell myself that my experience in the Way taught me very valuable lessons. But it was a hard, hard road to learn them on. I guess we're all in this together.
Square Peg replied to act2's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
Re: Bunnies This senseless violence has got to stop! :D--> -
Making Yourself Better After Leaving
Square Peg replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
What great posts! Really inspires me. The thing that's been working on me lately is I'm accepting the fact that I'm just an ordinary middle-age woman living a very ordinary life. AND THAT'S OK!!!! Sorry to yell, but golly gee whiz, twi just made me feel like I had to be so special, above it all, superior to "unbelievers" and other Christians and - let's face it - everyone who wasn't in twi. AND I NEVER REALLY FELT THAT WAY. (Sorry, I'm yelling again) God, what a relief it is to just be who I am! I'm not making any huge mark on the spiritual landscape. Just doing what I can for my family and friends. And I guess any random acts of kindness I might get to do. That's all. And it's enough. -
I am thinking about becoming Vegetarian
Square Peg replied to Dot Matrix's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
Well, I'll start off by saying I haven't made the switch to vegetarianism - my dear hubby would never go for it. But I have a good vegetarian cookbook and slip in some meatless meals now and again. So, I'm no expert. I have looked into it, though. And it depends on whether you're planning on giving up all animal products. If you're willing to include dairy products and eggs in your diet (lacto-ovo vegetarian) then you should have no problem getting all the nutrients you need. If you want to exclude these (pure vegetarian or vegan diet), then it gets a little trickier. I have a good book called "Becoming Vegetarian" by Melina, Davis & Harrison that would be a place to start. Maybe your library would have a copy. And I agree that Dr. Weil is also a good source of information. Good luck. Let us know if you give it a whirl. -
I have to say I'm with you, George, on this one. I was a nurse for many years and never understood the unshakeable belief many in the medical profession had for the effect of the full moon. Studies or no studies, it didn't matter. I finally gave up trying to talk about it. "Trying to sweep sand from the beach" - lol. It really doesn't bother me anymore though - doesn't seem that important. Unless, of course, someone starts trying to analyze my current mood according to the phase of the moon. --> Sundowner's, however, is a different story. Lots of objective evidence on that one - and I've even seen it myself in patients. Objective AND subjective evidence. Gotta be real. ;)-->
What a hoot! I tried to read it to my dog, but she just got up off the couch to go in the bathroom wastebasket to find some Kleenex. :D-->