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Everything posted by Paradiseden
" TWI isn't so bad now"........... Thanks for a good laugh.
Does anyone know the bull riding story involving Ch**les R*x. I have heard... there is a story about his experience riding the bull.
I have purchased over 250 items on eBay and love it. It is excellent for getting low prices on hard to find items. Also, great at finding items you cannot get anywhere else.
JustThinking...."branch meeting"....very funny! Thanks for that..I am still laughing.
It was on my WOW year in New Hampshire. The limb leader had rented a bus to go to another city and everyone packed into it. He said, as we drove away, "we are only making one bathroom stop." I had a gallon of spring water with me and by the time I got on the bus, I had already drank about a third of it. While on the bus, I kept drinking from the gallon container I had brought on the bus....not thinking. About a half an hour into the ride I have to pee..first, I'm uncomfortable...then I have to pee so bad it hurts. Plus the bus is bouncing around on the road and the more it bounces the more I have to pee. My mind starts trying to think of ways to pee....on the bus. First, I tried to see if I could somehow whip it out and pee into my gallon jug without anyone seeing.... after some time, I realize this was impossible. Next, at the back of the bus everyone had thrown their coats and stuff. I was sitting close by so I get up (which made me have to pee even more) and go to the back of the bus with my gallon jug and dive into the coats thinking I could somehow pee into the jug without peeing on the coats. I am about ready to try it when I notice the limb leaders wife giving me the eye from the front of the bus ( I am sure she was wondering....what is he doing back there). I am trying to get my zipper down when she looks away only to find she quickly looks back again. This happens a couple of times and then whispers to her husband and then he looks back at me (I try to smile). About this time, I am ready to pee in my pants and I have to pee so bad I am sick. Finally, I realize it is not going to happen in the coats and I go back to my seat walking in MUCH pain. As I sit down(I am about to pee my pants or cry or both) the limb leader says "rest area ahead, do we need to stop for a bathroom break?" I am in such pain and I can hardly get the words out....As I try to talk, someone says "lets wait for the next one." At that, I yell..."I really need to go I am about ready to pee my pants...everyone laughs... I can't laugh, I am still hurting. The bus stops, it seems like eternity for everyone in front of me to get off the bus. Also, I can hardly walk, even though I am trying to get to the bathroom as fast as I can. Finally, I make it. It's been over 30 years and that pee, it still the best pee, I have ever had!!! Every once in awhile when I see those old Rolaids commercials on TV that say "How do you spell relief"......I often think of that bus trip and I always spell relief.....PEE!
The reason it was called the "Yak Twig" is because the yak is the type of animal, when threatened, forms a circle with all the young in the middle. All of the adult yak form the circle with horns that are pointing out, as a result, it is hard for a predator to get to the young yak. The "Yak Twig" did a lot of "yaking" about nothing. Ralph D. has some GREAT stories about the "Yak Twig". Maybe sometime he will share about the "Yak Twig" here at Greasespot. Also, Ralph D. has an interesting story to tell concerning buying a VCR for a class or grass seed. To hear him tell it is so funny! The insanity at headquarters during the "fog years" would make for a good book on what NOT to do when running a Christian ministry.
When John Lynn was fired from TWI, he requested the copyrights to his three books. That request was denied although TWI does not sell the book through the Way bookstore. I do not see TWI giving up any copyrights especially to any former members. Past history in this area speaks for itself. For years, until recently (because of legal reasons) a former member could not buy a book through the Way bookstore. Think about that....they would not sell books to former members....interesting from a "ministry" that wants to....we are told...get the truth of God's Word out to others.
Believe God.....to live on a 4-hour work day
Paradiseden replied to skyrider's topic in About The Way
Several questions: Why did she go back to work there after quitting in early 2004 (she did not complain to anyone prior to taking the job at CNN)if he was exhibiting this behavior then? Why did she return to work there if she was exposed to this behavior previously (prior to Feb. 2004)? After returning to work at Fox in August 2004, when the same behavior started again, why did she not complain about it to someone higher up at Fox? Is it reasonable for a single woman to go to the hotel room of a married man to watch TV? One thing for sure, O'Reilly is not very smart.
Hills.........very funny...thanks for a good laugh.
Ex......I do not know who told John. Next time I see him, I will try to remember to ask him.
When the Schoenheit Paper was published saying that sexual adultery was wrong (in every administration), the Way verbally and in writing, trashed Schoenheit telling people they SHOULD NOT EVEN READ THE PAPER BECAUSE IT COULD "UNDERMINE THE WORD OF GOD AND EVERYTHING THAT DR WIERWILLE HAS TAUGHT US AND READING IT COULD OPEN YOU UP TO DEVIL SPIRIT POSSESSION." Now, how is that for motivation to keep Way believers from reading it? This was what people were told. Sadly, it worked and kept many people from reading the Schoenheit Paper. Furthermore, the Way NEVER TOLD PEOPLE WHAT THE TOPIC OF THE PAPER WAS ABOUT. They simply made people fear to EVEN READ IT! Unless you experienced it, the pressure was unbelievable from other believers, especially corps, to discourage you from pursuing to read it. I told my corps branch coordinator that the Way was not going to tell me what I could and could not read. I still have some of the copies of letters from people (mainly corps) who wrote asking questions of Martindale about sexual adultery. Depending on who you were, different answers were given to different people. When anyone finally tracked down a copy of the Schoenheit Paper and read it, people who read it were shocked because all it said was sexual adultery was wrong. After reading it and telling other people, including corps, the topic of the paper and that they should read it, most people still would not read the Schoenheit Paper. In fact, after I read it, two other corps were sent to get me "spiritually right." Furthermore, I was "tarnished" because I had read it and was, according to Way leadership, under the influence of devil spirits. Schoenheit was told by at least two different people at Way headquarters that if he published his research on adultery that HIS LIFE COULD BE IN DANGER..........real nice from an organization that is supposed to be teaching the Word of God. When the second person told this to Schoenheit he became concerned and sent the paper to several other people he trusted and told them if anything should happen to him they should "blow the whistle on this thing." Once presented to the research department, Walter C. went over it "with a fine tooth comb" and could only find grammatical errors. At one point, he pounded the table and said something close to "we don't need this paper to tell us adultery is wrong." Also, another reason Way headquarters trashed the Schoenheit Paper was because they had made some statement that there was not to be any new research for a certain period of time and the work on this paper was completed during that time period. I brought this BS excuse up with a limb coordinator I respected on the other side of the country from where I was living at the time and he gave me the "new research" excuse. I replied "just because the research was not completed at the right time for you doesn't mean the research is wrong......chapter and verse please." He said he would get back to me and never did. The paranoia running rampant at Way headquarters and throughout the Way was unbelievable. During this time, very few people did any real thinking for themselves, less took any action and the ones that did take action, the result was MANY MANY GOOD, LOVING, GODLY CHRISTIAN WOMEN AND MEN WHO TOOK A STAND AGAINST THE HYPOCRISY WERE FIRED, LIED ABOUT, KICKED OUT OR FORCED TO RESIGN..... WITH NO ONE TO TALK TO BECAUSE VERY FEW PEOPLE WOULD BELIEVE THEM (SOME WITH OVER 20 YEARS OF SERVICE IN THE WAY). Many Way believers wanted the Way Ministry to make a public statement about the belief concerning adultery and provide scriptural support. The Way would not do it because they believed it was an acceptable practice and they did not want to deal with the thousands of believers who would want scriptural answers or the many who would leave the Way (which happened anyway) upon finding out the truth of what the leadership believed. One last word........until you see it in print do not believe for one minute that the belief at the Way headquarters has changed concerning sexual adultery. Until they teach that sexual adultery is wrong with scripture support,in writing, THEY HAVE NOT CHANGED WHAT THEY BELIEVE. Their excuse will remain......the believers are not spiritually mature enough to receive it. ** caps for emphasis not yelling.
Also, JW believe that Jesus Christ has already come back (in 1914-1918) and that anyone who speaks in tongues is influenced by Satan because Christ has already come back (that which is perfect is come 1 Corinthians). I met with a JW once a week for over 3 years to get a good understanding of what they believe. Unless you are one of them....they do the praying...you can't pray with them. Like the Way, they think they know it all, are God's chosen and they are not meek.........AT ALL.
What's the dumbest thing LCM ever said?
Paradiseden replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in About The Way
He said some ridiculous statement..... that if he wasn't president the Way he would be the president of just about any corporation out in "the world"......and run it better. -
Does anyone have any questions for TWI leadership?
Paradiseden replied to gladtobeout's topic in About The Way
Now here is a great business idea for someone still "in" the Way......buy books from the Way still in the plastic cover and auction them off on Ebay...you will make a good profit. Someone paid over $50.00 for "Are the Dead Alive Now" a few months ago. -
Don't you know he is planning to be the CEO of the UPS company sometime soon.
The person that should be at the top of the list is Craig Martindale. The actions that he has taken and HIS RESPONSE concerning the following: -The POP and Geer. -Schoenheit Paper -Lynn and Ralph D -firing of innocent believers (some whose wives he had been with) -mark and avoid -genuine spiritual suspicion -the disaster of all corps going full time on ministry payroll -debt policy -ending the WOW program -ending the Rock of Ages -day by day management of believers lives including their money. -closing the Way bookstore to outsiders... interesting from an organization that is supposed to want to move the "Word Over The World." -failure regarding the importance of the internet. These are the ones I can think of right now. I am sure there are more reasons. TWI can blame many others as reasons for there demise (an approx. 100,000 believers to less than 5,000 in a few years). The truth is.....if the Truth (THE WORD OF GOD) was their standard for truth many of the items on the list above would not have happened and many of us would still be in the Way today.
Is there still a lot of drinking in the way?
Paradiseden replied to My3Cents's topic in About The Way
In my WOW year in the late 70's, my corps branch coordinator(I was in her WOW family) decided after we found our housing and signed our rental agreement that we should celebrate. She said "I'll be right back" and she came back carrying a 12 pack of beer. I knew right then and there.....I was going to like her and I did. It was a great year and although we live on different ends of the country, we are still friends today. It was especially interesting in that our limb coordinator a couple of days before mentioned he did not want any drinking. Someone mentioned to her what he had said and she said something like......."Yea, well if he knew what we had to go through to get this house he wouldn't mind." Now that was a classic answer that I never forgot! -
From the PFAL class......." I have forgotten more about the holy spirit field than that boy will ever know."
Ear candling/natural healing people help!
Paradiseden replied to Dot Matrix's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
I have used ear candles for years and always had good success. It is important to keep the small hole at the end of the candle open when you are doing it. Sometimes it get plugged with wax and that stops the process of pulling the wax out of your ear. Want to talk about a real health issue...ASPARTAME ..it is a substitute sweetner made by Monsanto Corporation. It is added to everything especially diet drinks. The issue is that it turns toxic at approximately 86 degrees and our body temperature is 98.6. It is responsible for many many health problems. For more information, go to bragg.com and click on health alerts. -
When the Schoenheit paper was "published" saying that sexual adultery was wrong, the Way condemned Schoenheit verbally, in writing, trashing him and telling people they should NOT EVEN READ THE PAPER BECAUSE READING IT "COULD UNDERMINE THE WORD OF GOD AND EVERYTHING THAT DR WIERWILLE HAS TAUGHT US." This is exactly what people were told. Unbelievable!!! Unless you faced it in person, it is impossible to relate. If you had questions, people did not want to talk with you about it. And if you talked about it... they would not believe you unless it was a VERY close friend. I told my branch coordinator that no one was going to tell me what I could and could not read. My credibility was questioned and two other corps people were sent to talk to me to help me get "spiritually right." After locating a copy of "the paper" which was not easy to get back then, after reading it, I told people that all it said was sexual adultery was wrong in every administration.....they did not believe that was the topic of "the paper" and still would not read it (especially the Corps) because of the fear motivation coming out from Way headquarters. I still have copies of some of the letters that people wrote to LCM and others questioning sexual adultery. Different answers were given to different people depending on your status within the Way. Already at this time (late 1986 or early 1987) it was a your with us or against us mentality, unless of course, the limb coordinator decided to leave.....then people usually followed. In my opinion, very few people did any thinking for themselves, less took any action, and the ones that did take action the result was.... MANY MANY GODLY, LOVING, GOOD, CHRISTIAN WOMEN AND MEN WHO TOOK A STAND AGAINST THE HYPOCRISY WERE FIRED, LIED ABOUT, AND KICKED OUT OR FORCED TO RESIGN WITH NO ONE TO TALK TO BECAUSE VERY FEW PEOPLE WOULD BELIEVE THEM (caps for emphasis). Some with 20+ years of service.
I still have a few of those old blue Sing Along The Way song books that I purchased from the Way bookstore. I remember when the "request" came down to destroy these blue song books when they published the brown book. Many of the favorite songs were not in the brown song book because TWI did not want to pay the fee for them to be in the new book. There wasn't any way I was going to get rid of the blue song book.........many great songs were in it that were not included in the brown book.
Zixar and igotout....thank you so much for taking the time to answer my attachment question. I did exactly what you said to do and I can now open my attachments. Thank you.
When I receive my emails that have an attachment,I am not able to open the attachment. Any help anyone can give regarding solving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Are there any books concerning TWI's deep dark secrets?
Paradiseden replied to gladtobeout's topic in About The Way
What a thought.....we could all contribute to a book and use the profits to finance the billboard advertising of ...greasespotcafe.com on Wierwille Road. Only this time we would have people watching it to catch those with cans of spray paint.